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1 Practice: Further Reading Unit 6
2 Practice: Grammar Unit 6
3 Practice: Review Unit 6
4 Practice: Vocabulary exercises and Words forms Unit 7
5 Practice: GrammarUnit 7
6 Practice: Review Unit 7
7 Practice for 45 minute Test No3
8 Practice: Further Reading Unit 8
9 Practcie: Grammar Unit 8
10 Practice: Review Unit 8
11 Practice: Further reading Unit 9
12 Practice: Grammar Unit 9
13 Practice: Review Unit 9
14 Practice for 45 minute Test No 4
15 Practice: Vocabulary exercises and Words forms Unit 10
16 Practice: Grammar Unit 10
17 Practice: Review Unit 10
18 Review: Unit 6 to Unit 10 for Final Test
19 Review: Unit 6 to Unit 10 for Final Test


Period 1: Further Reading and word forms on Gender equality
Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve reading skills and word forms by guessing meaning from the context through multiple
choice exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about equality
Language knowledge: words about equality

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the vocabulary and reading tasks relating to the topic: equality
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout) - Listen to T

- Instruct the task - Do the task, then compare the
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the answers
answers with another pair  Expected answers
- Give feedback and correct answers

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about equality

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Further Reading and word forms Unit 6

I. Read the passage and choose the best answer.


Secretary-General's Message for 2015
Twenty years ago, when the world convened a landmark conference on women's human right, the
devastating conflict in the former Yugoslavia prompted deserved attention to rape and other war crimes there against
civilians. Two decades later, with girls as young as seven not only targeted but used as weapons _________ (1).
violent extremists, it would be easy to lose heart about the value of international gatherings. But while we have a
long way to go to achieve full equality - with ending gender-based violence a central goal - progress ________ (2)
has proven the enduring value of the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women.
Since the adoption of its Declaration and Platform for Action, more girls have attained more ________ (3) to
more education than ever before. The number of women dying in childbirth has been almost halved. More women
are leading businesses, Governments and global organizations. I welcome these advances. At the same time, on this
International Women’s Day, we must __________ (4) that the gains have been too slow and uneven and that we
must do far more to accelerate progress everywhere.
The world must come together in response to the targeting of women and girls by violent extremists. From
Nigeria and Somalia to Syria and Iraq, the bodies of women have been transformed into battlegrounds for warriors
carrying out specific and systematic strategies, often on the basis of ethnicity or religion. Women have been attacked
for trying to exercise their right to education and basic services; they have been raped and turned into sex slaves; they
have been given as prizes to fighters, or traded among extremist groups in trafficking networks. Doctors, nurses and
others ________(5) for trying to operate in their professional capacity. The women human rights defenders brave
enough to challenge such atrocities risk - and sometimes lose - their lives for the cause.
We must take a clear global stance against this total assault on women’s human rights. The international
community needs to translate its outrage into __________ (6) action, including humanitarian aid, psychosocial
services, support for livelihoods and efforts to bring perpetrators to justice. With women and girls often the first
targets of attack, their rights must be at the centre of our strategy to address this staggering and growing ________
(7). Empowered women and girls are the best hope for sustainable development following conflict. They are the
best drivers of growth, the best hope for reconciliation and the best buffer against radicalization of youth and the
repetition of cycles of violence.
Even in societies at peace, too many girls and women are still _________ (8) of domestic abuse, female
genital mutilation and other forms of violence that traumatize individuals and damage whole societies.
Discrimination remains a thick barrier that _______ (9). We need to expand opportunities in politics, business and
beyond. We need to change mind-sets, especially among men, and engage men in becoming active change-agents
themselves. And we must back up our resolve with resources based on the sure understanding that investments in
gender equality generate economic progress, social and political inclusion and other benefits that, in turn, foster
stability and human dignity.
This is a vital year for advancing the cause of women’s human rights. The international community is hard
at work on establishing a new sustainable development agenda that will build on the Millennium Development Goals
and shape policies and social investments for the next generation. To be truly _______ (10), the post-2015
development agenda must prioritize gender equality and women’s empowerment. The world will never realize 100
per cent of its goals if 50 per cent of its people cannot realize their full potential. When we unleash the power of
women, we can secure the future for all.
Ban Ki-moon
1. A. by B. on
C. over D. through
2. A. past two decades ago B. over the past two decades
C. last two decades ago D. over the past two decade
3. A. accept B. stress
C. access D. actress
4. A. acknowledge B. acknowledged
C. knowledge D. knowledgeable
5. A. have assassinated B. have been assassinating
C. have been assassinate D. have been assassinated
6. A. mean B. meaning
C. meaningful D. meaningless
7. A. fortunate B. budget
C. forgets D. regrets
9. A. must shatter B. must be shattered
C. must shattered D.must be shatter
10. A transform B. transforms
C. transformative D. transformation

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the


In 1812 a young man called James Barry finished his studies in medicine at Edinburgh University. After graduating
he moved to London where he studied surgery at Guy’s Hospital. After that the popular young doctor joined the
army and over the next forty years had a brilliant career as an army medical officer, working in many far-off
countries and fighting successfully for improved conditions in hospitals. It was a remarkable career - made even
more remarkable by the discovery upon his death that he was in fact a she, James Barry was a woman.
No one was more surprised at this discovery than her many friends and colleagues. It was true that throughout her
life people had remarked upon her small size, slight build and smooth pale face. One officer had even objected to her
appointment as a medical assistant because he could not believe that Barry was old enough to have graduated in
medicine. But no one had ever seriously suggested that Barry was anything other than a man.
By all accounts Barry was a pleasant and good-humoured person with high cheekbones, reddish hair, a long nose and
large eyes. She was well-liked by her patients and had a reputation for great speed in surgery - an important quality at
a time when operations were performed without anaesthetic. She was also quick tempered. When she was working in
army hospitals and prisons overseas, the terrible conditions often made her very angry. She fought hard against
injustice and cruelty and her temper sometimes got her into trouble with the authority. After a long career overseas,
she returned to London where she died in 1865. While the undertaker’s assistant was preparing her body for burial,
she discovered that James Barry was a woman.
So why did James Barry deceive people for so long? At that time a woman could not study medicine, work as a
doctor or join the army. Perhaps Barry had always wante to do these things and pretending to be a man was the
only way to make it possible. Perhaps she was going to tell the truth one day, but didn’t because she was enjoying
her life as a man too much. Whatever the reason, Barry's deception was successful. By the time it was discovered
that she had been the first woman in Britain to qualify as a doctor, it was too late for the authorities to do anything
about it.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Gender discrimination among doctors in London
B. James Barry pretended to be a man to become a doctor
C. James Barry and her career overseas
D. Punishment for James Barry’s deception
2. In paragraph 1, the word “remarkable" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. noticeable B. commented C. rewarding D. focused
3. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT .
A. all people were surprised at the discovery
B. people remarked upon her small size
C. many people suspected that she was a woman
D. people noticed her slight build and smooth pale face
4. In paragraph 2, the word “objected" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. shared B. agreed C. protected D. protested
5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about James Barry?
A. She could control her temper perfectly. B. She lost her temper easily.
C. She never lost her temper. D. She was calm and well-behaved.

