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Name : Ramli
Reg. No. : 40300115075
Major : English and Literature Department
Faculty : Adab and Humanity Faculty
Title : Circumlocution in Political News written in Jakarta
Post (a Study of Semantic Change)
Supervisor I : Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M.Hum.
Supervisor II : Dr. Sardian Maharani Asnur, S.Pd., M.Pd.



A. Background of the Study

Language is the ability of humans to communicate with other humans

with using signs, for example words and movements, or a tool to interact and

communicate. In society to conveying words or information to the other everyone

has a different style. The speaker sometimes choose the wrong words which

sound strange or bad and make the listener unpleasant, in linguistic it relates to

circumlocution. Circumlocution is a type of euphemism, circumlocution to be

explained as a phonological modification which uses many words to explain an

expression by widening its meaning (Allan & Burridge, 2006: 128). For example,

an Indonesian expression masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (means low-income

people) can be categorized as a circumlocution which serves as a euphemism that


is used to actually refer to the expression masyarakat miskin (means the poor).

Moreover by using circumlocution it makes the words sounds good for listener. It

is supported by Qanbar’s (2011) who said that circumlocution can also be used for

social reason, for example, to avoid saying something offensive or unlucky.

Besides speaking, people must also pay attention to circumlocution in

writing, according to (zakky 2020) writing is a symbol of language and language

is speech. In this research language is very important for researcher because

language can influence one's judgment and thinking, an example of the language

itself in writing is a news. There certain issues such as politics, researcher

interested to find circumlocution related to meaning changes use in political news

written in Jakarta Post. The use of words is very important in many problems

writing in the news. The researcher will focus on news on arguments and writing,

he will try to examine the use of words dixies and it’s changes in the real


There are some phenomena that related about circumlocution in our life.

The first is daily life, circumlocution exist in communication that is related to

society. Not only were found in society or communities members, but usually

found in printed media such as text, newspaper, TV, radio, magazine, etc. For

instance, in religious text especially about The Utilization of Circumlocution in

Some Selected Religious Texts by Iman Mingher O. Al-Shemmery\ College of

Basic Education, University of Babylon. This has been analyzed by Hussain

Ubied (2016) he found types of circumlocution such as: general over specific,

paraphrase over name, complex over simple and additionally there are other types

of circumlocution that he found presented as follows: ambiguity, equivocation,

euphemism and grammar. It also used in some religious text, it makes some

situations is positive such as politeness and, social reasons as well as helping the

speaker when not finding the exact words to express . In spite of all these

communication advantages, it can be employed to maneuver or avoid being

equivocal. The cost of doing this may be, in addition to say or use too much words

on the part of the message sender, ambiguous interaction on the part of massage

receiver .Moreover, the latter may feel that massage sender lacks the linguistic

knowledge or ability.

The last, even in foreign language learning process circumlocution is a great

significance in English learning and teaching, because circumlocution expressions

are also capable of promoting successful communication. This phenomena was

analyzed by Diyan Purbosari (2018) about Circumlocution Strategy in Teaching

Speaking Applied by the English Teacher of Eleventh Grade Students at SMAN 1

GROGOL in Academy year 2017/2018. She found that the teacher applied types

of circumlocution such as: paraphrase over name, ambiguity, equivocation, and

grammar. It makes both the teacher and the students had good interaction and

communication in teaching and learning process.

The researcher reasons choose political news because they tend to use dixies

and sentences convey certain meanings such as circumlocution. Moreover the use

of good sentences is very important because political issue is very sensitive that

affected of Indonesian citizen. Indonesian people highly paid attention about the

news especially politics. People were distracted with what mass media inform,

because there are many negative issued. Based on the interest, the researcher will

try to analyze circumlocution which appears in political news, because

newspaper is read by every elements of society. So it‘s important to use a good

and polite language to make the news still trusted and educated and researcher can

also will found the meaning of words or sentences in news containing types of

circumlocution using Barras theory (1982), and also changes in meaning using

what occurs in the word or sentence circumlocution using semantic theory by Dirk

Geeraerts (2009). The researcher hopes this research can give benefits to the

development of scientific theories about meaning and semantic change of

circumlocution that the part of euphemism in political issues, so it can to increase

the use of circumlocution in spoken or written communications in public.

