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Dynamic Design of Machines

A.Y. 2021-2022
Mechatronic Engineering
Prof. Daniele Botto
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica ed Aerospaziale

Tutorial 1 – Discrete linear systems



Exercise 1………………………………page 2
Exercise 2………………………………page 5
Exercise 3………………………………page 9
Exercise 4………………………………page 11
Exercise 5………………………………page 13
Exercise 6………………………………page 15
Exercise 7………………………………page 17
Exercise 8………………………………page 18
Exercise 9………………………………page 19
Exercise 10…………………………… page 20

Exercise 1
The undamped system presented in Figure 1 is characterized by two torsion bars with negligible inertia and two
flywheels. The second flywheel is excited by a harmonic excitation that is equal to:
𝑀(𝑡) = 𝑀! sin(𝜔𝑡).
It is requested to study the dynamic behavior of the system computing:
a) the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes;
b) the maximum shear stresses in the torsion bars using the configuration space and the state space approach.

Data: G = 7.7·1010 N/m2, lI = 0.5 m, lII = 1.0 m, dI = 12.8 mm, dII = 14.1 mm, Jp1 = 6 kgm2, Jp2 = 4 kgm2, M0 = 100 Nm,
𝜔 = 8 rad/s.
lI l II
dI 1 d II 2
M (t)
Jp 1 Jp 2
Figure 1. Exercise 1.


a) Computation of the natural frequencies and of the corresponding mode shapes

Given the torque equation:

𝑀" = 𝐾# 𝜃
the torsional stiffness is equal to:
𝐾$ =
where 𝐽# is the polar moment of inertia.
The polar moment of inertia and torsional stiffness of the two bars are:
𝜋𝑑' 𝐺𝐽$%
⎧ 𝐽$% = & = 2.63 ∙ 10() 𝑚' ⎧𝐾$% = = 405.02 𝑁𝑚/𝑟𝑎𝑑
32 𝑙&

⎨ 𝐾 = 𝐺𝐽$* = 298.76𝑁𝑚/𝑟𝑎𝑑
⎨ 𝜋𝑑&&
𝐽$* = = 3.88 ∙ 10() 𝑚'
⎩ 32 ⎩ $* 𝑙&&

! #ℒ #ℒ
The equations of motion are computed with the Lagrangian approach by computing the Lagrange equation !" !#%̇ " − #% = 𝑄'
with respect to the two degree of freedoms of the system [𝜃( , 𝜃) ].

Considering that ℒ = 𝑇 − 𝑈, where T is the kinetic energy and U is the potential energy, it is possible to compute:

The kinetic energy T

1 ) 1 )
𝑇 = 𝐽*( 𝜃(̇ + 𝐽*) 𝜃)̇
2 2
The potential energy U
1 1 1 1 1
𝑈 = 𝐾*( 𝜃() + 𝐾*) (𝜃) − 𝜃( )) = 𝐾*( 𝜃() + 𝐾*) 𝜃() + 𝐾*) 𝜃)) − 𝐾*) 𝜃( 𝜃)
2 2 2 2 2
The virtual works
→ 𝛿𝐿 = 𝑀(𝑡)𝛿𝜃)

Then, for each of the two degrees of freedom:

! #+
1) ! ̇ " = 𝐽*( 𝜃̈(
!" #,"
= 𝐾*( 𝜃( + 𝐾*) 𝜃( − 𝐾*) 𝜃)
𝛿𝐿 = 0
! #+
2) ! "
!" #,̇#
= 𝐽*) 𝜃̈)
= 𝐾*) 𝜃) − 𝐾*) 𝜃(
= 𝑀(𝑡)

The equations of motion are:

𝐽 𝜃̈ + (𝐾$% + 𝐾$* )𝜃% − 𝐾$* 𝜃* = 0
L $% %
𝐽$* 𝜃̈* + 𝐾$* 𝜃* − 𝐾$* 𝜃% = 𝑀(𝑡)

In matrix form:
𝐽 0 𝜃̈% 𝐾 + 𝐾$* −𝐾$* 𝜃* 0
O $% P L Q + O $% PR S = R S
0 𝐽$* 𝜃̈* −𝐾$* 𝐾$* 𝜃% 𝑀(𝑡)

To compute the natural frequencies, the associated homogenous equation is considered:

[𝑀]V𝜃̈W + [𝐾]{𝜃} = {0}

Assuming a possible solution {𝜃} = {𝜃! }𝑒 +," and substituting it in the previous equation:
(−𝜆* [𝑀] + [𝐾]){𝜃! } = 0

Neglecting the trivial solution:

det(−𝜆* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0

−𝜆* 𝐽$% 0
−𝜆* [𝑀] = O P
0 −𝜆* 𝐽$*
−𝜆* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* −𝐾$*
−𝜆* [𝑀] + [𝐾] = O P
−𝐾$* −𝜆* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$*
det(−𝜆* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = (−𝜆* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$* )(−𝜆* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* ) − 𝐾$*

Imposing the determinant equal to zero the eigenvalues and then the natural frequencies are obtained:
𝜆%* = 159.975 → 𝜔% = 12.65 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
𝜆** = 31.516 → 𝜔* = 5.614 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠

To obtain the mode shapes corresponding to the natural frequencies, the eigenvectors have to be computed:
𝐽 0 𝐾 + 𝐾$* −𝐾$* 𝜃!% 0
`−𝜆* O $% P + O $% Pa R S = b c
0 𝐽$* −𝐾$* 𝐾$* 𝜃!* 0
* 𝜃
−𝜆 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* −𝐾$* 0
O P R !% S = b c
−𝐾$* −𝜆* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$* 𝜃!* 0
(−𝜆* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* )𝜃!% − 𝐾$* 𝜃!* = 0
−𝐾$* 𝜃!% + d−𝜆* 𝐽$* + 𝐾#* e𝜃!* = 0

Since the determinant det(−𝜆* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0, the rank is less than the number of DoFs. To compute 𝜃!% and 𝜃!* one of
the two equation is considered and, for this case, 𝜃!* is imposed equal to 1.
𝜃!* = 1 → −𝐾$* 𝜃!% − 𝜆* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$* = 0

𝜆* = 159.975 𝜃 = −1.14
L %* → R !%
𝜆* = 31.516 𝜃!* = 0.578

{𝜃% } = b−1.14c
{𝜃* } = b0.58c

b) Computation of the maximum value of the shear stress

From the definition,

𝑘1 hΦ2$3% − Φ2$ j
𝜏-./,1 (𝑡) =

where Φ is the real deformation, and 𝑊1 is the torsional section module and is equal to:
𝑊1 =

To compute the real deformation, the forced response is considered:

𝐽 0 𝜃̈% 𝐾 + 𝐾$* −𝐾$* 𝜃* 0
O $% P L Q + O $% PR S = R S
0 𝐽$* 𝜃̈* −𝐾$* 𝐾$* 𝜃% 𝑀(𝑡)

Since the forcing function is harmonic the solution is harmonic as well and it has the following form
𝜃% = Θ% sin (𝜔𝑡)
𝜃* = Θ* sin (𝜔𝑡)
where 𝜔 is the pulsation of the excitation.
𝐽 0 𝐾 + 𝐾$* −𝐾$* Θ% 0
`−𝜔* O $% P + O $% Pa R S = R S
0 𝐽$* −𝐾$* 𝐾$* Θ* 𝑀!
(−𝜔* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* )Θ% − 𝐾$* Θ* = 0
−𝐾$* Θ% + (−𝜔* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$* )Θ* = 𝑀!
The real deformations are computed as follows
(−𝜔* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* )Θ%
Θ* = → Θ* = −423.08 ∙ 10(4
(−𝜔* 𝐽$* + 𝐾$* )(−𝜔* 𝐽$% + 𝐾$% + 𝐾$* )
−𝐾$* Θ% + Θ% = 𝑀! → Θ% = −395.27 ∙ 10(4

Finally, the shear stresses are computed

𝐾$% (−Θ% ) 𝑑&
𝜏% = ∙ = 389.59 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐽$% 2
𝐾$* (Θ* − Θ% ) 𝑑&&
𝜏* = ∙ = 15.096 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐽$* 2

The same computation in the state space is obtained with the following representation:
𝑧̇ = 𝐴𝑧 + 𝐵𝑢 =

⎧𝜃% ⎫ 0 0 𝜃̇% 0
⎪𝜃̈* ⎪ y z −[𝑀](% [𝐾] ⎧ ̇ ⎫ −[𝑀](% 0
=x 0 0 𝜃
{ * + | 0 0 }~ •
⎨ %⎬ ̇ 1 0 0 0 𝜃
⎨ %⎬ y z 0
⎪ ̇ ⎪ y z y z 0 0
0 1 0 0 ⎩𝜃* ⎭ 𝑀(𝑡)
⎩𝜃* ⎭
𝑦 = 𝐶𝑧 + 𝐷𝑢 =

𝐾$% 𝑑& 𝜃̇ 0
⎡0 0 0 ⎤ ⎧ %⎫
𝜏% 2𝐽$% ̇
⎥ 𝜃* + 0 0 0
b𝜏 c = ⎢ 𝐾$*5%% ⎥ ⎨𝜃% ⎬ y0 0z ~ 0 •
* ⎢0 0 0
⎣ 2𝐽$* ⎦ ⎩𝜃* ⎭ 𝑀(𝑡)

Exercise 2
The undamped system represented in Figure 2 is characterized by two bars having a diameter d (with negligible inertia)
and two masses. A harmonic excitation 𝐹(𝑡) = 𝐹! sin(𝜔𝑡) is applied on the mass 2.
It is requested to:
a) compute the amplitude of the oscillations by adopting the modal analysis,
b) compute the maximum stress in bar 1 and bar 2.
c) determine how the bar diameter should be modified to decrease the stress.
A design constraint imposes that 𝑑- ≤1.25𝑑, where 𝑑- is the modified diameter.

