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As per UBC 1997/ACI318-11/ASCE7-10

If a/b >2.5, refer to table R21.9.1, ACI318

1. Define model in ETABS program : define design code/ materials/ columns / shear walls/ beams/
slabs/piers/ constraints……..

2. Define loadings :

Statics loadings : SelfW / SDL / WALL/

Earthquake loadings : EQXP / EQXN / EQYP / EQXN
Wind loadings : WINDX / WINDY/……
Snow : Snow…

Note : SelfW, SDL, Wall : dead static loads;

Live, Live 5 : Live loads respectively below 4.79 KN/m2 and above 4.79 KN/m2

3. Define Mass Source (UBC 1630.1/ASCE 12.7.2) :

Mass Source Residential, Wseismic = (1) SelfW + (1) SDL + (0.2) SNOW*
Storage, Wseismic = (1) SelfW + (1) SDL + (0.25) Live + (0.2) SNOW*
(*) If snow load, Pf, at flat roof exceeds 1.44 kN/m2, 20 percent of the uniform design should be included in
the effective seismic weight.

4. Locate loads/ mesh slabs and shear walls / define diaphragms/ piers ………………………..
Modeling tips:
 Rigid factor zone, Rz = 0.5 (recommended by CSI), if Rz =1 , maximum deflection / min moments
Rz =0 , minimum deflection / max. moments
Lz = L – Rz (off i + off j )

 Cardinal point (insert point), used if the structural element is not connected is the required area
such to show columns not aligned or beams are not at centre. (page 275)

 Nonprismatic section (variable section) (page 280)

 Load combinations (ADD, ENVE, ABS, SRSS) : (Etabs Help)

o Additive (ADD) option. The Combo maximum is an algebraic linear combination of the maximum values for each of the included
analysis cases. Similarly, Combo minimum is an algebraic linear combination of the minimum values for each of the included
analysis cases.
o Envelope (ENVE) option. The Combo maximum is the maximum of all of the maximum values for each of the included analysis
cases. Similarly, the Combo minimum is the minimum of all of the minimum values for each of the included analysis cases.
o Absolute (ABS) option. The Combo maximum is the sum of the larger absolute values for each of the included analysis cases. The
Combo minimum is the negative of the Combo maximum.
o SRSS option. The Combo maximum is the square root of the sum of the squares of the larger absolute values for each of the
included analysis cases. The Combo minimum is the negative of the Combo maximum.

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 Modifiers properties
ACI Etabs Model Notes
Beams.......................................0.35*Ig I22 = I33 = 0.35
Columns....................................0.70*Ig I22 = I33 = 0.70
Walls-Uncracked.......................0.70*Ig (*) m11=m22=m12=0.7 If modeled as membrane – f11, f22 = 0.70
Walls-Cracked..........................0.35*Ig m11=m22=m12=0.35 To avoid out-of plane m11=m22=m12=0.1,
Flat Plates & Flat Slabs……....0.25*Ig m11, mm2, mm12 = If modeled as membrane f11, f22, f12 = 0.25
If Shell f11, f22, f12
(*) For wall m11=m22=m12=0.7, if concrete stress S22 exceed limit (0.85f’c/0.62sqrt(f’c)), it is cracked put
if S22 > fr=0.62 sqrt(fc'), then use 0.35 for modifiers
Walls are generally not designed for out-of-plane bending to avoid excessive longitudinal reinforcement. In this case,
use a small modifier say 0.1 for m11, m22 and m12 so numerical instabilities could be avoided. However, use m11,
mm2, mm12 = 0.70 (or 0.35) when considering the out-of-plane bending in wall (CSI).

 Wall shear release (from CSI) : Inplane shear ------- > f12 = 10-4
Out of plane -------> m22 = 10-4

 Beam torsional constant: J = 0.1406 * depth^, you can refer to ACI318-99, comment practice

 Membrane/plate/shell/ deck

Membrane :
Only in plane stiffness ------------- no resist to out of plane
forces/ no resist to carry lateral loads  all forces transferred
to beams - give maximum bending moment of the beams
Slabs Tips :

Out-of-plane modifiers : m11, m22, m12

Where :
m11 : bending moment about axis 1
m22 : bending moment about axis 2
m12 : Torsional moment about axis 3

- Membrane should be surrounded by 4 beams.