In this research, the researcher will use the electronic paper as the media to

take the data, because electronic paper or is newspaper in an electronic format that

can be accessed by smartphones or computers. It serves many pages using image

and information that published periodically. The researcher also will use as the object of the analysis because Jakarta Post has been

described as being Indonesia‘s leading English language daily.

The research about circumlocution in news is related to Al-Qur’an surah

(Al-Isra, Verse 53).


It explains that and say unto my servants "Let them say the words that are better

(true). Indeed, the devil caused disputes between them. Indeed, the devil is a real

enemy to humans.

According to Tafsir Al-Wajiz / Shaykh Prof. Dr. Wahbah az-Zuhaili,

expert on jurisprudence and interpretation of the land of Suriah. This includes the

tenderness of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala to His servants, where He commands

them to do the best morals, as well as the best deeds and words that can bring

them happiness in this world and the hereafter. The believer. The better words

here include all the words that draw closer to Allah, both in the form of reading

the Qur'an, Dhikrullah, conveying knowledge, having mercy and having bad

thoughts, and gentle remarks to humans. This verse also shows that when we are

faced with two good things, we are ordered to put a better priority between the

two if it is not possible to combine the two. The benefit of better words is because

he invites every noble character and righteous deeds, where people who are able

to master the verbal, then he is able to master all his affairs. To the infidels.

Namely trying to damage their religion and world. The way out is by disobeying

the bad words that are offered and saying soft words between our neighbors so

that Satan does not succeed in causing disputes between us, because he is our true

enemy that deserves to be fought, in which he does not invite apart from hell.

Likewise, someone should try to fight his desires which command evil (lust

ammarah bis suu '), through which lust satan enters, namely by obeying our Lord's

commands and avoiding His prohibitions.


A. Research Questions

Based on the focus of the study above, the researcher will arranges this

research through the following questions:

1. What are the types of circumlocution in Jakarta Post political news on May-June


2. How are semantic change of circumlocution in Jakarta Post political news on

May-June 2022?

B. Objective of The Research

Based on the research question stated above, the objectives of this research were


1. To find out the types of circumlocution in Jakarta Post political news on May-

June 2022.

2. To analyze the semantic change of circumlocution in Jakarta Post political news

on May-June 2022.

C. Significance of the Study

This research will give some significance as follows:

a. Theoretically

This research will be directive for linguistics field, especially in circumlocution


and semantic study, and show the clear description about the types of

circumlocution and the semantic in the newspaper.

b. Practically

This analysis is hopefully will give contribution to society in giving a better

understanding about circumlocution and semantic change, so that people can

apply the use of it in their written or spoken communication.

D. Scope of the research

To conduct this research, the researcher will focus on the types and the

semantic change of circumlocution in ‘’Jakarta Post online political news on

May-June 2022’’ written by Yerica Lai. The researcher will use Barras theory

(1982) about types of circumlocution such as general over specific, paraphrase

over name, complex over simple, ambiguity, equivocation, euphemism, and

grammar. In addition, the researcher will use theory of Dirk Geeraerts (2009)

about the lexical semantic, the types of semantic changes such as specialization or

narrowing, Generalization or broadening, metonymy, and metaphor.




A. Previous Studies

In this research the researcher take three previous studies as related with

this research of the researcher.

First, Diyan Purbosari (2018) in her Thesis “Circumlocution Strategy in

Teaching Speaking Applied by the English Teacher of Eleventh Grade Students at

SMAN 1 GROGOL in Academy year 2017/2018” this research used qualitative

method. She collected the data used three instrument such as: interview,

documentation, and observation. The writer interview the teacher to know the

information about profile of teacher and teacher’s preparation. After collecting the

data the writer found four types of circumlocution used by Barras’s Theory (1982)

about seven types of circumlocution, the writer found four types of

“Circumlocution Strategy in Teaching Speaking Applied by the English Teacher


of Eleventh Grade Student” such as paraphrase over name (1), ambiguity (1),

equivocation (1), and grammar (1).