Period 2: Practice: Grammar Unit 6

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve modals and passive voice by doing multiple choice exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about equality
Language knowledge: words about equality

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: equality
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:


1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about higher education

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Grammar Unit 6

Exercise 1. Gap-filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
2. discrimination 3. forced 10. remarkable 5. preference 9. domestic
4. eliminate 8. sue 1. slightly 6. pursue 7. courage

1. The oil price has ___________ increased this year.

2. According to some psychological experts, the fact that women have to work more than men at home is one of the
signs of gender ______________.
3. In Africa, many girls desire to study but they are __________ to leave schools because of poverty.
4. In order to _________ hunger and poverty so that many citizens have better lives, the government should act
urgently and strictly.
5. It is said that there is gender _________ in favor of boys in recruitment in the police and army forces.
6. She had to struggle and overcome criticism to _________ her dream.
7. Success comes to those who have enough _________ and will.
8. Linda decided to __________ that man for causing accident because she believed that he deserved to be punished.
9. When the children see how their parents work hard to support the families and share ____________
responsibilities, they will try to study harder.
10. French are famous for being romantic and France is well known for having made a _______ progress in gender

Exercise 2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. eliminate + b a. liking to talk a lot
2. courage + e b. to remove or get rid of something/somebody
3. talkative + a c. connected with the home or family


4. domestic + c d. great in amount, size, importance, etc.
5. considerable + d e. the ability to do something dangerous without showing fear

Exercise 3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. She faced _________ because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area. (lonely) -
2. That a women becomes a ______ has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed that this job is
only for men. (firefight) firefighter
3. Although she was aware of gender ________ in favor of boys, she applied for that position. (prefer) preference
4. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made ________ progress in gender
equality. (consider) considerable
5. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic __________ need to be shared by both husbands and wives,
(responsible) responsibilities
6. The number of female _________ has increased sharply for the past few years. (enroll) enrollments
7. My uncle is very _________ about rhinos. He has studied about them for a long time. (knowledge)
8. By knowing their children’s strengths and ______ parents can find appropriate strategies to educate them. (weak)
9. She contributed to the formation of an _______ for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers and helped
inspire others. (organize) organization
10. Even today, her life and career remain __________ to many people. (fascinate) fascinating

Exercise 4. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. A new monitor will be selected (will/select) by the members of the class next semester.
2. Information can be found (can/find) due to the aid of the Internet.
3. If you want your car to be in good condition, it must be serviced (must/service) frequently.
4. Students should not be given (not/should/give) everything about the subjects by their lecturers. They need to be
creative and discover new knowledge.
5. This house must be sold (must/sell) within 2 months.
6. When people have experienced something terrible, funny things can be done (can/do).
7. A valid work permit must be held (must/hold) by all employees.
8. Advice from the experts should be taken (should/take) by the government before making the new law.
9. Cultural differences ought to be considered (ought to/consider) by companies when engaging in business with
overseas organizations.
10. Some changes to our lives must be made (must/ make) if we want to reduce pollution.

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.

1. He often hands in his assignment 10 days earlier so that it can be marked carefully.
2. If everyone fights against domestic violence, gender discrimination will be got rid of.
3. On riding, cycle helmets must be put on.
4. Without permission from the headmaster, no car or motorbike may be driven within the school grounds.
5. In case of being attacked by hackers, a Facebook account can be used for illigal purposes.

Exercise 6. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Any kind of violence must not be allow at school. (allowed)
2. These medicines must keep out of children’s reach. (be kept)
3. The instructions must follow strictly by the students. (be followed)
4. In the case of a pupil being absent from school, messages can leave on the answering machine before 7.30 a.m. (be
5. These pills must not take if you are under twelve years old. (be taken)

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
1. The government should create more job opportunities for women in rural areas.
A. Women in rural areas should create more jobs for the government.
B. More job opportunities should be created for the government by the women in rural areas.
C. More job opportunities should be created for women in rural areas by the government.
D. Rural areas should be created more job opportunities by women in the government.
2. We all object to wage discrimination.
A. We all support wage discrimination. B. We all protest against wage discrimination.


C. We all struggle for wage discrimination. D. Wage discrimination is what we fight for.
3. Health care insurance should be provided for everyone.
A. All people should have access to health care insurance.
B. Health care insurance should be free for everyone.
C. Everyone should have free access to health care insurance.
D. Only a limited number of people can access free health care insurance.
4. In some rural areas, parents still prefer their sons to their daughters.
A. Sons are not as favoured as daughters in some rural areas.
B. Parents in some rural areas like their daughters more than their sons.
C. Parents in some rural areas still favour their sons rather than daughters.
D. Daughters are more preferable than sons in some rural areas.
5. Single-sex schools should be abolished by the government.
A. Single-sex schools should be controlled by the government.
B. Single-sex schools should be allowed to multiply by the government.
C. The government should promote single-sex schools.
D. The government should eradicate single-sex schools.

Period 3: Practice: Review Unit 6

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve vocabulary, modals and passive voice by doing multiple choice exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about equality
Language knowledge: words about equality

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: equality
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)


- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about equality

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Review Unit 6

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer.

1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co-workers. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. colleges B. colleagues C. villages D. collectors
2. Paul: “I suppose that working mothers are good educators for their children.” - Kate: “_____”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating.
B. I couldn’t agree more. They are able to teach their children at home.
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their children.
D. Because educators are teachers.
3. In order to be ______ for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work experience.
A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and gradually ______
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “The protesters couldn’t persuade the president to change the law.” has the closest meaning to:
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws.
B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws.
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws.
D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws.
6. The afternoon meeting _______ because three of the five committee members are unable to attend.
A. might postpone B. might postponed C. might be postpone D. might be postponed
7. Dental appointments _______ so as not to conflict with school commitments.
A. should be arranged B. should not be arranged C. should be arrange D. should not arrange
8. This beer can be served ________ beefsteak.
A. from B. by C. with D. as
9. Many parents think that fast food ________ in schools.
A should not sold B. should not be sell C. should be not sold D. should not be sold
10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents who are both old and sick in their
house. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. test taker B. caregiver C. test giver D. checker
11. Modules ________ in the minimum amount of time.
A. cannot always be completed B. cannot be completed always
C. can always be not completed D. can be not always completed
12. The return of assignment, exams and final grades _______ by lecturers’ time.
A. could affected B. could be affected C. could affect D. could be affect
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. accept B. inspire C. reveal D. workforce
14. A Study Guide __________ by all Independent Study students.
A. must be purchase B. must purchased C. must be purchased D. must purchase
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. pursue B. courage C. hobby D. standard
16. Both gender should be provided _______ equal rights to education, employment and healthcare.
A. from B. by C. with D. on
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Students enrolling (A) for the (B) first time will be charge (C) 9 dollars per (D) course.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Any bicycles brought (A) onto school (B) grounds should clearly label (C) with the owner’s (D) name.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. bulky B. handsome C. employ D. basic
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. machine B. answer C . mistake D. alone

Exercise 2. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. equality / essay / An / gender / on / be / written / must / by / student. / each

An essay on gender equality must be written by each student.
2. processed / will / When / these / files /be/?
When will these files be processed?
3. A/ course / finished / must / in / a / maximum / be / of / weeks. / four
A course must be finished in a maximum of four weeks.
4. serious / Obesity / be / health / considered / be / to / a / problem / can
Obesity can be considered to be a serious health problem.
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and /will / made /be/ scientists. / More / by
More achievements in information and technology will be made by scientists.

