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An Article

Submitted to the Lecturer in Partial Fulfilment of Discourse Analysis

MULYARTI (162052501002)


This paper is aimed to analyze slang on social media specially user of Facebook. Social
media is a medium that is widely used by speakers of the language to communicate remotely
over the internet. The use of social media sites have been growing intensively, by using Social
Media, people obtain and share information almost instantly. The development of era has
been influence in communication and interaction way. It is highly desirable for all citizens to
have a good interpersonal communication to maintain and develop further relationships. In
this case, language which used also influenced. Nowadays, many of slang words used in
communication. Slang is a language variety that is informal which used by people to
communication more easily and instantly in social media is much in demand by the public,
such as Facebook, twitter, BBM, and WhatsApp. Slang vocabulary that developed lately is
often irregular i.e. no formula or to abbreviate words. Factors behind the use of slang in
social networking is (a) to strengthen the relationship, look for a form of identity, expressing
self-expression; (b) to convey things that are considered to be closed for any other age group
or that the other party cannot know what he was talking about; and (c) for the purpose of
concealment outdated.
Keyword: communication, slang language, social media

A. Background
The essence of communication is transmission of meaning from one individual to
another. Human needs a means of communication to fulfill social needs. To support
communication, nowadays, variations of media are developed including electronic media
such as Facebook, twitter, instagram, WhatsApp, and so on. The development of media
influences communication and interaction way. It means language that used to communicate
has changing. Nowadays, many social groups use special terms to communicate with others,
particularly social media.
The use of social media has been growing intensively and it is highly desirable for all
citizens (Users) to have a good interpersonal communication while virtually communicating
with others in order to maintain and develop further relationships on- and offline. Bad
communication skills may have harmed the interpersonal relationships.
As defined by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), “Social Networking Sites are applications
that enable users to connect with each other by creating personal information profiles,
inviting friends and colleagues to have access to those profiles and sending emails and instant
messages between each other.” Content of these profiles are information like photos, videos,
and personal blogs. Social Networking Sites are platforms where user can create a webpage
with personal information to interact with friends both realistically and virtually which allows
them meet the people that have the same interests (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011).Because of the
innovation of Social Networking Sites, the communication method has shifted from face to
face communication to computer or smart phone mediated communication. The new
communication method continuously impacts interpersonal communication of people around
the globe. Scholars have proven that people who spend great amount of time on the Internet
would spend less time talking to others in any methods (Turnbull, 2010) which can lead to
loneliness and isolation.
These days have been widely varied in pronunciation of the conversation. Submission
of his words was no longer standard. This is due to the era of rapidly growing globalization
on social media. Globalization era influences affects all aspects of human life and livelihood.
The influence of this current globalization includes education, culture (including language),
which often emphasizes the use of slang.
Although, slang is not a formal language, the use of slang from generation to
generation never stops. The teenagers use slang language in a variety of oral and written, or
also in the variety of language by using certain media, for example: communicate onn social
media. The use of language vocabulary slang on social media continues to grow and change
following the trend.
Social media is a medium that is widely used by people of the language to
communicate remotely through the internet. Social media is much in demand by the public,
such as Facebook, twitter, BBM, and WhatsApp. On Facebook, twitter, BBM, and
WhatsApp; users can write down things that are thinks in "status" and can comment on their
peers' "posts" and "statuses". In addition, they can also dialogue and comment on each other.

B. Problem Statement
The research problem of this study is the social media users have different styles in
expressing their mind especially in written the status in Facebook that is inappropriate.
Referring to the problem, the researcher intends to change the problem by giving an
appropriate way of written the status in social media (Facebook) .
Based on the problem, the researcher formulates the research question as follow:

1. How does the use of slang in communication on social media (Facebook)?

2. What are the factors behind the use of l slang in communication on social media

C. Objectives of the Research

In line with the problem statement above, the objective of this research are:
1. To find out use of slang in communication on social media (Facebook)
2. To find out the factor of using slang in social media (Facebook)

D. Significance of the Research

1. For the user:
The result of this research can give more knowledge to the user of social media in
writing the status. They will know more about slang language that is always used and
provide insight into the slang language used in association.
2. For the researcher
The researcher will understand more and know deeply about slang language.
E. Scope of Research

This research is conducted linguistic based on the analysis of slang on social media
(Facebook). This research covers the analysis of slang language and types of slang language
by users in social media (Facebook).

