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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department of Faculty of
Adab and Humanities of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar








Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, all praises and thanks to the Almighty

Allah SWT for His uncountable graces, faiths, and helps always stand behind the

researcher, shows the researcher the right way, and guides him to the final step of

this thesis writing. Shalawat and salam are addressed to our prophet Muhammad

SAW, the greatest one who has shared inspiration, spirit, and power to the human.

The researcher really thank to the people who pray, help and guide along this

time, he realizes these people that have a lot contribute during his research and

writing this thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his appreciation

to all of them. They are:

1. First, the researcher would like to express his biggest gratitude to his beloved

parent, Muliati and jafar with their prayers, affection, patience, advice,

motivate, love, and nonstop support spritually and financially, then his

brother and sisters, Jamaluddin, Hadra Ariani Jafar S.Pd, Yuliana, and Masni

Jafar S.Farm.

2. A lot of thanks to Prof. Drs. Hamdan Juhannis, M.A., Ph.D. as the Rector of

Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

3. A lot of thanks to Dr. Hasyim Haddade, M.Ag as the Dean of Adab and

Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

4. Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M.Hum. as the head of English and Literature

Department and Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd., secertary of English and

Literature Department of Adab and Humanities faculty of alauddin State

Islamic University as well as all the staff.

5. Hj. Nahdhiyah, S.S., M.Pd., as the first Suvervisor and Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A

supervisor. Thank for giving him valuable time, patience, support, love,

advice, comments, correction during the assistance in completing the thesis

from the begining till the last.

6. Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd. as the first examiner and Dr. Faidah Yusuf,

S.S., M.Pd. as the second examiner. Thank for giving him valuable time,

support, patience, advice, comments, correction during the assistance in

completing the thesis.

7. All the lectures of English and Literature Department for their valuable the

knowledge during her study at Alauddin State Islamic University of


8. The researcher thanks are also addressed to the researcher beloved friends in

English Literature Department and Ag 3 and 4.

9. The lovely friends: Hudia S.Hum, Ryza Mauryz H Kordi K S.Hum, Auliah

Ulfa, Indah permatasari S.Hum, Nurul Mawaddah, Khairunnisa Kasmar.

Thank for supporting and fighting together.

Samata, 28 Desember2021



PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI................................................................i

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING........................................................................ii

APPROVAL SHEET............................................................................................iii

PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI....................................................................................iv


TABLES OF CONTENTS..................................................................................vii



A. Background..........................................................................................................1

B. Research Question...............................................................................................6

C. The Objective of The Research..........................................................................6

D. Significance of The Research.............................................................................6

E. Scope of The Research........................................................................................7


A. Pervious Findings................................................................................................8

B. Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................10

1. The Definition of Masculinity..........................................................................10

2. The History of Masculinity...............................................................................15

3. Masculinity in Woman......................................................................................17

4. Autobiography of the Author...........................................................................22

5. Synopsis..............................................................................................................23


A. Research Method...............................................................................................25

B. Source of Data....................................................................................................26

C. Instrument of the Research...............................................................................26

D. Technique of Data Collection..........................................................................26

E. Technique of Data Analysis.............................................................................26


A. Findings..............................................................................................................27

B. Discussion..........................................................................................................33


A. Conclusion..........................................................................................................38

B. Suggestion..........................................................................................................40



Nama : Nursia
Nim : 40300115086
Major : English and Literature Department
Faculty : Adab and Humaniora
Supervisor I : Hj. Nahdhiyah, S.S., M.Pd.,
Supervisor II : Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A
Title : Masculinity of Main Character In The Hunger Games
Mockingjay Part II Novel

The research is about masculinity of main Characters in The Hunger

Games Mockingjay Novel by Suzanne Collins. The object of this research is the
novel The Hunger Games Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. This novel Name
show the masculine of main character of Katniss. The purpose of this study is to
describe the masculinity of Katniss' character. This research was descriptive
qualitative method using a masculinity structural approach that focuses on
character analysis. The result of the study shows that the masculinity of main
characters in the novel The Hunger Games Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
includes; courage four sample, willing to take risks one sample, strong stance two
sample, responsibility one example and showing no weakness in front of anyone.
Keywords: Masculinity, Main Character, The Hunger Games Mockingjay



A. Background

Masculinity is the idea of social activity, conduct, and selective implications

that are set in men at restrictive occasions. This implies, masculinity isn't dormant

and can change importance as per the conditions and conditions around it.

Masculinity is a social undertaking and not a quality that is acquired or obtained from

birth. The term masculinity or manly is likewise founded on the English language

muscle or muscle, to be specific attributes that are just founded on muscle or actual

strength in all kinds of people. Masculinity or manly is likewise gotten from the

French word manly which has a place with a descriptor bunch and has a male

importance and shows male qualities. (Connell R.W, 2000)

Ladies who show character or a quality or conduct like men are regularly

found in the public eye, by checking out the manner in which they dress like men,

trim their hair short so they look like men, smoke and some even wear tattoos on their

bodies. Generally, manly ladies are just ladies who need to live autonomously,

emphatically, and have a solid characters. Furthermore, this can be a factor in the

presence of transgenders or hermaphrodism. Manly ladies are bound to do exercises

that are normally finished by men than to do ladies' exercises as a rule, their pastimes


are practicing and surprisingly the greater part of their companions are more male.

than ladies, accordingly making society give generalizations or names to these ladies.

Masculinity is an idea that is still once in a while considered, particularly in

Indonesia. This exploration means to demonstrate and fortify the assessment that sex

jobs are compatible. This review plans to fabricate sexual orientation mindfulness in

the public arena. The subject of masculinity will consistently adjust issues of sex and

ladies in a roundabout way. This examination assumes a significant part in assisting

with taking care of an issue identified with sexual orientation and ladies.

Women today are bold and confident to express themselves without the

pressure of customs and myths of the community and the region. They begin to show

career and the results of their work to improve the quality and ability of the self to the

future. Now society began to feel the influence of emancipation, the community

began to open and admit the presence of the figure of women who want to be aligned

with their fellow men (Connell, R.W., Messerschhmidt, J, W., 2005:829).

To show the ability of self, women begin to show properties on a same with

men. Where the female can become the backbone of the family when the Father had

none. But the men underestimated the women's behavior. A lot of men who assume

women will never be able to become the backbone of the family because women have

a nature that is weak and soft or so-called “ feminine”. Men are not aware of any

women that can have properties that are aligned with them. Where are the women that

resemble the behavior of the men called masculinity is the subordination which the

community considers one gender has a value that is quite different, with the gender of

the other, better gender m height and gender low? One of the subordination of the

injustice to the female gender is a stereotype (Connell, 2005:859).