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
Two friends Nam and Lan are talking about the topic of gender equality.
1. Nam: “Do you think that there are any jobs which only men or only women can or should do?”
Lan: “____”
A. Men are better at certain jobs than women.
B. I agree. This really depends on their physical strengths and preferences.
C. Women and men should cooperate with each other.
D. Men are often favoured in certain jobs.
2. Lan: “Would you rather work for a male or female boss?”
Nam: “____”
A. I’ve been self-employed for five years. B. I don’t like working under time pressure.
C. I prefer a male boss. D. I can’t stand the women gossips.
3. Nam: “Would you rather have a male or a female secretary?”
Lan: “____”
A. I want to have a female one.
B. The number of female secretaries is increasing.
C. The number of female secretaries is staying the same.
D. Female secretaries outnumber male ones.
4. Lan: “How do the roles of men and women differ in your family?”
Nam: “____”
A. Most of men don’t want to stay at home.
B. Women are changing their roles.
C. Most men are very bossy and arrogant.
D. Men are breadwinners and women are caregivers.
5. Nam: “Which gender, do you think, works harder: male or female?
Lan: “____”
A. I think it depends on individuals rather than gender.
B. Males like high position jobs more than females.
C. Females prefer to have a stable job.
D. Both males and females are responsible for childcare.
6. Nam: “Which gender spends most of the time shopping?”
Lan: “____”
A. Shopping has always been my hobby.
B. More and more people are shopping online these days.
C. Both genders like shopping.
D. It depends on who keeps the money.

Period 4: Further reading and Words forms Unit 7

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:


1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve Vocabulary exercises and Words forms

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about cultural diversity

Language knowledge: words about cultural diversity

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: cultural diversity
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about cultural diversity

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Further reading and Words forms Unit 7

I. Gap-filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

1. similarities 9. properly 4. favourable 3. reception 7. crossing

5. ancestors 2. grooms 10. scattered 6. sweep 8. souls

1. In order to meet the requirement, you have to point out both _________ and differences between two cultures.


2. In some cases, brides and __________ are provided with most of the necessary things for their big day.
3. The board of directors have decided to hold a ________________ in a luxurious restaurant.
4. As a rule of thumb, several superstitious people choose a ________ date before starting something.
5. My parents lay food on the altar for my _________ on a regular basis because they perceive that they will enjoy
the meal with my family.
6. Traditionally, Vietnamese people do not ________ the floor during the first three days of Tet (Lunar New Year).
7. Some people try to avoid ________ the path of a woman, as this may not bring good luck to them.
8. He holds a belief that the altar is the place where ancestors' _______ live.
9. Before travelling to England, you have to learn to use knives, forks and spoons _______.
10. They leave coins ___________ on the ground as a ritual of their culture.

II. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. self-reliance + c a. a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks
2. ancestor + d b. something that is difficult to understand or to
3. mystery + b c. the ability to do or decide things by yourself
4. prestigious + e d. a person in your family who lived a long time ago
5. venture + a e. respected and admired as very important or of very high quality

III. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The ______ ceremony is one of the three stages of a Vietnamese traditional wedding. (propose) proposal
2. Before a wedding ceremony, there must be an _______ ceremony. (engage) engagement
3. As a rule of thumb, a number of superstitious people choose a ______ date before starting something. (favour)
favorable / favorite
4. It is believed that meeting a black cat is lucky, but it is ______ to walk under a ladder or break a mirror. (luck)
5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about cultural ______. (diverse) diversity
6. If you want to get on well with your colleagues, you should pay ______ to some common features of their
cultures. (attend) attention
7. He is trying to work hard so that he is promoted to a higher and more _____________ position. (prosper)
8. After he had flirted her for a long time, they ________ fell in love. (gradual) gradually
9. It cannot be denied that superstitious _______ exist many cultures. (believe) beliefs
10. After the wedding day, the ________ of couples leave on honeymoon in very romantic places. (major)

IV. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. most / He / the / polite / is / I / met. / have / man/ ever
He is the most polite man I have ever met.
2. the / Alan / third / best / is / in / competition. / the
Alan is the third best in the competition.
3. active / is / She / less / her / than / classmates.
She is less active than her classmates.
4. considered / Obesity / can / be / be / one / to / of the / serious / health / most / problems.
Obesity can be considered to be one of the most serious health problems.
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and will / made / be / scientists./ More / by / and / more
More and more achievements in information and technology will be made by scientists.

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. In some Asian countries, the groom and bride ____ their wedding rings in front of the altar.
A. change B. exchange C. give D. take
2. In Scotland, the bride’s mother may invite the wedding guests to her house to ____ off all the wedding gifts.
A. show B. turn C. put D. get
3. On the wedding day, the best man is expected to help the ____.
A. bride B. groom C. guest D. bridesmaid
4. In the past, the ____ and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years before the wedding.
A. propose B. proposing C. proposal D. proposed
5. Superstitions ____ an important part in the lives of many people in Viet Nam.
A. take B. act C. occupy D. play
6. Viet Nam has kept a variety of superstitious ____ about daily activities.
A. believe B. believing C. beliefs D. believable


7. Traditionally, most Vietnamese people never ____ the floor during the first three days of the New Year.
A. sweep B. paint C. polish D. resurface
8. Viet Nam is a country situated in Asia, where many mysteries and legends ____.
A. origin B. originate C. original D. originally
9. The British usually pay a lot of ____ to good table manners and are expected to use knives, forks and spoons
A. money B. care C. attention D. compliment
10. In the U.S, children can choose their own partners even if their parents object ____ their choice.
A. to B. for C. against D. with
11. In the UK, 18-year-olds tend to receive a silver key as a present to ____ their entry into the adult world.
A. symbol B. symbolic C. symbolize D. symbolist
12. In Australia, on Mother’s Day, the second Sunday in May, children prepare and ____ their mothers ‘breakfast in
A. cook B. serve C. display D. present
13. People in Mexico ____ Mother's Day on May 10 by giving their mothers handmade gifts, flowers, clothing and
household appliances.
A. open B. memorize C. celebrate D. perform
14. In Viet Nam, you shouldn’t ____ at somebody’s house on the lst day of the New Year unless you have been
invited by the house owner.
A. show up B. get up C. put up D. go up
15. The newly-weds will fly to Venice to spend their ____ tomorrow.
A. vacation B. honeymoon C. holiday D. marriage

Period 5: Practice: GrammarUnit 7

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve conditional sentences and articles

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about cultural diversity

Language knowledge: words about cultural diversity

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: cultural diversity
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers


- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about cultural diversity

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Grammar Unit 7

I. Complete the sentences by using comparative or superlative adjectives.

1. Antarctica is _________ (cold) than Africa. colder

2. Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia is the ____________ (old) rainforest in the world. oldest
3. Germany was _________ (successful) in winning medals than Japan. more successful
4. The Atlantic ocean is _______ (wide) than the Mediterranean. wider
5. Northern provinces are a bit __________ (hot) than southern ones. hotter
6. This is the __________ (funny) actor I have ever had conversation with. funniest
7. Some people think that crocodiles are _________ (dangerous) than pythons. more dangerous
8. The little boy was unhappy because his performance was ________ (bad) than his friend. worse
9. Great Britain is one of the __________ (powerful) countries in the world. most powerful
10. Australia is the 6th ________ (large) country in the world, occupying an entire continent of some 7.6 million
square kilometres. largest
5. Complete the following sentences.
1. I like all kind of sports, but I think football is the most exciting game to watch.
2. I think it is the most delicious food in the world.
3. Alice is very pleased with her results of this semester. They are better than last semester.
4. He thinks that people from the south of his country are much more humorous than people from the north. In the
north, no one ever seems to smile, but it’s opposite in the south.
5. The more hardworking you are, the more successful you are.

II. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences.

1. This lake is more deep than that one. deeper
2. Kate’s situation is the most complicated than her cousin’s. more complicated
3. The bride and groom are happiest people on their wedding. the happiest
4. A doctor and an architect are living in this villa. A doctor is from Germany. the
5. In England, people drink a lot of tea.

III. Mark the letter A. B. C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
1. Mary is planning to tie the knot with her German boyfriend next June.
A. get married B. say goodbye C. get together D. fall in love
2. In some Asian countries like Viet Nam or China, money is given to the newly-married couple as a wedding
A. gift B. donation C. souvenir D. contribution
3. In Viet Nam, it is customary to choose a favourable day for occasions such as wedding, funerals, or house-moving
A. suitable B. favourite C. beautiful D. whole
4. Americans value freedom and do not like to be dependent on other people.
A. addicted B. supportive C. reliant D. responsible
5. In most American families, parents have less influence on their children than those in other parts of the world.
A. power B. effect C. attention D. care


Period 6: Review Unit 7
Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve conditional sentences and articles

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about cultural diversity

Language knowledge: words about cultural diversity

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: cultural diversity
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about cultural diversity


5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Review Unit 7

I. Choose the best answer.

1. The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony. The underlined word has the closest
meaning to:
A. bridegroom B. bridesmaid C. broom D. bridge
2. Karen: “What is the similarity between Vietnamese culture and Thai culture?” - Kevin: “_____”
A. That sounds interesting. B. I couldn’t agree more. I like Vietnamese culture and Thai culture.
C. That’s true. They don’t know much about this. D. I think it is food.
3. It can be seen that these cultures have _______ lot of things in common.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and gradually
________ them.
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “Jim is more popular than any other painter in this district." has the closest meaning to:
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim.
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district.
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district.
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district.
6. He has worked as _________ coordinator for more than 4 years.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
7. Older athletes are getting faster and _______ than in the past.
A. fitter B. fittest C. fit D. more fit
8. Mount Everest is _________ mountain on Earth.
A. the tallest B. the taller C. tall D. tallest
9. My closest friend is looking forward to receiving a scholarship to study at a university in _______ Italy.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
10. Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his brother, best friend or father to be his best man. The underlined
word has the closest meaning to:
A. bride B. bridegroom C. groomsman D. bridesmaid
11. Today’s top sportspeople receive a lot ______ money than in the past.
A. much B. many C. more D. most
12. Pain killers are much _______ now than in the past.
A. effective B. more effective C. most effective D. the more effective
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. increase B. bridesmaid C . wedding D. workforce
14. That was probably_______ enjoyable meal I’ve ever had.
A. least B . less C . the less D. the least
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. contrast B . courage C . venture D. legend
16. Our atmosphere is gradually becoming more and _______ polluted.
A. much B . many C. more D. most
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
We didn’t realize (A) that it (B) was the most fastest (C) way to cross the (D) country.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
In (A) fact, France had a more lower (B) overall medal (C) total than Russia (D).
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A bulky B. altar C. employ D. object
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. machine B. expense C. import D. alone

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Alcohol And The Devil
Although stereotypes can be harmful, it is true that Russia is one of ______ (1) -ranked countries in the
world in alcohol consumption. The country’s love of vodka is also its leading cause of ______ (2), from liver disease
and alcohol poisoning to fatal accidents and crimes.


Since its such an ______ (3) part of their culture, there are many rules of etiquette surrounding drinking in
Russia, for instance, you can’t place a glass of alcohol back on the table after a toast-it should be bottom’s up and
_______ (4).
Arriving late for dinner means that you have to drink a ______ (5) glass of vodka, no questions asked, as
you’ll have to catch ________ (6) with the rest.
Between the first and second shots, there must be no interruptions whatsoever. Lastly, you should never
_______ (7) the mistake of offering a toast with an empty glass. If you do, you’ll have to drink the entire bottle.
Russians also love to swear, but their custom is steeped in ______ (8). It is said that when you curse another
persons health in a manner without malice, you should spit three times over your left shoulder. This _____ (9) spits
in the eye of the devil, preventing ______ (10) omens or a
temptation of fate. If the curse is made in writing, you should write the guttural sound, “Tfu, tfu, tfu!”

1. A. the highest B . the higher C . higher D. highest

2. A. death B . died C . die D. dead
3. A. success B. integral C . federal D. unnecessary
4. A. full B. empty C . locked D. knocked
5. A. knocked B . empty C . locked D. full
6. A. in B . for C. up D. about
7. A. do B . change C . create D. make
8. A. super B. superstitious C. delicious D. superstition
9. A. symbolical B. symbolically C. symbolize D. symbol
10. A. lucky B. good C. worst D. bad

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
1. Being practical, Americans avoid taking jobs which are beyond their ability.
A. out of B. far from C. within D. inside
2. In many countries, it is customary for the bride to throw her bouquet of flowers into a crowd of well-wishers.
A. uncommon B. inadvisable C. usual D. normal
3. To an American, success is the result of hard work and self-reliance.
A. devotion B. industry C. laziness D. enthusiasm
4. Success has always meant providing their families with a decent standard of living.
A. high B. good C. acceptable D. low
5. Stores everywhere compete to sell their distinctive versions of Christmas cake before the holiday.
A. different B. various C. similar D special

Period 7: Further Reading and word forms Unit 8

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve conditional sentences and articles

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about New ways to learn

Language knowledge: words about New ways to learn

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: New ways to learn
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words


3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about New ways to learn
5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Further Reading and word forms Unit 8

I. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. smartphone / This / the / which / is / I / given / years / was / ago. / 2
This is the smartphone which I was given 2 years ago.
2. friend, / live / with / my /I / dear / is / quite / who /hardworking.
I live with my dear friend, who is quite hardworking.
3. Tom?/ Is / the / girl / that / you / to / want / to / introduce
Is that the girl you want to introduce to Tom? 
4. She / whose / is / nurse / the / homeland / Mexico. / is
She is the nurse whose homeland is Mexico.
5. could not / He / his / partners, / persuade / which / his / was / failure.
He could not persuade his partners, which was his failure.