Second, Akbar (2014) in his Thesis “Euphemism in Sherlock Serial TV

Season 3” this research used Qualitative method and descriptive analysis

technique for data analysis. The data are collected by watching all episodes of

Sherlock season 3 and taking notes of dialogues that might contain euphemism

and then compiling them in one word file. After analyzing Sherlock serial TV

season 3, the writer found three types of euphemism used by John, they are:

indirection(3), abstraction(2), and circumlocution(2); and those euphemisms are

classified into three types of meaning; affective(5), conceptual(2), and

social(1).The writer found four types of euphemism used by Sherlock, they are:

indirection(4), abstraction(2), circumlocution(1), and borrowing (1); and those

euphemisms are classified into three types of meaning; affective(3),

conceptual(3), social(2).

Third, Astuti (2014) her Thesis is “Euphemism used in The Jakarta Post

Newspaper” this research used Qualitative Descriptive, the data are collected by

reading randomly The Jakarta Post Newspaper, selecting and classifying the

selecting data based on the type, style and function of euphemism. The data is

analyzed using the following steps: (1) categorizing the data based on the types,

styles and functions of euphemism, (2) interpreting the data obtained from each

category based on euphemism theory, and (3) drawing conclusion as the result of

analysis. While, the instrument of this study is the researcher herself. As the

result, the researcher founds the main findings of this thesis, those are: (1) seven

types of euphemism: metaphor, idiom, circumlocution, acronym and abbreviation,

hyperbole, metonymy and synecdoche, (2) four styles of euphemism: formal,

casual, intimate, and frozen style, and (3) four functions of euphemism: to inform,

to convince, to evaluate and to moralize.

Based on some previous findings above, the researcher make conclusion

that his research has the similarities and differences. The first previous study, it

has the similarity about Barras’s theory, but the object is different she focus on

Strategy in Teaching Speaking Applied by the English Teacher of Eleventh Grade

Students. For the second previous study is totally different from the theory and

object, he focus on Euphemism in Sherlock Serial TV Season 3, he used types of

euphemism by john’s theory, he found three types of euphemism and one of them

is circumlocution. The last it has the similarity about the object of Jakarta Post

Newspaper, but the focus in her study is the types, style, and function of

euphemism. She found seven types of euphemism and one of them is

circumlocution. All the previous studies the writers used Qualitative Descriptive

Method. In this research the researcher also will use Qualitative Descriptive

Method and focus on circumlocution and the semantic change in Jakarta Post

Political News.

B. Some Relevant Theories

1. Semantics

Semantic might be occurs along with time and the development of the

language users. This change is a common phenomenon that happens in all


languages. According to Yu and Ren (2013), semantic change not only adds a

new meaning to certain word, but also creates the whole meaning changed. In

other words, semantic change occurs when a word loses its original meaning and

has a new meaning. However, the meaning relation between the words is still

binding each lexeme up, so they still have relationships to each other.

Semantics as a branch of linguistics was mainly concerned with how the

meaning‘ was conveyed by the linguistics system consisting of different unit

structures like sentence, phrases, words, morphemes etc. Semantics is study of

meaning expression in linguistics. Charles W. Kreider (1998) assert that

Semantics is the study of meaning, and how language organizes and express

meaning it calls semantic.

The definition above is supported by Griffiths (2006) who said that, the

word semantics‘ comes from the Greek language that is ‗sema‘ or ‘semainen‘

which means is sign, so semantics means to tell about meaning. Semantics is

related with what people think about the meaning. In daily activities, people tell

us such us kind of problems. What they see, hear, feel are transferred in some

words, so the hearers could become a comprehension or action or event both of


Furthermore Palmer (1988) stated that, ―Semantics is analyze of meaning

and semantics also analyze about symbol or sign that represent meaning relation

of meaning between one and the other, and also the influence to human and

society since semantics include symbol of word, it is growth and changes.


The term semantics was used broadly to refer to the study of meaning. It was

also central to the study of communication. Though the ‗meaning‘ or the

information one wants to communicate can be conveyed through a number of

means like gesture, picture, signals, etc.

