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Definition of Expression in Math?

An expression in math is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers or variables and at

least one math operation. This math operation can be addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division. The structure of an expression is:

Expression is (Number/variable, Math Operator, Number/variable)

Expression Examples:

Example 1: 7+9

Example 2: 23.5×4

Example 3: 37s – 6t

Example 4: 25a4+9 – 4÷15
In all the given expressions, a math operator is used between the two numbers.

Non Examples of Expressions:

Example 1:          a

Example 2:          4

Example 3:          7.89

Parts of an Expression in Math

An expression in Math is made up of the following:

a) Constant: it is a fixed numerical value.

Example: 7,45,413,−18,5,7+11 

b) Variables: they do not take any fixed values. Values are assigned according to the

Example: a, p, z

c) Terms: can be constants, variables or constants multiplied by variable/(s). Each term in

an expression is separated by ‘+’ sign or ‘−’ sign

Example: In 5a+2b − 7 the terms are: 5a,2b, and 7.

d) Operators: The four operations of  addition (+) , subtraction (−),multiplication (×),

division (÷) are used to combine the terms of an expression and are called operators.
Types of Expression in Math
Numerical Expression

Numerical expression in Math consists of numbers and arithmetic operators. It does not
contain any unknown variables, equality or inequality symbols.


65+9 – 4


42÷7×4 – 9+7


Algebraic Expression

An algebraic expression consists of unknown variables, numbers and arithmetic

operators. It does not contain any equality or inequality symbols.




25a − 711b+4.5c

0.2p3 q2+25 p2 q

Types of Algebraic Expressions 

Algebraic expressions are classified on the basis of the number of terms in the expression.
The various types of algebraic expressions are:

1. Monomial expressions contain only one term. E.g. 4x

2. Binomial expressions contain two unlike terms. E.g. 2xy+�
3. Trinomial expressions contain only three unlike terms. E.g. 3t2 − 4t+9
4. Polynomial expressions have two or more terms. This includes binomials and
trinomials too and all other expressions with four or more terms.
E.g. 2x+3y+5z;4t+5 − 4u+z
Expression vs Equation
A math expression is different from a math equation. 
The difference between expressions and equations is that an expression signifies a
combination of numbers, variables, and operation symbols whereas an equation will
always use an equal (=) operator between two math expressions. Also both sides of the
“equal to” sign have the same value.

For example,

Expression Equation

22+5 22+5=29 – 2

9×5 9×5=45

50÷10 45÷9=50÷10

15+7 – 6 15+7 – 6=16

25+7 25+7=64÷2

20×5 20×5=100
Where are expressions used?

Expressions help us in solving word problems. Math expressions are formed using the
words of a problem.

Let’s consider the following problem as an example:

Let’s consider a word problem and learn how to write expressions in math
1. Tom has to fill a box with oranges and apples. The number of apples should be 5 more
than oranges. Tom picks 3 oranges each time and repeats it 5 times. Count the total
number of oranges and apples. 

To solve this, formulate the math expressions as follows:

Number of oranges = 3×5

Number of oranges = 15

Number of apples = Number of oranges +5

Number of apples = 15+5

Number of apples = 20

Total number of fruits = Number of oranges + Number of apples

Third math expression will be:

Total number of fruits = 15+20      (Substituting the value of number of oranges and



2. A class of students are going on a trip. Each student has to pay an individual fee of $8
and a group fee of $30. Write an algebraic expression for the total cost of the trip. Find
the total cost of the trip if there are 56 students going on the trip.

Let n represent the number of students.

Algebraic expression will be:

$8n + $30

To find the total cost of the trip, when n = 56.

$8n + $30

$8(56) + $30         (Substituting n with 56)

$448 + $30


PEDMAS is an acronym where P stands for parenthesis, E for exponents, D for division, M
for multiplication, A for addition, and S stands for subtraction.

The order of the letters indicate the order in which the operation must be performed.

The operations of multiplication and division have the same level of priority. Always
perform the operation which appears first from left to right.

Similarly addition and subtraction have the same level of priority. Here also perform the
one that appears first from left to right.


(15÷3×4 − 7)+(19 − 42)






The knowledge of applying math operations on numbers is the first step towards building
basic arithmetic reasoning and logic in children. Formulation of math expressions using
the respective skill lays a strong foundation to learn algebra and translate real-life
problems in suitable mathematical models.

Solved Examples on Expression:

Example 1: Write whether each is an expression or an equation.

(a)  4+8 (b)  4+12=16 (c) 5×35

(d) 16÷4+9 – 2 (e) 8×4÷2=16 (f) 72+94


Expression Equation

4+8 4+12=16

5×35 8×4÷2=16

16÷4+9 – 2
Example 2: Write each word phrase as an expression.

1. The sum of 10 and 14

2. 3 more than a number 7
3. Two times 11, increased by 1
4. 19 less than the product of 15 and 4
5. The quotient of 33 and 3

1. 10+14
2. 7+3
3. 2×11+1
4. 15×4 – 19
5. 33÷3
Example 3: Classify the following expression as arithmetic or algebraic.

1. 4a – 7b
2. 23+42 – 6
3. 715 − 911 
4. 2 − 5x9y
5. 22 – 5+8
6. 7y+19x – 4z

Arithmetic Algebraic

23+42 – 6 4a – 7b

22 – 5+8 7y+19x – 4z

715 − 911 2 − 5�9�
Example 4: Write the terms of the given
expression 4��+7�−9�+6�.

4uv,7u, − 9z and 6z are terms of the given expression.

Example 5: A book has 250 pages. Ron has 62 pages left to read. Write an expression to
find the number of pages he has read.


250 – 62
Example 6: �, �, and � have a few hairbands. � has 20 more hairbands than �. � says
that she has five more hairbands than the number of headbands that � and � together
have. Express this in the form of an expression? 

Solution: Let the number of hair bands with � be=x.

 Then, � has (x+20) hairbands. 

� has x+(x+20)+5=2x+25 hairbands.

Therefore, � has (2x+25) hairbands.

Practice Problem
Which of these is an expression?

0 – 16= – 16
47+47 − 17
5x − 7y=15
Which of these is algebraic expressions?

3a+7b − 6c=5x
9 − 5w
Any algebraic expression containing only three terms would be called?

None of these
If the value of a term in an expression does not change, what is it

Write the the expression for this word phrase: ‘Three times a number
14, decreased by 10
10 − 3×14
3×10 − 14
3×14 − 10
Thomas earns $9.75 an hour as a librarian. Which of these
expressions shows how much he earns in 40 hours?



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