The masculine was associated only in men and the feminine is associated with

women. Masculine and feminine are two opposite properties that can be equated with

the magnets opposite to each other. If it shows characteristics of excessive so-called

male super masculine and vice versa if it shows behavior that is less copious so-called

male less masculine. Different from women that can be seen or observed based on

variation in nature. Based on the implications of a binary opposition which reveals

that the nature of the masculine is higher than the nature of the feminine seen from

the behavior of good and bad men and women (Clemens, 2005:324).

The stereotype is an assessment on someone based on the perception of the

group in which people can be categorized. Stereotype masculine and the stereotype of

women include a variety of individual characteristics such as role, behavior,

personality and sexual. The male is often associated with the character and nature of

open, rational, and aggressive whereas women are often associated with the character

of rather closed, tender, emotio nal and delicate (Beynon, 2002:75).

Novel The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2 discuss women trying to support

his family because his father is gone as is the case in Al-Quran surah Al-Imran verse

36, which reads :

‫ ااْل ُ ْن ٰثى ۚ َواِنِّ ْي‬RRR‫ َّذ َك ُر َك‬RRR‫ْس ال‬ ْ ۗ ‫ َع‬RRR‫ض‬

َ ‫ت َولَي‬
َ ‫ ْعتُهَٓا اُ ْن ٰثىۗ َو ُ اَ ْعلَ ُم بِ َما َو‬RRR‫ض‬ ْ َ‫ال‬RRRَ‫ َع ْتهَا ق‬RRR‫ض‬
َ ‫ت َربِّ اِنِّ ْي َو‬ َ ‫فَلَ َّما َو‬

ِ ‫ك َو ُذ ِّريَّتَهَا ِمنَ ال َّشي ْٰط ِن الر‬

‫َّجي ِْم‬ َ ِ‫َس َّم ْيتُهَا َمرْ يَ َم َواِنِّ ْٓي اُ ِع ْي ُذهَا ب‬

The translation is: ” And when she was delivered she said: My Lord! Lo! I am

delivered of a female – Allah knew best of what she was delivered – the male is not as

the female; and lo! I have named her Mary, and lo! I crave Thy protection for her

and for her offspring from Satan the outcast.” (QS.Al Imran:36).

The verse emphasizes the glory of a daughter born to Imran's wife, and does

not accept and rejects that the girl born is less dignified than a baby boy, as Imran's

wife had hoped. After Imran's wife realized the reality of her daughter and believes

that there are wisdom and secrets behind this fact, then he states that the baby will be

named Maryam. He will not take back what has been offered to give his child to serve

in Baitulmakdis, even though the baby is a girl and in his opinion is not appropriate to

look after Baitulmakdis, but he will become a solemn servant of God. Imran's wife

begged God to guard and protect her baby from the temptations of Satan who might

keep him from virtue. The connection of this verse with this research is that women

cannot be considered inferior and weak. Because anything a man can do, a woman

can do it too. As is the case with Manafkhai, basically supporting is the duty and

obligation of a man. but women can also do that. As in the story of The Hunger

Games novel Mockingjay part 11, the main character in the story of this novel is a

woman who is the backbone in the family, who replaced the father's position as head

of the family.

The theory used in this research is the theory of Connell about masculinity

Literature. Masculinities literature Connell (2005:164) says that in general in the


context of patriakti men rational, while women are emotional, men have power and

women take care of the household. According to Connell (2009:6) womanhood

‘femaleness’ manhood ‘maleness’ is not something natural. According to him, it is a

form of the outside, social norms, or pressure from the ruling. Men and women

construct themselves to be masculine or feminine. This theory sees masculinity what

is in the novel. Researchers also look at how to talk and action that made the main


In “The Hunger Games” novel a main character has a strong masculinity

character, becomes a leader in a war, takes risks to wage war to the capitol. After

accepting her role as the Mockingjay, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), along

with her team, prepares to fight head-to-head against the ruthless Capitol. While her

mission is to take down President Snow (Donald Sutherland) once and for all, Katniss

discovers that her troops died at the hands of the Mutts, the Peacekeepers or both.

Once in the Capitol, Katniss discovers that there is another rising threat that could

determine not only her fate but the future of all of Panem. Katniss in the novel the

hunger games who has a masculinity character goes to war to win the war carried out

by president Snow to the 12th district.

Researcher using descriptive qualitative method, steps in research this is by

way of looking for a novel, collecting data from the internet and draw conclusions.

Based on the survey the researcher or the writer is interested to find out the

masculinity of what is on the main character in the novel.


B. Research Question

Based on the background presented, the problem in this research can be

formulated as follows:

How is masculinity of main character Katniss in “The Hunger Games Mockingjay

part 2” novel?

C. The Objective of The Research

Based on the research question mentioned above, the researcher formulated the

research objective as follows:

To find the masculinity in the novel “The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2”.

D. Significance of The Research

The results of this study are expected to provide theoretical and practical

implications to the reader.

1. Theoretically: this research can contribute to increasing knowledge about

masculinity that is owned by someone both male and female. Research is

expected to be a reference for writers and readers.

2. Practically: Practical research is expected to be able to provide knowledge and

a general description of the masculinity that exists in a woman. and it is hoped

that this research can be used as a useful scientific work for the community,

especially for those who read it. and it is hoped that this research can provide

further information and knowledge for future researchers about the

masculinity of a woman.

E. Scope of The Research

In this study, the researcher wanted to analyze about masculinity of the main

characters in the novel “The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2” use the literature

theory of R.W Connel.



A. Pervious Findings

In this study, the authors use previous research as a benchmark measure and

benchmark to complete the research. Previous research can help researchers in

determining and steps that are systematic to the preparation of the study in terms of

theory or concept, here is a table of previous research into reference materials that

support the author to conduct research related to masculinity in women:

Hamza (2017) analyze a work of literature the tittle is “masculinity of female

characters in the novel Bidadari Bidadari Surga NY Tere Liye”. Object in this

research is the novel bidadari-bidadari surga. In this study, the researcher finds out

and peeling properties of a tomboy which is owned by a Laisa, as well as analyze the

struggle of a laisa to realize the nature of the feminine. The purpose of this study is to

analyzes the nature of the tomboy or the nature of masculinity and the struggle that

owned the main character in the novel bidadari bidadari surga. The method used in

this research is descriptive method and the method of analysis. The theory used by

research is the theory of masculinity literature by using a structural approach that

more research focuses on major figures course. The results of this study indicate

masculinity owned by a female figure in the novel Bidadari Bidadari Surga is leads to


figure laisa who has nature bold, aggressive and in a way said to talk nice. Figure

Laisa in this novel does not indicate the nature of the disadvantage.

