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0Z0NE hA6 ll I








& more
& more
Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll J
+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll S
6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !
8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
I ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll II
IZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
PUBLlShERlElI0R-lN-ChlEl ll 1ulla Beverlv
hUSlC ElI0R ll Randv Roer
lEAIURES ElI0R ll Erlr N. Perrln
ASS0ClAIE ElI0R ll haurlre 6. 6arland
6RAPhlC ESl6NER ll avld KA
AVERIlSlN6 SALES ll Che 1ohnson, Rlrhard Soon
PR0h0Il0NS lRECI0R ll hallk Ahdul
SPEClAL ElIl0N ElI0R ll 1en hrKlnnon
hARKEIlN6 lRECI0R ll avld huhannad Sr.
LE6AL C0NSULIANI ll Kvle P. Klng, P.A.
SUBSCRlPIl0NS hANA6ER ll Adero awson
AhlNlSIRAIlVE ll Klsha Snlth
lNIERN ll Karl Bradlev
C0NIRlBUI0RS ll Alex Cannon, Bogan, Charla-
nagne the 6od, Churk I, Clerra hlddlehrooks,
estlne Ca|uste, Edward hall, lellta Knlght,
1arlnta howard, 1aro Varek, 1esslra Koslow,
1 Lash, 1ason Cordes, 1ohnnv Louls, Keadron
Snlth, Kelth Kennedv, K.6. hoslev, Klng Yella, Luls
Santana, Luxurv hlndz, harrus eWavne, hatt
Sonzala, haurlre 6. 6arland, herredes lStrlrtlv
Streets), Natalla 6onez, Rav Ianarra, Rlro a
Crook, Rohert 6ahrlel, Rohlt Loonha, Shannon
hrCollun, Slff, Stan 1ohnson, Swlft, Ihaddaeus
hrAdans, Wallv Sarks, Wendv av
SIREEI REPS ll Jrd Leg 6reg, Adan hurhv, Alex
harln, Al-hv-I, Benz, Blg Brd, B-Lord, Blg Ed,
Blg Iearh lBlg houth), Blgg V, Blark, Bogan, Bo
honev, Brandl 6arrla, Brandon Sllkk lrazler,
Brlan Eadv, Buggah . 6ovanah l0n Polnt), Bull, C
Rola, Cartel, Cedrlr Walker, Chad 1oseh, Charles
Brown, Chlll, Churk I, Chrlstlan llores, Cllfton
Slns, anlelle Srott, 1 a, ellght, errlrk
the lranrhlse, 1 lnelere, 1 Lvte, olla
Blll, orlan Welrh, wavne Barnun, r. oon,
vnastv, Ed the World lanous, 1 E-leezv, 1
ElN, Elsode, Erlr Crunkatlanta haves, Erlk
Iee, l+ Entertalnnent, 6 ash, 6-hark, 6eorge
Loez, 6orllla Prono, hazlq All, hezeleo, h-Vldal,
hotglrl haxlnun, 1ae Sllnn, 1annln 1av, 1anlro
hawklns, 1arvon Lee, 1av Noll, 1eron Alexander,
1LN Photograhv, 1oe Anthonv, 1ohnnv ang,
1udah, 1udv 1ones, Kenneth Clark, Klarr Sheard,
Kool Lald, Kurtls 6rahan, Kvdd 1oe, Lex, Lun,
Lutovua Ihonson, harro hall, harlo 6rler, harlel
har, 1 h.0.E., huslr 6 hore, Natalla 6onez, Nlkkl
Kanrev, 0srar 6arrla, P Love, Pat Pat, Phat-
tll, Pln 6, uest, ulnton hateld, 1 Rage,
Rald Rlr, Rohert Loez, Roh-Lo, Rohskl, Rohlt
Loonha, Srorlo, Senera, Shauntae hlll, Slr Ihurl,
Southaw, Sade Sot, Stax, Sweethark, Ieddv I,
I1s 1s, Iln Brown, Ionv Rudd, Ire uhh, Irll Wll,
Irlna Edwards, Irov Kvles, Vlrlous, Vlrtor Walker,
1 Vlad, Voodoo, Wlld Blllo, Wlll hustle, Wu Chang,
Young harlen, Yung VS
SUBSCRlPIl0NS ll Io suhsrrlhe, send rherk or
nonev order for SZ to.
0zone hagazlne, lnr.
Attn. Suhsrrltlons et
6++ Antone St. Sulte 6
Atlanta, 6A JJI8
Phone. ++-JS-J88!
lax. ++-JS-Z+9!
Wehslte. www.ozonenag.ron
C0VER CRElIS ll Llovd hotos lrover and thls
age) hv lwang Valdez, B6 and Choer Cltv
Bovz hoto hv Irevor Iravnor, IV 1ohnnv hoto
hv Ben Rose.
lSCLAlhER ll 0Z0NE hagazlne ls uhllshed II
tlnes er vear hv 0Z0NE hagazlne, lnr. 0Z0NE
does not take resonslhllltv for unsollrlted
naterlals, nlslnfornatlon, tvograhlral errors,
or nlsrlnts. Ihe vlews rontalned hereln do not
neressarllv refert those of the uhllsher or lts
advertlsers. Ads aearlng ln thls nagazlne are
not an endorsenent or valldatlon hv 0Z0NE
hagazlne for rodurts or servlres offered. All
hotos and lllustratlons are rovrlghted hv thelr
resertlve artlsts. All other rontent ls rovrlght
Z8 0Z0NE hagazlne, all rlghts reserved. No
ortlon of thls nagazlne nav he rerodured
ln anv wav wlthout the wrltten ronsent of the
uhllsher. Prlnted ln the USA.
monthly sections
80-82 END ZONE
70-71 SLIM OF 112
72-73 KHIA
ozone awards
0Z0NE hA6 ll IJ
I+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
l reallv love vour nagazlne, l get one everv nonth. llrst l started readlng
XXL, hut ever slnre vou rane out wlth 0Z0NE, XXL was old to ne. 0Z0NE ls
the new thlng. Your nagazlne ls the onlv nag l huv herause lts real. lts
good for uronlng talent.
1ose, nvsare.ronldazedfashlons l1arksonvllle, lL)
Kee u the hot work. Ihose who hate wlll hate. Surress hreeds hate. You
should renane vour tagllne Ihe nag vou love to hate, hut hate not to
Kurt Kohane, lAtlanta, 6A)
Your nag ls tlght hut vou gotta glve nore shlne to l-+ rorrldor artlsts.