Based on the explanation above, semantics mean the meaning and

interpretation of words, sign, and sentence structure. Semantics determine the

reading comprehension, how we understand the meaning. The researcher will use

theories of Barras (2009) about Theories of Lexical Semantics, classified four

major types based on the result of semantic change. They are:

a. Specialization or narrowing is the semantic change in which the new meaning

of a word develops less general or restricted than the old meaning.

b. Generalization or broadening is a kind of semantic change where the new

meaning of a word becomes more general or expanded than the old one.

c. Metonymy is a semantic change that based on the relationship between the

referents of the lexical items.

d. Metaphor is a type of semantic change which based on similarity between the

meanings of the lexical items.

2. Euphemism

Euphemisms are words or phrases that we use to replace less pleasant words

or phrases. They typically have more of a positive connotation than the original

phrase and are often less offensive. Euphemisms are used in sensitive social areas

where direct speaking in unsuitable, like death, diseases or sex. There are some

notable researchers who also defined the term of euphemism. Arif (2015) stated

that euphemism is words which used to soften the potentially negative impact of

the expression. During communication speakers try to minimize the potentially

offensive effect of expressions that is used.

Even though the use of taboo words are generally forbidden or avoided, the

discussion relating to taboo behaviors or objects is unavoidable. In a sex

education discussion, for example, it is impossible not to talk about sexuality and

bodily functions which are socially considered as taboo matters in the discussion.

But, as the utilizing of taboo words will likely cause social punishment or public

shame, softer and more polite words or expressions used to substitute taboo

words, or in other word: euphemisms, are needed.

Sociolinguistic speaking, euphemism, as stated by Allan and Burridge (2006:

32), is a word or phrase used to substitute a dispreferred expression so that it can

save or maintain the ‘face’ of the speaker, the hearer or some third party. The term

‘face’ here is related to the concept of face which firstly proposed by Goffman

(1955, 1967) and further developed by Brown & Levinson (1987) to refer to one’s

public self-image (Wardhaugh, 2006: 276). By using euphemism, the face of both

the speaker and the interlocutor or even some third party can be saved or, at least,


Meanwhile, in semantics, euphemism is defined as an alternative way of

describing something which makes it sound more pleasant than it really is

(Murphy & Koskela, 2010: 64). Similar to this definition, Oxford Dictionaries

Online accessed on October 6, 2012 generally explain euphemism as a mild or

indirect word or expression which is used to substitute another one which is


considered to be too harsh or blunt to refer to something unpleasant or

embarrassing. In conclusion, euphemism can be regarded as a nicer and more

polite word or expression applied to replace the blunt or offensive one so that it

can be socially more acceptable.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher makes conclusion that

euphemism is the word or phrase that people do not want to hear. It can be serious

or humorous, depending on the context in which it is used. Instead of being direct

and saying things that people might find rude, we would use a euphemism in its

place. So that we would sound more polite and they are also a bit amusing as well.

3. Circumlocution

Circumlocution is a types of euphemism, circumlocution can be explained

as a phonological modification which uses many words to explain an expression

by widening its meaning (Allan & Burridge, 2006: 128). Circumlocution (also

called periphrasis, circumduction, circumv-olution, periphrase, or ambage) is an

ambiguous or round about figure of speech. In its most basic form, circumlocution

is using many words (such as "a tool used for cutting things such as paper and

hair") to describe something for which a concise (and commonly known)

expression exists ("scissors"). In this sense, the vast majority of definitions found

in dictionaries are circumlocutory (Smyth, 1920: 681).

The employment of circumlocution refers to the use of unnecessarily words

and indirect language to avoid getting to the point, contrast with conciseness.

Though circumlocution is usually regarded as a stylistic vice in contemporary


prose, it can be used for comic effect. Yemeni speakers, for example, avoid the

use of these words through different types of replacement of taboo words with

more acceptable words of circumlocution (Qanbar, 2011:96).

Circumlocution is a roundabout or ambiguous way of saying things. For

example, saying "a certain long-eared animal with a penchant for carrots" instead

of "rabbit" is circumlocutory. Circumlocution may also be called ambage,

circumduction, circumvolution, periphrases, or periphrasis. There are many

different types of circumlocution and many different reasons for speaking in a

roundabout manner.