Afni (2013) analyzes a work of literature that tittle is “masculinity and

strength that is listed in Christopher Nolan batman the dark knight rises movie

(2012): Approach to psychoanalytic research publication”. The object in this research

is a movie titled The Dark Knight Rises (2012). This research discusses masculinity

and strength in the main character. the problem is most main in this study is how the

main character applying the nature of masculinity and the power that is supposed to

last and they show it in the movie The Dark Knight Rises which appeared in 2012

and created by Christopher Nilan. The method used in this research is There are two

objectives in this research is the first that analyzes the film on the structural element

and the second objective is to analyze the novel with the psychoanalytic approach.

The method used in this research is a qualitative method. The theory used in this

research is the theory of psychoanalytic which is pointed out by Sigman Freud. The

results of this study are based on the structural analysis clearly, in the movie the dark

knights rise Christopas Nolan shows the nature of masculinity on the main character.

Revealing the manliness and force presented itself with the existence of a state.

because virility and strength are needed in daily life to maintain the living

environment of their own. Someone who has the nature of masculinity can show their

true selves. Based on the approach of psychoanalysis shows that the nature of the

masculinity it can show the nature and their thoughts.


Apriani (2018) examines a literary work which that has the title of the

“Representation of the Masculinity of Women In Media Television ( Semiotic Study

of The Show ” The Project ” On the Broadcast of Trans TV”. The object in this study

is a broadcast media tv about the project. The method used by the researcher is a

qualitative method by using a semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The theory used

by researchers is the theory of Roland Barthes. The results of this research material

are to find out in the domestic field not only for men but women can also do it and

the nature of masculinity that is listed in this film can be seen from the physical and


Some previous research on masculinity has some similarities and differences

with this study. The equation of this research is the same research about the nature of

masculinity and different things with some of the previous research with this study is

that there researching the novel, there are also a researching broadcast tv and ad films

and also distinguish with the theory used and the method used. While I myself am

researching a novel the hunger games Mockingjay part the same is the case with

research which is owned by Suleman, Hamzah who is researching a novel bidadari

bidadari surga while the research researching a novel The Hunger Games Mockingjay

part 2.

B. Conceptual Framework

1. The Definition of Masculinity

Masculinity is a number or a set of different a number of attributes, roles,

and behaviors that are associated with adult men and boys. Masculinity is defined in

social culture and is created by biological. Masculine traits are different from each

gender, both men and women have masculine traits, and vice versa men and women

can have the nature of feminism (Connell, 2005:6).

Masculinity is virility or tomboy and maturity. The traits that have the nature

of masculinity that have the courage, freedom, take a risk, strong stance,

independence, and responsibility. Masculine traits that vary can be seen from the

social and the cultural in an environment. The community argued that the nature of

masculine is only owned in males however people's opinion is wrong can be seen

from the definition of masculinity. Masculinity is the image of courage, prowess,

manhood, dexterity, courage to challenge danger, determination, tenacity, muscle

men strong or a specific part of the body that becomes the appeal of men who look

extrinsic ( Kurnia, 2014: 22). From the above definition, it can be concluded that

masculinity is defined as one that is maleness, which can be owned by women also

and not only on the men (Connell, 2009:164).

Masculinity is a social concept and the meaning of meaning that apply to

men. In a specific time According to Connel masculinity emerged on gender

relations, namely the practice of involving both men and women (Kimmel and

Aronson, 2002).

According to Barker (2001), Masculinity is a form of construction tomboy or

virility. The nature of the masculine is not present from birth but rather the nature of

the masculine is born on the conduct, character, behavior of the small that is carried

from birth to adulthood. The things that determine the nature of the masculine is

culture on the environment. In general, traditional masculinity considers the high

inter-power can be seen from the self-reliance, strength, expert, assertiveness, and

work. And are looked down upon is softness, weakness, domestic life, women, and

children ( Barker, 2007).

Masculine is a male that looks more “fatherly”. Where has the position as

the father of the family, the breadwinner in the family, able to guide the women, and

make a decision that is good (Beynon)? According to Connell (2000) the masculine is

a form of practical gender is a social construction that is formed directly from the

behavior of the male body is both symbolic which is not determined by a biological

male. Connell (2005) expresses that masculinity can be understood from the

reproduction area to explain that the nature of masculinity not only in the set of

biological properties but can be determined from a historical process (Connell,


According to Kimmell (2005), masculinity is a collection of meanings that

can change about a thing that is associated with or associated with a male so have a

different definition of each culture. Meanwhile, Morgan (Beynon, 2007) said that

“what is masculinity is what men and women do rather than what they are” meaning

that masculinity is what men and women.

From several definitions of masculinity that have been stated by some of the

figures or experts, the researcher chose to use the foundation of the theory of Connel

that masculinity can be understood or interpreted from the reproduction area to

explain that the body is not a fixed and biologically determined but can be understood

from the historical process. The researcher chooses the theory Connel because the

average definition of the various figures and experts reveal and emphasize what men

and women should do. But the nature of men to commit violence and virility and

manhood and in women have the properties of weak and soft and are involved in the

field of domestic (Barker in Nasir, 2007:1).

The definition of masculinity, for the most part, selected and taken from the

point of view of a culture, but have different strategies to determine the marked

person who has the nature of masculinity. There are four kinds of the most important

strategy and has followed, from this they are more easily distinguished in terms of

logic, although they are often combined in a practice ( Connell, R.W., 2005:68).

Connell asserts that there is no university knowledge to know that we can

and are able to create and know of ourselves without having to involve another

person or without the encouragement of others and not rule out local knowledge and

social. Connell wants to teach us to be independent, think to themselves take

decisions on their own and see a problem more thorough and open and not just see it

from one side only and also able to balance the complexity that is there (Connell,

2005: 71).

This study examines the novel The Hunger Games. The research analysis

was conducted based on the problem in the research, namely the masculinity of the

main character in the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This study aims

to determine the masculine forms found in the main character, the things that cause

the emergence of masculine characters in the main character.


The analysis of masculine forms uses indicators of masculinity forms based

on several expert opinions.

According to Connel, masculinity appears in gender relations, namely

practices that involve both men and women. According to Connel (2000) masculine is

a practical form of gender which is a social construction that is formed directly from

the behavior of the male body, both symbolic and not determined by male biology.

Connel (2005) revealed that masculinity can be understood from the reproductive

area to explain that masculinity is not only determined from biological traits but can

be determined from a historical process. The definition of masculinity is mostly

chosen and taken from the point of view of a culture for granted, but there have been

different strategies to define someone who has masculinity traits. There are four kinds

of strategies that are most important and have been followed, from these they are

easier to distinguish from a logical point of view, although they are often combined in

practice (Connel, RW 2005:68).