Iheres a lot nore eole out here than that nerd 1on Young that re and
slt hotter fows, fron St. Pete to avtona Bearh and ln hetween. 0Z0NE,
dont forget where vou rone fron.
hoorh Brown, noorhhrown.ron lIana, lL)
ln a fan of vour nagazlne. l rongratulate vou on all vour surress and l wlsh
vou nurh nore surress for vears to rone. l attended the ast two 0Z0NE
Awards for the ast two vears and l en|oved hoth of then. Ihev were hoth
networklng exerlenres that have elevated ne wlthln nv rareer thus far and
have had great lnfuenre on how l ronnunlrate wlth eole throughout the
nuslr lndustrv.
Courtnev Aldrldge, nvsare.ronlrlnskeen lhenhls, IN)
Ihank vou 0Z0NEl Wendv avs hathenatlrs artlrle dedlrated to hannle
lresh was one of the doest artlrles that l have read ln a long tlne. ln
rurrentlv lnvolved wlth two dlfferent sltuatlons, hustla huslr 6rous artlst
lrank Whlte and nv own artlst 6I. Your artlrle detalls the sane lnforna-
tlon that hustla huslr 6rous CE0, erek L.A. 1arkson, has heen sharlng
wlth ne on how to hreak an lndeendent artlst. lve heen sharlng thls sane
lnfornatlon wlth |nv artlst] 6I for a whlle now. ln glad that vouve nade
thls lnfornatlon avallahle to other artlsts. hoefullv, the artlsts, nanagers,
rodurers, and 1s out of nv state of South Carollna take thls knowledge
that vou have rovlded and run wlth lt, as l an. Ihanksl
avtona, nvsare.ronltonaS lColunhla, SC)
ln a fanatlr of vour nagazlne. ln sonewhat of an addlrt. You would thlnk l
would have a suhsrrltlon hv now, hut ln naklng the gas statlon rlrh.
- Shakerla Brown, nvsare.ronlwZlnr
l thlnk vou forgot three letters on the 0Z0NE West rover wlth Ierh N9ne. h-
l-l lt shouldve heen 0Z0NE hldwest. Weve had latlnun artlsts and qulte
a few hlgh-level lndle artlsts llke Ierh N9ne ronlng out of the hldwest for
vears. You nlght as well start uttlng together 0Z0NE hldwest. 6reat lssue
as alwavs, though.
1esse 1anes, |esse|anesJI+aol.ron lSt. Louls, h0)
hurh love to all the 0Z0NE Award wlnners, hut whats good wlth sone
hldwest rategorles! Ihe South and the hldwest are llke hrother and slster
ln thls nuslr gane, and l thlnk we deserve to have a few rategorles ln thls
award show. 1ust nv Z Cents and sonethlng l feel vall should thlnk ahout
thls for next vear.
Young eures, nvsare.ronlstreetznvoungdeures lhllwaukee, Wl)
-Rav, l |ust had to dro hv and sav that vou were gassln on these heezvs
ln the new 0Z0NE. Ihats real. lts tlne for the ladles to reevaluate then-
selves and thelr relatlonshls and see lt for what lt ls.
Candvland lhouston, IX)
Whats u Ioo Short, vour artlrle ahout textlng was so truel l feel so ad-
dlrted to nv Crarkherrv that l had to hlt vou u on lt. ln on the hus rlght
now on nv wav to work, talkln to nv rousln, and enalllng voul l dont
know what l would do lf l lost lt. hetroPCS ls nv drug suller, wlth all
thls unllnlted textlngl ln ahout to get a new dealer though. Anvwav, kee
keeln lt real. l love vour Short Storlesl
Anarle, anarle+ISgnall.ron lBav Area, CA)
han, 0Z0NE, vall got ne addlrtedl urlng the nonth of August, l searrhed
everv !-II ln 0rlando for the new lssue. No one seens to have lt. Ihe onlv
one thev had was the avld Banner and Ihree 6 haa lssue, whlrh l alreadv
hadl lt reallv had ne nadl When nv varatlon tlne rane and l went to lt.
Lauderdale, l stlll rouldnt nd the August lssue. honestlv, even though l
wouldnt want to adnlt lt, l settled for less. l hought the newest Sourre.
Please forglve nel Yall should do an artlrle on all the teen raers on the
A16 da Avlator, nvsare.ronla|gavlotor l0rlando, lL)
Corrertlon. Ihere was a tvo ln the August lssues allasllt. Worth Raquest.
Ihe song allas 6lrlz ls hv Iun Iun, not ann . Also, the hoto of Wlllls
hr6ahee wlth Lll Wavne on age J9 of the 1ulv lssue was nlslaheled as
Cllnton Portls. 0ur aologlesl
Send vour ronnents to feedharkozonenag.ron
or hlt us u at www.nvsare.ronlozonenagazlne
0Z0NE hA6 ll IS
Send vour ronnents to feedharkozonenag.ron
or hlt us u at www.nvsare.ronlozonenagazlne
I6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll I!
wo thlngs vou rohahlv dont know ahout ne. ln lln real llfe)
verv shv around eole l dont know, and ln one rredlt awav
fron a rollege degree herause l was terrled of taklng the uhllr
seaklng rerequlslte. lts taken ne vears to graduallv get used
to dolng V dros and radlo lntervlews. Ihe rst tlne l dld a radlo ln-
tervlew l was so nervous l threw u ln the hathroon rlght hefore golng
on alr and was stlll shaklng the whole tlne. lf vou told ne a few vears
ago that l would one dav he rodurlng an event wlth S,6 ra fans attend-
lng, l wouldve laughed. l never wanted to he fanous. l |ust wanted eole to
know nv nane and resert lt. Ihats all. Nornallv, l would rather rrawl ln a
dark hole sonewhere and hlde than draw that nurh attentlon to nvself.
lts ronletelv out of nv rhararter to rodure sonethlng llke the 0Z0NE
Awards. lts anazlng how a snall ldea ran herone a huge novenent, and
to he honest, lts gotten hlgger than l ever antlrlated or lnaglned. l dont
llke to hrag, hut one thlng we never seen to get rredlt for ls what weve
arronllshed ln surh a short anount of tlne wlth surh a snall staff. Were
ahle to arronllsh what takes hundreds of enlovees at nagazlnes llke Vlhe
and XXL everv nonth wlth a snall grou of less than ten kev eole. BEI and
hIV are televlslon networks and thev dont even rodure thelr own award
shows, thev hlre rodurtlon ronanles and fv ln hundreds of eole who
rodure llve shows for a llvlng. Ihev also have nultl-nllllon dollar hudgets.
