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A report on the design and market testing processes

Kim Doherty
COMSTRAT 565 | Marketing Communication Management & Campaigns | Fall 2022

“Moreover, in a hundred years, I thought, reaching my own doorstep, women will have
ceased to be the protected sex. Logically they will take part in all the activities and
exertions that were once denied them. The nursemaid will heave coal. The shopwoman will
drive an engine. All assumptions founded on the facts observed when women were the
protected sex will have disappeared ... Anything may happen when womanhood has
ceased to be a protected occupation, I thought, opening the door.” -Virginia Woolf, 1929
Executive Summary…………………………………………p. 3

Statement of Need……………..…………………………..p. 4

Target Audience………………………………………………p. 5

Theoretical Groundings…………………………………..p. 6

Messaging………………………………………………………p. 7
Formats……………………………………………………..p. 7

Market Testing………………………………………………p. 8

Emergent Themes…………………………………………p. 8

Media Product 1…………………………………………..p. 9

Media Product 2…………………………………………..p. 10

References…………………………………………………..p. 11

Appendix A
Original and Revised Marketing Materials)……………pp. 12-15

Appendix B
Focus Group/Interview/Survey Guide & Link)……. pp. 16-17

Appendix C
Revisions to Campaign Materials)………………………………..p. 18

Appendix D
Interview and Survey Transcripts)…………………………pp. 19-39

To encourage young women to enter the skilled trades.

• Increase awareness of the skilled trades as a potential occupation for women.
• Inform the target audience of the benefits of working in the trades.
• Persuade women they are capable and belong in the skilled trades.

Target Audience

The target audience for this campaign are women between the ages of 16-35.

Marketing materials were developed based on two concepts. First, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid,
which describes human needs. The campaign links human needs to the benefits of working in the skilled
trades with self-fulfillment and actualization being the ultimate reward. (Fast Company, 2014)

Second, concepts from the Theory of Planned Behavior, (TPB) (Azjen, 1985, 1991) are applied to influence the
target audience. Skilled trades offer non-traditional paths for women, so it is crucial to influence women’s
attitudes toward the profession, their understanding of social norms around the profession and perceived
control over their own career path. (Science, 2020)

Previous research on this topic was also conducted by the author in May, 2022 for COMSTRAT 562, Creative
Media Strategies & Techniques, as part of an awareness campaign around the skilled trades. The goal for that
campaign was to inform current middle and high school students (GenZ) about the potential for career success
in the skilled trades. The campaign challenged stigmas and stereotypes and encourage hard work and “getting
your hands dirty” as a path to career success and a financially stable future. (Doherty, 2022)

Market Testing
Two sets of campaign materials were created to be shown to focus group and survey participants. The first set
includes a flyer and a banner depicting two female construction workers to be used on websites and social
media channels. The second set of materials include a social media post (could be used on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, etc.) and a TikTok post depicting a young woman doing woodworking set to a song with added

There were two interviews conducted, along with 10 participants filling out a survey form. Of the twelve

• Two were male and 10 were female;

• Three were in the under 35 target age group (but only two of those were female);
• Two participants currently work in the construction industry;
• All but one is people I know personally;

The materials were presented to a total of twelve individuals, with several representing the target audience.
There were two focus group interviews and ten surveys completed. Participants provided opinions on women
working in the skilled trades, their preferred communications channels and feedback on the campaign
materials (flyer, banner, social media, TikTok).

Description of Issue

The skilled trades need workers and women are capable of filling these roles. The skilled trades offer a
lucrative, rewarding, creative path. Some women aren’t aware of the skilled trades simply because they don’t
know the opportunity is available and/or aren’t sure how to get there. Additionally, the skilled trades are
male-dominated so women might not feel welcome or physically strong enough to do the job. They may also
be fearful of being treated poorly on jobsites simply because they are female.

The United States is in the midst of a skilled

trades crisis. In the spring of 2021, skilled trade
jobs remained unfilled for longer than any other
job category because of a lack of qualified
workers. The construction and trades industries
and our society in general, needs qualified, skilled
workers to ensure the infrastructure of our daily
modern lives is maintained. Most of us take
modern conveniences like electricity and
plumbing for granted, but they require skilled
workers to build, maintain and upgrade systems
and structures to support our daily lives.

As of 2021, women made up “less than 10% of

skilled trades.” (Aspinwall Plumbing, 2022). There
are specific barriers women face that make it
much less likely they will consider the skilled
trades and this campaign seeks to inform, encourage and persuade women they are capable of doing jobs in
the skilled trades. Some of those barriers include society’s stereotypes that trades are men’s work, that trades
require “extreme physical strength” (rather than physical fitness), young women aren’t informed about trades
jobs as much as young men are, job advertisements and marketing for trades jobs rarely depicts women and
the path to entering the trades can be confusing. (, 2022) In fact, a study “filed
with the Quebec parliamentary commission on gender equality in 2011, found 20 percent of women are
stronger than 50 percent of men.” (Construct Connect, 2018)

This campaign seeks to increase awareness, inform and persuade women on the benefits of careers in the
skilled trades.