Data: l1 = 0.4 m, l2 = 0.2 m, d = 0.02 m, E = 2.06×1011 Pa, m1 = 50 kg, m2 = 20 kg, 𝜔 = 1700 rad/s, F0 = 2000 N.

m1 m2
E, d E, d
F (t)
l1 l2
Figure 2. Exercise 2.


a) Computation of the amplitude of the oscillations by adopting the modal analysis

The stiffness of the bars is computed as:

𝐸𝐴 𝐸( 4 ) 𝑁
𝐾% = = = 161.79 ∗ 106
𝐿% 𝐿% 𝑚
𝐸𝐴 𝐸( 4 ) 𝑁
𝐾* = = = 323.58 ∗ 106
𝐿* 𝐿* 𝑚

To compute the oscillations, the Lagrange approach is adopted:

1 1
𝑇 = 𝑚% (𝑥%̇ )* + 𝑚* (𝑥*̇ )*
2 2
1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘% 𝑥%* + 𝑘* (𝑥* − 𝑥% )*
2 2
𝛿 𝐿 = 𝐹 𝛿𝑥*

5 7ℒ 7ℒ
And applying h j− = 𝑄+ , ℒ = 𝑇 − 𝑈, the equations of motion are obtained
5" 7/!̇ 7/
1) 𝑚% 𝑥%̈ + 𝑘% 𝑥% + 𝑘* (𝑥* − 𝑥% )(−1) = 0
2) 𝑚* 𝑥*̈ + 𝑘* (𝑥* − 𝑥% ) = 𝐹(𝑡)

In matrix form,
𝑚% 0 𝑥%̈ 𝐾 + 𝐾* −𝐾* 𝑥% 0
O PR S +O % P b𝑥 c = R S
0 𝑚* 𝑥*̈ −𝐾* 𝐾* * 𝐹(𝑡)

The dynamic matrix D of the configuration space:

𝑚 0 𝐾% + 𝐾* −𝐾* 𝑚 (𝐾 + 𝐾* ) −𝑚% 𝐾*
𝐷 = 𝑀(% 𝐾 = O % PO P=[ % % ]
0 𝑚* −𝐾* 𝐾* −𝑚* 𝐾* 𝑚* 𝐾*
0.02 0 4.8538 −3.2358 0.9708 −0.06472
y zy z=y z
0 0.05 −3.2358 3.2358 −1.6179 1.6129

The natural frequencies are obtained as:
𝑚 (𝐾 + 𝐾* ) − 𝜆* −𝑚% 𝐾*
det(𝐷 − 𝜆* 𝐼) = 0 → det `O % % Pa = 0
−𝑚* 𝐾* 𝑚* 𝐾* − 𝜆*
(𝑚* 𝐾* − 𝜆* )(𝑚% (𝐾% + 𝐾* ) − 𝜆* ) − 𝑚% 𝑚* 𝐾% 𝐾* = 0
𝑚% 𝑚* 𝐾* (𝐾% + 𝐾* ) − 𝑚* 𝐾* 𝜆* − 𝑚% (𝐾% + 𝐾* )𝜆* + 𝜆' − 𝑚% 𝑚* 𝐾% 𝐾* = 0
𝜆' − 𝜆* (𝑚% (𝐾% + 𝐾* ) + 𝑚* 𝐾* ) + 𝑚% 𝑚* 𝐾** = 0

Given the natural frequencies, the matrix 𝛹 of the eigenvectors can be computed and, considering that:
𝑥 = 𝛹𝜂
“ 𝜂̈ + 𝐾
𝛹 ; 𝑀𝛹𝜂̈ + 𝛹 ; 𝐾𝛹𝜂 = 𝛹 ; 𝐹 → 𝑀 “𝜂 = 𝐹”

Given the solution 𝜂 = 𝜂! 𝑒 1<" :

“ +𝐾
(−𝜔* 𝑀 “)𝜂! = 𝐹”
with 𝜔 = 1700 .

𝜂!% = −45.873 ∗ 10(6
𝜂!* = −48.324 ∗ 10(6

b) Computation of the maximum stress in bar 1 and in bar 2

The bar has a uniform stress due to the normal load, then the stresses are computed as:
𝐹 𝐾% 𝑥!%
𝜎% = = = 23.6𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐴% 𝐴%
𝐹 𝐾* (𝑥!% − 𝑥!* )
𝜎* = = = 2.52 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐴* 𝐴*

c) Determination of how the bar diameter should be modified to decrease the stress. A design constraint imposes that
𝑑- ≤ 1.25𝑑, where 𝑑- is the modified diameter.

Some considerations on the dynamic behavior of the structure are needed. The natural frequencies are obtained from the
det(−𝜔* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0
and provide the results
𝜔% = 1487 rad/s
𝜔* = 4866 rad/s
Hence, the structure is working near the first natural frequency. This can be seen also from the frequency response in
Figure 3:

Figure 3. Frequency response of the system.