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Computer Facts
Enjoy some great computer facts and interesting information about these ______ (1) devices which play such
an important role in our modern day lives. Learn about parts of the computer such as the RAM, ROM and CPU as
well as fun info about how we use computers to make our lives _______ (2) and more enjoyable.
Early electronic computers, developed around the 1940s, were the size of a large room and consumed huge
amounts of _______ (3). They were vastly different to the modern computers we use today, especially when
compared to small and portable laptop computers.
Computers ______ (4) to carry out instructions. These instructions are usually very simple and require
adding numbers together, moving data from one place _______ (5) another etc. A computer program can include as
little as a few instructions to upwards of millions of instructions depending on the complexity of the program.
Modern ______ (6) such as word processors, web browsers and graphic editors take large teams of programmers a
long time to complete.
A computers memory stores numbers in huge amounts of cells that are addressed and can be quickly ______
(7) by the CPU to perform calculations. There are two main types of computer memory ROM (read only memory)
and RAM (random access memory). ROM contains pre-written software and data that the CPU can only read, while
RAM can be accessed and written to at any time. Computers interact _______ (8) a number of different I/O (input/


output) devices to exchange information. These peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, display, hard drive,
printer and more.
Computers are used to help link the world in the form of networks. Networked computers allow users to
share and exchange data that is stored in different locations. You may have heard of a local area network (LAN) or
wide area network (WAN) _________ (9) connects areas of various sizes. The Internet is a vast network of
computers spanning the globe _______ (10) allows users to access email, the World Wide Web and other
applications. Although we normally think of computers as the ones we use in our everyday lives to surf the web,
write documents etc., small computers are also embedded into other things such as mobile phones, toys, microwaves
and MP3 players. We use computers all the time, of' ten without even knowing it!

1. A. amazed B. amazing C . amazingly D. amaze

2. A. easier B. more easier C. much easy D. a lot easy
3. A. elect B . electrical C . electrically D. electricity
4. A. programmed B. are programmed C . program D. are programming
5. A. on B . for C. to D. about
6. A. applications B. application C . apply D. applied
7. A. accesses B. accessed C . accessing D. accessory
8. A. on B . for C . to D. with
9. A. whose B . who C. which D. whom
10. A. whose B . who C. that D. whom

Period 8: Grammar Unit 8
Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve Relative clauses

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about New ways to learn

Language knowledge: words about New ways to learn

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: New ways to learn
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)


 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about New ways to learn
5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Grammar Unit 8

I. Complete the sentences by using relative pronouns (who/that/which/whose).

1. You should find a neighbor ________ you home while you are away.who/that
2. Do you remember the presenter ________ conversation with last month? who/that
3. You can purchase or download the software ________ can help you to record your voice. which
4. It is sensible for students to choose the channels ________ benefit both their learning and relaxing. which / that
5. They donated some sacks of rice to the people ________ houses were destroyed by the typhoon last week. whose
6. My cousin, ________ lives nearby, often looks after my flat. who
7. That’s David, ________ father is an expert in behavioral psychology. whose
8. I have applied to Harvard University, ________ is the most prestigious university in the world. which
9. Great Britain, ________ is one of the most powerful countries in the world, has a standard educational
system. which
10. I work with friendly and helpful colleagues, ________ is a great source of happiness for me. which 

II. Complete the following sentences.

1. An e-book is an electronic book which can be read on a mobile device.
2. Tom Cruise, who is an actor,is very talented.
3. Barack Obama,who is the President of the USA, is dedicated with his mission.
4. A successful man is a person who can get more and more prosperous position in their career.
5. A president is a person who leads a country.
6. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. My English teacher, who lectures are interesting, is humorous. whose
2. He is the farmer which I told you about. who
3. This is the bridge who was built by a famous king 1000 years ago. which
4. The cacao tree, that grows in equatorial regions, produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple. which
5. He has a lot of friends from English speaking countries, who is a great help for him to learn English. which

III. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

2. advantage 6. enjoyable 8. concentrate 9. disruptive 10. radiation

7. submit 1. screen 5. downloaded 3. distract 4. Look

1. A tablet can be used to take notes with a digital pen on a touch _______.
2. A computer or laptop can be your powerful weapon and you can take _______ of the Internet to support your
3. Personal electronic devices which _______ students from their class work are banned in most schools.
4. Depending on learners’ preference and convenience, they can ______ up new words in an electronic dictionary or
printed version.
5. Digital lessons are available in a variety of web pages and they can be freely _______ and stored in your
6. Since the appearance of electronic devices, lessons have become more and more ______.
7. Many of the students prefer to _______ their assignment papers to their lecturers online via e-mail or even
8. If your smartphone rings while you are learning or working, you cannot ________ on your study or work.
9. In this situation when you are annoyed and interfered with your device, it becomes ________.


10. The ______ from electronics might harm your brain and cause permanent impact.

Period 9: Review Unit 8

Date of planning
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve Relative clauses, vocabulary about new ways to learn

2. Knowledge:

General knowledge: situations about New ways to learn

Language knowledge: words about New ways to learn

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the grammar exercises relating to the topic: New ways to learn
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, then compare the - Do the task, then compare the
answers with another pair answers
- Give feedback and correct answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about New ways to learn
5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Review Unit 8

I. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. download + b a. to take somebody’s attention away from what they are trying to do
2. distract + a b. to get data from another computer, usually using the internet
3. inappropriate + e c. to help something to happen or develop
4. permanent +d d. lasting for a long time or for all time in the future
5. promote + c e. not suitable or appropriate in a particular situation

II. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. One of the functions of computer, which only some people know, is to do _____. (calculate) calculations
2. Voice ______ is the app which helps some types of smartphone attracts customers. (recognize) recognition
3. She had a ________ influence on the rest of the class, as her phone rang suddenly. (disrupt) disruptive
4. Accessing to _______ information harms your mental health. (appropriate) inappropriate
5. Some people support the view that _______ electronic devices may bring more harm than good to students.
(person) personal
6. An Iphone 6 is said to offer a lot of useful _______ for learning and entertaining. (apply) applications
7. Nowadays, _________ between people around the world is becoming much more convenient thanks to the aid of
modem technology. (communicate) communication
8. She was _______ with her son because he overused the Internet and did not concentrate on his study. (appoint)
9. In order to make language learning more _______ you must choose a device which is suitable for your learning
style. (effect) effective
10. Your ________ which affects your speaking achievement, can be improved by taking advantage of some types of
software. (pronounce) pronunciation

III. Choose the best answer.

1. People at the conference agreed that they used smartphones mostly for communication. The underlined word has
the closest meaning to:
A. shortly B. likely C. mainly D. manly
2. Mary: “What do you think could be the negative effect of overusing computers?” - Peter: “____”
A. I think it is negative. B. It might be bad for your eyes and harmful to your brain.
C. It may not be effect. D. You should not use computers.
3. Bill Gate,__ is the owner of Microsoft Corporation, donates nearly all of his money to charity.
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
4. This is the picture they intend to buy.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
5. “He wants to see the stamps. We have collected them recently.” has the closest meaning to:
A. He wants to see the stamps which we have collected them recently.
B. He wants to see the stamps we have collected recently.
C. He wants to see the stamps that we have collected them recently.
D. He wants to see the stamps who we have collected recently.
6. The book _______ she wrote 10 years ago has just been published.
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
7. Older athletes, _______ achievements used to be considered low, are getting faster and fitter than in the past.
A. who B. whom C . that D. whose
8. Big Ben, _________ has been visited by millions of people, is in England.
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
9. I have got today’s newspaper, _______ has a list of films.
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
10. Some experts advise that student should take advantage of their smartphones to have fun and good learning
results. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. take care of B. make use of C. make fun of D. take photos of
11. Some kinds of software can be used with only some certain types of media ______.
A. plays B. playing C . played D. players
12. What was the name of the company _________ factory burned down yesterday?
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. introduce B. underline C. undertake D. following
14. They take part in social activities and interact with different cultures, _______ widens their knowledge and
gradually matures them.
A. who B . that C. which D. whose