The target audience for this campaign are women between the ages of 16-35, including members of both Gen
Z and Millennials.

Target audience personas:

This campaign includes concepts from Abraham
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid, developed in the
1940s. The pyramid “shows the advancing scale of how
our needs lay out on the path to fulfillment, creativity,
and the pursuit of what we love most.” (Fast Company,
2014) Campaign messaging is also based on the Theory
of Planned Behavior (TPB), developed by Ajzen, in 1991.
“According to TPB, behavioral intentions are influenced
by attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and
perceived behavioral control.” (, 2020)

The tagline developed for campaign designs is “Women

belong in skilled trades.” Belong is bolded for emphasis.
Belonging fulfills Maslow’s steps of belongingness/love
as if women feel they are wanted and needed in the
trades, they may be more likely to consider them. Each of the designs also feature women doing the work, not
simply looking at the camera. This serves two important functions. One, it fulfills Maslow’s fourth step –
“Esteem needs: prestige and feelings of accomplishment”; and the fifth step – “Self-actualization: achieving
one’s full potential, including creative activities.” (Fast Company, 2014)

Additionally, these changes are in line with Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Using the word “belong”
helps women question the subjective norms in society so they may be more willing to attempt the behavior of
working in the skilled trades. Showing women actually doing the work also reinforces their perceived
behavioral control and may make it more likely they can see themselves as capable of working in the skilled

“Learn more” with a link to has been included in designs and would link to a
website where women could listen to videos of actual tradeswomen tell their stories of what they do and how
they got there, research careers, and access links to apprenticeships and other training programs. This tactic
also reinforces behavioral control.

Each of the designs also include the number of jobs available along with salary and earning potential
information as this is an influential tool. It fulfills Maslow’s first and second steps in that women will begin to
understand with a skilled trades career they will be able to take care of themselves and their “Physiological
needs: food, water, warmth, rest” and their “Safety needs: security, safety” by earning a good salary. In
addition, the tagline, “Build. Your dream. Your career. Your life.” reinforces the fifth and highest of Maslow’s
steps, “Self-actualization: achieving one’s full potential, including creative activities.” (Fast Company, 2014

To encourage young women to enter the skilled trades.

• Increase awareness of the skilled trades as a potential occupation for women.
• Inform the target audience of the benefits of working in the trades.
• Persuade women they are capable and belong in the skilled trades.

Key Audience Messages

• Women BELONG in the skilled trades.
• The skilled trades offer women a means to supporting themselves and their families well.
• Women can thrive in the skilled trades, just like men. Women in the skilled trades are strong, capable
and can do just about anything.

Media Products First Round
A flyer and banner as well as a social media image were created as first drafts to be shown to focus group and
survey participants. The flyer and banner contain the same identical images and some matching and some
varying and content. The image shows two young women in hard hats on a construction site, looking capable
and serious. Both include a “Women in Trades” logo and the words “BUILD: Your Dream. Your Career. Your
Life. The skilled trades need you. Women belong here.

Media Products Second Round

The flyer and banner were both revised based on feedback from
focus group participants. The most significant change photo for
each was the photo of the two women facing the camera looking
angry was replaced by a photo of a woman on a jobsite, doing a
job. She appears capable and active on an active construction

Two sets of campaign materials were created and shown to focus group and survey participants. Recruited
from my own network of friends, family and colleagues. The focus group participants discussed the materials
at length with me after viewing them and answering preliminary questions. The survey was created in Google
Forms and answers were submitted online.

The first set of marketing materials includes a flyer and a banner depicting two female construction workers to
be used on websites and social media channels. The second set of materials include a social media post (could
be used on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and a TikTok post depicting a young woman doing
woodworking set to a song with added effects.

There were two interviews conducted, along with 10 participants filling out a survey form. Of the twelve

• Two were male and 10 were female;

• Three were in the under 35 target age group (but only two of those were female);
• Two participants currently work in the construction industry;
• All but one are people I know personally;

The materials were presented to a total of twelve individuals, with several representing the target audience.
There were two focus group interviews and ten surveys completed. Participants provided opinions on women
working in the skilled trades, their preferred communications channels and feedback on the campaign
materials (flyer, banner, social media, TikTok).

Interview script , questions and survey form – Appendix B

Both the interview transcripts and survey responses were reviewed for opinions as well as feedback on
campaign materials and themes were identified. Identified themes and feedback were used to re-evaluate and
make some revisions to campaign materials as shown under Work Product 2, below.

Theme 1: Women belong/are needed in the trades and are just as capable as men to be there.

Every respondent agreed the trades are a good career path for women and that women are strong, critical
thinkers who can learn the skills needed to have a skilled trades career.

Theme 2: Opportunity to earn high wages & many jobs are available.

Every respondent identified the wages stood out to them on the materials. Several honed in on the
information provided on the number of jobs available and that they are in-demand career fields.

Theme 3: Women can learn the trades through training and apprenticeships.

Being able to learn trades on the job and through apprenticeships was mentioned as valuable, and an
alternative to a traditional four-year college path.