As per Barker (2001), masculinity is a type of manliness or manliness

development. Manly characteristics are absent from birth, yet manly attributes are

brought into the world from the conduct, character, conduct from youth that is

conveyed from birth to adulthood. What decides the manly person is the way of life

that exists in the climate. As a general rule, customary manliness has high respect for

qualities, which can be seen from freedom, strength, skill, decisiveness, and work.

Furthermore, what is peered downward on is delicacy, shortcoming, homegrown life,

ladies, and kids (Barker, 2001).


According to Kimmell (2005), masculinity is a collection of meanings that

can change about something related or related to men so that it has a different

definition for each culture.

Meanwhile, according to Morgan in (Beynon, 2007) said that "what is

masculinity is what men and women do rather than what they are" which means

masculinity is what men and women do. According to Beynon, at this moment, the

situation had changed

Where the jobs and qualities for all kinds of people are progressively

comparable, so that both can pick as per what they need. The aftereffect of these

progressions is then set apart by the term manly hybridity, where a lady has manly

attributes and a man has female qualities.

The component of manliness incorporates the idea of keeping up with own

viewpoint or conviction, nonconformist, not upset by the assessments of others, solid

character, try to face challenges and brimming with strength. Truly equipped for

being a pioneer and a pioneer on the most fundamental level, ready to face

challenges, as to overwhelm or rule, have a solid position and set out to act, forceful,

sure, think systematically or see circumstances and logical results connections, simple

simply decide, are free, childish or self-serving, male, set out to contend or finish, and

go about as a pioneer.

2. The History of Masculinity

Masculinity began to appear in vary based on the time and place. The

lessons of the history of masculinity emerged in the 1980s, this year began to expand

the history of gender on women. In history, the role of women much ignored by the

public though figures of men more than the women leaders figure women but that

does not mean no. The study of the history of women began to analyze the gender and

women to develop this field. Article issued by Joan Scott, reveal the gender studies

laid out as a concept analytically to explore power and discourse community. Scoot

revealed that gender should be divided into two is produced and productive. Gender

earning that check or detect a role in creating power relations and producing gender

that explores the use and changes in gender along. It is used effects on the field of

masculinity, can be seen in the definition of Pierre Bourdieu about masculinity: in the

production and formed if the society and culture, and appear again in people's

everyday lives (Connel, 2007 1-10).

From a few hypotheses about manliness or masculinity , the scientist sums

up the qualities that can shape the personality of masculinity. as indicated by Connel

(2001) Manly characteristics incorporate not being irritated by others' perspectives,

having a solid character, online to face challenges, and being brimming with strength.

from Beynon's hypothesis (2007) has genuinely fit qualities of being a visionary and

a pioneer's soul, simple to decide, certainty, fearless to contend and finish and go

about as a pioneer. Manly is a man who looks more "protective". Where has a

situation as the dad of the family, provider in the family, ready to direct ladies, and

settle on better choices (Beynon)? As per Barker (2001), the things that decide manly

qualities are freedom, strength, aptitude, decisiveness, and work. Also, what is peered

downward on is delicacy, shortcoming, homegrown life, ladies, and kids. Masculinity


is the picture of boldness, strength, virility, ability, mental fortitude to challenge risk,

boldness, determination, solid male muscles, or certain pieces of the body that draw

in men who look outward (Kurnia, 2014: 22). As indicated by Kimmell (2005),

masculinity is an assortment of implications that can change about something related

or identified with men so it has an alternate definition for each culture. In the interim,

as indicated by Morgan in (Beynon, 2007) said that "what is masculinity is which

people do as opposed to what they are" which implies masculinity is which people


3. Masculinity in Woman

Masculinity has evolved with different variations based on time and place.

Knowledge about masculinity emerged in the 1980s, which is the development of the

history of gender on women. In history, the role of women is much neglected and

despised, although in principle the men more than women, but that does not mean

from the number of men women no. The study of women's history began to analyze

the gender and women to develop this field. The article Joan Scott, called for laying

the foundation of the study of gender as a concept analytically to explore the

community, power and discourse. According to Scott, gender should be treated in two

ways that is productive and produced. Gender productive examines its role in creating

power relations and produce (Halberstam, 1998:345).

Sex investigates the utilization and change of sexual orientation from the

beginning of time. This has influenced the field of manliness, as found in the meaning

of Pierre Bourdieu about manliness: it is created by society and culture, and is

repeated in regular daily existence. In Female Manliness (1998), Halberstam looks to

distinguish what comprises manliness in the public arena and in you.

Halberstam then, at that point, centers around the "issue restroom". Here, the

topic of double sexual orientation inquired. Halberstam contends that the issue just

has two separate restrooms for the distinctive genders, without a spot for individuals

who don't obviously squeeze into in which classification to utilize, is an issue. The

declaration is additionally made that the arrangement of our restroom isn't

satisfactory for the sexual orientation contrast found locally. The issue of policing

that happens around the restrooms is additionally a point of convergence for an

assessment of the issues of the washroom; not exclusively is this policing on the

legitimate level, yet in addition at the social level. The social part of policing, as

indicated by Halberstam, makes it progressively hard for individuals who don't

plainly and clearly squeeze into some class to utilize public bathrooms without

experiencing a type of brutal circumstance or not happy (Robert, 1997).

Halberstam claims that a few meanings of manliness are just possessed by

people don't have manly characteristics however just have female attributes. Then

again, men frequently mirror ladies' structures and qualities. It tends to be found in

the present society that numerous men change sexual orientation to female.

Halberstam actually arranges yet in addition battles for manliness in ladies as a

forceful power.

Masculinity woman, similar to every other person, can be misanthropic, and

sexists might in any case rise to manliness with influence, particularly in the present

society which truth be told engages rich white men over different gatherings.

Additionally, Halberstam, likewise protecting the double of manliness and gentility,

stigmatizes ladylike and elective sexual orientation classes, like hermaphrodism, even

as he grows the limits of manliness.

Female manliness or masculinity implies another comprehension of manly

conduct and character. Shown with almost forty photos, including representations,

stills, and drag ruler execution pictures, the book on female masculinity gives some

broad notes on the different masculinities that exist in ladies. also, as Halberstam

plainly calls attention to, discussing female manliness is certifiably not a terrible

impersonation of manliness, yet an exuberant and emotional organizing of half breed

and minority sexual orientation.

As opposed to women's activist conversations of female and lesbian

masculinity, women's activist investigations of male masculinity by and large

scrutinize its social and mental impacts. The current study of male masculinity

frequently depicts it contrarily as a wellspring of instability for men and an issue for

society, an expectation to brutality and terrible conduct that emerges from profound

inside the spirit just as from adjustment to normal practices. Researchers who portray

the masculinity of the individual style of butch lesbians and female transsexual ladies

who have male characteristics depict these masculinities as brave and valiant,

however guarantee that they are not impersonations of male masculinity and are not

neurotic, harsh, or best comprehended through psychoanalytic classifications.

