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24-year-old said: "I am the Joker".

As a result of this tragedy, the

victim and the family of the deceased refused to show the 2019 Joker movie

in theaters of the former tragedy.

The reason researcher chose the adaptation of joker character from

graphic novel to film as the object of research using Eneste's Ecranization

theory is because usually in a film there are antagonist and protagonist.

usually called the villain as opposed to the superhero which results conflict in

the film. but in the Joker movie, the main character is the joker itself, where in

the graphic novel the joker is the antagonist character which makes this film

very interesting because we are shown with new point of view of a villain.

Another reason researchers take adapted works is because the adapted

works are part of a literary work that can enrich the repertoire of literary

works. According to the researcher, it is important to conduct research on

adaptations of graphic novels into films. Because a work, be it short stories,

poetry, novels or comics or films, it can give us a new lesson. The researcher

uses the ecranization theory between the graphic novel Batman: Killing Joke

to the Joker film (2019).

A. Research questions

Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulated the following

questions for analysis:

1. what are the changes occurred in ecranization of joker graphic novel to film

B. Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of the


1. To analyze the changes in ecranization of joker graphic novel to film.

C. Significance of Research

This research is intended to extend the aspect of ecranization in

graphic novels to films. This research is also expected to provide information

about how the process of transforming graphic novels into films. For English

language learners, this research can be used as additional information for

students who are interested in studying this topic.

Practically, this study aims to provide new insights to the public that the

process of ecranization of both graphic novels and films has their respective

functions. In addition, the public is expected to understand that both graphic

novels and films have their own way of conveying messages in their works.

D. Research Scope

This research will focus on the process of ecranization based on

changes in the joker character that occurred in Alan Moore's graphic novel

Batman: Killing joke (1988) into the joker (2019) film Todd Philips using

Eneste's ecranization theory.

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