Irust ne rodurlng land, nore lnortantlv, fundlngl) a ronhlnatlon nuslr
ronferenrelaward show ls the nost stressful shlt lve ever exerlenred ln
llfe. Anvhodv who wants to talk shlt herause thev thlnk thev ran do lt hetter,
l welrone vou to trvl lf vou ran get S,6 eole to show u to vour award
show lnot to nentlon dozens of relehs) lll glve vou a rookle.
l hlhernated for a roule davs after the 0Z0NE Awards ln a far awav land wlth
no Blarkherrv reretlon and energed to nd lt huzzlng wlth S8Z 6oogle Alerts
for 0Z0NE Awards and 1ulla Beverlv. Anazlng. All l have to do now ls lav
around and tan and neanwhlle evervone ls talklng ahout ne. Whats that thev
sav all uhllrltv ls good uhllrltv!
But lt ls klnda dlsrouraglng to ut everv ounre of energv and tlne lnto a
ro|ert and walk awav fron lt wlth negatlvltv rlnglng ln vour ears fron
eole who dldnt even attend. Peole who have thelr own selsh notlves,
eole who wlsh thev rould he ln vour osltlon hut arent, so thev do thelr
hest to lrk aart evervthlng vouve hullt and rast douht on vou so thev ran
naneuver rloser to vour sot. Peole who send all dav lottlng, hulldlng
ldeas hased on the Art of War or +8 Laws of Power and lavlng nlnd ganes
wlth thelr lndustrv frlends |ust for entertalnnent. l know how the gane
goes. Peole who have never net ne ralllng ne out for helng fake, osslhlv
the funnlest thlng lve ever heard. A fake what! Nohodv hlred ne to reresent
the Southern ra ronnunltv. l llterallv worked nv wav u and rreated nv
own lare ln the gane. hate all vou want hut vouve gotta resert lt.
lor Pln Cs non to rall ne and sav that her son wouldve heen roud, or for
Bun B to rall and thank ne for hrlnglng our event to houston, or for Irae and
hlke 1ones to rearh out the next dav and aologlze for thelr llttle sklrnlsh
that got hlown wav out of roortlon hv the hloggers, or for 1 Prlnre to sav
that we had a great turnout, l have to ronslder lt a surress. Ihose are eole
whose olnlons l resert. As for vou haters, as alwavs, l arerlate vou
sooooooooooooooo nurhl You gave ne the notlvatlon to start worklng on
the Z9 0Z0NE Awards a week after we wraed 8. lts golng to he furklng
lnrredlhlel .) Youll see.
A word of advlre. lf vou do an event ln houston, send the re narshall a gen-
erous donatlon ln advanre and 0 N0I hlre Shahazz Serurltv. But shouts out
to houstonlans ln the wake of hurrlrane lke, as a llorldlan, l feel vour alnl
- 1ulla Beverlv, |hozonenag.ron
jbS 2cents
I.l. fl Kanve West, 1av-Z 6 Lll Wavne Swagger Llke Us
Lll Wavne, rake 6 Kld Kld Iake Your 6lrl
Kld Kld fl Lll Wavne 6 hark halne Ialk Io Ihe Plllow
6vn Class heroes fl Lll Wavne 6 re ont Iell he lts 0ver
Charles hanllton Stav 0n Your Level
Asher Roth l Love College
Ihe 6ane fl Nas Letter Io Ihe Klng
rake fl Lll Wavne Ranson
Young 1eezv Varatlon
B.o.B. Loveller Ihan You
Lll Wavne Pussv honster
Kld Cudl av N Nlte
0Z0NE loves hIV 1ansll
1 fron hoodz V 6 Chanll-
llonalre ave 6 Busters


Brlsro, ne, 6 llo Rlda at the I1s
1s Artlst Panel ln houston

I1, ne, 6 Bun ave 6
Busters for the I1s 1sl
0Z0NE weekend klrkoff
hv Shawtv Shawtv What hv Nane ls!
ln hatln on all of then, hut lll stlll glve en
SZS for that thang. Renenher, lf vou glve a
glrl SZS for the nookle lt alnt trlrkln off. lts
trlrkln her.
ln hatln on the new fenale Vlagra naklng
ne work all extra hard. hatter fart, ln hatln
on Vlagra, erlod, rause thev alnt rane out
wlth the klnd vou snoke vet.
ln hatln on Yung Berg rause he dont llke
dark skln wonen. Ihe hlarker the herrv the
sweeter the |ulre. l want a glrl thats so hlark
when she lav down lt look llke a hlg, hlark
hole ln the nlddle of nv hed.
+. hl6h ASS WEE PRlCES
ln hatln on these hlgh ass weed rlres.
Ihevre hlgher than gas. l rant snoke and
rlde no nore, or even slt ln the llvlng roon
and snokel
ln hatln on 6urrl hane. hes the hardest
nlgga on the street and vou rant understand
a dann thlng hes savlng.
6. hY ChlL SUPP0RI 1U6E
hv rhlld suort |udge told nv hahv nana
that the state of 6eorgla ls gon glve her
S98 dollars a nonth ln rhlld suort. l sald,
Whoo, thank vou |udge. lll ut SZ wlt lt
and nake lt a stark.
!. Nl66AS WlI Il6hI ASS CL0IhES
lts okav lf the rlothes t a llttle hlt, hut
vou alnt suosed to he ahle to rount the
rhange ln a nlggas orket. Ihats 1ln 1ones
Evervwhere he goes, he glves awav llke SJ
grand. hell, he rould walk to store and av
nv klds wav through rollege.
9. 6lRLS WlI lRIY h0USES
l went to thls glrls house and she had
roarhes ln the frlgerator. She had roarhes
on the wall. She had roarhes ln the IV. Shlt,
she had sone roarhes ln her ashtrav, hut l
snoked then nuthafurkas.
how vou gon send a leshlan to |all! Ihats
llke sendln a fat erson to the huffet. She
gon eat herself to death.
0Z0NE Awards. age Z of the
houston Chronlrle lhl hatersl)


I8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
hIV alred a serlal that featured Austln hC Loudnouf, an lraql war veteran.
Kanve West and Swav vlslted hln at hone and gave hln the oortunltv to
share hls storv and thoughts on the war, and how nuslr lavs an lnortant
role ln hls llfe. Sane Struggle hrought down Klller hlke lahove) for a great
show at Ihe Parlsh Roon. Snoo ogg rane through for a show at the Bark
Yard. Nuf Sed Ent hrought Paul Wall, Soul|a Bov, Lll Wlll, Lll Boosle and nore to
the 8 Iexas heat Wave. Lorked own lnr. released the AIX All-Stars nlxtae.