15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. dangerous B. encourage C . successful D. defining
16. Some students take a year out before university, ______ allows them to work or travel.
A. who B . that C. which D. whose
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
He is a (A) kind of (B) person who (C) job involves travelling (D) a lot.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
I have (A) never been to Da Nang, that (B) is said to be the most (C) peaceful city in (D) Vietnam.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. poisonous B. relative C. remember D. meaningful
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others
A. official B. embarrass C. unequal D. natural

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
1. You can download free lessons and put them in your media player or other similar mobile devices. Then you can
listen and study anywhere because these devices are portable.
A. affordable B. available C. feasible D. carriable
2. Personal electronic devices which distract students from their classwork are banned in most schools.
A. forbid B. prohibit C. divert D. neglect
3. Permanent damage to children's body may be caused by frequent contact with electronic devices.
A. Immediate B. Long-lasting C. Short-term D. Serious
4. If your smartphone rings in class, it will be very annoying and disruptive.
A. interruptive B. supportive C. discouraging D. confusing
5. For very young children, electronic devices may help promote listening and speaking skills.
A. advertise B. popularize C. discourage D. improve
6. Students who have access to inappropriate information, videos and pictures may spend many hours reading and
watching, and forget about their projects or assignments.
A. fascinating B. tempting C. unsuitable D. illegal
7. People whose work involves using a computer for most of the day may suffer from chronic headaches.
A. suggests B. includes C. means D. contains
8. One advantage of learning going digital is that students no longer have to carry the weight of papers and textbooks
with them to school.
A. online B. electric C. computer-based D. modernized
9. An interactive whiteboard is an electronic device that helps students learn English in a more stimulating way.
A. interest-arousing B. performance-enhancing
C. communication-promoting D. proficiency-raising
10. This new invention is useful in the classroom because it can engage students and provide them with opportunities
to communicate meaningfully.
A. pull B. attract C. encourage D. participate
Period 11: Grammar Unit 9
Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve reported speech through multiple choice exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about Preserving the Environment
Language knowledge: words about Preserving the Environment

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the vocabulary and reading tasks relating to the topic: Preserving the Environment
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance


2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)
- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Give feedback and correct answers - Do the task, then compare the
 Expected answers

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about Preserving the Environment

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Grammar Unit 9

I. Report the following conversation between Steven and Karen.

This conversation was in July, 2015.

Steven: Can you remind me the English homework for next week? (1)
Karen: We have to do exercises on page 25. (2)
Steven: Have you prepared for your presentation? (3) j
Karen: I am going start preparing it this evening. (4)
Steven: Can you play football with me tomorrow? (5)
Karen: I am sorry but I cannot. I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow. (6)
Steven: When did you last have your teeth checked? (7)
Karen: I last had my teeth checked 3 months ago. (8)
Steven: Did you feel scared? (9)
Karen: No, I did not. The dentist encouraged me. (10)
You report this conversation in September, 2016.

1. Steven asked Karen if he could remind him the English homework for the following week.
2. Karen replied that they had to do exercises on page 25.
3. Steven wanted to know if he had prepared for his presentation.
4. Karen said that he was going to start preparing it that evening.
5. Steven asked if he could play football with him the following day.
6. Karen answered that he could not because he had an appointment with his dentist the following day.
7. Steven wondered when he had last had his teeth checked.
8. Karen replied that he had last had his teeth checked 3 months before.
9. Steven asked if he had felt scared.
10. Karen stated that he had not felt scared because the dentist encouraged him.


II. Complete the following sentences.

1. She cried and said to her ex-boyfriend that she was going to get married the following week.
2. Students were very happy when their teacher announced that they got good marks.
3. I did not go to work on time, so my boss asked why I went to work late.
4. I wanted to pay for myself, but my boyfriend insisted on paying.
5. Jane was having difficulties sleeping and the doctor advised her to take some rest.

III. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Anna visited my house 6 days ago and she told to me that my house was wonderful. before
2. He said her that he was the headmaster of that school. to her
3. Jim said Linda where she had gone the day before. asked
4. Paul informed me that he would arrive in Ontario following day. the following day
5. They urged the employees staying calm. to stay

IV. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

7. pollutants 9. consumed 1. newsletter 8. important 6. threats

10. biological 2. protect 3. melting 4. results 5. Cause

1. The editor has been helping me a lot with my article about environment, which I have been writing for my
university ________.
2. We should educate people to be fully aware of danger and join hands to ________ endangered species
from becoming extinction.
3. Many people do not know that polar ice is ________ and sea levels are rising.
4. The coastal areas are being seriously contaminated, which _______ from disposing harmful chemical rubbish into
5. Overusing pesticides is also considered to be a ________ of pollution.
6. Nowadays, we are facing many ________ such as deforestation, pollution, global warming and fossil fuel
7. Dumping _________ such as detergents, pesticides and other chemicals in lakes, rivers and seas contaminates our
water source.
8. Clean water is very _________ to life, as no one can live long without it.
9. Our modem world has __________ a lot of water and electricity.
10.The preservation of _________ diversity is being promoted by millions of supporters worldwide.

V. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. preservation + b a. a substance that pollutes something, especially air and water

2. impact + c b. the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition
3. fertilizer + e c. the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something
4. pollutant + a d. the act of destroying something; the process of being destroyed
5. destruction + d e. a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully

VI. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. When people can understand clearly the _______ impacts, they will be more aware of conserving forests.
(environment) environmental
2. Because of _______ , there may be no place for wild animals in the near future. (deforest) deforestation
3. _______ warming is said to be one of the reasons for polar ice melting. (globe) Global
4. Because non-renewable resources are being consumed at a rapid rate, human beings are likely to face fossil fuel
________. (deplete) depletion
5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about cultural ______ (diverse) diversity
6. Air ________ can cause acid rain which damages water, soil and vegetation. (pollute) pollution
7. The overuse of chemical fertilizers can lead to the decrease of soil ______. (fertilize) fertility
8. Oil is also considered to be one of the ________ which make the water unclean. (pollute) pollutants
9. The ________ of ecosystem of lakes, rivers, seas and forests must be prevented. (destroy) destruction
10. The threat of contaminated environment is becoming ______ serious. (increase) increasingly


Period 12: Review Unit 9
Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve reported speech, vocabulary through multiple choice exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about Preserving the Environment
Language knowledge: words about Preserving the Environment

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the vocabulary and reading tasks relating to the topic: Preserving the Environment
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words of unit 1_A: Reading
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Give feedback and correct answers - Do the task, then compare the
 Expected answers

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about Preserving the Environment

