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1. What is/are the factor/s that affect/s the productivity of Globaltech’s employee?

- The factors that affect the productivity of Globaltech’s employees are communication
and the work environment, in which the noise level increased. In this case, the
organization must provide periods of quiet concentration for employees to allow for
creative or complex thought. Including the work environment such as air quality, noise
and vibration. Leaving a mobile phone unattended; open-pan areas acting as conduits;
strong odors no longer being eaten at the desk but in cafés or breakout areas; storage like
drawers and large cabinets giving way to small lockers for all; space as well as its
amenities . These are the factors that affect productivity.

2. How can Globaltech avoid the “Sick Building Syndrome” in their workplace?

- Globaltech can avoid "Sick Building Syndrome" in their workplace by creating very
well-designed workplaces with things like proper temperature, lighting, and ventilation,
as well as furniture selection and configuration, and especially air quality. Employees can
enjoy a healthier working environment and be more productive with these components in
place because of improved air quality and fewer distractions. In addition, Globaltech
should also strive to create a positive workplace environment.

3. How can GlobalTech maximize employee productivity based on the design of their

- GlobalTech can only maximize employee productivity if the appropriate office space is
provided for the time employees are working there. GlobalTech must realize that their
employees engage in different activities, and it is crucial that they match the space and
facility provisions of their workplaces to the different activities of their employees. Also,
by providing a variety of settings that allow individuals and teams to choose the best
environment for their task-related needs at any given time, the organization can maximize
the productivity of its personnel. As a result, GlobalTech can create a productive office
environment by offering options ranging from private working areas to shared work
spaces. GlobalTech must also ensure that all facilities and resources are easily accessible,
enabling employees to quickly access the tools they need in order to carry out their tasks
4. How can GlobalTech apply the concept of 5S in their workplace organization?

- GlobalTech can implement the 5S concept in their workplace organization by starting

their lean transformation with 5S to establish the framework and discipline needed to
successfully pursue continuous improvement initiatives. And first, the employee must
practice going through all the tools and materials in the work area and keeping only
essential items, called S1-sort. The second is S2-Shine, in which GlobalTech employees
must perform three activities: cleaning the workplace, maintaining its appearance, and
taking preventative measures to keep it clean. S3-Set in order focuses on the need to
arrange tools and equipment in a way that promotes optimal workflow. S4-Standardize
entails developing best practices for workplace continuous improvement, and lastly, S5-
Sustain involves maintaining the momentum generated during the initial implementation
of 5S and creating sustainability programs to keep the discipline.

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