Since the designer can modify the bar diameter, the coefficient 𝑓5 is introduced so that
𝑑- = 𝑓5 𝑑

The bars’ stiffness is

𝐸( - )
𝐾%- = 4 = 𝑓*𝐾
5 %
𝐸( 4- )
𝐾*- = = 𝑓5* 𝐾*
By following the procedure adopted in a) and b) when coefficient 𝑓5 ranges from 0.1 to 2, the oscillation amplitude of the
two masses is achieved

Figure 4

Note that 𝑓5 = 1 corresponds to the nominal diameter. A slightly larger diameter results in a stiffness increase that raises
the first natural frequency. Consequently, the external force will excite the resonance thus yielding to very large
displacement. By softening the structure, the first natural frequency decreases and goes far from the external force
frequency. This results in a decrease of the amplitude of both masses. When the structure is further softened, the second
natural frequency is decreased so that it is excited by the external force. Note that, as the coefficient 𝑓5 ideally tends to
zero, the mass 1 becomes unperturbed since there would be no connection (the stiffness of bar 2 is null).
In the same way, the stress in the two bars can be computed:

Figure 5

The stress is influenced by the oscillation amplitude and the bar cross section. Hence, the stress trend is slightly different
from the oscillation amplitude plot.
The most convenient choice is the increase of the diameter in order to raise the first natural frequency above the external
force frequency.
Nevertheless, the design constraint does not allow for this solution. Hence, the best trade of is to decrease the bar diameter
by 𝑓5 = 0.67. A further diameter decrease would lead to very slight stress reduction in bar 1 at the cost of very large increase
of the stress in bar 2. As result, the stress in bar 1 and bar 2 is 10 MPa.

Exercise 3

Consider the belt drive system represented in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Exercise 3.

The Young modulus E of the belt in the axial direction is equal to 2.02*109 N/m2 while the transversal section area A is equal
to 4.26*10-5 m2. The main data are reported in Table 1.

Table 1. Data of Exercise 3.

It is requested to compute the two natural frequencies of the systems.


To compute the equation of motion, the kinetic and potential energy are considered:
1 1
𝑇 = 𝐽% 𝛾%* + 𝐽* 𝛾**
2 2
1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘% (𝛾% 𝑅% − 𝛾* 𝑅* )* + 𝑘* (𝛾* 𝑅* − 𝛾% 𝑅% )*
2 2
𝐾% = = 172.104 ∗ 104 𝑁𝑚
The equations of motion are:
1) 𝐽% 𝛾%̈ + 𝑘% 𝑅% (𝛾% 𝑅% − 𝛾* 𝑅* ) − 𝑅% 𝑘* (𝛾* 𝑅* − 𝛾% 𝑅% ) = 0
2) 𝐽* 𝛾*̈ + 𝑘* 𝑅* (𝛾* 𝑅* − 𝛾% 𝑅% ) − 𝑅* 𝑘% (𝛾% 𝑅% − 𝛾* 𝑅* ) = 0

In matrix form,
𝐽% 0 𝛾%̈ 𝐾% 𝑅%* + 𝐾* 𝑅%* −𝐾% 𝑅% 𝑅* − 𝐾* 𝑅% 𝑅* 𝛾% 0
O PR S + œ • b𝛾 c = b c
0 𝐽* 𝛾*̈ −𝐾* 𝑅% 𝑅* − 𝐾% 𝑅* 𝑅% 𝐾* 𝑅** + 𝐾% 𝑅** * 0
(−𝜔* 𝑀 + 𝐾 )𝑋! = 0

To compute the natural frequencies 𝜔? ,

det(−𝜔?* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0
has to be solved:
−𝜔* 𝐽 + 2 𝐾 𝑅%* −2𝐾 𝑅% 𝑅*
𝑑𝑒𝑡 œ ? % •=0
−2𝐾 𝑅% 𝑅* −𝜔?* 𝐽* + 2 𝐾 𝑅**

(−𝜔?* 𝐽% + 2 𝐾 𝑅%* )(−𝜔?* 𝐽* + 2 𝐾 𝑅** ) − 4𝐾 * 𝑅%* 𝑅** = 0
𝜔' 𝐽% 𝐽* − 𝜔* 𝐽% 2 𝐾 𝑅** − 𝜔* 𝐽* 2 𝐾 𝑅%* + 4 𝐾 𝑅%* 𝑅** − 4 𝐾 𝑅%* 𝑅** = 0
𝜔* (𝜔* 𝐽% 𝐽* − 2 𝐾 𝐽% 𝑅** − 2 𝐾 𝐽* 𝑅** ) = 0

The eigenvalues and the natural frequencies of the system are computed as:
𝜔%* = 0 (𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠)* 𝜔% = 0 𝐻𝑧
𝜔** = 12.1046 ∗ 104 (𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠)* 𝜔* = 17.5 𝐻𝑧
𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝜔* =.5/>
𝜔* = 110.02 𝜔*,@2 =
𝑠 2 𝜋

Exercise 4

For the two degree of freedom system depicted in Figure 7

a) Determine the equations of dynamic equilibrium using the Langangian approach,
b) Arrange the equations in matrix form,
c) Find the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the system,
d) Compute the modal matrices (modal mass and modal stiffness),
e) Mass-normalize the mode shapes,
f) Check the mass-orthogonality of the eigenvectors.