1 Rald Rlr and 1 LL |ust droed Afta a Relavs Zk8.
- 0.6. of Luxurv hlndz lwww.luxurvnlndz.ron)
uh-Iex Entertalnnent heated u the sunner wlth Iexas Legend Lll harlo
and erfornanres hv Iha JZS lan-Ban, Lll hatt, Blgga Bol Cllrk, and Adrlan
Washlngton at Ihe Barkroon. Blg Plrtures and I-1ark-I Entertalnnent teaned
u wlth Star I6 for an arerlatlon ronrert ln the Cltv of Lene wlth serlal
aearanres hv llrst Class, A.h.l.6.h., Bad Blznezz, h I Cllque, at 6lrl lanous,
Bahv Lor, Iexa Rlran and Leglon Llnk. Lll hatt released hls nurh antlrlated
nlxtae Bark Agalnst the Wall nlxed hv 1 Castro wlth rodurtlon hv Crooked
Artlvltv Studlos.
- Chrlstlan llores lrdogradloahllene.ron)
Alhuquerque laved host to Ervkah Badu and Ihe Roots and thev ut on a
great show. Ioo Short and Plles rane down to do a show that started late.
Bone Ihugs-N-harnonv, Blg Cheese and the Legendarv Slre I |ust er-
forned as well. Stevle and lat llsh are at lt agaln and shootlng nore vldeos
to suort thelr loral artlsts. 1 Nohle ls hark ln town uttlng lt down on the
rodurtlon slde and slnnlng on the radlo. E 1ones ls hark at Iha Lah full-tlne
so nake sure vou sto hv and get vour 0Z0NE hagazlnes there.
- Beno lBenoeadvnuslrgrou.ron)
Kevln Engllsh, CE0 of Southaw Ent., ut on an all fenale hl ho showrase
featurlng Arll Love, Nlk Stvles, the 6et En hanls, and Kla Callowav. lt was a
nasslve surress. 0n a sad note, R.l.P. to Baltlnores Cluh ueen 1 K-Swlft who
assed awav after an unfortunate arrldent. K-Swlft was the fare of 9Z and
was known for her artles and rluh Cs. Ihe entlre rltv of Bnore showed su-
ort as over S, eole attended her funeral. She wlll surelv he nlssed.
- arkroon Produrtlons lIhearkRoonlnrvahoo.ron)
6urrl hane, Shawtv Lo, and 8Ball 6 h16 grared the stage at the Platl-
nun. hodestv X.0. droed a solld nlxtae wlth 1 Snallz. Reglonal
ronoter Redd rontlnues to do hls thlng around the rltv. Cluh 0nvxs
oularltv grows even nore wlth the surress of Irolral lrldavs. 1av-l
kees ushlng wlth hls rerord ool. 1 C. Ross droed Show Ivne Z
lahove). Produrers llke Snle, B-Phlat, h-I6, Blg 6unt, Iwan Beatnaker
and others rontlnue dolng heats for nunerous arts fron the South. Ihe
launrh of www.hhannuslrhlog.hlogsot.ron wlll hel kee the grlnd
novlng stronger for nanv arts ln the haglr Cltv and ln the state. - K.
Blhhs lAll0rNothlngPronohotnall.ron)
Ben I |ust slgned wlth Unlversal Rerords off hls huhhlln slngle Never
Leave hv 6lrl featurlng Shawnna. Ihe enltlon Showrase ls a new
nonthlv event showraslng energlng talents ln and out of the rltv. Bo
6, Versatlle, Rlo, Skooa Choose, Ihe Boardroon and Peeda Pan are new
artlsts ronlng fron the rltv. 1 Bann was |ust lndurted lnto the errtv
1s rrew. We as a rltv have to get hevond the hate to reallv nake a rltv
novenent haen. Evervhodv has to lav the art even lf thev dont
want to.
- 1anal hooks l1hookstnall.ron)
Young Kodak of Battle Proof Ent. ls naklng nolse wlth hls new slngle
Swole whlrh ls ratrhlng the ears of a few na|or lahels. U-and-ron-
lng rodurers C+ are klrklng out sone qualltv trarks and hrlnglng a new
sound to the lndustrv. C Wakelev ls ronotlng unltv anongst llorlda
artlsts through the 6alnesvllle huslr Sunnlt, hrlnglng out hlg nanes
surh as Ihe lronz, Sll-N-Sllde, Blg 6ates and nanv others.
- 1ett 1arkson lgS|ettgnall.ron)
I8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll I9
nlght to hlt the town ln a whlle and lrldavs at Ihe Loft rontlnue hrlng
out the nunhers everv week.
- 1 Ktone lhvsare.ronld|ktonedotron)
Ihe hurder Cltv ronrert went down at St. Andrews hall wlth artlsts llke
! a 6eneral and Cash 0ut. Ihe War Iour lnvaded etrolt at Conerlra
Park. Produrer Svnhonv rodured a roule trarks on lre Cuhes new
alhun. Ihe lvlne 9 held thelr annual ste show wlth a serlal erfor-
nanre hv 1uvenlle. Ihe Red Bull Beat Battle took lare at the ha|estlr
Iheater. P.L. droed hls latest nlxtae Wlt 0ut Warrlng Vol. +. 0hle
Irlre has heen released fron Shadv Rerords. You gotta rone to the
to learn ahout Belle lsle after dark. Look out for hot Lava Rerords
lStretrh honev), lrtv 6love Entertalnnent lK-oe a.k.a. K-eezv),
Sth Ave Rerords l1ohn rana), and enand. lts So Cold ln Iha
herane a vlral sensatlon on YouIuhe.
- A1 ltheJIJreortvahoo.ron) 6 Erlr tha Crunk lhvsare.ronl
Blsho Lanont and 6lasses halone headllned at the house of Blues
Sunset to a sold-out rrowd. Ihe Confesslonal nlxtae release artv
was hosted hv evl ev l9J.S KAY) and hoodrat hlguel lPower I6),
and had erfornanres fron Ia|e, Prlne, anlzza, Butrh Cassldv, and
Warren 6. Blsho renlered hls new slngle 6row U whlle 6lasses
ended hls set wlth haterz. Iallh Kwell and Strong Arn Steadv got
down at the Sotel hotel wlth 1 E. ef 1an showed off thelr newest
rodlgv Karlna at Ihe S Bar, and threw Nas alhun release artv at the
Zune Lah.
- evl ev levlev.kdavgnall.ron)
Paul Wall and Chanllllonalre are hark rerordlng together. ABN lZ-Ro
and Irae) are glvlng the streets that raw. Blg Pokev and Lll 0 are
kllllng the rluhs. Slln Ihugga and evln the ude are drolng soon.