- If more than 4 beams or slab not orthogonal, use shell with
low out-of-plane modifiers.
- Membrane & Deck not require any mesh
- For one way slab, use Type DECK or Membrane (one way),
the best is Deck slab.

 Thin/thick slab :
In etabs:
 Rigid/Semi Rigid/ Flexible : Axis 1 : Red color
Axis 2 : White color
Axis 3 : Cyan color

RIGID VS Flexible (ASCE-7-10).pdf

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5.Locate Irregularities features : Vertical irregularity (table 16-L) & In plane irregularity (table 16-M)

6.Redundancy factor, ρ (UBC 1630.1/ASCE 12.3.4):

Maximum element story shear ratio

ρ=2– rmax = max(Vi/Vtotal)

Ab = ground floor area

 1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1.5, &

 ρ ≤ 1.25, if SMRF structure

ρ = 1.0 For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category B or C
Drift calculation and P-delta effects.

ρ = 1.3 for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F

7.Special Seismic force :

UBC 1630
E =ρ Eh + Ev
Ev = 0.5 Ca I D

ρ = 1, if seismic zone 1 & 2 DL multiplier

ρ = ρcal, if seismic zone 2 & 4


ρ=1 For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category B or C

Drift calculation and P-delta effects.

ρ = 1.3 for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F

Ev = 0.2 SDS D (ASCE ,

DL multiplier, where SDS = 2/3 Fa Ss

8. Load combinations : as per ACI2011/IBC2009

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9.Torsional Irregularity of structure (item 1630.7):

Max. Story displacement

For a given load, in each floor, calculate Ax = ( δmax/1.2 δAV )2 ≤ 1

If torsional irregularities Overrides Story /diagram

Ecc. ex = Ax x 5% x Lx

Definition: Torsional irregularity shall be considered to exist when the maximum story drift, computed including accidental
torsion, at one end of the structure transverse to an axis is more than 1.2 times the average of the story drifts of the two ends of
the structure.

Torsional irregularity :

Extreme Torsional irregularity:

This value can be taken directly in the summary report in Etabs, it is given in the summary report

10. P-delta effects (item 1630.1.3) :

If secondary moment / Primary Moment ≤ 0.1, no need to consider P-delta effects

In zone 3 & 4, if ∆s/h ≤ 0.02/ R, no need to consider P -delta effects

Else, P-delta should be considered in analysis and design,

P-delta parameters in Etabs:

 Iterative method
 Max iteration = 3 (2..5)
 Tolerance = 0.001
 Load combination : (1.2) SelfW
(1.2) SDL
(0.5) Live

Note that P-delta effects should considered in calculating total story drift ∆s ( UBC97, 1630.9.1)

11. 1st run model :

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12. Adjustment of R factor after verification of structural system :
For every earthquake load, (EQXP, EQXN, EQYP, EQYN), calculate αi = ∑Vi/Vstory ,

Structural System, R’
Here below, example for structural system direction X,

Pier load Vx ∑Vi Vstory(EQXP) α i=∑Vi/Vstory

Story 1 PX1 EQXP .... Story n .... Vn ....
Story 1 PX.. EQXP .... Story .. .... … ....
Story 1 PX.. EQXP .... Story .. .... ....
Story 1 PX.. EQXP .... Story .. .... ....
Story 1 PXn EQXP .... Story 1 .... V1 ....
SUM ∑Vi α= ∑αi/n
Table 16-N