Theme 4: There are barriers, real and imagined.

Many respondents commented that the trades are traditionally male dominated so that may discourage some
women from considering the field. They might imagine facing bias and stigma or be expected to behave or
appear in a masculine manner to fit in. Some commented people might think women aren’t strong enough
physically to be able to perform skilled trades jobs. Several respondents also indicated many women might not
know the trades are an option for lack of exposure, and more importantly, even if they did consider the
trades, they might not know the path to get there.

The flyer and banner contain the same identical images and
some matching and some varying and content. The image shows
two young women in hard hats on a construction site, looking
capable and serious. Both include a “Women in Trades” logo and
the words “BUILD: Your Dream. Your Career. Your Life. The
skilled trades need you. Women belong here. (Appendix XXX)

The flyer contains additional information on why the skilled

trades are a great career, a list of sample industries and a link to
a phone, email and website to “learn more.” The banner ad
includes a simplified message that asks “What are you waiting
for” and provides a link to a website. It also includes information
on available jobs and average pay as a way to incentivize

The second set of materials for Work Product 1 include a social

media post and a TikTok video depicting a young woman doing
woodworking. The tagline was changed on this version and
states “Build your future in the skilled trades.” It also provides a
link to a website. In addition, the TikTok video uses music
(Badass Woman, Meghan Trainor) and effects to enhance viewer interest.

Dissemination plan: I had not indicated

where the flyer would be displayed, but
asked respondents where they would
expect to see a flyer like this. The banner
was intended for use as a pop-up ad on
websites, YouTube, etc. The other two
designs were created for distribution on
social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram) and on Tik Tok. Designs will
be posted daily to social media sites for a
period of sixty days and then evaluated
for metrics and reach. The flyer will be

distributed to job search offices, construction jobsites, career centers at local high schools, community
colleges, colleges and trade schools, and hung in areas around the community (libraries, coffee shops, etc.).

The flyer and banner were both revised based on feedback
from focus group participants. The most significant change
photo for each was the photo of the two women facing the
camera looking angry was replaced by a photo of a woman
on a jobsite, doing a job. She appears capable and active on
an active construction worksite.

Dissemination plan:
The banner will be
used as a pop-up ad on
websites, YouTube,
etc. The other two
designs were created
for distribution on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and on Tik
Tok. Designs will be posted daily to social media sites for a period of sixty
days and then evaluated for metrics and reach. The flyer will be
distributed to job search offices, construction jobsites, career centers at
local high schools, community colleges, colleges and trade schools, and
hung in areas around the community (libraries, coffee shops, etc.).
Additionally, these designs and a press release will be sent to local media
for potential sharing across multiple media platforms. Will also work with
industry partners to further share materials and messaging
(apprenticeship centers, construction employers, college and trade school
partners, etc.).

See Appendix A for Original and Revised Marketing Materials

Goodreads. (n.d.). A quote from a room of one's own. Goodreads. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

How to use 10 psychological theories to persuade people - fast company. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2022,

Outreach & Recruitment Resources. Outreach & Recruitment Resources -. (2017, March 25). Retrieved
November 17, 2022, from

Plumbing & HVAC trades for Women: Aspinwall Plumbing & Heating. Aspinwall. (2022, May 19). Retrieved
November 15, 2022, from

Reichert, P. (2019, March 14). How to encourage millennials to take on a skilled trade: Hamilton-Ryker.
Hamilton. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Theory of planned behavior. Theory of Planned Behavior - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved
December 9, 2022, from

What will it take to draw women to the skilled trades? - Daily Commercial News. (2018,
November 19). Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Woll, S. (2022, February 17). How skilled trades can meet these 3 needs of millennials and gen Z in the
Workplace. EAB. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Original and Revised Marketing Materials

Original Flyer

Revised Flyer

Original Banner

Revised Banner

Original Social Media Post

Revised Social Media Post

Original Tik Tok Post

Link to TikTok post (includes animation and motion)

Revised Tik Tok post
Link to TikTok post (includes animation and motion)

Focus Group/Interview/Survey Guide & Link


Hello, thank you for agreeing to meet with me/take this survey. My name is Kim Doherty, and I am a student
at Washington State University’s Morrow College of Communication. I am working towards my Master’s
degree in Strategic Communications. This interview/survey is for a final project in my COMSTRAT 565
Professional Marketing Communication Management and Campaigns class. The project focuses on creating
messaging and marketing to encourage women to consider entering the skilled trades as an occupation.

The purpose of this interview/survey is to gain feedback on marketing and communications messaging around
the recruitment of women into the skilled trades. We will review a flyer and social media samples. There are
several questions I have developed for you to answer but there is also an opportunity for you to share your
thoughts along the way.

If you are being interviewed, I may ask questions to discover further insight after you answer questions, in real
time. If you are filling out a survey, I will also have further questions which I can send via text/email or call you
on the phone to discuss, according to your preference.

Interviews and survey responses are being recorded and will be submitted with my final project. The questions
and responses will be transcribed and categorized to discover emergent themes and be used to edit and
improve upon the marketing materials and messaging. I appreciate your thoughts and opinions so I encourage
you to be honest with your feedback and critique.