Ihe new rats on the srene llke re Steel and hlS are all relng
takeovers. Cant forget the Latlnos llke Chlngo Bllng, 1uan 6ottl, and
the Street 6rlndaz. lor the real artv sots, vou gotta hlt the new
havka havka on the north or Venue on the south.
- 1av 6anhle lhv.Urlosegnall.ron)
Ihe huntsvllle srene was featured ln a few UK uhllratlons rourtesv of
Roh Breezv and avld S. Ihe 6reen Roon won the rluh hattle wlth the
Sllt Personalltv ranalgn. C1s ls gearlng u for another rerord
ool neetlng. 6-Slde |ust released the Starshlz and Rorketz revlew.
PR6z were featured ln natlonal uhllratlons along wlth the Blork
Beataz. 1 ha|estv ls holdlng down the rluh srene. 1 !-II and 1-
Rork are holdlng down Shoals. Blgg h ls the new P at VII.S ln the
Shoals. X0, Blola, and 0hvlous 0hsesslon dld shows at Crossroads.
6-hane reed hard at the handv lestlval.
- Codle 6 lhuntsvlllegotstarzgnall.ron)
Zark Randolh fron the New York Knlrks threw the hlrthdav artv
of the vear. Bun B reresented hls hlrthdav to the fullest at Cluh
lndustrv. lndlana Blark Exo was another surress thls vear hrlnglng
a lot of lndustrv heavvwelghts to Natown for relehrltv haskethall
ganes, rono, and after artles. 6ee Iwlnz Barher Sho ls keelng
the rltv freshlv faded, and Natown huslr ls sewlng u the eastslde
wlth all the new nuslr releases. hontv and rrew at hangtlne are also
unlng out fresh ts, klrks, and hlts ln one sto. Prettv Uglv was
rhosen to host the hlghlv antlrlated all Natown nlx. lurk B-N-Lo-
ral dragged hv 1 Blark ls ronlng soon.
- 1 Blark ld|hlarkhrtnall.ron)
Lll Wavne arked ln nearlv I, eole at S+ a head ln hattleshurg.
Although lts an hour fron the hold new rltv, 1arkson showed u ln
nunhers. 0ur navor, who was featured ln 0Z0NE as the real hl ho
navor! rerentlv raught a federal lndlrtnent. Stax and Lll Boosle
showed u to av thelr reserts at a 1arkson street rodlgv funeral
lR.l.P. Slo). Lll C ls drolng hls nlxtae Welrone Io Ihe Battleeld
real soon. avld Banner threw a hell of an alhun release artv for
Ihe 6reatest Storv Ever Iold at lreelons, durlng whlrh he gave the
ultlnate seerh and a heartenlng erfornanre.
- Ianhra Cherle lIanhraCherleaol.ron) 6
Ihe harvs huslr lestlval turned out osltlve thls
vear. Ihere was an after artv on everv rorner. 6urrl
hane, Kevshla Cole, and 1uvenlle rane through, |ust
to nane a few. B and 1Rodge Entertalnnent oened
u Cluh hlxx wlth a show stolng erfornanre hv
Raheen evaughn. Slnonens new nlxtae has a
good resonse ln the rluhs and streets on the North
slde of the rltv. 1av Llls slngle 1ulrv 1ulre ls a
wlnner wlth the klds. Bootsv Colllns stlll has haters
there were J res at hls un-oened restaurant ln
one nlght. lt was reorted as arson.
- 1udv 1ones l1udv11onesent.ron)
has the rltv turned lnto the Wlld Wlld West! Iwo ros
were hrutallv slaln and a voung nan was hurned
to death! Ihe rltv ls farlng rohlens renlnlsrent of
the !s. Ihe Russ Parr Bus Iour rane through and
the rltv rane out ln nunhers. ee J erforned on
BEI for the thlrd tlne and whlle thelr slngle l Look
6ood ls stlll verv oular, qP has hanged the rltv
on the head wlth hls new hlt You Rollln Shawtv ll
6ot SSS). Ihe slngle has raught the underground hv
- X Allah lXNuBludhanagenent.ron)
Ihe rst annual SC huslr Awards was held ln 6reen-
vllle, SC. lor a llst of wlnners and lrs fron the event
vlslt www.srnuslrawards.ron. Burk IV vldeo show
renlered on August Jrd and l raught an advanre
srreenlng of lt at one the hottest sots ln the hetro,
Pure Ultra Lounge. Seaklng of hot sots, Cluh Level
ls stlll holdlng down the weekends and two new
sots, reans and Ihe lever, |ust oened u. Snook
won the Patlentlv Waltlng Carollnas Award at the Jrd
Annual 0Z0NE Awards.
- Roh Lo lRohLoPronoaol.ron)
lreeze ls dolng lt hlg, rherk hln out at www.
freezedaworld.ron. Celehrltv Status ls alwavs ln full
effert wlth Plavaz Clrrle, Ihe Lox, 6urrl hane, av Z6,
onnle Lang, 1ohn Legend, h.0.P., Nlre and Snooth,
and Blark Shee stolng through. onlnlque fron
Anerlras Next Io hodel lahove left) got slgned
and ls novlng to L.A. to do her thlng on IV. We ended
the nonth off wlth the hlggest event ln the rltv, nv
Celehrltv Blrthdav Bash. lt was rrazv.
- Yohannan Ierrell llnagelnqgnall.ron)
Klng Ashoka and IheAuto6rax.ron wraed the new 0Z0NE
trurk featurlng Carnlvo Xo. Blg hood Boss hood Presldent hosted hv
Iun Iun and Sh0s J6 0unres hosted hv 1 ro are hot on the nlxtae
grld. lnnortal Soldlerz are novlng a lot of trunk unlts ast lort Worth.
Prlnetlne Cllrk and B hanP are holdlng down Aggtown. Ihe +th Annual hood
Car Show fron Bvron 6 0n a hlsslon was a surress ln 0ak Cllff. l heard the 0n
Alr lvas are wlth KI+ now. Irals vldeo 6utta Chlrk ls on the Io I. hvrhal
1eter ln Collln Countv, stav strong.
- Edward Pookle hall lurhansouthgnall.ron)
Nltro Ieks I read relehrated hls hlrthdav hash at Cluh Xrluslve wlth +Ls laho
ln ronrert. R6B songstress Iarvorla was lntervlewed hv BEI for an uronlng a-
earanre and erfornanre on I6 6 Parks Wll 0ut Wednesdavs. Bethune-Cook-
nan Unlversltvs lnronlng freshnan rlass rane to avtona for orlentatlon and 1
Nallz, along wlth Wllln Entertalnnents Svro Ced, rorked the rrowd at a ranus
artv. Cherk out next nonths lssue of 0Z0NE for a rherk of avtonas Bark to
Srhool Blork Partv, Irlnas Llngerle Partv, and nore.