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Practice: Review Unit 9

I. Choose the best answer.


1. Overusing chemical sprays and fertilizers makes land arid and vegetation harmful to human health. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. very dry B . very wet C. stormy D. rainy
2. Jenifer: “How can we deal with environmental pollution?” - Jessica: “____”
A. Environmental pollution can be dealt with. B. We should deal with environmental pollution.
C. We should strictly ban the disposals of chemical rubbish. D. Environmental pollution is unclean.
3. Alice _______ to her husband that she would work for that firm.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
4. Tom _______ me that his picture had been sold the day before.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
5. "Jim is more popular than any other painter in this district" has the closest meaning to:
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim.
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district.
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district.
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district.
6. He ___________ his new friend that he had worked as a coordinator for more than four years.
A. told B. insisted C. thought D. agreed
7. Her boss wanted to know where ______ 2 years before.
A. did she work B. had she worked C. she has worked D. she had worked
8. They _________ the foreigner where he came from.
A. asked B. said C. informed D. stated
9. He apologised _______ late.
A. for coming B. came C. has come D. had come
10. One of the main areas of this organisation is the sustainable use of natural resources. The underlined word has
the closest meaning to
A. maintainable B. forgettable C. visible D. vegetable
11. For the _________ of environment and for the people who live in it, we must eliminate pollution immediately.
A. sick B. rich C. sake D. harmful
12. The reporters said that that factory _______ down the day before.
A. had burned B. has been burned C. burns D. has burned
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. attention B. agreement C . protector D. chemical
14. He ________ his employees that the schedule has been changed.
A. informed B. agreed C. said D. thought
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. animal B. appointment C. designer D. erosion
16. He promised _______ his assignment on time.
A. submit B. to submit C. submitted D. submitting
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
He (A) asked his father (B) when would he (C) deal with (D) the problem.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
They announced that (A) he has met (B) a number of key (C) figures the day (D) before.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. extinction B. detergent C. newsletter D. appointment
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. consumption B. pesticide C. destruction D. disposal

II. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. me / Jim / that / he / told / was / most / polite / the / man / the / team. / in
Jim told me that he was the most polite man in the team.
2. said / that / the / Alan / third / best / was / in / competition. / the /They
They said that Alan was the third best in the competition.
3. active / that / was / she / less / her / than / classmates. / admitted / Mary
Mary admitted that she was less active than her classmates.
4. advised / My / parents / me / prepare / carefully / to / the / for / contest.
My parents advised me to prepare carefully for the contest.
5. following / They / that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year.
They announced that that device would be produced the following year.

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in position the of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.


1. A. disposal B. animal C. energy D. poverty
2. A. awareness B. solution C. importance D. happiness
3. A. origin B. dependence C. harmony D. factory
4. A. replacement B. pollutant C. resident D. depletion
5. A. instrumentB. engineer C. newsletter D. family
6. A. vehicle B. musical C. article D. reduction
7. A. consumption B. chemical C. neighborhood D. pesticide
8. A. scientist B. consequence C. detergent D. influence
9. A. erosion B. atmosphere C. resources D. confusion
10. A. volunteerB. charity C. vegetable D. injury

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. If you ask me, ____ waste is a much bigger problem than ordinary household waste.
A. industrial B. business C. working D. manufacturing
12. Do you know what CFC ____?
A. sets in B. does up C. stands for D. gets down
13. There’s been a ____ in Germany and a village was completely destroyed.
A. flood B. drizzle C. shower D. smog
14. Dinosaurs have been ____ for millions of years.
A. endangered B. extinct C. threatened D. disappeared
15. As town grow, they tend to destroy the surrounding ____ areas.
A. urban B. commercial C. land D. rural
16. During the last hundred years we have done great ____ to the environment.
A. injury B. pollution C. damage D. hurt

17. There are lots of things we can all do to ____ the environment.
A. enhance B. protect C. make D. build
18. Environmentalists are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce
greenhouse gas ____.
A. exhaust fumes B. smokes C. wastes D. emissions
19. The government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of ____ by industry.
A. pesticides B. exhaust fumes. C. toxic waste D. emissions
20. Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying ____ with ____, which stay in the soil for years.
A. agriculture – pesticides B. agriculture - fertilizers
C. crops – fertilizers D. crops - pesticides
21. The gradual rise in the Earth's temperature is known as ____.
A. greenhouse effect B. global warming C. ozone layer D. acid rain
22. The ____ that are produced by factories and cars are allowing more ____ from the sun to reach carth.
A. gases – radiation B. gases - light C. gas – light D. gas - radiation
23. As the Earth gets hotter, the Arctic and Antarctic ____ will slowly melt and the level of the oceans will rise.
A. snowballs B. avalanches C. ice caps D. icebergs

Period 13: Consolidation

Date of planning:
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve grammar, vocabulary from unit 6 to unit 10 through doing exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about the topics they have learnt
Language knowledge: words about the topics they have learnt


3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the vocabulary and reading tasks relating to the topics they have learnt
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)
- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Give feedback and correct answers - Do the task, then compare the
 Expected answers

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about the topics they have learnt

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
1. Eco-travellers have to prevent or minimize any negative impacts on the environment.
A. Eco-travellers are not required to protect the environment.
B. Eco-travellers are encouraged not to have any negative impacts on the environment.
C. It is eco-travellers' responsibility to prevent or minimize any negative impacts on the environment.
D. Eco-travellers have never had any negative impacts on the environment.
2. Our aim is to provide tourists with the principles of ecotourism throughout their trip.
A. Tourists provide us with the principles of ecotourism throughout their trip.
B. We aim at providing the principles of ecotourism for tourists throughout their trip.
C. We provide ourselves with the principles of ecotourism through our trip.
D. We need more information about the principles of ecotourism for our trip.
3. You should choose your travel provider on the basis of their eco principles and practices before you go.
A. You are advised to choose your travel provider on the basis of their eco principles and practices before
your departure.
B. You are obliged to choose your travel provider on the basis of their eco principles and practices before
your departure.


C. You are required to choose your travel provider on the basis of their eco principles and practices before
your departure.
D. You have to choose your travel provider on the basis of their eco principles and practices before your
4. It is necessary for you to educate yourself about the destination you are visiting by reading guidebooks and travel
A. You don't have to educate yourself about the destination you are visiting by reading guidebooks and travel
B. You aren't required to educate yourself about the destination you are visiting by reading guidebooks and
travel articles.
C. You should educate yourself about the destination you are visiting by reading guidebooks and travel
D. You may object to educating yourself about the destination you are visiting by reading guidebooks and
travel articles.
5. It is compulsory for the tourists to learn about the vital eco-systems before arriving.
A. Tourists are free to learn about the vital eco-systems before arriving.
B. It is optional for tourists to learn about the vital eco-systems before arriving.
C. Tourists are not required to learn about the vital eco-systems before arriving.
D. Tourists are required to learn about the vital eco-systems before arriving.
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
6. You can't remove any products from the nature. It is illegal.
A. You can't remove any products from the nature, so it is illegal.
B. Because you can't remove any products from the nature, it is illegal.
C. You can't remove any products from the nature because it is illegal.
D. You can't remove any products from the nature unless it is illegal.
7. You should try to limit the use of natural resources. They are running out in many tourist destinations.
A. You should try to limit the use of natural resources unless they are running out in many tourist
B. Because you try to limit the use of natural resources, they are running out in many tourist destinations.
C. You should try to limit the use of natural resources, so they are running out in many tourist destinations.
D. Natural resources are running out in many tourist destinations, so you should try to limit their use.
8. We don't allow the local people to hunt endangered species for our consumption. They will become extinct sooner.
A. We don't allow the local people to hunt endangered species for our consumption, so they will become
extinct sooner.
B. If we allowed the local people to hunt endangered species for our consumption, they would become
extinct sooner.
C. We don't allow the local people to hunt endangered species for our consumption unless they will become
extinct sooner.
D. They will become extinct sooner if we don't allow the local people to hunt endangered species for our
9. You stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products from local people. You will support local
A. You will support local community if you stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products from
local people.
B. You will support local community unless you stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products
from local people.
C. You stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products from local people because you will support
local community.
D. You stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products from local people only if you will support
local community.
10. Living areas are damaged or destroyed. They might not be available to future generations.
A. Living areas are damaged or destroyed because they might not be available to future generations.
B. Living areas are damaged or destroyed, but they might be available to future destroyed.
C. Living areas might not be available to future generations if they are damaged or destroyed.
D. Living areas might not be available to future generations unless they are damaged or destroyed.
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
1. If businesses want to protect the environment, they will aid the local community and educating travellers.
2. Nowadays, many of us tried to live in a way that will damage the environment as little as possible.