Do you have any questions before we begin? Let’s get started!

Introductions/Information Gathering:

Demographic and topic questions:

• Please tell me if you are under 35 or over 35 or if you prefer not to answer?
• Are you male or female or prefer not to answer?
• Survey only – please provide your contact information and preference for follow up questions
Email, Phone, Text
• Can you share any stories about women you know who work (or worked) in non-traditional occupations
normally held by men? How did they get there?
• Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?
• What do you think are the biggest barriers for women entering the skilled trades?
• Do you know anyone (male or female) who works in the skilled trades and if so, what is their
• What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
QR codes? Websites?

Flyer Questions
• What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?
• What is the main message of the flyer?
• What do you like about it?
• What would you change?
• What is the call to action?
• What information is missing or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?
• Where would you expect to find a flyer like this?

Social Media Questions

• What is the first thing you notice about the banner/social post/TikTok posts?
• What is the message being conveyed?
• What do you like about these marketing pieces?
• What do you dislike about these marketing pieces?
• What would you change?
• What is the call to action?
• What is missing?
• What questions would you have after viewing these marketing pieces?


Thank you for talking with me/taking this survey. Do you have any other thoughts or questions you would like
to share before we wrap up? I appreciate your time and your honesty and willingness to participate in this

For survey participants only – Following survey review, I may reach out for additional follow up questions or
clarification. I will communicate via method indicated at the beginning of the survey.

Survey Link: Skilled Trades Questionnaire:

Revisions to Campaign Materials


• Tagline for all materials – changed from Women In Trades with a logo to Women BELONG in SKILLED
• Removed “Women in Trades” logo on all designs
• Earn while you learn, number of jobs available, wages are listed on all materials
• Flyer & banner changes:
o Women in flyer and banner looked angry – found a different photo of women DOING the work
on a jobsite and looking satisfied and capable
o Women Belong in Skilled Trades – emphasis on the word “Belong” and removed the ‘lift effect’
as it looked a little blurry
o Made the word BUILD larger, and added a grey background so it stood out more
o Flyer: Made the text in bottom right larger and a darker font for legibility, Bolded each of the
industries names so they are more legible, HVAC….and more replaces HVAC and much more!
o Banner: Removed “What are you waiting for” – out of place, didn’t add to the design effect,
Added “learn more” with an arrow and made the womenintrades a darker font so it stands out,
changed the photo so had to change the layout, added, “learn more” with an arrow and made darker so the font stands out
• TikTok and social media changes:
o Replaced with video of a woman doing electrician work, actively, rather than a static photo
o Added a ‘ruler’ icon to top right for added interest
o Deleted “Build your future in the skilled trades” and replaced with Learn More:
o Added additional digital ‘effects’ for interest while watching the video
o Removed the period after BUILD, and made font larger for impact

Interview and Survey Transcripts

I = Interviewer
R = Respondent

Interview #1 – Jim D.

I: Thank you for meeting with me today. My name is Kim Doherty - as you know - and I'm a student at
Washington State University in the Edward R Morrow College of Communication for my Master's Degree in
Strategic Communications for a final project in my professional Marketing Communications Management
Campaigns class. The project focuses on creating messaging and marketing to encourage women to consider
the skilled trades as an occupation.

The purpose of this interview is to gain feedback on marketing and Communications messages around
recruiting women to the skilled trades. We will review a flyer and some social media samples and there are
several questions I have to ask you but there's also an opportunity for you to share your thoughts along the
way. As you're being interviewed, I also may ask questions to discover further insight. After you answer
questions interview responses are being recorded and will be submitted with my final project. The questions
and answers will be transcribed and categorized to discover emergent themes and be used to edit and
improve upon the marketing materials and messaging.

I appreciate your thoughts and opinions ….be honest with your feedback and critique.

Please tell me if you are under 35 over 35 or prefer not to answer.

R: Over 35.

I: Do you happen to know any women that work in the skilled trades and if if you do what occupation do they

R: I do I don't know them personally but I've seen women electricians women plumbers and mostly in the
architectural field and with the company that I work for Compass construction we have a few project
engineers and project managers and a couple of assistants to that are female.

I: Thank you. Do you think the skilled trades are good occupation for women and why or why not?

R: instead of going to college I always a lot of things in my opinion I think the average electrician in beginning
with the Union's is $54 an hour and for those that are ready for college or just don't want to go it's a good
outlet for them to make an excellent living.

I: What do you think might be the biggest barriers for women entering skilled trades?

R: It's a male-dominated field so a lot of them you know having to compete against the men they might be
apply that maybe it is her get dirty and not want to do that, I think.

I: On another topic when you are hearing messages of any kind what are your preferred communications

R: social media, television, TikTok, websites to do research

I: how do you get most of your marketing messages?

R: a bunch of women on Tik-Tok that are in the trades that they show the videos just one in particular who's a
pretty awesome welder and she shows all of her stuff is pretty cool I think they should jump into those fields.