- 1 Nallz ld|nallzIgnall.ron)
hlstah l.A.B., Wehhle, Rorrett, and Cee-Lo have all nade thelr wav to the Rorkles
thls ast nonth. Colorado heavv Welghts Young oe and hawknan lorked down a
deal wlth West Coast haalKorh and wlll he drolng ro|erts thls fall. lnnerstate
lke, Nvke Nlttl, hvnautlr, lzn Whlte, all rerentlv droed ro|erts, as well as 1
Ktone, 1 Stuar, 1 Bedz, and 1 uote. llrst Saturdavs at Blue lre ls the hottest
0Z0NE hA6 ll I9
Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
hoh Boss of hustle house was shot ln front of the studlo, hut ls naklng a
full reroverv. Although hldget har was klrked off of VhIs l Love honev on
the rst dann elsode, he ran stlll he seen ln rluhs arross the rountrv due
to hls oularltv fron l Love New York Z. Young Cash ls exerted to release
a dlgltal alhun wlth I-Paln. Ihe uval Countv hlxtae Vol. + featurlng P.l.I.
and lrt lggla ls stlll srheduled deslte rrltlrlsn fron those who thlnk an
lnterrarlal nlxtae ls rllrhe, lnstead of enrouraglng unltv wlthln the rltv.
Al|u 1arkson rerentlv slgned to lntersroe Rerords.
- Lll Rudv lLllRudvRuvahoo.ron)
lor a rltv that never slees, lts heronlng dlfrult to nd thlngs to do
when voure not sleelng. Ihe rluh srene ls extra hogus, for the lorals.
ont get ne wrong, there are stlll wlld nlghts, hut not as nurh as hefore.
0nlv a few nonths hark, there were several rluhs to rhoose fron to have
a fun nlght out. ln not sure what haened, hut the hanglng rluhs have
dwlndled down to ahout two. l suose lf voure ronlng to vlslt, ltll sult
vou, hut lf vou llve here, lts not sultahle. 6et lt together Vegasl
- Portla 1arkson
Strong Arn Steadvs Krondon, Phll Ihe Agonv, and hltrhv Sllrk hrought the
true West Coast Klak Klak slrlt to 1 Warrlor and 1 Envvs Call Untourh-
ahle Radlo I! nlxtae. A nega-deal went down on the hLB trade deadllne
dav whlrh hrought the Boston Red Sox hannv Ranlrez to Los Angeles. Ihe
UB Carshow 6 Iour hlt the L.A. Conventlon Center. Parlr lvlslon took the
stage at Crash hanslon, a rlne sot for new hl ho arts. Akon, Rav Lav-
ender, Kardlnal 0frlal, and Rork Cltv took over 9J.S KAY for full dav of
Konvlrt rogrannlng. hvsare.ron steed thelr hars u wlth thelr Serret
Show serles, hrlnglng wele to the Ienle Bar and Nas to the Roxv.
- Ant Wrlght of Swag, lnr. lwww.hvsare.ronlantsandg) 6 evl ev levl-
Whlteheads World Ent. released the lrlsro Z Ihe Vllle V whlrh showrases
talent fron San lranrlsro and Loulsvllle llke San ulnn, hlstah l.A.B., Statlr
ha|or, hurraSeason, and nanv others. hake lt Raln Ent. hrought Rlrk Ross
to Ihe Vllle for a llve erfornanre. B96.S had Ihree 6 haa rone through
for a ronolarerlatlon show at the newlv oened Cluh Z6. B Slnn ls
hark wlth hls slngle hustlln, rodured hv ChrlS Rlrh. hurraSeasons l
Can hake lt Work and S0L0s Lare he U are hoth on radlo. ln ronot-
lng Nuvo, a new llquor.
- lvlne a Lalson l0uttaaShoEnthotnall.ron)
R.l.P. hlsta Lonestar and Slan of ledtvne Rerords. Sarkdawg ls worklng
hls new alhun Ihe Lonestar Kld. hYLYlE Rerords got rodurtlon fron
Koolev, who ro-rodured Lll Wavnes Lolllo wlth 1ln 1onsln. Blark
Sound Ent., Plava hade Iexans, and Nav Iown |olned Ilto and the Wego
Carshow World Iour. Russell hark and 6utta of harks 0n Iha Rlse oened
u for Blg Rat Lor at Bavou Lounge ln AIX. Lll ZA of Balllng 0utta Control
Rerords released a nlxtae wlth 1 ro. Rlrk Ross, E.S.6., and Blg Pokev
were all at Cluh Nlros. Lotto of Iha Co Ent. went to llorlda to get V
- Ire uhh lhvsare.ronlnarkontharlsererords)
Word on the street ls Young Rs slngle Shawtv 0ff the Chaln nav he get-
tlng sone AIL love vla the lrtv Bovs Battle 6round on hot I!.9. Bohagon
and 1 Rlrk llare nade thelr wav to the A for the Crunk ln h alhun
release llts ln stores now). PPC droed the Raw haterlal Press Plav Vol.
Z nlxtae. ont he surrlsed lf vou see sone haron rats ln an area near
vou real soon.
- All Ror lradlod|Z+Zvahoo.ron)
l had the oortunltv to lntervlew CIE artlst BloodRaw for the hollvwood
Red Vlhe on WSLR 96.S lh, and hls lntervlew tourhed on whv nost raers
rlaln to sell doe. l also nade a vlslt to AhV Studlo ln Iana whlle Iango ll
Love New York) ne tuned hls hl ho alhun. ln other news, Lakewood Ranrh
hlgh Srhools quarterhark has heen rharged wlth nurder of a I9 vear old
over narl|uana. All llorldlans he on the lookout for the 60IChA newsaer.
lt features evervhodv arrested wlthln the ast nonth. Cartel+Llfe artlst Cane
was rerentlv featured ln an lssue.
- hollvwood Red lera988vahoo.ron)
Whlte hov lvrlrlst Kaz ls nothlng hut entertalnlng when lt rones to nuslr.
lron lavlng harnonlra to ralng on hls own trarks, thls hov ls all over
the lare. he |ust released hls new slngle lrtv on Purose featurlng 8Ball.
Plava llv ls slowlv releaslng slngles fron hls nurh-antlrlated alhun. hls
latest slngle hoo-Lah ls ratrhlng a hlg huzz here ln the rltv. hlsta lan
|ust droed a new nlxtae ralled Iokvo lanonds featurlng the Ylng Yang
Iwlns, Ioo Short, and 8Ball.