By the activity, the present researcher uses the social media (Facebook) to be
analyzed. It is the analysis of slang language, where the data are taken from those statuses on
social media (Facebook). Those statuses will be selected, the status which use slang language
of it will be taken as an extract. The chosen status will be screenshot and analyzed.
This chapter covers previous related studies that support this study by seeing the
differences and similarities of previous study. This study also covers resume, conceptual
framework, and hypothesis of the research.
A. Review of Related Studies of the Research
1. Pritta Chasombat (2014) on her journal “Social Networking Sites Impacts on
Interpersonal Communication Skills and Relationships: Social Networking Sites have
changed the way we communicate by relying on virtual interactions and required less
face to face communication. To build and maintain a relationship, it is a process of
communicating and the level of revelation of personal thoughts and feelings.”
2. Wahyu Trimastuti (2017) on his journal “essence of communication is transmission of
meaning from one individual to another. Talk is the primary means by which people
interact and satisfy personal and social goals.
3. Jonathan Green (2000) on his journal “ A variety of speech characterized by newly
coined and rapidly changed vocabulary, used by the young or by social and
professional groups for in groups “in group” communication and thus tending to
prevent understanding by the rest of the speech community.
4. Walfer (2004) on his journal “ An Analysis of Slang Used by the characters in
“Ramona and beezus movie“ defined that slang is words used in very informal
conversation, unsuitable for the formal situation.
Based on those definitions above the researchers concludes that slang can be describe
as informal, non-standard word or phrases which tend originate in subculture within society.
Slang often suggests that the person utilizing the words a phrase as familiar with sub group.
It can be considered a distinguishing factor of in-group identity.