Circumlocution can also be used for social reasons, for example, to avoid

saying something unlucky or offensive. The use of circumlocutory speech to

avoid unlucky or taboo words is a form of euphemism. Sometimes, euphemism is

simply the substitution of one word for another, but in other cases, many words

are used to describe something instead of using the true word for it, which may be

considered offensive, upsetting, or unlucky. For example, one may say that

someone "passed away" or "is no longer with us" instead of saying that person

"died," in order to avoid upsetting his or her listeners (Qanbar's ,2011: 98).

Circumlocution can also be used in order to speak ambiguously or

equivocally. A person may use ambiguous circumlocutory speech for effect, for

example in a humorous double entendre, or to make a certain sentiment fit the

rhyme and meter of a poem. Circumlocutory speech can also be used, however, to

deceive or misinform. Politicians and lawyers are often accused of this type of

circumlocution, because it can sometimes be very difficult to determine which

side of a political issue one should support simply by listening to its proponents,

or to understand the finer points in a legal contract. Circumlocutory speech with

the intention to deceive is not limited to groups of people who use specialized

speech professionally. However, one can encounter such examples of

equivocation in nearly any situation. For example, an equivocating person may

say "I may not have been exactly truthful" instead of directly admitting to a lie.

According to Obeing (2012: 49) "circumlocution" is employed by politicians

in communicating potential face-threatening acts or politically subject. Politicians

avoid the obvious and communicate in an indirect way so as to protect further

their own careers and to have both advantages, in the political and interactional

levels, over their political opponents. This due to the fact that obliqueness in

communication may be expressed through evasion, circumlocution.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher makes conclusion that

circumlocution is a locution or style of speech that circles around a specific idea

with multiple words rather than directly evoking it with fewer words. There are

many types of circumlocution that includes indirect speech and ambiguous or

roundabout figure of speech. The other synonyms for circumlocution is beating

around the bush, circumambages, diffuseness, discursiveness, euphemism,

gassiness, indirectness, periphrase, periphrasis, pleonasm, prolixity, roundabout,

tautology, verbal evasion, verbality, verbiage, wordiness.

4. Types of circumlocution

According to Barrass (1982: 70), in his discussion of circumlocutory

utterances interaction, there are three types of circumlocution and four

additionally can be distinguished:

1) General over specific (abstract over concrete), Example of a typical sentence:

Life in Poland is difficult because the prices on many things are too high.

Problems: What is meant by 'life'?, Who is this life difficult for?, What are the

'many things'?, How can the range of 'too high prices' be defined? This seems

important and an usual type of frequently an uneconomical overwritten sentence:

the lack of precise terms is likely to force subsequent reformulations and

repetitions. Speakers should be bothered with questions about the generalizations

they like to use them, so that they start feeling concerned and responsible for the

meanings they want to convey. Informative and precise statements should be

aimed at, for example, to this effect: The cost of living of the Polish middle class

families have nearly doubled over the last year due to the continuous rise in rent

rates and food prices.

2) Paraphrase over name, this case of circumlocution appears when one is not able to'

call a spade a spade'. The employment of understatements and periphrases aims at

covering the ignorance or dishonesty of the writer. Here is a good list of words

that have lent themselves to the formation of such overblown jargonistic phrases.

To avoid equivocality, one is advised to use these words sparingly and with

caution: case ( instance), character ( nature), condition( persuasion), degree

(area), angle (aspect), fact ( field), level (situation), spectrum ( time), type

Barrass (1982: 70).


3) Complex over simple, Complex writing manifests itself in a threefold manner.

First, it results from the writer's inability to arrange his/her topic in a logical

structure. Here, culturally conditioned cognitive processes can be affected. The

way of putting them on the right path leads through varied practice in essay

organizing. Second, related to the foreign structured, thoughts are the methods of

presenting them linguistically. English sentences produced by Polish speakers for

example, often come out longer and looser than needed. Instead of grouping

logically connected topics, they abound in fragmented arguments, associative

remarks and repeated comments linked by connectives: which, with which, for

which, by which, who, with whom, etc. Barrass (1982: 70).

