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S4 Paper 1

Unit 4 - List of useful vocabulary/sentence patterns

Name: _________________________ (___)

Part A
Underperform (VI)/(VT)
• Former hokba Jason has underperformed recently.

Outperform = outdo (VT)

• Hokba Mich always outdoes/outperforms everybody else in the class.

Pet peeve (n.)

• Disgusting smell is one of my pet peeves.
Peeve (VT) = annoy
• Disgusting smell peeves me.
• It peeves me that she didn't bother to phone.

Ruffle sb’s feathers (idiom) 使(某人)心煩意亂/惱怒

• Disgusting smell ruffles my feathers.

Acquire (VT)
• B Chan has acquired a reputation as an awesome school bus driver.
• I didn't like red wine before but I acquired a taste for it while I was living in France.

In this age of (Noun), SVO

• In this age of instant relationships, everybody takes things fast when it comes to dating.
• In this age of social media, it seems impossible to go without Instagram and twitter.

Embark on (VI) = Commence with (VI)

• We're embarking upon a new project later this year.

impact (VI/VT) (n.)

• His mother’s death had a huge impact on him.
• Falling export rates have impacted (on) the country's economy quite considerably.
Aggressive (adj.) 挑釁的/積極進取的;有衝勁的;雄心勃勃的 = ambitious
• Conventional wisdom has it that men tend to be more aggressive than women.

Conservative(adj.) 保守的

Tactics (n.)(usually plural) = strategy

• We need to come up with tactics before the game.

Tactical (adj.) // tactically (adv.)

Be doomed/destined to = 註定厄運
• Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
• This plan is doomed to failure.

*doom (negative) // destine (neutral)

Divert(VT) 使改變方向,使轉向
• The war has diverted attention (away) from the country's economic problems.
• The game can divert restless kids on long car rides.

Invade (VT/VI) – invasion (n.)

• Famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the press.
• The country does not have the resources to invade its neighbour.

Occupy (VT) 佔據/佔用/be busy with

• On long journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles.
• All physical objects occupy space.

Endure (VT) 忍受
• The grandparents said they had endured years of hardship.
• During the war many couples had to endure long periods of separation .

S, N included, VO.
S, including N, VO.
• All citizens in Hong Kong, myself included, should wear a mask when going out.
• All citizens in Hong Kong, including myself, should wear a mask when going out.

Forbid (VT) – forbade – forbidden

1. Forbid sb to do sth
2. To be forbidden from doing sth
• He's obviously really embarrassed about it because he forbade me to tell anyone.
• He is forbidden from leaving the country.
Part B
Amputee (n.) 被截肢者 // amputate (v.) 截(肢);切除(身體部位)
• They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage.
Odd (adj.) 奇怪的,古怪的;異常的
• The skirt and jacket looked a little odd together.

Odds (n.) (MUST be plural) 可能性,機會;幾率,概率

• If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an
accident at some point.
• If you ask a random person which idol he/she likes, the odds are
his/her answer will be Mirror.
• What are the odds on B Chan becoming a full-time school bus driver?

Blade (countable noun) 刀刃

Prominent (adj.) = well-known / famous / celebrated / renowned

= eminent / remarkable / outstanding

Insatiable (adj.) (尤指慾望或需求)無法滿足的,貪得無厭的

• Like so many politicians, he had an insatiable appetite/desire/hunger for power.
• Nothing would satisfy his insatiable curiosity.
~ unquenchable
• 4A students have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and gossip.
Stiff (adj.) (人或身體部位)僵硬的,僵直的
• Sitting still at a computer terminal all day can give you a stiff neck.

Adjust (VT/VI) - adjustment

Old-fashioned (adj.) 過時的;老派的

• She's very old-fashioned in her outlook.

Put/set sth aside (phrasal verb) 留出…;撥出…;省出…

• Every week I put aside some money for a new TV.

leave/put sth aside (phrasal verb) 把…暫且放在一邊

• Let's leave that matter aside for now and talk about the more urgent
problem facing us.
• Put your phone aside for a moment and you will be amazed by how
productive you become.

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