3. Ecotourism must benefits the local people and involve the local community.
4. Ecotourism must be sustainable, that is make a profit without destroy natural resources.
5. Ecotourism must provide an experiences that tourists want to pay for.
6. In a true ecotourism project, a nature reserve allows a small number of tourists to visiting its rare animals

and uses the money that is generated to continue with important.

7. The local people have jobs in the nature reserve as guides and wardens and also has a voice in how the
project develops.
8. Tourists stay in local houses with local people, not in special built hotels.

Period 14: Consolidation

Date of planning
I. Aims and Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
Students (Ss) will improve grammar, vocabulary from unit 6 to unit 10 through doing exercises

2. Knowledge:
General knowledge: situations about the topics they have learnt
Language knowledge: words about the topics they have learnt

3. Skill: Ss’ll be able to do the vocabulary and reading tasks relating to the topics they have learnt
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - Chalk, board, handouts
IV. Anticipated problems : Ss may make mistakes in vocabulary tasks so T should be ready to help.
V. Procedure:

1. Organization: (1’): - Greet Ss and Check Ss’ attendance

2. Checking up the previous lesson: (5’)

- Call 2 Ss to write down new words
3. Presentation of the new lesson: (37’)
WARM  Chatting
UP - Ask Ss some questions: - Greet T
7’ How are you?
What is the weather like today? - Answer T’s questions
What are you going to do this weekend?
PRESENTATION  Ex 1: (See handout)
30’ - Instruct the task - Listen to T
` - Ask Ss to do the task individually, then find a - Do the task, then compare the
partner to compare the answers answers
- Call on some Ss to speak out the answers - Speak out the answers
- Check Ss’ answers  Expected answers
(See handout)

 Ex 2: (See handout)


- Instruct the task - Listen to T
- Give feedback and correct answers - Do the task, then compare the
 Expected answers

4. Consolidation: (1’)

- Summarize the main points: review vocabulary about the topics they have learnt

5. Homework: (1’)- Complete the exercises.

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. If you buy souvenirs made from endangered animals or plants, you ____ contribute to making them become
A. would B. might C. could D. are
2. You ____ help the local people if you buy local products whenever possible and pay a fair price for what you buy.
A. could B. would C. wouldn’t D. will
3. If you want to help, remember ____ or use other non-polluting forms of transport whenever you can.
A. to walk B. walk C. walking D. walked
4. Eco-tourists should be flexible and keep a sense of humour when ____ things wrong.
A. went B. goes C. go D. going
5. Don't be afraid ____ the holiday company about what they do that is 'eco'.
A. about asking B. to asking C. asking D. to ask
6. “Eco" is very fashionable today and a lot of holidays that ____ as ecotourism are not much better than traditional
A. advertise B. are advertised C. are advertising D. advertising
7. The damage to local communities, customs and crafts that results ____ the arrival of huge groups of tourists.
A. to B. from C. in D. for
8. The travel industry should work with local councils and government agencies to agree ____ realistic standards for
planning and development in tourist areas.
A. upon B. with C. at D. for
9. It may become necessary for the United Nations to work ____ international agreements and strict environmental
controls on the tourist industry.
A. against B. on C. with D. out
10. Ecotourism is defined as responsible travel ____ natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the
well-being of local people.
A. about B. in C. to D. for
11. Ecotourism is a booming business ____ many tour operators cite as being helpful to nature.
A. who B. that C. whose D. where
12. Every year, millions of people descend ____ protected and pristine natural areas to observe rare species.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
13. A number of reports have cast doubt ____ the value of ecotourism.
A. with B. about C. in D. on
14. It's hard to deny that humanity has played a pretty big role in changing nature ____ the worse.
A. with B. to C. for D. at
15. There will be some unforeseen consequences to the environment if we ____ ecotourism projects properly.
A. didn't manage B. don't manage C. couldn't manage D. wouldn't manage
16. If tourists win the trust of animals, they ____ put wild creatures in danger by encouraging them to relax with their
natural predators.
A. will B. would C. could D. had
17. Ecotourism may become popular as people look for ways to get really close ____ exotic wildlife while keeping a
clear conscience.
A. at B. in C. to D. with
18. Gorillas and penguins are among the species most susceptible ____ ecotourism because they have a strong
tendency to relax in the presence of humans.
A. to B. in C. by D. with
19. As animals ____ to feeling comfortable with humans, they may become bolder.
A. will get used B. get used C. got used D. could get used
20. Professor Blumstein says that ecotourism is similar ____ domesticating or urbanizing the animals.
A. with B. as C. to D. like
21. Animals' regular interactions with people may lead ____ a kind of taming.
A. up B. in C. for D. to
22. Domesticated animals are less responsive ____ stimulated predatory attacks.
A. to B. with C. on D. at
23. Animals will take more time to flee from danger if they ____ in cities and are bolder.
A. will B. live C. would live D. could live
24. Ecotourism in distant and remote spots around the planet is getting more popular ____ tourists and tour guides.
A. to B. on C. with D. between
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
Two friends Nam and Lan are talking about the topic of ecotourism.
25. Nam: "How important is tourism to our country?"
Lan: “____”
A. More and more companies are advertising about ecotourism.
B. It really helps to create more jobs for a lot of people.
C. Tourism is also an industry.
D. It is hard to develop without learning about tourism.
26. Lan: "Would you like to work in tourism?"
Nam: “____”
A. The number of tourists to our country is increasing.
B. Everyone wants to be employed.
C. It's always been my dream to work as a tour guide.
D. Being a tour guide, you can lead an interesting life.
27. Nam: "What do you think tourism will be like in the future?"
Lan: “____”
A. I guess there will be various forms of tourism.
B. I've always interested in tourism industry.
C. It's not easy to find a job in tourism these days.
D. More females than males work in tourism industry.
28. Lan: "What do you think of the idea of space tourism?"
Nam: “____”
A. I'm thinking about ecotourism benefits.
B. Space exploration has brought numerous changes.
C. Rich people tend to spend more money on travelling.
D. It might be a profitable industry in the future.
29. Nam: "Do you think ecotourism is a good idea?”
Lan: “____”
A. Certainly. A lot of people may benefit from this kind of tourism.
B. Ecotourism is getting more and more popular.
C. Ecotourism is a hot topic these days.
D. Business people need a good idea to start up.
30. Nam: “Do you think tourism helps people in the world understand each other?"
Lan: “____”
A. It is important for people in the world to understand each other.
B. Wars may end when people understand each other.
C. People need sympathy to understand each other.
D. Definitely. Tourism helps people to get to know more about different cultures.


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