Note: Hamma Procedure for R choice

After many checks and verification, it is obviously founded in the lower levels, the shear forces are taken by walls and in
the upper levels, the majority are taken by frames (columns, beams or slabs), so that it is advised to follow the natural
arrangement of forces within the structure by using the following procedure :
1. Compute the wall participation in the first story and to be compared to the total base shear.
2. If shear walls participation less than 75%, then the system is considered dual system and a value of not
more than R’ = 7 is to be used. And the frame should at least support 25% of the base shear load.
3. If shear walls participation exceed 75%, then the system is considered building frame system.
4. Columns and beams : after defining very carefully connection between different elements, the
reinforcement of columns and beams should be assessed by Etabs for the chosen R value specially for top
reinforcement, and here, we note :
- Zone 2A : should follow IMRF criteria
- Zone 3 & 4 : should follow SMRF criteria

13. Run the model :

14. 1st check lists :
14.1. Mass, period, ρ factor, base shear, combinations, dead coefficient (0.5CaI),………
To be taken form summary report
14.2. Rectified R. shear wall participation and system used
Stress’ in walls: should not exceed 0000000,

14.3. Sway no sway columns (see annex)

CFD-ACI-318-08.pdf Sway-Concrete-Column-Example.pdf Non-sway-Concrete-Column-Example.pdf

Robert_Frosch_Slender_Column_-_LA.269113615.pdf column design.pdf

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14.4. Calculate the Drift ∆s
Note here that p delta should be taken in account
Note the Etabs give drift ratio, means ∆s = ∆s(etabs) x h

Torsion irregularity Ax = ( δmax/1.2 δAV )2, if exist Story height

15. Final Run of the model: In fact at least two models should by created, design model and drift model.
Where Members stiffness of drift model should be multiplied by 1.43 (item 21.3.1)

Design model : - Building drifts / Story drift under seismic

loads / Structural design/ Pile loads

Drift model : - Wind drift / Acceleration

Factor 1.43 (ACI 318-11, item

Factor 1.4 (ACI 318-08, 8.8.1)

This factor applied only for seismic drift.

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16. Overturning and sliding check : (ASCE12.8.5/IBC 1605.1.1)
For retaining walls refer to IBC 18.07.03

Overturning safety:

Mdead/Movert = W x b/2 / H x a ≥ 1.5

UBC 1611.6

Sliding safety:

0.9 W / H ≥ 1.5

From Etabs, Movert : display > Story response plots or from tables
W : to be taken from summary report

17. Wind Drift : (ASCE7-10, Appendix C)

∆s ≤ H / 500

∆s = ∆s(Etabs) x h Total building height

Note here that the drift model can be used and ∆s should be taken from Service Wind Combinations
as stated in ASCE7-10, Appendix C.

Drift Model:

18. Earthquake drift (item 1630.9 & 1630.10) :

Calculate, ∆s = ∆s(Etabs) x h, using ultimate load combinations (UBC)

direction EQX & EQY
∆m = 0.7 R ∆s Building period

∆m ≤ 0.025 h, if t > 0.7 s

∆m ≤ 0.020 h, if t < 0.7 s

Story height

Joint between two buildings

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19. Response spectrum analysis:
19.1. Define spectrum function UBC97 Ca; Cv
19.2. Define Response Spectrum cases :
Case dir. func Scale
U3 UBC97 g/R x 2/3


U2 UBC97 g/R x 2/3


U2 UBC97 g/R
U3 UBC97 g/R x 2/3

19.3. Run the model

Number of modes = Number of stories

Ritz factors = Accel X
Accel Y
Accel Z

19.4. Scaling the results (item 1631.5.4) :

Case dir. func Scale

SPECT X U1 UBC97 g/R x EQX/Spect If Ex < spect X, no scaling
U3 UBC97 g/R x 2/3 x EQX/Spect

SPECT Y U1 UBC97 g/R x EQY/Spect If Ey < spect Y, no scaling

U2 UBC97 g/R x 2/3 x EQY/Spect

SPECT XY U1 UBC97 g/R x EQX/Spect

U2 UBC97 g/R x EQY/Spect
U3 UBC97 g/R x 2/3 x EQX/Spect
Scaling can be reduced by 90 % if regular structure and conditions satisfied