- eanna Brown leanna.BrownhenhlsRa.ron)
C-hall and eure Konradz were nonlnated for an 0Z0NE Patlentlv Waltlng
Award. Evervhodv ln Alahana ls waltlng on eures alhun to dro, lts
tltled rofesslonals. Boonerangs ls on re Saturdavs wlth 1 Shadow.
Naaln the Bonh had a rrazv alhun release artv and Work Ihat has the
fenales danrlng. I6I has Blrd llu lrldav hlowed out at Cluh luslons. 1av
ee Ent.l1 Swlft got the streets lorked wlth oe Bov lresh the nlxtae.
Konvlrt huslr slgned on to the haxxlnun Exosure Conferenre Novenher
I-Z. Eldorado Reds nlxtae ls on re wlth the hottest song ln the streets
Stark of Is.
- hot 6lrl haxxlnun lhaxxlnunnJgnall.ron) 6 1 lrank Whlte
hlnt Condltlon rlosed out the sunner wlth a serlal llve erfornanre. Sone
of the Nashvllle nonlnees for the Iennessee huslr Conferenre lrlght) and
hl ho Awards are. havstak, All Star, 6RlIS, Young Burk, Paer, Cowhov,
6IS, Lll Blzzv, Snoke, Rl, C-Wlz, Slr Swlft, on 1uan, Crlsls, Rage, Blgg h,
Brvant , Ron C, Latlno Salnt, Stlz-lzza, Kvhlll, Plstol, uanle Cash, olowlte,
Sroohv and nore vlslt www.tnrhlhoawards.ron for nore lnfo. 1 Iv
and Cluh luse hegan thelr quest to hrlng Vegas-stvle entertalnnent to
Nashvllle. Ihev also feature a Vodka lorker that rhllls thelr Vodka to Z.
- 1anlro l1anlrosouthernentawards.ron)
Slnre CurrenSvs dearture fron Lll Wavnes Young honev Entertalnnent,
hes heen hotter than ever. hes droed hark-to-hark rlasslr nlxtaes
llke the Chlrago Bulls of the 9s. hark halnes Bltrh ln hark halne ls off
the rhaln and eole need to glve hln nore rredlt. Ihe Show and Lll Wavne
have a new |olnt ralled lnna 6et hlne and lts reallv tlght. Raw .l.
released hls new dlgltal alhun 0n the lnslde Looklng 0ut and lts a rertl-
ed New 0rleans rlasslr. C-hurder has a new alhun out ralled Srreanln +
- errlrk Iha lranrhlse lwww.hvsare.ronlerrlrkIhalranrhlse)
Ihe Cllse have re-hranded thenselves as the Re-U 6ang and thev |ust
droed thelr dlgltal alhun onllne vla hvsare. Young C a Slava and Yung
Ihugz Ent. are naklng nolse onllne and ln the !S!. lan-lavs lrtvwav
should he hlttlng the streets sonetlne thls derade. 1 Bahev rew, fresh
off tour wlth Chrls Brown, ls hark dolng lt hlg ln the streets. Plles, Rlrk
Ross, Young Steff, Prettv Rlrkv and I.l. all rane through the !S! thls nonth.
Sevens, the hottest hl ho rluh ln the !S!, was shut down due to the rltvs
goal of rleanlng u 6ranhv Street.
- Young lane lrontartvoungfanegnall.ron)
hlsta Caln, a.k.a. hr. l-JS, ls shlnlng ln the 0klahona Cltv area. he |olned
forres wlth renowned rodurer 1anes Elllot, a.k.a. BrokBundlez, wlth trarks
surh as 6et ln Between and Ihe hlddle of the ha. hlsta l-JS ls a had
nan on stage. lnfanous ls a husv lav these davs. hls hustle Ill l le trark
savs lentv. lnfanous rerentlv erforned for a two-nlght show alongslde
Blzzv Bone.
- harshlvnn lharshlvnn.Boldenusrellular.ron)
Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
1 Reg West and the luture Star 1s heled 1 L-Nvre relehrate hls hlrth-
dav at Ihe Soda Sho. KRS-0ne lahove), oug E. lresh, and Serlal Ed
rorked 1annus Landlng for Ihe +th of 1ulv Klngs of hl ho show. urlng
hls stav, K.R.S. granted Ihe hl-hawk hour an lntervlew and lertured at
Crossover Churrh for S hours. 1 headhussa droed nultlle nlxtaes
lnrludlng Call the llre harshall wlth IREAL. 1er-Z herane Sll-N-Sllde
1s next artlst. he gave a nenorahle erfornanre at Avrhs Klng of
the Stage Perfornanre Battle. JL6 dehuted Ihe Sundav Sesslon on Wlld
- Sllrk Worthlngton lSllrkWorthl8IJgnall.ron)
1s RorPhella and Iosln hold down one of the longest runnlng rluh
nlghts on the West Coast. Ihe Blast at Contour lIst and Colunhla) ln Se-
attle ls stlll allve and has llterallv heen hoosted hv a artnershl wlth
Boost hohlle and Seasot hagazlne. Also, look for 0lvnla ahwuds
alhun Basenent Sesslons. lt ls a trlhute to the Znd 6olden Era of hl ho
the nld-9s. Ihe Prlre of the 6ane douhle C out of the evastator
Can ls ronlng soon. lts a ronret ro|ert that tells all sldes of the
gane lts not all hllng, fane, and glorv.
- Luvva 1 lhvsare.ronlluvva|)
PA dld the dann thlng at Iulsas annual lversafest. Ihe Z-dav ronfer-
enre hrought out an elr hl ho grou. Ihe Roots wlth uestlove on the
druns stole the show. Ihe hv Swag Partv went down at rluh Barrode.
1s 6oodground and Ranal fron lresh 1anz IS.J were slnnlng the
wheels of steel. Iulsas own angerous Roh ls standlng tall as the 6en-
eral of the P6C Next 6eneratlon. 1 Clvllrlghtz ln ls the lah nasterlng the
l-++ Street Bangaz. Prlnetlne Iulsa ls on and olng. Cone and artv
at Cluh luslon lorated at I6th and Sherldan Ave. Also rherk out Iulsas
newest hotsot, Ladles llrst Sorts Bar on Plne Street.