Make the calculation using the following two sets of data

Set 1
K1 = K2 = 400000 N/m
K3 = 80000 N/m
m1 = m2 = 2 kg
Set 2
K1 = 400000 N/m
K2 = 200000 N/m
K3 = 80000 N/m
m1 = 2 kg
m2 = 2.5 kg

k1 k3 k2
m1 m2

Figure 7. Exercise 4.


a) Determination of the equations of the dynamic equilibrium using the Lagrangian approach

To apply the Lagrangian approach, the kinetic and potential energy are computed:
1 1
𝑇 = 𝑚% 𝑥%̇ * + 𝑚* 𝑥*̇ *
2 2
1 1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘% 𝑥% + 𝑘4 (𝑥% − 𝑥* )* + 𝑘* 𝑥**
2 2 2
5 7ℒ 7ℒ
and then, applying 5" h7/̇ j − 7/ = 𝑄+ , ℒ = 𝑇 − 𝑈 for the two DoFs (the motion related to the mass 1 and mass 2) the

equations of motion are:

1) 𝑚% 𝑥%̈ + 𝑘% 𝑥% + 𝑘4 (𝑥% − 𝑥* ) = 0
2) 𝑚* 𝑥*̈ + 𝑘* 𝑥* − 𝑘4 (𝑥% − 𝑥* ) = 0

b) Arrangement of the equation of motions in matrix form

Given the equations of motion, the matrix form is obtained as follows:

𝑚 0 𝑥%̈ 𝑘 + 𝑘4 −𝑘4 𝑥% 0
O % PR S +O % P b𝑥 c = b c
0 𝑚* 𝑥*̈ −𝑘4 𝑘* + 𝑘4 * 0

c) Find the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the system

To compute the natural frequencies the associated homogenous equation is considered:
[𝑀]{𝑥̈ } + [𝐾]{𝑥} = {0}

Assuming a possible solution {𝑥} = {𝑥! }𝑒 +," and substituting it in the previous equation:
(−𝜔* [𝑀] + [𝐾]){𝑋! } = 0

The determinant is imposed equal to zero,

det(−𝜔?* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0

−𝜔* 𝑚% + 𝑘% + 𝑘4 −𝑘4
𝑑𝑒𝑡 O * P=0
−𝑘4 −𝜔 𝑚* + 𝑘* + 𝑘4
(−𝜔* 𝑚% + 𝑘% + 𝑘4 )(−𝜔* 𝑚* + 𝑘* + 𝑘4 ) − 𝑘4* = 0
𝜔' 𝑚% 𝑚* − 𝜔* 𝑚% 𝑘* − 𝜔* 𝑚% 𝑘4 − 𝜔* 𝑚* 𝑘% + 𝑘% 𝑘* + 𝑘% 𝑘4 − 𝜔* 𝑚* 𝑘4 + 𝑘4 𝑘* + 𝑘4* − 𝑘4* = 0
𝜔' 𝑚% 𝑚* − 𝜔* (𝑚% 𝑘* + 𝑚% 𝑘4 + 𝑚* 𝑘% + 𝑚* 𝑘4 ) + 𝑘% 𝑘* + 𝑘% 𝑘4 + 𝑘4 𝑘* = 0

𝜔%* = 1 ∗ 106 (𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠)* 𝜔% = 1000 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
𝜔** = 200 ∗ 104 (𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠)* 𝜔* = 447.2 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠

To compute the eigenvectors:

Θ!% (−𝜔* 𝑚% + 𝑘% + 𝑘4 ) − Θ!* 𝑘4 = 0
−Θ!% 𝑘4 + Θ!* (−𝜔* 𝑚* + 𝑘* + 𝑘4 ) = 0

Since the system is not full rank (det = 0) the first DoF is chosen and I put Θ!* = 1:
𝜔% = 1000, Θ!% = −1
𝜔* = 447.2, Θ!% = −1

The matrix of the eigenvectrors is then

1 −1
𝜓 = y z
1 1

d) Computation of the modal matrices

The mass and stiffness modal matrices are obtained from the definition:
4 0
M = 𝜓 B M 𝜓 = y z
0 4
800000 0
K = 𝜓 B K 𝜓 = y z
0 400000

e) Mass-normalization of the mode shapes

The mass-normalization is obtained from the definition
𝜓% 0.5
Φ% = =y z

¤𝑀% 0.5
𝜓* −0.5
Φ* = = y z

¤M* 0.5

f) Checking of the mass-orthogonality of the eigenvectors

0.5 0.5 2 0 0.5 −0.5 1 1 0.5 −0.5 1 0
ΦB M Φ = y zy zy z=y zy z=y z
−0.5 0.5 0 2 0.5 0.5 −1 1 0.5 0.5 0 1

Exercise 5

A dynamic system with three flywheels is depicted in Figure 5. Neglecting the inertia of the shafts, it is requested to
a) write the dynamic equations of equilibrium
b) determine natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system (torsional motion only)

d1 d2
D1 D3

L1 L2
Figure 8. Exercise 5.

d1 = 30 mm d2 = 20 mm
L1 = 100 mm L2 = 80 mm
m1 = 1 kg m2 = 0.5 kg
m3 = 2 kg
G = 7.7*1010 N/m^2
D1 = 120 mm D2 = 60 mm D3 = 100 mm


a) Write the dynamic equations of equilibrium

The stiffness of the bar is:
𝐽#% = = 79.52 ∗ 10() 𝑚'
𝐽#* = = 15.708 ∗ 10() 𝑚'
𝐽#4 = = 𝑚'