I: So, I'm going to show you some of the marketing materials now and the first thing we're going to look at is a
flyer that I put together so I'm going to give you a minute just to kind of look at it.

I: Okay so what's the first thing you notice, what's the second thing?

R: The amount of money they can make actually. Both of those are true being around the tradespeople
everyday most have a no skill meaning you can you can walk in off the street and I'll train you how to do the
job, get you set up for the required exams in the state of Washington that you would need and if you're
getting paid to do so I know the way to for these people to do it is to go to an actual trade school where they
get their hours and work towards their certification for different skill sets. I’ll use electrical is an example. I
need to get a level one certified they can always work under a level one certified person until they can actually
take the exam and that brings in 100 + K a year jobs… motivation for people to go and do it.

I: Do you think, and I know you're not a woman but do you think that this flier would appeal to women?

R: A woman on the job site , yeah, I think this would work I mean take away after you've looked at everything
give it a try and go and get into the trades. Great opportunity for women to be part of that industry that was
once male-dominated.

I: And what do you like about the flyer?

R: Well, it's right to the point.

I: What would you change?

R: Maybe put a little bit more in detail of what type of the processes are for them to get to these types of jobs
I don't know.
I: Okay what is the call to action that you see?
R: Say it again?

I: What's it called the action, what are you being asked do? Look into?

R: From what it says in your ad it's basically trying to recruit women into the skilled industry's trade.

I: You already answered what would be, what was missing cuz you said maybe have more information about
possibly some links to all the types of schools and Industries.

R: Maybe have links on there or website for them you know to go research more information on maybe the

I: Where would you expect to see a flyer like that?

R: I think you might come across a newspaper maybe job site I guess you could post this online sending out
like you said through social media. I think today's youth really weigh more heavily on social media than my

I: What's the first thing you notice?

R: Women are using power tools look like she's building something.

I: What messages being conveyed or is there one and if you don't think there is one then it's okay to say that.

R: She looks like a woodworker and that's a great picture but I would be a little bit more specific on what
dream careers.

I: Is there a call to action here that you can see? I need general feedback.

R: Skilled trades need you… it shows the salary that they could potentially earn, how many jobs are actually
out there unfortunately all of the construction guys are starting to retire out there's no backfill that's a huge
problem. Having right on their how many jobs are out there, things like that it's a good ad but I think I would
also emphasize what I just said.

I: Okay one more for you to review that is Tik-Tok pretty similar to these other ones I think I sent you the link I
have it right here but will it play on here send it to my email.

R: So pretty much it's similar feedback on the TikTok specifically but I would say maybe find videos of women
doing the job transitioning through the different types of trades, the song was pretty catchy and cool but show
these women doing these jobs like I said there's several out there that are actually doing the work. Connect
that to them, like videos of the actual women physically doing the jobs.
I: Any other thoughts questions to share before we wrap it up?

R: No, I’m good.

I: Thank you. I appreciate your time and your willingness to participate and your honesty is going to help me to
make a better marketing piece.

Interview #2 – Meghan D.

I: Okay please tell me if you are under 35 / under 35. Are you male or female or prefer not to answer?

R: Female.

I: I've got your contact information so I don't need to ask you that do you happen to know any women that
work in any of the skilled trades or in the trades Industries like plumbing, electrician construction
management. Do you know anyone that does that kind of work? Do you think the skilled trades are good
occupation for women and why or why not?

R: I think it's a great option if they have interest in non-traditional fields. I think that's a great way to break the
barrier, break into that if it's a career you're interested in and it just kind of gives women more opportunities.

I: That was an awesome answer.

R: I don't know how to say it like they're showing other women that they don't have to just work a typical
office job or you know what society puts on them like the mother being at home with the kids. She can have
her own career to be something just for women.

I: Great what's a really good answer. What do you think are the biggest barriers to women for entering the
skilled trades or the construction fields?

R: They might get looked over because of their gender , it could be an issue and prevent them from getting
interviewed, being overlooked. And a male-dominated industry there might be that sense of like why would a
woman want to come up here.

I: Any other barriers you can think of?

R: Physical barriers depending on the job you know like the if it's manual labor versus is it just construction
management so I guess I could be another thing right, do they have the physical capacity to perform on the

I: Okay so in this question is for you personally - what are your preferred communications channels like where
do you get your information?

R: TV, social media I prefer a mixture of different outlets that I kind of look to especially like Forbes Magazine I
feel like it is pretty up-to-date on what's happening and what's trending in the business world and I also like
seeing different views from Tik-Tok from people from all over to come and get their 2 cents a lot of times
they'll post certain topics that are trending so it's pretty cool to see how involved people get with that kind of
thing , by like Fox News so you just someone I will prompt you're like oh this is what's happening believe it you
know I got to have a lot of the news Outlets

I: I need I need you to look at the flyer so click on that document and just take a minute or so to take it in you
don't have to say anything yet just kind of look it over.

R: I just thought of another barrier.

I: Okay what is it?

R: I don't know but like it opened up opportunities as far as like career opportunities.