4).Ambiguity It is the ability to express more than one interpretation. It is in contrast

with vagueness in which specific and distinct interpretations are permitted

whereas in vagueness it is difficult to form any interpretation at the desired level

of specificity. Context may play a role in resolving ambiguity.

5).Equivocation is the use of circumlocution to deceive others without blatantly lying

equivocation is classified as both a formal and informal fallacy. For example, if a

mother asks her child to clean a throw rug , and the child replies that he will "hang

the rug and beat it" instead of saying he will "clean it", he could mean that he will

forget about the rug (hang it) and quickly leave (beat it).

6).Euphemism is the use of circumlocution to avoid saying offensive words. A

euphemism is a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place


of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener or in the

case of doublespeak Euphemism, however, is only sometimes circumlocutory. For

example, "Holy mother of Jesus !'' is a circumlocution of ''Mary'' but ''heck'' while

still euphemistic, is not a circumlocution of '' hell''.

7).Grammar: some strictly grammatically incorrect statements are considered

circumlocution to avoid using awkward constructions: e.g., "Aren't I going with

you?" instead of "Am I not going with you?". These are often perfectly acceptable

in common discourse.



A. Research Method

In this research, the researcher will use qualitative descriptive method that

intends to analyze the circumlocution contained in Jakarta Post political articles

on May-June 2022’’, it also want to describe semantic change of circumlocution

in Jakarta Post political news on May-June 2022’’. Descriptive qualitative

research is a research which involved collecting data in order to answers the

questions concerning the subject of the research, descriptive method is a method

used to explain, analyze, and classify something through various, techniques,

survey, interview, questionnaires, observation, and text. Freankel and wallen


(1993 : 23).

B. The Instrument of the Research

The instrument in this research of this qualitative research is the researcher

himself by identifying and classifying the circumlocution and semantic changes

on the news. Lincoln and Guba (1985) stated that ‘’the instrument of choice in

naturalistic inquiry is the human’’. It explains that in qualitative approach, the

researcher acted as the key instrument who built up some theories to research

subject because qualitative research did not examine a certain hypothesis.

Therefore, the researcher will use supporting instrument such as data sheet to help

her categorize the data into several types and semantic change of circumlocution

exist in ―Politic theme of Jakarta Post News.

C. Source of Data

The researcher will collect the data from the online news that are published in

Jakarta Post website,, about political news, on May-June 2022

with focus on circumlocution and semantic changes, the researcher will take 5 news

written by Yerica Lai:

News 1: - Politicians embark on 2024 ‘political safari’ during lebaran break –

This news was published on May 10th 2022.

News 2: - Gerindra prepares to endorse Prabowo for 2024 presidential run – This

news was published on May 20th 2022.

News 3: - Coalition courtship picks up ahead of 2024 election – This news was

published on June 3th 2022.

News 4: - PDI-P unworried about losing Jokowi’s grassroots supporters in the

2024 race – This news was published on June 8th 2022.

News 5: - Ganjar’s 2024 electability rating continues to climb, polls show – This

news was published on June 11st 2022.

D. Procedure of Data Collecting

In this study the researcher will use some steps in collecting the data as follows:

1. The researcher will collect and read the news about politic written in Jakarta Post

on May-June 2022.

2. The researcher will identify the data from each category based on the theories of

circumlocution by Barras and lexical semantic by Geeraerts.

3. The researcher will categorize the data by underline the word, phrase and

sentences in the news consider as the types of circumlocution based on Barras


4. The researcher will identify the semantic change of circumlocution based on


Geeraerts theory.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data from data source, the researcher will apply the following


1. Categorize the words, phrases and sentences from the news consider as the types

of circumlocution and semantic changes.

2. Analyze the types of circumlocution by using Barras‘s theory.

3. Analyze the semantic changes of circumlocution by using Geeraerts’s theory.

4. Made the discussion.

5. Draw the conclusion.


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Wardhaugh, R. (2006). An introduction to Sociolinguistics. (5th ed.). Oxford: Blackwell

Publishing Ltd.

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