B. Pertinent Ideas of the Research

The researcher will provide the definition of discourse, discourse analysis, slang and
types of slang.
1. Definition Discourse
Discourse is the way in which language is used socially to convey broad
historical meanings. Frances Henry and Carol Tator ( 2002) Stated that discourse
is language identified by the social conditions of its use, by who is using it and
under what conditions. Language can never be 'neutral' because it bridges our
personal and socialworlds. According to Eli Hinkel and Sandra Fotos (2002)
stated that discourse in context may consist of only one or two words as
in stop or no smoking. Alternatively, a piece of discourse can be hundreds of
thousands of words in length, as some novels are. A typical piece of discourse is
somewhere between these two extremes."
2. Definition of Discourse Analysis
According to Fromkin et al. (2003), discourse analysis, or the study of
discourse, deals with how writers or speakers combine sentences or utterances
into broader written or speech units. They further state that discourse analysis
discusses issues concerning “style, appropriateness, cohesiveness, rhetorical
force, topic/subtopic structure, differences between written and spoken discourse,
as well as grammatical properties”. Then, Fromkin et al. continue the discussion
by pointing out some aspects of discourse which may have impact on the
interpretation of linguistic meaning, such as pronouns, situational context, speech
acts, presuppositions, and diexis. In addition, Gee (2011) defines discourse
analysis as “the study of language-in-use; the study of language at use in the
world, not just to say things, but to do things.”
3. Definition of slang
Slang is something that everybody can recognize but nobody can define.
The literal meaning of slang according to the Oxford dictionary is a type of
language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are
more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular
context or group of people. The speaker uses slang in order to achieve social
dynamics with the people to whom he/she is speaking and slang outlines social
spaces, and attitudes towards slang helps identify and construct social groups and
identity (Adams, 2009:57). It means that when someone uses slang, she/he
exposes ideas, feeling, attitude as how she/he wants to perceive the people that
talk to and how she/he wants those people to perceive her/him, to infer what
she/he means.
Leech and Svartvik in Wardhaugh (2000: 26) said that language which is
very familiar in style, and is usually restricted to the members of a particular
social group, for example “teenage slang, arm slang, theatre slang‟. Based on
definitions above, it can be conclude that slang is not usually fully understood by
people outside a particular social group, and so has a value of showing the
intimacy and solidarity of its members. Slang is words or phrases which are very
informal, often temporary, and which usually used to identity with one’s peers
and used by people of all ages and social groups. Slang is a way of dividing the
insiders from the outsiders, a way for a group to separate itself linguistically from
other groups, slang terms tend to describe negative or taboo things, or extremes.
4. Types of Slang
According to Allan and Burridge (2006) affirm that there five different types of
slang. The explanation of types of slang can be seen as follow:
a. Fresh and Creative
Fresh and Creative mean that slang language has totally new vocabulary,
informal variety, cleverness, imagination, and it also can be an up to date
b. Flippant
Flippant means slang language made by two words or more in which the
words composed not correlated with the denotative meaning. The example is
break a leg. The slang word break a leg means good luck for an actor.
c. Imitative
Imitative means that a slang word imitating the Standard English (SE) word;
using SE words in different meaning or combining two different words. The
example is wanna. This slang word is derived from phrase “want to”.
d. Acronym
Acronym is type of slang constructed by the result of words from the first
letters of each word in phrase or this type is made by initial from group of
words or syllables. The example is LOL means Laughing Out Loud.
e. Clipping
Clipping type is one variety of slang made by deleting of some parts of longer
word become a shorter from in the same time. The example is the use of word
“cuz” to mean “because”.

C. Flow Chart Of The Research

The flow chart of this research is presented in the diagram below:

Collecting Data

Extracting Data

Slang Analyzing Data





This chapter deals with research design, variables, population and sample, instrument

of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research was categorized in qualitative research. It employs the slang language

of social media users on Facebook. The aim is given the description about how are the slang

language of social media users on Facebook and the factor of use it.

B. Research Site and Participants

The setting of this research is social media (Facebook). Facebook is one of the most used

social media. The participants of the research were the social media users (Facebook). There

were 5 participants and the researcher used purposive sampling method to select the sample.
C. Research Variable

1. Variable

The variable of this research was single variable that is the slag language of social

media users on Facebook.

2. Operational definition

The slang language for this research concerns with the theory of Partridge. It consists

all slang consists of old words changed inform or, far more often, old words with new

meanings or new shades of meaning. The shortening of a word by dropping an initial sound

or sounds, especially an unstressed syllable, as when bout was formed from earlier about, or

fence from defense

D. The Instrument of the Research

The instrument of the research was the screen shoot of the status for the social media

users in Facebook. The content of the screen shoot were analyzed as extract by the


E. Procedures of Collecting Data

The data collected through the following procedures:

1. The researcher read the status of the social media users in Facebook.

2. Classified the status that use discourse markers.

3. The researcher directly screen shoot the status of social media users.

4. Made an extract of the status by the researcher.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis was qualitative approach using discourse analysis.