I: Okay first question and there's no wrong answer and I won't get offended I'm looking for feedback and
critique I need honest feedback and I can take it what is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

R: I can definitely tell there's a collective theme for the trades, it looks like it's more geared towards
construction type work. Looking at what's in the background and of what they're wearing they have like hard
hats; goggles they look like they're building things. This one has a theme of trades and construction.

I: Okay, is there a main message that you think the flyer overall gives?

R: I would definitely have to say it's related to career choice and just working in the trades itself
I: Okay, what do you think is good or what do you like about the flyer?

R: I like that it's balanced, everything seems to be the correct sizing as far as font is not too distracting and
then I like the color choices as well I think it kind of adds to the construction feel like the yellows with the
white, I feel like it helps draw attention to the poster.

I: What would you change about?

R: I don't know if that is just the view that I'm seeing but it's like blurry to see like I don't know if it’s just
because the way I'm looking at it is it actually blurry in person? Change font color to break against with the
main messages so they can see what the contact info is and the pages to look at.

I: If you saw this flyer somewhere what would you say is the call to action what is the flyer trying to encourage
you to do if anything?

R: I would say first main message is kind of repeated throughout the poster is just the sense of having a career
for yourself and is kind of a play on words like build your kind of a nice life for yourself.

I: Do you think there's anything missing or are they are questions you still have after you see it what questions
are in your mind?

R: Is this poster just like a general message about the trades or is it like a specific course somewhere or is it
you know is this more like just a general ad to the audience of like just showcasing the trades or is it
specifically a call to action to become in the trades.

I: Okay that makes sense -where do you think it would make sense to place this flyer or where do you think
you might see something like this?

R: I would say like a career fair for like college students that are just kind of figuring out what they want to do
cuz it would definitely be like a good option if they don't like the traditional route of schooling right places like
Work Source would be a good option too if they're just trying to get in the workforce that could be a good

I: Great okay moving on to the social media. I think you said the second one was more engaging because it was
showing kind of look like actors versus, you're saying doing the trades.

R: The first one looks like a stock photo

I: Yeah, that's exactly what it is okay.

R: And the second one it looks like she's actually doing something or like building something like it's
believable. The first one just they're just wearing the gear you know.

I: Got you, I'm going to have you click on the TikTok link so it might pause your screen but do you have the
volume on it you can hear it okay so pretty much same thing same questions what do you like about it what
would you change, is there a clear message coming across?

R: Hold on I’m watching it again… see the messages as far as like encouraging women to go into the field or

I: What would you change?

R: It says @womenintrades …is cut off where the s doesn’t fit the full screen…cuts off….

I: What is missing? How could I make it more compelling?

R: The other like things you can add to the photo or like make it more like Interactive more like put like
resources of where they said take classes or like I don't know like resources of like learning more about the
trade like a link or something and like you can add that kind of information on your profile like if you put check
my bio for more info on the description of it

I: Okay so you do like Link in BIO like page on Instagram?

R: You can usually put it like when you post the video like usually people like comments underneath where it
says your name like Kimberly Doherty 107.

I: Okay I'll have to check that out cuz I don't use Tik Tok often so it's new for me. Do you have any other
thoughts or questions that you want to share before we wrap up and anything else just general feedback or?

R: No.

I: Well, I appreciate your time and your honesty and your willingness to participate in this project and I might
reach out to you for a follow-up question at some point is that okay? Thank you, Miss Meghan.

Diane Survey


What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions.

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email
What is your age group: Over 35

What is your gender? Female

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*
Not sure

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Bias and exposure to/interest in the field

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

The industries checklist in lower right

What is the main message of the flyer?

Skilled trades want more women in the field and offer good jobs

What do you like about the flyer?

Color palette works well for content and is easy to read

What would you change about the flyer?

The photo is great for context but the one on the left looks a bit unhappy, which doesn't inspire me to do that kind of job.

What is the call to action?

Contact women in trades

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?
How does Women in Trades help you? Do they place you in jobs? Provide training?

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
The woman in the photo looks legit focused and engaged like a craftswoman - love that.

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

Develop your skills and craft.

What do you like about these marketing pieces?
Love the photo in the social media pieces.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

The "what are you waiting for" in the banner could be left off.

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
Same as flyer - what exactly does Women in Trades do?

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
Great job, Kim! You are so talented and we are lucky to have you.

Elyse Survey

What is your first name?

Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions.

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Text
What is your age group: Over 35

What is your gender? Female

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*
Not off the top of my head

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
Sure, it is a great alternative for students to pursue other than four-year colleges

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
There should be none in my humble opinion . Women can do just as much if not more than men . They just need to
believe in themselves!

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
Instagram, Fox News, NBC, local papers

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?
There is a demand for women to take on blue collar jobs with training available to any women who is interested .

What is the main message of the flyer?

Jobs are available

What do you like about the flyer?

The picture of the two women with hard hats on in a construction site

What would you change about the flyer?

Make the font bigger to be seen easier from far away . Change the color of the font to black on white with phone # and
email address so it is easier to read .

What is the call to action?

Women can do any job with training just like men!

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?
Time frame to apply by ?

