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Sir, as the hon.

members are aware the production of coffee is of great importance not only to the
coffee consumers but also to the national interest of the country. It is a fact that not only the
internal consumer of coffee has increased but also Indian coffee is loved for its quality in outside
countries. If it is not an export commodities bring in the foriegn exchage in bring in ____ go income
to the growers and it is in an interest to develope the coffee industry. With that view we have
brought forward this measure and we are making principally to counterful amendement in the
regional scheme of the coffee product. Taking the sort to be made by this bill surely I would coffee to
clause of the Bill but dealy with the structure to new board. There also the provision od the
Chairman of the product by the Government. This has been the subject matter of some controversy
as hon. members quite aware I would like to deal with the that matter quite brifely. I shall also be
happy to give my reaction such observation as matter be made during the coruse of the debate. It
has been said in certain quaters that Government in interesting this amendment this trying to do
something unjust to the ____. Firstly, the regional Act consider the provision of the election of the
party orgnised by ____. That so the understanding underline the amending Bill. This one so points I
made support with the observation board. Really speaking Government could have no interest in
affecting grower adversely. We can not goal the gold mine and ___ if we goal the industry no one
could happy with the devlopment in this industry. No doubt things happen in the past they made
Government coming to the conculsion that the coffee board at that time did not do all in its power
to see to it that prices were intervaled. Where stucture to gold mine does not that only the grower
interest are supreme but I am quite sure that as a grower interests have to may the interest of the
consumer have also to be take into considration.

Take the tariff commision for instance but goes cases of production of internal production and also
find out the import price of imported products. If theimport values of the imported article is Rs. 30
the product if the local article is Rs. 20 the commission tries to cover the gap of Rs 10 at a little more
so that internal matter not work with a initial disadvatage the matter product. That is what they do.
So in the case of _____ industry it goes without saying that margin of the grower should be
important should be a sufficent incentives but this we have to look at other factor also. Take the casr
of S for instance. S is relative example suggesting if stop all import ____ might said be kilometre as
the tariff commission prices could be earn about 32 kilometres coming the margin by local
production. If prices sold high delights effect on industry for the time bring person incharge of
particular concern might produce it by today or tommorow it is not valuable and in as much as we
want this coffee industry to in the long run into not only to satisfy the internal need but also to
satisfy our export as much as possible we must take effective and proper place.

Just as we must see to do that grower get the proper margin it is equally important grower this could
to the particular industry in the long run. In the near future it is obvise for us to do that. During the
current year we could find it possible to increase the qurota case production was higher even before
and with one to go ahead futhure that we so far as in increasing production. May was if production
made might to available to do at aware with to as grow as quite as possible it is case naturally helps
industry. But we have to look after the internal consumer also. We can not inculde the interest of
the internal consumer. We bevelive also in coffee is growing day by day not only hot but also cold.
There should be expension in the activities of the coffee board.

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