Despite the fact that ladies are frequently disregarded and overlooked in

conversation discussions about masculinity, ladies can likewise communicate and

show manly characteristics in their conduct. For instance in Western culture,

masculinity in ladies has been compartmentalized into personalities, for example,

"fiery girl" and "butch". Albeit female masculinity is frequently connected with

lesbianism, communicating masculinity doesn't really have to do with sexuality in a

lady. In any case, in women's activist way of thinking, female masculinity is

frequently described as a kind of sex execution that challenges masculinity and male

control. In spite of the fact that masculinity in ladies is classified as obliterating

masculinity in men, then again, manly ladies frequently experience shame and social

badgering, notwithstanding the impact of the women's activist development which

has prompted the acknowledgment of ladies who express masculinity in late many


As far as character, ladies appear to play assumed control over parts as a rule

related with masculinity or masculinity. This appears to affirm what Simone de

Beauvoir (in Tong, 2010: 274) said, ladies who work outside with men attempt to

turn into their subjects. Katniss is a lady who overwhelms just as an expert lady with

an administration soul. In this review, it was found that masculinity in crafted by the

characters was done willfully by him.


The job of ladies contrasted with the generalization of ladies overall. Ladies

can work in the open arena, they can turn into the bones of the family once more.

Ladies' masculinity isn't just reflected apparently and appearance, yet in addition in

fearlessness, shrewdness, dynamic, obligation, and authority soul. Proficient ladies

likewise figure out how to confront difficulties, both social, monetary, and social.

Proficient ladies can work on their economic wellbeing.

Courage is the keyword to face a better future. Such as the definition of

courage, having a steady heart and great confidence in the face of danger, difficulties,

and so on; unafraid (trepidation, wry). Dare to face every challenge in life Courage

can be the foundation for us to produce maximum results. It is normal to be overcome

by fear, but if we don't try to get rid of that fear, we will never dare to try new

challenges or things in life. let's have the courage to fulfill all dreams because dreams

will not be achieved without courage. "Fear can stop a person from doing many

things. While courage can help a person achieve great and extraordinary things."

Dare to take a risks is one of the keys to starting a business because in this

component there are many items that follow it, namely daring to lose, daring to take

decisions, daring to face problems, dare to refrain from using company money for

fun, and dare to go bankrupt.


A strong stance is an attitude that believes and believes that what we are

doing now or at that time is the right thing to do. It can be seen from not giving up

easily, defending his opinion, being adamant, firm, not slowing down.

Responsibility is human awareness of their intentional or unintentional

actions or actions. Responsibility also means taking action as a form of awareness of

one's obligations towards it. Responsibility is closely related to obligations.

4. Autobiography of the Author

Suzanne Marie Collins is an American television writer and novelist. Collins

was born on August 10, 1962 in Hartford, Connecticut, to Jane Brady Collins

(b.1932) and Lt. Col. Michael John Collins (1931–2003). She is best known as the

author of The New York Times bestselling series The Underhand Chronicles and The

Hunger Games trilogy (which consists of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and


Collins’ career began in 1991 as a writer for children’s television shows. She

worked on several television shows for Nickelodeon, including Clarissa Explains It

All, The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo, Little Bear, and Oswald. She was also the head

writer for Scholastic Entertainment’s Clifford’s Puppy Days. She received a Writers

Guild of America nomination in animation for co-writing the critically acclaimed

Christmas special, Santa, Baby.


Suzanne Collins, is a famous author of children’s books, best known for the

trilogy, ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Catching Fire’, and ‘Mockingjay’. Having studied

drama, and pursued specialization in writing for the theatre, the young woman started

out writing scripts for popular animated television shows for children. After pursuing

a career in television scriptwriting for almost thirteen years, she decided to become an

author of children’s books. She says that her inspirations came from the classic

favorite, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, assuming what would happen if someone slipped

into a manhole rather than a key hole, and what they would find instead of the high

tea. The book was declared a bestseller by ‘The New York Times’ and she produced

more books as a part of the same series.

5. Synopsis

Katniss overhears Gale and Beetee discussing a dubious trick they mean to

employ. It involves setting off a bomb that will kill many people and force the

survivors to flee, and then deploying a second bomb in their direction to maximize

the number of victims (Collins, 2010).

When the hovercrafts go, Katniss says that it's horrible as lives will be lost.

Gale tells Katniss that this is war. Katniss is rushed off to shoot a propaganda speech,

and then the captured refugees arrive by train. The rebel troops treat the refugees with

suspicion, ordering them to drop their weapons and shooting some who don't comply.

Katniss stops her speech and screams at everyone to stop and then a refugee holds her

hostage. He tells Katniss "Give me a reason why I shouldn't shoot."Katniss replies


that she can't, but that the Capitol has been setting the Districts against each other,

providing them with plenty of reasons to kill each other. She's so tired that dying

would be a relief (Collins, 2010).

Night falls and Peeta can't sleep. He and Katniss talk, and they play a game

to help Peeta figure out what is real and what parts of his memories are planted by

Capitol programming. As day comes, Finnick helps Peeta as they explore the city,

entering an oval courtyard surrounded by abandoned apartment buildings. They're

getting ready to shoot a propos (Collins, 2010).



In this chapter, the researcher explains the methods used in research, data

collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and data and data sources in


The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative

research by analyzing visual and textual data in the novel “The Hunger Games”.

Moleong (2013:6) states that subjective examination is research that plans

to get what peculiarities are capable by research subjects, like conduct,

discernment, inspiration, activity, comprehensively, and via portrayal as words.

furthermore, language in exceptional settings that are normal and by using

different logical strategies. The point of this approach is a more profound

comprehension of the issue being contemplated.

A. Research Method

This research uses a qualitative method that is descriptive analysis. The

descriptive analysis method is used to find out facts and one's behavior, attitude

and nature that there is a performance novel “The Hunger Games Mockingjay part

2” are mainly on the main character in the novel. In this study, the researcher only

focusesd on the main character. This method is clear and appropriate for use in


examining the nature of the masculine contained on a woman in a work of

literature that the novel “The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2”.

B. Source of Data

Data source in this research is a novel entitled The Hunger Games

Mockingjay part 2. “Novel The Hunger Games Part 2” was published in 2010 and

produced by Suzanne Collins. This novel tells the story off women trying to

support his family and do battle held , that named the hunger games and finished

of the battle Katniss and Peeta back to the house and gathered with their child.