19.5. Modal participation ratio should be ≥ 90 %

20. Verify all check list

Important notes:
If structural system is Building Frame System, gravity loads by columns and lateral loads by walls, should be :
Columns designed only for gravity combinations
Walls designed to support all lateral loads as follows: 1. Assign shear modifiers for all columns = 0.001
2. Design shear walls

Else, you can define a pinned to column edge and then no moment will be transferred

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21. Concrete design : shear walls / columns design / beams design
 Columns and beams reinforcement :
Violet color Ok, accepted design
Red color Section should be revised
 Shear walls

22. SMRF Criteria (Special Moment Resisting Frames, item 21.5 ---> 21.9) :
22.1. Search and verify R, structural system SMRF, (1623.6.4)
Dual system (1623.6.5)
22.2. Check ductility requirements :
 Material requirements:

Concrete: - Strength: f'cmin ≥ 21 MPa; (ACI318-11, 21.4.2)

- If light weight concrete, f'cmin ≤ 35 Mpa;

Reinforcement: - Strength design = 420 MPa (ACI318-11, 19.3.2)

Fy (actual) - fy (specified) ≤ 125 MPa (ACI318-11,

 Structural sizes requirements :

Columns (ACI 21.6.1) Beams (ACI 21.5.1)

 a & b ≥ 300 mm  b ≥ (300mm; 0.3 h)
 a/b ≥ 0.4  ln /d ≥ 4
 Pu ≥ Ag f’c /10  Pu ≤ Ag f’c /10
 a or b ≥ ldh (ACI  b ≤ width of support + ...
 a & b ≥ 20 φ beam (ACI 21.5.1)  Max iteration = 3
 Max iteration = 3To(2..5)
avoid joint crack  Tolerance =
 Tolerance = 0.001 0.001
 Load combination : (1)  Load
SelfW 8db combination :
Edge Column (ACI 21.7.5),ldh = Max 150mm
(1.2) Interior
SelfW (ACI 21.5.1)
(0.5) (1.2) SDL
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(0.5) Live
22.3. Put necessary reinforcement for columns
and beams

1% ≤ ρ col ≤ 6 % ( 0.25√f’c/fy ; 1.4/fy) ≤ ρ beam ≤ 2.5 %

( 0.25√f’c/fy ; 1.4/fy) ≤ ρ beam ≤ 2.5 %

22.4. Run Model and design

22.5. Check elements inputs : special sway (or intermediate sway)
Mi,l- Mi,r- Mi,l- Mi,r-
struc- struct-
Mi,l- /2 ≥ ¼ max(Mi,l , Mi,r-) Mi,r- /2 Mi,l- /3 ≥ 1/5 max(Mi,l , Mi,r-) Mi,r- /3

22.6. Check longitudinal / shear reinforcement

Red color Capacity ratio exceeded,
Capacity/demand ShouldShould
> 1, Reinf. be revised
be revised
Violet color Capacity/demand < 1, Critical zone
Green color Capacity/demand > 0, Not economic

Yellow color 0 < Capacity/demand < 1, Ok

22.7. Check reinforcement ratios

Column 1% ≤ ρ col ≤ 6 % (ACI

Beams ( 0.25√f’c/fy ; 1.4/fy) ≤ ρ beam ≤ 2.5 % (ACI / 10.5.3)
Shear walls 0.25% ≤ ρ wall ≤ 2 % (ACI 21.3)

22.8. Column P-M-M interaction ratios :

Red color > 1, overstressed

Violet color 0.9 < ρ < 1

Yellow color 0.7 < ρ < 0.9

Green color 0.5 < ρ < 0.7

Blue color 0 < ρ < 0.5

22.9. (6/5) Beam / Column capacity Ratio :

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Mb1 Mb2
Weak beam/strong column
∑ Mci ≥ (6/5) ∑Mbi

22.10. Column/ beam capacity Ratio :

22.11. Joint shear Capacity Ratios :

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Pier Seismic design

Boundary Zone


Pu : factored axial load with boundary comb

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P0 : nominal axial load at O eccentricity

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