Considering that 𝐺 = 7.7 ∗ 10%! 𝑁/𝑚* ,

𝐾% = 𝐺 𝐽#% /𝐿% = 61.23 ∗ 104 𝑁/𝑚
𝐾* = 𝐺 𝐽#* /𝐿* = 15.118 ∗ 104 𝑁/𝑚
𝐾4 = 𝐺 𝐽#4 /𝐿4 = 𝑁/𝑚
The kinetic energy is:
1 1 1
𝑇 = 𝐽% Θ%*̇ + 𝐽* Θ**̇ + 𝐽4 Θ*4̇
2 2 2
𝐽% = 𝑚% = 225 ∗ 10(6 𝑘𝑔 𝑚*
𝐽* = 𝑚* = 50 ∗ 10(6 𝑘𝑔 𝑚*
𝐽4 = 𝑚4 = 𝑘𝑔 𝑚*
while the potential energy is:
1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘% (Θ* − Θ% )* + 𝑘* (Θ4 − Θ* )*
2 2
Then the equations of motion are obtained as:
1) J( Θ(̈ − K( (Θ) − Θ( ) = 0
2) J) Θ)̈ + K( (Θ) − Θ( ) − K ) (Θ- − Θ) ) = 0
3) J4 θ̈*4 + k * (θ4 − θ* ) = 0

In the matrix form:

𝑗% 0 0 𝜃̈%* 𝑘% −𝑘% 0 𝜃%
| 0 𝑗* 0 ̈ * + −𝑘
} ª𝜃* « | % (𝑘% + 𝑘* ) −𝑘* } ¬𝜃* - = {0}
0 0 𝑗4 𝜃̈ * 0 −𝑘* 𝑘* 𝜃4

Considering a solution of the type

{𝜃} = {𝜗! }𝑒 +<"
{𝜃}̈ = −𝜔* {𝜃! }𝑒 +<"

The characteristic equation is derived:

(−[𝑱]𝝎𝟐 + [𝒌]){𝜽𝟎 } = {𝟎}
𝑑𝑒𝑡(−[𝑱]𝝎𝟐 + [𝒌]) = {0}

and then it is possible to compute the natural frequencies

𝜔?% = h𝑟𝑎𝑑´𝑠j 𝜔?* = h𝑟𝑎𝑑´𝑠j 𝜔?4 = h𝑟𝑎𝑑´𝑠j

Exercise 6

For the two degree of freedom depicted in the Figure 9

a) determine the equations of dynamic equilibrium (Lagrange approach).
b) Find natural frequencies and modal shapes of the system.
c) Use the eigenvectors to compute the modal matrices.

L1 L2

k1 k2

IC C m

Data Figure 9. Exercise 6.

k1 = k2 = 20000 N/m
m = 950 kg IC = 1400 kg m2
L1 = 1.0 m L2 = 1.5 m


a) Determination of the equations of dynamic equilibrium (Lagrange approach)

The kinetic and potential energy are:
1 1
𝑇 = 𝐼E Θ*̇ + 𝑚 𝑥 *̇
2 2
1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘(𝑥 + 𝐿% 𝐴)* + 𝑘(𝑥 − 𝐿* Θ)*
2 2
5 7ℒ 7ℒ
Therefore, applying 5" h7/̇ j − 7/ = 𝑄+ , ℒ = 𝑇 − 𝑈, the two equations of motion are obtained as follows

1) 𝐼E Θ̈ + 𝐾 𝐿% (𝑥 + 𝐿% Θ) − 𝐾𝐿* (𝑥 − 𝐿* Θ) = 0
2) 𝑚𝑥̈ + 𝐾 (𝑥 + 𝐿% Θ) + 𝑘(𝑥 − 𝐿* Θ) = 0
In matrix form,
𝐼 0 Θ̈ 𝐾 𝐿* + 𝐾 𝐿** 𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) 𝑥 0
yE zR S + O % Pb c = b c
0 𝑚 𝑥̈ 𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) 2 𝐾 0

b) Computation of the natural frequencies and modal shapes of the system

To compute the natural frequencies, the associated homogenous equation has be considered and then
det(−𝜔* [𝑀] + [𝐾]) = 0
−𝜔* 𝐼E + 𝐾 𝐿*% + 𝐾 𝐿** 𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* )
det O P=0
𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) −𝜔* 𝑚 + 2 𝐾
(−𝜔* 𝐼E + 𝐾 𝐿*% + 𝐾 𝐿** )(−𝜔* 𝑚 + 2 𝐾) − 𝐾 * (𝐿% − 𝐿* )* = 0
𝜔' 𝐼E 𝑚 − 𝜔* (2 𝐾 𝐼E + 𝑚 𝐾 (𝐿*% + 𝐿** )) + 2 𝐾 * 𝐿% 𝐿* + 𝐾 * (𝐿*% + 𝐿** ) = 0

and the eigenvalues and natural frequencies are
𝜔%* = 53.203 𝜔% = 7.294
𝜔** = 35.33 𝜔* = 5.943

To compute the modal shape:

