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Classical management theory was the rise of the Industrial Revolution and factories were

becoming more common. Inside these factories, managers were constantly look for ways to
improve productivity and efficiency. As time moved on, it became apparent that searching for
the single best way to do things was the most important thing for managers to do. Thus, classical
management theory was born. It developed from the eighteenth century to the beginning of the
nineteenth century. It is a fundamental theory whose influence is still strongly observed in the
field of management. The oldest thoughts on these matters belong to the Believers in classical
theory consider workers as economic people. They give more importance to the internal elements
of the organization to achieve the overall development of the organization. In classical theory,
there is evidence of negative thinking about the evaluation of people. This theory has three
streams 1, bureaucratic 2, administrative 3, scientific. Management theory.
So, it can be said that all the knowledge that has been applied to the management of
organizations from the traditional thinking in the field of management in ancient times is known
as classical theory.

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