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slajd 2: Agenda:
In this presentation we will get an overview of some of the efforts mathematicians from
different epochs and various cultures have made at the mensuration of the circle.


By 2000 B.C.E. (before common era)
several cultures we collectively call the Babylonians, used 3 1/8 (one eighth) as the value of
Furthermore, there is little indication in either the Babylonian writings or in the Bible that
the values of pi are understood to be just approximations.

Slajd 4: Rhind Papyrus

We know that the Egyptians had a highly developed knowledge of geometry, in the Rhind
papyrus dated circa 1850 B.C.E., the scribe Ahmes stated that the area of a circle of
diameter d is the same as the area of a square with sides of length 8/9 d.
After performing the calculations, we come to the conclusion that the value for π was taken
to be 256/81.
For practical usage, this is not a bad approximation.

Slajd 5: archimedes
The ancient Greeks formalized much of geometry and further developed mathematics.
The greatest of all the Greek geometers was Archimedes of Syracuse.

Archimedes made significant advances to all areas of mathematics and most areas of pure
and applied science known in his time.
In fact, the fields of hydrostatics and mechanics were essentially created by him.


The most important for us is Archimedes's work, "Measurement of the Circle."
In it the following proposition is proved that:
"The area of any circle is equal to that of a right triangle in which one of the sides equals
the radius, and the other side equals the circumference of the circle."
Roughly speaking, the reason the Theorem is true is that we can carve up both the circle
and the triangle into very small regions that approximate each other closely in area:

Slajd 7:
In an algebraic formulation, we say that the area of a circle is πr^2
and its circumference is 2πr.
These are consistent with Archimedes' claim: πr2=(1/2)⋅r⋅(2πr).πr2=(1/2)⋅r⋅(2πr).
But the ancient Greeks did not have algebra, and they did not have the notion of a real
number that we do.
Almost all their `formulas' are in the same style that this one is - they assert that two areas
are equal.

For xample they would not state that the area of a parallelogram is base times height, but
instead that a parallelogram has the same area as a rectangle with the same base and

Slajd 8:
Archimedes then proceeds to find a good approximation for the value of pi.
Given a unit circle, he begins by inscribing and circumscribing it with regular hexagons and
then calculates their perimeters.
The inscribed hexagon has perimeter 6 and the circumscribed hexagon has perimeter 4
squere root of 3. It follows that 3 < pi < 2 * squere root of 3.

Rather than work with square roots, Archimedes approximates them with fractions. In this
case, Archimedes used the
"fact" that 265/153 <squere root of 3 < 1,351/780
But how he came up with this fact we dont know and it remains a mystery fo mathematics

Next, Archimedes doubled the number of sides and got closer bounds for pi by utilizing
inscribed and circumscribed 12-sided polygons. As we can see in the picture.
But Archimedes did not stop there. He continued his calculations with 24-sided polygons,
then with 48-sided polygons, and finally with 96-sided polygons.
He stopped there and his final estimates squeezed pi between the fractions 6,336/2,017
and 14,688/(4,673and1/2)
Since the first fraction is larger than 3and10/71 and the second fraction is smaller than
3and 1/7, we get this result. (Picture)

That was a spectacular result!

Even today the Archimedean value 22/7 is no doubt the most popular fractional
approximation to PI.
Archimedes' value also gives us the decimal estimation of pi ~ 3.14,(three point one four)
accurate to two decimal places.

The technique of using polygons with an ever-increasing number of sides is tiresome, and
has its limitations.
No matter how far we go, we can only get an approximation to the value of pi.
Mathematicians began to wonder whether there was an exact formula for pi as some
infinite sum or product. Indeed there are many such results.

Slajd 9: François Viète zdj

The first such formula was due to the great French mathematician François Viète (1540-
Though by profession a lawyer and later member of parliament, Viète devoted his spare
time to mathematics.
Viète just for fun calculated pi to ten decimal place accuracy by using polygons with 6 •
2^16(to the power of 16) = 393,216 sides.
However, his main contribution in this direction was the first exact formula involving pi,
which is: zdj

Slajd 10: proof

Although Viète's result is not especially helpful in computing a good decimal value of pi, it
did usher in a new era for the discovery of formulas involving pi.

slajd 11: John Wallis

John Wallis (1616-1703), was a charter member of the Royal Society.

In his Arithmetica Infinitorum (1655), reduction formulas were derived for integrals of
arbitrarily high integer powers of a sine. From these, Wallis derived the following amazing
result: (zdj)

slajd 12:
The beginning of the next era for o computations can be dated to 1706, the year that John
Machin(ma-chan) published his ground-breaking research on calculating pi.
Here we can see the equection that he discovered , and has been in use for around 300

It is suitable for the calculation of Pi because it converges quickly.


Machin's formula is highly practical for computing pi.

The arithmetic required to divide by ascending powers of 5 is easily handled due to the
simple terminating decimal expansions of such fractions.
Machin now had a practical formula that could compete with and defeat all previous
methods dependent on multisided polygons.
In fact, after significant effort, Machin calculated pi to 100 decimal places.

Yeah and this is all of my part, now im giving voice to Kacper.

Thank u for your attention.

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