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In this essay, it is stated that some people think students have to choose the subjects that are

useful in the future, and the others disagree with that.

To begin with, subjects that are said to be useful are those related to science and technology. It
is generally known that these subjects have tremendously developed compared to the previous
decade. However, this massive development could be possible because of the experts that
have a passion on the subjects. It requires perseverance and desire to become a professional.
In fact, those who have a passion on the subjects they choose, are still likely to give up on their
subject because of the responsibility that is too burdening for them.

In addition, it is legitimately fine for students to choose a major according to what they like. In
fact, every subject has its advantages, especially the subject they are really good at, because it
is possible for them to gain an income from it, as long as they can be impactful and useful for
others. Moreover, students are eligible to choose a major by themself not by others. The reason
is because the only person who knows what is the best for them is themself.

In conclusion, this essay shows pros and cons about students who should only choose the
subjects that are useful in the future, even though they are not willing to take it. In my opinion,
as long as they can be impactful and useful to others, it does not matter what subject or major
that they take.

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