−𝜔* 𝐼E + 𝐾 𝐿*% + 𝐾 𝐿** 𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) Θ!% 0
O PR S=b c
𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) −𝜔* 𝑚 + 2 𝐾 Θ!* 0
Considering the second equation,
Θ!% 𝐾(𝐿% − 𝐿* ) − Θ!* (𝜔* 𝑚 + 2𝐾) = 0
and imposing Θ!* = 1:
𝜔 = 7.294 Θ!%F 0.96
𝜔 = 5.943 Θ!%F − 1.55
Therefore, the matrix of the eigenvectors is
0.96 −1.55
𝜓=y z
1 1

c) Computation of the modal matrices

By definition, the modal mass matrix is obtained as: 𝑀 = 𝜓 ; 𝑀 𝜓. The modal mass corresponding to the two modes are:
𝑀% = 𝜃!% 𝑀𝜃!% = 3693.4
𝑀* = 𝜃!* 𝑀𝜃!* = 2254.6.
Mass-normalizing the eigenvectors:
𝜃!% −0.0256
𝛷!% = =y z
¤𝑀% 0.0165
𝜃!* 0.02
𝛷!* = =y z
¤𝑀* 0.024

where the matrix of the m-normalized eigenvectors is:

−0.0256 0.02
𝛷=y z
0.0165 0.0211
Finally, the modal matrices are:
1 0
𝑀𝑀 = Φ; 𝑀Φ = y z
0 1
35.33 0
𝐾𝑀 = Φ; 𝐾Φ = y z
0 52.2

Exercise 7

The output to a harmonic excitation of a vibrating structure is described only by the first mode:

{q}1 = {1 / }
5 2/ 5
. Take into account that the modal mass is 2 kg, the modal stiffness is 5000 N/m, the modal force
is equal to 10.3 N. The excitation frequency is equal to 0.8w1, and the damping is negligible. Compute the amplitude of
oscillation of the first degree of freedom.

By definition
𝑥 Θ Θ%% 𝑞%
{𝑥} = 𝜓{𝑞} b𝑥% c = O !% Pb c
* Θ!* Θ%* 𝑞*

In the modal reference frame
[𝑀]{𝑞̈ } + [𝐾]{𝑞} = {𝐹}

𝑞% 1 𝑥!% 𝐹
= =
𝐹 −𝜔* 𝑚 + 𝐾 Θ!% −𝜔* 𝑚 + 𝐾

𝑥!% = Θ!% = Θ!% = 0.00257 𝑚
−𝜔* 𝑚 + 𝐾 𝐾(1 − 𝜔 * /𝜔?* )

Exercise 8

A two degrees of freedom undamped system has the following modal shapes:

{q}1 = {1 0.8165} , {q}2 = {1 - 0.8165} .


The stiffness matrix, the mass matrix and the vector of the excitation forces are:

[𝐾] = 104 y 10 −8z 𝑁/𝑚, [𝑀] = 104 y4 0z 𝑘𝑔, {𝐹} = 1050 b5c 𝑁
−8 15 0 6 8

Compute the modal force corresponding to the first mode.


The modal force is

𝐹” = 𝜓 ; 𝐹

Using U= 1 and P = 0,

1 0.8165 5 11.532
! ) ∗ 20! , - = , - ∗ 20!
1 −0.8165 8 −1.532

Exercise 9

{ }T
Consider a vibrating system. The dynamic response is characterized using only the first mode {q}1 = 1/ 7 2 / 7 . The
modal mass is equal to 3 kg, the modal stiffness is equal to 3000 N/m, the modal force is equal to 10+(2U+P)/3 N. The
excitation frequency is equal to 0.8×w1, the damping is negligible. Compute the amplitude of oscillation of the degree of
freedom n° 1.

U= last digit of your registration n°

P= digit before the last of your registration n°


𝜂% 1
𝐹 𝜔*
𝐾 `1 − a
𝑥!% = 𝑞%%
𝐾 `1 − a
𝑥!% = 2.033 ∗ 10(4 𝑚

Exercise 10

Figure 10 shows the so-called quarter car model, one of the simplest models used to study the dynamic behavior of motor
vehicle suspensions. The upper mass m5 simulates the part of the mass of the car body (the sprung mass) that can be
considered supported by a given wheel, while the lower mass m2 simulates the wheel and all the parts that can be
considered as rigidly connected with the unsprung mass. The two masses are connected by a spring-damper system
simulating the suspension (k2,c2) and the silent block (elastometer, k3.1, k3.2,c3). The unsprung mass is connected to the
ground with a second spring simulating the radial stiffness of the tire. The point at which the tire contacts the ground is
assumed to move in a vertical direction with a given law y1(t), and it simulates the motion on uneven ground.
For the given quarter car model, it is requested to:
a) Determine the equations of dynamic equilibrium using the Lagrangian approach,
b) Arrange the equations in matrix form,
c) Find the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the system,
d) Considering as input a harmonic excitation with amplitude y1 of 3 mm @ 5 Hz, compute the power dissipated in the
elastomeric component.

Figure 10. Exercise 10.


