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Teachers Activity Students Activity

The next macro skill that we are going to tackle is


Now what is READING? Anyone would like to

Me sir.

Alright what’s your answer (name of student)?

Reading sir is the ability to process text and
understand its meaning.
That’s right Mr. (students last name).

Now as of what Mr. (students last name) said,

Reading is the ability to process text and
understand its meaning, and integrate what the
reader already knows.

So it is important for us to know how to read so

that we can function well because reading is one
of the important things we need in order for us
live in this modern world, not knowing how to
read is really difficult for us to able to stand for
our self without asking help to someone who is
able to read,

And an example of this situation is you don’t

know how to read but you need to buy a
medicine and you don’t know which one says
BIOGESIC and you are shy to ask help from
someone because you don’t know how to read,
so you might end up buying the wrong medicine

That is why knowing how to read is very

important for us, not for just to avoid shame but
it is for our own benefit.

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