C. Instrument of the Research

In order to get the data, the researcher as the main instrument is very

much influenced by the ability of researchers in writing, analyzing, and reporting

research results. Researchers must also have the sensitivity and insight to capture

the symbols and hidden meanings. Lyotard (1982) says “ because this learning

experience is very personal, researchers often have difficulties to express it in

written form”.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Source data collected through several stages following the steps and how

to take the data in the study :

1. The researcher read the novel “The Hunger Games Mockingjay”Part 2.

2. The researcher identified masculinity in the novel.

3. The researcher classified the masculinity in the novel.

E. Technique of Data Analysis


In this study, the researcher analyzed the data used qualiative descriptive

method, by Connell R.W's theory of masculinity they are courage, responsibility,

strong stance and take a risk.



A. Findings

The result of the examination and conversation in this review are a

portrayal of female masculinity from the original The Yearning Games by

Suzanne Collins. The consequences of this review demonstrate that the

information got from information sources are changed in accordance with the plan

of the issue and exploration goals. The information got were examined by the

hypothesis utilized in this review. Then, at that point, the result of the

investigation are introduced as a depiction. After this stage, the result of the

investigation were done unmistakably and subjectively. Toward the finish of the

conversation, the connection among information and hypothesis just as supporting

information is summed up.

The portrait of masculinity has been shown in the novel “The Hunger

Games Mockingjay”. The main character Katniss showed some side of

masculinity. The research already divides the base of the type on Connel theory.

1. Courage

Extract 1

It turns out the question that’s been eating away at me has only ever had
one possible answer. But it took Peeta’s play for me to recognize it.


What am I going to do? (HG.P.10)

I take a deep breath. My arms rise slightly as if recalling the black and white
wings Cinna gave me then come to rest at my sides.

“I'm going to be the Mockingjay.” (HG.P.11)

The sentence above describes the main character as having the courage

and being responsible because in the novel “The Hunger Games” tells the story of

the main character trying to become a Mockingjay who can be described as a

leader. And a leader must have responsibility for what he does and dare to tak

risks for what he gets. Why should he be the Mockingjay? Because the whole

district people trust him to be the leader in a war. The researcher considers this to

be something masculine because based on Connel's theory, courage and

responsibility are some of the characteristics of masculinity.

Extract 2
My feet fly down the steps and I take off running for him. "Stop!" I yell
at the rebels.” Hold your fire! ”. The words echo around the square and beyond
as the mike amplifies my voice. “Stop!” I’m nearing the young man, reaching
down to help him, when he drags himself up to his knees and trains his gun on my
head. (HG.P.73)

The sentence above describes the main character as having a brave soul

where a leader in a war dares to approach a soldier who points a gun to his head.

Consider this to be a trait of masculinity because it is based on Connel's theory

which says courage is a characteristic of researchers of masculinity.

Extract 3
“I want to tell peaple that if you think for one second the Capitol will treat
us fairly if there’s a cease-fire, you’re deluding yourself. Because you know who
they are and what they do.”My hands go out automatically, as if to indicate the

whole horror around me.”This is what they do! And we must fight back!”
I’m moving in toward the camera now, carried forward by my
rage.”President Snow says he’s sending us a message? Well, I have one for him.
You can torture us and bomb us burn our districs to the ground, but do you see
that?” One of the cameras follows as I point to the planes burning on the roof of
the warehouse across from us. The Capitol seal on a wing glows clearly through
the flames.”Fire is catching!” I am shouting now, determined that he will not miss
a word.”And if we burn, you burn with us!” (HG.P.34)
In the sentence above, it can be described about someone who has

masculine traits as seen by a woman named Katniss who dares to prepare to fight

against the war from the Capitol. They don't care what they will gain from the

war, they still have a strong soul to fight the Capitol. They all don't care about

their wounds, they are willing to be in pain to win the war, the most dominant in

the war is Katniss, where Katniss is trusted by the community to win the war,

Katniss is a woman who has a soul and character like a man. Where a Katniss has

a resolute soul to protect her district from wars carried out by President Snow of

the Capitol. The researcher took the sentence above because he has a courageous

spirit which in Connel's theory says that courage is a characteristic of masculinity.

Extract 4
Back in hospital, I find Johanna in the same circumstance and spitting
mad. I tell her about what Coin said.”Maybe you can train, too.”
"Fine. I'll train. But I'm going to the stinking Capitol if I have to kill a
crew and fly there myself,"
“Probably best not to bring that up in training,”I say. “But it’s nice to know
I’II have a ride.” (HG.P.80)
The above sentence it shows that Katniss is very stubborn no matter what

happens to her, she is willing to sacrifice herself to take revenge on the district or

village that was damaged by the Capitol. Katniss is willing to do a war even

though it is a very dangerous war to do, where Katniss is very unstable but

Katniss still wants to do war even in a slumped state. The researcher took the

sentence above because the courage and freedom to save the soldiers by Katniss

were traits or included in the characteristics of masculinity as expressed by

Connell and Baynon.

2. Responsibility

Extract 5

I know there are a couple of huge screens here on the square. I saw them
on the victory Tour. It might work, if I were good at this sort of thing. Which I’m
not. They tried to feed me lines in those early experiments with the propos, too,
and it was a flop.

“You could save a lot of lives, Katniss,” Haymitch say finally.

“All right. I’II give it try,” I tell him. (HG.P.72)
I know there are some big screens here in the square. I saw them on the
Victory Tour. It might work, if I'm good at this sort of thing. which I don't. They
tried to give me a line in the initial experiment with the proposal, too, and it
"You could have saved a lot of lives, Katniss," Haymitch finally says.
"Okay. I'll give it a try," I told him. (HG.P.72)
From the sentence above it is clear that a Katniss is constantly trying to do

battle to save her district from President Snow. Katniss's behavior was responsible

behavior, all of which was shaped by war. From the sentence above, Katniss was

asked to give a speech in front of a screen or in public. They trusted Katniss to

give a public speech, Katniss didn't dare to do that, but a group of friends trusted

Katniss to speak publicly. Here is a Katniss to announce or give a speech about

the victory they got, everything that comes out of the mouth of a Katniss is the

result of dictation from a Haymitch, Katniss is difficult to give a speech or speak

in public because Katniss feels tense, what Katniss announced can be seen from

"I'll feed you, line by line," he assured me. You just have to repeat what I said.

Look, there's no sign of life from that mountain. We have won, the battle

continues". They have won but they remain vigilant and fight for the future.

Because they don't know if president Snow will not start another war. Here

Katniss is considered a responsible leader so she is the one who speaks publicly

highlighted by cameras and microphones.

The researcher took the fragment of the sentence above because the

sentence can determine the nature or character of responsibility as expressed by


3. Strong Stance

Extract 6

“What do you mean, I’m not not going to the Capitol? I have to go!
I’m the Mockingjay!” I say.