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
jobs are available to all women

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

Paid training for skilled labor in many fields

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

Colorful , easy to read

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

font and change of color on the phone # and email. date of when to apply by

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
will you be posting these posters on bulletin boards in high schools? coffee shops? YMCA, vocational schools ? community
centers and other local facilities in and around cities or towns ? Will there be scheduled presentation where potential
interested women could attend to hear more information on this program ? If so when and where?

Erin Survey

What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions. 425-446-0649

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email

What is your age group? 35 and under

What is your gender? Female

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
Yes, opportunity to make more money

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Not knowing where to start or where to go

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
Facebook, newspaper

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

How much money you could possibly make

What is the main message of the flyer?

Women can have physical jobs too and learn more

What do you like about the flyer?

It lists multiple industries that are possible

What would you change about the flyer?

Maybe have the women smiling, the one on the left looks angry

What is the call to action?

Not sure

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
The headline

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

Woman can have physical demanding jobs

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

Just that it’s finally being advertised for women

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?


What is the call to action?

Not sure

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?

James survey


What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions.

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions Text

What is your age group? Under 35

What is your gender? Male

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation
and tell a bit about how they got there?*

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
Yes. Better pay with no college degree.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Being a minority since men make up most of the construction .

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around
town? Websites?
Social media, tik tok, websites.

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

An opportunity for a good wage without a college degree.

What is the main message of the flyer?

Women can do the jobs too.

What do you like about the flyer?

Aimed at getting more women into the trades.

What would you change about the flyer?

Steer people into union trades vs nonunion for a better wage/ pension and working conditions.

What is the call to action?

Signing up to start a career.

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
A woman in a woodshop not in the field.

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

Women can also work in the trades and earn the same wage as a man.

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

Helps point women who are interested in this line of work in the right direction.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

Show a woman in the field, on a construction site doing a skilled trade job.

What is the call to action?


What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
What are starting apprentice wages?

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I
appreciate your time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
Is this also for construction management?

Jennifer Survey


What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions. 425-385-4042

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email

What is your age group?* Over 35

What is your gender?* Female

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*
My old neighbor's oldest daughter became a lineman, but I didn't keep in touch and am not sure how she got there.

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
Yes, because there is great opportunity for a good paying career in the trades.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
I'm guessing the biggest barrier is lack of education around what are skilled trades and how to enter them.

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
social media and websites

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

The image caught my eye first, and then the tag line.

What is the main message of the flyer?

Women belong in the trades.

What do you like about the flyer?
That it spells out the need and opportunity.

What would you change about the flyer?

Only the background color. :) From gray to a dark blue or something. But nothing on content.

What is the call to action?

Look into what trades might be a good fit for you.

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?
I can't think of anything. Maybe if there was an in person or online orientation or workshop to learn more, to hear from
women who are already in the trades and their story. The question below won't allow me to fill in...but I'm thinking
college and career fairs or Peachjar.

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
The image

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

There are opportunities for women in the trades

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

I love the images.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

Listing what some options are for careers.

What is the call to action?

Visit the website to learn more.

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
Maybe list what some trade options are for those who don't really know.

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
Nice job!!!

Kathy survey


What is your first name?

Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions., 425-385-4049

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email

What is your age group? Over 35

What is your gender? F

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation
and tell a bit about how they got there?*
I really don't

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
Yes, because there is no reason not to - women are critical thinkers, strong, creative, etc. Everything you need

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
not knowing the opportunities or thinking it is just for men

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around
town? Websites?
Websites and social media

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

the women's faces/countenance

What is the main message of the flyer?

trades are a great way for women to build a career

What do you like about the flyer?

it gives the pertinent info on the left - job openings and pay and how to get training

What would you change about the flyer?

have the women look a little less stern - don't want to think you have to be a tough guy to do trades

What is the call to action?

go to the website or email to learn more

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?

Is this campaign associated with a specific employer or organization? (the next question doesn't give space to

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
cursive font seemed out of place

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

this is a great place for women to work

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

the play off "build"

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

the women all look tough - may be what you are trying to represent, but women don't have to feel or be tough to
be in the trades - kind of feels like one of the barriers might be they think they need to be

What is the call to action?

find out more

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
What employers this would connect me with for internships, etc.

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I
appreciate your time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
great job!

Kim A. Survey


What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions.

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email
What is your age group: Over 35

What is your gender? Female

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*
Sorry I’m late with this

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
I'm not sure I know what skilled trades actually are. A definition and some examples would be helpful. Also, this
paragraph breaks funny: The purpose of this survey is to gain feedback on marketing and communications messages. You
will review a flyer and several social media samples.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Knowing the options available, like type of jobs, job requirements and potential pay. It would also be helpful to have
female role models -- so that young women can see others who are doing this type of work.

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
Social Media and websites.

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

Women. Interesting information. I like it, good job!

What is the main message of the flyer?

High paying jobs with many openings are available to women.

What do you like about the flyer?

Grabs your attention. Not too much detail, but enough.

What would you change about the flyer?

BUILD gets lots because it is while. Another color would be better.

What is the call to action?