Sprung mass m5 = 400 kg;

Unsprung mass m2 = 30 kg;
Spring stiffness k2 = 24 kN/m
Spring damping c2 = 1200 Ns/m;
Elastomer stiffness k3.1 = 150 kN/m;
Elastomer stiffness k3.2 = 90 kN/m;
Elastomer damping c3 = 800 Ns/m;
Tire stiffness k1 = 190 kN/m;

To compute the equation of motion using the Lagrangian approach it is necessary to determine:
The kinetic energy
1 1
𝑇 = 𝑚* 𝑦̇ ** + 𝑚G 𝑦̇ G*
2 2
The potential energy
1 1 1 1
𝑈 = 𝑘% (𝑦* − 𝑦% )* + 𝑘* (𝑦4 − 𝑦* )* + 𝑘4.% (𝑦G − 𝑦4 )* + 𝑘*4.* (𝑦' − 𝑦4 )*
2 2 2 2

The dissipative forces

1 1
ℱ = 𝐶* (𝑦̇ 4 − 𝑦̇ * )* + 𝐶4 (𝑦̇ G − 𝑦̇' )*
2 2

The Lagrange equations related to the 4 DoFs are obtained from:

𝑑 𝜕𝑇 𝜕𝑈 𝜕ℱ 𝜕(𝛿𝐿)
` a + + =
𝑑𝑡 𝜕𝑞İ 𝜕𝑞+ 𝜕𝑞̇ + 𝜕(𝛿𝑞+ )

for each degree of freedom:

5 7;
1) 5" h7J ̇ j = 𝑚* 𝑦̈ **
= 𝑘% (𝑦* − 𝑦% ) − 𝑘* (𝑦4 − 𝑦* )
= −𝐶* (𝑦̇ 4 − 𝑦̇ * )
𝜕𝑦̇ *
𝜕(𝛿𝑦* )

The first equation is :

𝑚* 𝑦̈ ** + 𝐶* 𝑦̇ * − 𝐶* 𝑦̇ 4 + 𝑦* (𝑘% + 𝑘* ) − 𝑘* 𝑦4 = 𝑘% 𝑦%

5 7;
2) h j=0
5" 7J&̇
= 𝑘* (𝑦4 − 𝑦* ) − 𝑘4.% (𝑦G − 𝑦4 ) − 𝑘4.* (𝑦' − 𝑦4 )
= 𝐶* (𝑦̇ 4 − 𝑦̇ * )
𝜕𝑦̇ 4
𝜕(𝛿𝑦4 )

The second equation is:

−𝐶* 𝑦̇ * + 𝐶* 𝑦̇ 4 − 𝑘* 𝑦* + 𝑦4 (𝑘4.% + 𝑘4.* + 𝑘* ) − 𝑘4.* 𝑦' − 𝑘4.% 𝑦G = 0

5 7;
3) 5" h7J ̇ j = 0
= 𝑘4.* (𝑦' − 𝑦4 )
= −𝐶4 (𝑦̇ G − 𝑦̇' )
𝜕(𝛿𝑦' )

The third equation is:

𝐶4 𝑦̇' − 𝐶4 𝑦̇ G − 𝑘4.* 𝑦4 + 𝑘4.* 𝑦' = 0

5 7;
4) 5" h7J ̇ j = 𝑚G 𝑦̈ G*
= 𝑘4.% (𝑦G − 𝑦4 )
= 𝐶4 (𝑦̇ G − 𝑦̇' )
𝜕𝑦̇ G
𝜕(𝛿𝑦G )

The fourth equation is:

𝑚G 𝑦̈ G* − 𝐶4 𝑦̇' + 𝐶4 𝑦̇ G − 𝑘4.% 𝑦4 + 𝑘4.% 𝑦G = 0
In matrix form:
ém2 0 0 0ù é C2 - C2 0 0 ù
ê0 𝑦̈ * 𝑦̇ *
ê 0 0 0 úú 𝑦̈ 4 ê- C C2 0 0 úú 𝑦̇ 4
~ •+ ê 2 ~ •+
ê0 0 0 0 ú 𝑦̈' ê 0 0 C3 - C3 ú 𝑦̇'
ê ú 𝑦̈ G ê ú 𝑦̇ G
ë0 0 0 m5 û ë 0 0 - C3 C3 û
é k1 + k 2 - k2 0 0 ù 𝑦* 𝑘% 𝑦%
ê - k 3.1 úú ~𝑦4 • =~ 0 •
+ ê - k2 k 2 + k 3.1 + k 3.2 - k 3.2
ê 0 - k 3.2 k 3.2 0 ú 𝑦' 0
ê ú G 0
ë 0 - k 3.1 0 k 3.1 û

The computation of the natural frequencies is obtained considering the following form of the solution:
{𝑦+ } = {𝑦! }𝑒 +<"
{𝑦̇ + } = 𝑖𝜔{𝑦! }𝑒 +<"
{𝑦̈ + } = −𝜔* {𝑦! }𝑒 +<"


d[𝑘] − [𝑚]𝜔?+ e{𝑦! } = {0}
det d[𝑘] − [𝑚]𝜔?+ e{𝑦! } = {0}
𝜔?% = 0, 𝜔?* = 0.2159, 𝜔?4 = 2.5611, 𝜔?' = 𝑖𝑛𝑓

The mode shapes are:

First mode:
𝑦!* 0
𝑦!4 1
~𝑦 • = ~ •
!' 1
𝑦!G 0

Second mode:
𝑦!* −0.989
𝑦!4 0.8757
~𝑦 • = ~ •
!' 0.8757
𝑦!G −1

Third mode:
𝑦!* 1
𝑦!4 0.1315
~𝑦 • = ~ •
!' 0.1315
𝑦!G −0.0074

Fourth mode:
𝑦!* 0
𝑦!4 −1
~𝑦 • = ~ •
!' 1
𝑦!G 0


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