Coin barely looks up from her screen.”And as the Mockingjay, you

primary goal of unifying the districts againt’s the Capitol has been achieved.
Don’t worry if it goes well, we’ll fly you in the surender.”

The surender?

“That’ll be too late! I’II miss all the fighting. You need me I’m the best
shot you’ve got!” I shout. I don’t usually brag about this. But it’s got to be at least
close to true. (HG.P.80)

From the sentence above a Katniss tries to join the battle, but a Gale does

not allow it because the main goal of a Katniss which is to unite the districts to

fight the Capitol has done well. But katniss stays clean to follow the war by

saying you need me in a war. I'm the best archer, Katniss cleanly shouted in front

of the soldiers. The researcher chose the sentence above because having a strong

personality is not easily influenced by other people's responses, but he tends to

maintain his principles and is not easily swayed as in the masculine dimension

expressed by Beynon and Connel.

Exctract 7

“What they want is for me to truly take on the role they designed for me.
The symbol of the revolution. The Mockingjay. Isn’t enough, what I’ve done in
the past, defying the Capitol in the Games, providing a rallying point. I must now
become the actual leader, the face, the voice, the embodiment of the
revolution. The person who the districts-most of which are now openly at war
with the Capitol can count on to blaze the path to victory”. (HG.P.3)

In the trailer above, Katniss bravely takes action to become a leader who

truly has an amazing face and voice. Dare to be a leader in war. The researcher

made the decision above, according to Baynon and Connel, who made the

decision to become a true leader because of the characteristics of, has a strong

stance and dares to act.

4. Take a Risk

Exctract 8
But I have to go," I say.
Why?” ask Coin.
I can't very well say it's so I can carry out my own personal vendetta
against Snow. Or that the idea of remaining here in 13 with the latest version of
Peeta while Gale goes off to fight is unbearable. But I have no shortage of reasons
to want to fight in the Capitol. ”Because of Twelve. Because they destroyed my
district.” (HG.P.80)

In the snippet above, it is Katniss who is trying to take revenge on President

Snow for what she has done to her district. The researcher takes or chooses this

sentence because he has a soul that dares to take risks for revenge for the

destruction of his district, as Connell said, the character of taking risks is a

characteristic of masculinity.

B. Discussion

From the results of the analysis, it is found that all of the ways to

determine the nature of masculinity or behavior are proposed by Connel (2001).

Masculine includes not being bothered by other people's opinions, having a strong

personality, dares to take risks, and is full of power. Physically able to be a

dreamer and a leader soul, easy to make decisions, confident, dare to compete and

complete and act as a leader (Beynon,2007). In this study, the researcher

succeeded in obtaining several characteristics to determine the nature of

masculinity, namely bravery, take risks, and a strong stance.

The courage contained in Katniss' character is when Katniss volunteered to

become a Mockingjay. Mockingjay can be said to be a leader. Katniss volunteered

as Mockingjay because Katniss began to get angry and emotional over the

behavior of the Capitol led by President Snow. Yang always fights and makes war

on districts that still have living residents. Katniss wanted to kill everyone in the

Capitol after President Snow's behavior. Without any hesitation, Katniss firmly

took a deep breath and raised her hands and arms, and said “I will be the

Mockingjay” to lead District 12 against the Capitol.


Courage is the determination to persist in maintaining a posture that is

believed to be a duty and responsibility, even if it is not approved or even the

environment actively opposes it. Budiono (2007:94) explains the characteristics of

the value of courage, namely as follows think carefully and measure before acting,

motivate others, always be self-aware, humble and fill your soul and mind with

new knowledge going in the right direction, true act, progressive spirit, willing to

take risks and consistency. The character possessed by Katniss who is a woman

who becomes a leader in a district. This not only helps other individuals to

recognize us, but also helps us to know what is expected of us in various


Dare to take risks contained in Katniss's character is like in the sentence in

the novel “The Hunger Games” wherein the war bombs after bombs were dropped

from the plane by troops from the Capitol led by President Snow. Katniss began

to feel pain in her right leg to bear the weight of her body, but Katniss still tried to

be strong and tough with the pain she was feeling, she felt there was no time to

treat the wound she felt but she just resigned herself to the wound she received

from the Capitol attack. The pain Katniss felt was an attack from the Capitol.

Behind all that friends or a group of Katniss's team, none of them preceded

Katniss's steps but they all ran to match Katniss's steps to protect Katniss from

various sides.

As for another example of the courage to take risks, Katniss is willing to

sacrifice herself to fight for revenge against President Snow, who has destroyed

Katniss's district and killed the people in the district. Dare to take risks as well as

dare to take responsibility here is usually defined as or a responsibility that is

taken by someone to carry a burden from a rather easy burden to the most difficult

burden. In taking responsibility it takes confidence to do so. Because in taking

responsibility one must be able to accept what will happen, because taking

responsibility does not involve other people, but from oneself, one gets the

confidence to do or take a very heavy responsibility. Trying to take responsibility

for a business or a war takes as much faith and trust as Katniss does to protect her


Another example of masculinity is found in Katniss who is the main

character in a novel called “The Hunger Games”. It can be seen from the previous

explanation that Katniss is a Mockingjay which means a leader who has

responsibility. It can be seen in the sentence “I must now be the real leader, the

face, the voice, the embodiment of the revolution. The people whose districts are

now open at war with the Capitol can be counted on to pave the way to victory.”

From this sentence, the characteristic of masculinity is closely attached, namely a

strong stance. Having a strong stance will not be easily influenced by the words of

others, ambitious in life goals, and not easily swayed.

Of the four discussions about determining masculinity, namely courage,

take risks, responsibility and strong stances influence each other to get a picture of

how a person views himself. This is very important because it provides the

foundation that will determine how we treat ourselves and how we make decisions

in everyday life. Some objective facts about ourselves, such as our social status in

society and the physical characteristics we are born with, are also subjective, such

as opinions about personality traits and characteristics. If we recognize our

courage well, they can choose to take good risks, then we recognize a strong

attitude well, then it can be said that we have masculinity and character. This we

managed to find a self-identity that reflects who we really are.

In this case, this is also the basis for researchers to analyze the main

character in “The Hunger Games Novel” to find out how the main character views

himself and find a self-identity that reflects himself from the main character using

the theory of Masculinity in being courage, taking risks, responsibility and having

a strong stand.

From the results of the study, there are several differences from previous

studies related to masculinity. This study aims to reveal what masculinity is

contained in the main character in “The Hunger Games” novel regarding the

personality and character formation experienced by the main character Katniss so

that the results are found from the classification of each character of the main

character due to the influence of mindset, feelings of self-esteem, nor aspire to be

desired or hope. This study focuses more on three kinds of self-determining

masculinity found in this analysis, namely hierarchy and hegemony, bodies as

arenas, and active construction. This study uses the theory of Christina O'Connell.