The skilled trades need women!

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
The first one has more information. The second two need the "earn while you learn" line. I see women working in non-
traditional roles.

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

Women are needed, and the jobs pay well.

What do you like about these marketing pieces?
They are well done.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

Just add the line on the second two pieces.

What is the call to action?

Left blank

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
Left blank

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
Left blank

Linda Survey


What is your first name?


Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions. 425-385-4041

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email

What is your age group?* Over 35

What is your gender?* Female

My daughter used to be a diesel engine mechanic, but has switched her passion and is now a cosmetologist. She has
always had an interest in pursuing trades that are typically filled with men. She enrolled in the CTE Automotive Tech class
in her junior year, bussed over to CHS from JHS. Her first job was in a bowling alley and through grit and perseverance,
she convinced the lead mechanic to transfer to the mechanical side of the bowling alley working alongside other
mechanics. She then pursued her diesel engine certification at Lake Washington Tech School and after graduation was
selected to work for Blue Bird, the school bus company. She moved on from there to a heavy equipment rental place and
after a few years decided she wanted to pursue cosmetology. I think it was difficult for her to gain the respect needed to
work in a male-dominated industry and had to persevere with almost everything that required using her knowledge in
more challenging repairs.

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
I think we need more women hired in male dominated occupations, but only if they are qualified to do so. They should
not, however, have to prove themselves every single day that they are worthy of being there. Sometimes I see women
take on a more masculine personality trying to fit in, and that's not right.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Good old' boys not willing to change how it's been done. There may be some physical or strength barriers, but women are
smart enough to figure it out.

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?
Texting, social media, in-person gatherings.

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

The serious faces and the red head's helmet doesn't sit quite right.

What is the main message of the flyer?

Women belong in the trades and can make good money at it.

What do you like about the flyer?

Clean, color scheme is pleasing, the 'Women in Trades' headline pops, not text heavy, bolded items are attention getters.

What would you change about the flyer?

Hard to say, the faces of the women are very serious like they already know it's going to be a challenge so 'bring it!' That
could also be my biased impression from what I've seen my daughter go through.

What is the call to action?

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the trades by earning while you're learning then call, email or go to the
website to learn more.

What information is missing and/or what questions do you still have after viewing the flyer?
It is very complete to me. (The next section seems to be missing the descriptions of options for where I would expect to
find a flyer like this.) I would expect to find this flyer in career centers of high schools, employment agencies, maybe in
trades type businesses (if appropriate).

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
Serious faces and tattoos. 'WOMEN IN TRADES' 'Build.' 'YOUR DREAM. YOUR CAREER. YOUR LIFE.'

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

I like the tag line a lot: YOUR DREAM. YOUR CAREER. YOUR LIFE.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

I learned more about the industry when I read the first 'banner' image with the 'learn while you earn' 'over 300 million
jobs by 2028' 'earn over 100K' at the bottom.
What is the call to action?
Women are needed in the trades and you can learn more about this need.

What questions would you still have after viewing these marketing pieces?
The first one seems complete. On the others, I would wonder how to get a job, how much, is it worth pursuing?

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project.
Great job!

Mary Survey

What is your first name?

Please provide an email address and phone number for follow up questions.
My phone number is 425-478-5955 If I gave my email above, do you need it twice?

Please indicate the way you prefer to be contacted for follow up questions: Email
What is your age group? Over 35
What is your gender? F

Please share if you know any women who work in the skilled trades? If so, what is their occupation and tell a
bit about how they got there?*
I know a gal who works with my husband in environmental construction. I'm not sure exactly how she found her way into
that trade, but I know she loves it and is treated fairly when it comes to skill and wages.

Do you think the skilled trades are a good occupation for women? Why or why not?*
This is a tough question. I don't think it is a question whether skilled trades are a good occupation for women or not. If a
woman is passionate about construction, I say go for it!

What do you think are the biggest barriers to women entering the skilled trades?
Fair wages and physical ability.

What are your preferred communications channels? Social media? Television? TikTok? Around town?

What is the first thing you notice about this flyer?

The headline and photo.

What is the main message of the flyer?

To encourage women to learn a skilled trade and be successful

What do you like about the flyer?

It is colorful and not too busy. The information is concise and clear.

What would you change about the flyer?

I don't think I would change anything

What is the call to action?

That women can be successful in a skilled trade.

What is the first thing you notice on the social media posts above?
The message "Women in Trades" and then the photo.

What is/are the message(s) being conveyed?

That women belong and can be successful in a skilled trade career.

What do you like about these marketing pieces?

They are colorful and eye appealing. Not too busy. I think I would take the period off of the word BUILD though.

What would you change or what is missing in these marketing pieces?

I would add contact information/website to the Facebook and TikTok posts.

What is the call to action?

To encourage women choose a career in skilled trades.

Thank you for taking this survey! Do you have any additional thoughts or questions to share? I appreciate your
time, honesty and willingness to participate in this project?

Kim, I think you are headed in the right direction with your project. I would never embark on a career in a skilled trade,
but I sure felt compelled to after viewing your communication strategy. Nice job!


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