This chapter deals with the findings of the research and the discussions of the research


A. Research Findings
The data about the slang language of the user in social media, especially on facebook

have been analyzed and presented below:

Extract 1: Alphabet changing

Do it again... 300 cal... for tonite (tonight)

The extract 1 above shows that tonite is the one of slang. She typed tonite for described the
situation that when she took a picture for her social media. She wants to tell her followers that
she has been burn her calories at night. The correct spelling of tonite should be tonight. She
changed the alphabet because she wants make something modern and the sound of tonite
sounds like we express tonight. This case belong to alphabet changing. According to Hudson
in Wahyu Trimastuti (2017) slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases
that speakers use to establish or reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group or
with a trend or fashion in society at large
Extract 2 : Acronym

... Idk if its a BAND lol ok smh

The extract 2 above shows that one of facebook’s user used the slang of acronym where a
shortened form of a word or phrase used mainly in writing to represent the complete form. In
this case, the user used idk that express I do not know .In addition, I found LOL which
means laughing out loud that express the funny thing. The last sentence the user typed smh
means shaking my head. It means that now the user knows about what is actually BTS means.
According to Dalzell and Victor (2008) stated that acronyms is type of slang constructed by
the result of words from the first letter of each word in a phrase or this type is made by initial
from a group of word or syllables .

Extract 3

But he can’t 4get ur incredinle touches

The extract 3 above shows that the Irregular capital letter usage of slang. In this case, type of
this slang make change of letters or words into numbers because of sound similarity. In this
case, the user typed 4get that is mean forget which is 4 express for in forget that has similar
Extract 4: Imitative

Honestyly, y’all imma do drawing whatever it takes

The extract 4 shows the slang expression and accent from american. The y’all means you but
it expresses accent of american when speak you all which is similar with express or say yea
all . Same as Imma that means I am gonna or I am going to. According to Pritta Chasombat A
(2014) that slang use to mock up the dialects and accents. In addition, this case refers to
imitative. Imitative is one of type of slang which use Standard English (SE) words in
different meaning or combining two different words (spears: 2000). The slang of this case
widely use in spoken English.

Extract 5

Make way for the newes bromance in town!

Extract 5 above shows that slang terms are created by combining two words into one that has
a new meaning. This case I found Bromance word which is combining two words into one
word. The user wants to explain an intense friendship between two straight men. In addition,
Bromance is combination of bro which has express brother and mance which express about

B. Discussion

Social media is a medium that many speakers use to communicate with each other
over the Internet. Social media is much in demand by the community, namely Facebook and
twitter. On Facebook and twitter, users can write what they are thinking in "status" and can
comment on their peers' "posts" and "status". In addition, they can also talk to each other and
comment to each other. On social media, the user of slang communicates to each other
through a variety language. The use of existing slang vocabulary on social media continues to
evolve and changes following the trend. The use of slang in the form of communication in
social networks such as the word irregular and cannot be formulated, tend to abbreviate
words, and using particles.
Slang language serves as an expression of a sense of togetherness the wearer. In
addition, by using slang, they want to declare themselves as members of different community
groups from other community groups. The existence of slang language that can be considered
reasonable because in accordance with the demands of the development of teenager
conscience. His lifetime is limited according to the development of adolescence. In addition,
its use is also limited to teenagers of certain age groups and not informal. If it is outside of its
group environment, the language it uses goes to another language that is generally accepted
in the communities in which they live.
The slang language is created by the change of linguistic message form without
changing its content for concealment or humor. So slang is not when we speak a language,
but only a partial transformation of a language according to certain patterns. Language
progresses slowly, as the amnesia grow. Thus, slang or slang language alters and develops

linguistics significantly.
Factors behind the use of slang in social networking is to strengthen the relationship, look
for a form of identity, expressing self-expression, to convey things that are considered to be
closed for any other age group or that the other party cannot know what he was talking about, and
for the purpose of concealment or antics.



This chapter consists of two parts. The first part deals with conclusion of the finding,

and the second part deals with suggestion.

A. Conclusion

After finishing the data analysis, the writer conclude that the essence of communication is
transmission of meaning from one individual to another. Talk is the primary means by which people
interact and satisfy personal and social goals.
B. Suggestion
In relation to the conclution above, the following suggestion are forwarded:

1. It is suggested that the reader should always analyze the slang language of the users
on social media (facebook).
2. For the other researchers, it is suggested to find more analysis of slang in other
terms, not only focus on conjunction.


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