In contrast to the results of previous studies such as research by Suleman

Hamzah (2017), analyzing a literary work entitled masculinity of female

characters in the novel Bidadari Bidadari Langit by Tere Liye. The object of this

research is the novel of the angels of heaven. The purpose of this study is to

analyze the nature of masculinity or masculinity and the struggles of a main

character in the novel Bidadari Bidadari Langit. The method used in this research

is descriptive method and analytical method. The theory used by this researcher is

the theory of literary masculinity using a structural approach that focuses more on

research on the main character. The results of this study indicate that the

masculinity of a female character in the novel Bidadari Bidadari Langit is directed

to a laisa character who has a brave, aggressive nature and with a good speech.

Laisha's character in this novel does not show the nature of her weakness.

Meanwhile, Ghea Nurfadilah Afni's research (2013) analyzed a literary

work with the title of masculinity and power listed in Chistoper Nolan Batman

The Dark Knight Rises Movie (2012): a psychoanalytic approach to research

publications. The object of this research is a film entitled The Dark Knight Kisses

(2012). This study discusses masculinity and strength in the main character. The

method used in this study is that there are two objectives in this study, the first is

to analyze the film on structural elements and the second is to analyze the novel

with a psychoanalytic approach. The method used in this study is a qualitative

method. The theory used in this study is the psychoanalytic theory proposed by

Sigman Freud. The results of this study are based on the structural analysis, it is

clear, in the film the dark knights rises Christopas Nolan shows the masculinity of

the main character.

In Yulia Eka Apriani's research (2018), she examines a literary work

which has the title Representation of Female Masculinity in Television Media

(Semiotic Study of the Program "The Project" on Trans TV Broadcast. The object

in this study is a TV media broadcast about the project. The method used the

researcher is a qualitative method using Roland Barthes semiotic analysis. The

theory used by the researcher is the theory of Roland Barthes. The results of this

study are material to find out in the domestic field not only for men but also for

women. And the nature of masculinity listed in this film can be seen from the

physical and attitude.



In this Section, the scientist partitioned the segment into two sections, they

are end and idea. The primary segment is the end that contains the end-product or

end that have been acquired from the outcomes in finding and the conversation

which are identified with the definition and the destinations of the exploration.

The subsequent area is idea that contains ideas that scientists need to convey to

different specialists, scholarly society, and perusers.

A. Conclusion

The outcomes got by specialists from this novel, there are 3 to decide the

mentality or character of masculinity in an individual, in particular that

masculinity is put on sexual orientation relations, specifically rehearses that

include people and have suggestions for actual encounters, qualities, and culture

as indicated by Connell's hypothesis (2005). In particular, boldness, set out to face

challenges, and have a solid character.

Courage is the assurance to continue keeping a stance that is accepted to

be an obligation and obligation, regardless of whether it isn't supported or even

the climate effectively goes against it. Budiono (2007:94) clarifies the qualities of

the worth of fortitude, to be specific: as follows: consider cautiously and measure

prior to acting, spur others, generally be mindful, humble and fill your spirit and


psyche with new information heading the correct way, genuine demonstration,

moderate soul, able to face challenges and consistency. In view of the assessment

above, you can express that the worth of boldness is an instrument of confidence

at something not known to be reluctant to keep up with the stance and guard of

reality which is the obligation and obligation that should be finished. The person

moved by Katniss who is a lady who turns into an innovator in a locale. This

assists others with remembering us, yet in addition assists us with realizing what

is generally anticipated of us in different circumstances.

Not with standing boldness, facing challenges is likewise a component of

deciding the personality of masculinity which is a self-assessment completed by

people and is normally identified with confidence, this communicates a demeanor

of concurring or differing and showing the degree to which the individual accepts

he is skilled, significant, effective, and important (Coopersmith 1967). One

instance of facing challenges is Katniss being delegated head of the gathering

against the Legislative hall of President Snow. From the sentence over, the nature

or character of the body and region can be shaped. As recently clarified, online to

face challenges can be shaped or seen from an individual's conduct or method of

talking. Like what Katniss did, where Katniss said or expressed a sentence like the

one above, which implies that regardless of how hard the issues Katniss will

confront, she will in any case go ahead to battle the soldiers from the Legislative

hall drove by President Snow.As for how to determine the attitude or character of

masculinity, it can be seen in the courage to act which has a strong stance

contained in the novel The Hunger Games which is owned by the main character

of a woman, namely where one can determine how to show gender or masculinity

by showing what to do, to whom and for whom. An example of a strong stance is

where a gender is represented or depicted through a behavior or action by

someone like Katniss who appears to act as if someone is angry with Capitol

President Snow's merciless behavior towards others population.

Such as the definition of courage, having a steady heart and great

confidence in the face of danger, difficulties, and so on; unafraid (trepidation,

wry). Dare to face every challenge in life Courage can be the foundation for us to

produce maximum results. It is normal to be overcome by fear, but if we don`t try

to get rid of that fear, we will never dare to try new challenges or things in life.

While courage can help a person achieve great and extraordinary things."

Dare to take risks is one of the keys to starting a business because in this

component there are many items that follow it, namely daring to lose, daring to

take decisions, daring to face problems, dare to refrain from using company

money for fun, and dare to go bankrupt.

B. Suggestion

This examination can be a reference to see an individual's person in a

scholarly work or in a social climate. This examination creates scholarly items

that can assist with uncovering current realities of the person had and contained in

the individual or the individual himself. This examination should be created by

checking out public activity in the public arena and in oneself, so the specialist

recommends writing understudies to discover the variables, capacities, and


portions of the self-idea to accomplish a greatly improved arrangement in

understanding the self-idea. This examination actually has numerous

shortcomings since it just creates 1 item which is just as writing, obviously it is

better if the article is utilized in daily existence locally so it finds suitable realities

in the field.

The analyst proposes to analyze a more profound investigation of the idea

of manliness and its division with various articles as an immediate way to deal

with society to discover individuals' propensities.


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Nursia or usually called Icha was born in Enrekang, South Sulawesi on

August 13th 1996. She have three sister and one brother. She am the fourth child

of Jafar and Muliati.

In 2003, she started his education in SDN 139 Galung and graduated in

2009. In the same year she continued his study in SMPN 4 Enrekang and

graduated in 2012. Then, she continued his study in SMAN 1 Enrekang and

graduated in 2015. After finishing his study in senior high school, she directly

continued his education in English and Literature department at Alauddin State

Islamic University of Makassar.

If you have any question about her thesis, you may contact her via email

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