- harshlvnn lharshlvnn.Boldenusrellular.ron)
BloodRaw, Rorko, and Ihree 6 haa all stoed through the rltv to klrk lt.
lettl of haleraza Rerords slgned a na|or rodurtlon deal and Blark 1 ls hark
and hlttlng the streets wlth Y Not. Vonn Ireez released hls new slngle See
You Later and the last Lane Iour ls gearlng u for another run arross the
north and south. hardrore Ent., Ladv honl, lreeze, l-Blork, and 6. honev are
stlll naklng hlg noves whlle Crakk Klng ls stlll rodurlng that re and work-
lng wlth na|or lahel artlsts. 1 Nltro got sone thlngs rooklng and 6 rontln-
ues to dro all the hottest new nuslr everv nlght of the week ln the rluhs.
- Lola Slns llolaslnsgnall.ron)
0rtavlus hlller searheaded the West Coast hl ho Awards at Portlands
Roseland Ballroon. hlller has heen a xture ln the Northwest hl ho srene
for vears as a ronoter and huslness nan wlth Next Level Pronotlons. Ihe
awards were well attended and lnrluded trlhutes to loral and natlonal artlsts
allke. Seattles Sane was awarded rodurer of the vear hes heen erfert-
lng hls rraft for vears. Kool Bov won the Po Lorker of the Year award lt
alnt hl ho wlthout the B-Bovs and B-6lrls.
- Luvva 1 lhvsare.ronlluvva|)
Rork hlll Ent. kees the lego artv srene revved to full throttle. Seedless
Clothlng |ust launrhed and looks to have vou thlnklng green and growlng
vour nlnd. Z9s 1s Rlrh E Rlrh and -Rork la.k.a. Ihe Ilght Nlght Bovz)
rerelved a nonlnatlon for R6R lndustrv hlx Iean of the Year. Cherk out thelr
#I nlght show hondav thru Ihursdav 8 Ph - I Ph. NlL foothall season
rranks hark u and our Chargers have Suerhowl or Bust goals for 8. See
vou ln Ianal
- Ant Wrlght of Swag, lnr. lhvsare.ronlantsandg)
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZI
ZZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
n nv exerlenre, there are two wavs to get slgned to a deal that rould
osslhlv lead to a surressful rareer ln the nuslr lndustrv. 0ne wav ls
to ut out vour own C and sell enough Cs reglonallv to rreate the
leverage to entlre a na|or lahel lnto slgnlng vou to a deal that wlll lead
to surress, and the serond wav ls to slgn to an alreadv estahllshed latlnun
rerordlng artlst, and rone through the deal he or she has worked out wlth a
na|or lahel that wants to he ln huslness wlth that artlst.
Ihere are hoth usldes and downsldes to slgnlng underneath an alreadv
slgned artlst or rodurer. Ihere are nore artlst owned or rontrolled lahels
than at anv other tlne ln the hlstorv of the urhan nuslr huslness. Sone of
those rurrent oortunltles are.
Artlst exanles.
Young 1eezvs CIE lfornerlv known as Cororate Ihugz) through ef 1an
S Cents 6 Unlt through lntersroe
Enlnens Shadv through lntersroe
I.l.s 6rand hustle through Caltol or Atlantlr
Ludarrls IP through ef 1an
Nellvs errtv Entertalnnent through Unlversal
Produrer exanles.
hr Colllarks lahel through lntersroe
Polows Zone + through lntersroe
r res Afternath through lntersroe
Kanves 6.0.0.. huslr through Sonv
Pharrells lahel Star Irak through lntersroe
1 exanles.
1 ranas Ahllllates lahel through Asvlun
1 Khaleds We Ihe Best lahel through ef 1an or Korh
When a na|or lahel has an estahllshed artlst wlth a strong sales trark rerord
of surress llatlnun or hetter), thevll sonetlnes offer a lahel deal to the
artlst to kee hln or her hav. ln sone rases, lts a real lahel lsurh as IP,
Shadv, CIE, 6-Unlt, etr) wlth real ofres, wlth thelr own dedlrated staffs. And
ln sone rases, lts |ust a logo rlnted on the hark of a C to aear that the
artlst has hls or her own lahel.
lf one of the wavs to get estahllshed ln thls lndustrv ls hv ronlng u under-
neath an estahllshed, surressful artlst, vou should ronslder the luses and
Ihe nonev, lf and when lt rones, asses through the hands of nlddlenen. lf
S derldes to slgn vou to 6-Unlt, the nonev eventuallv goes fron lntersroe
through 6-Unlt and then lhoefullv) trlrkles down to the artlst.
Iheres often a long walt--nost artlsts alreadv have thelr frlends that thev
want to ut on through thelr deal. Iherefore, lf vou are an outslder ln that
ran, voud have to walt vour turn to rone out.
Conllatlon alhuns are usuallv the rst release fron a na|or artlst who has
|ust heen glven hls own lahel deal. 0ften, thls ls herause the lahel has too
nanv artlsts, and ronllatlons allow one artlst to stand out fron the rest.
lf the na|or artlst lsses off the na|or lahel, vour ro|ert wlll suffer.
lf the na|or artlsts next release doesnt do verv well, the lahel deal wlll
often suffer herause the need to kee that estahllshed artlst hav ls no
longer as strong.
hanv artlsts slgn other artlsts who are not as talented so thev wlll not he
ustaged. Verv few na|or artlsts are serure enough wlth thenselves to slgn
artlsts who are hetter than thev are or who ran out-ra then.
host artlsts do not have strong huslness sense and not nanv have the
huslness arunen to hlre rofesslonals wlth a strong trark rerord of surress
to run thelr ronanles for then. Your rareer rould end u ln the hands of the
artlsts hest frlend, who has no nuslr huslness exerlenre.
host releases under a na|or artlsts lahel are seen hv ronsuners as |ust
frlends of the artlst and are rarelv taken as serlouslv as unknown artlsts.
hurhv Lee wlll alwavs he seen as Nellvs hov, -IZ wlll alwavs he Enlnens
huddles, PSC are I.l.s frlends, and Ionv Yavo wlll alwavs he seen as Ss
rhlldhood frlend. Whether thev have thls klnd of hlstorv or not, that ls the
erretlonadnlt lt, vou were thlnklng that when those alhuns droed.
You wlll never have a hetter deal than the deal vour artlst lahel-owner has
wlth hls lahel lunless vou sell nore Cs than hln and ran renegotlate). lor
exanle, lf vou are slgned to an artlst who rerelved I8 olnts fron ef 1an
ln hls deal lthats I8% of the retall selllng rlre of earh C, after vou avlng
hark all of the exenses), vou wlll llkelv get a lesser errentage than I8
olnts. he rant glve vou nore than he gets.
You wlll nost llkelv have to use newer, less estahllshed rodurers for vour
heatsor even the ln-house rodurers, herause theres rarelv a hudget for
vou to rerord wlth the A-llst hlt nakers llke hannle lresh, 1ln 1onsln, r. re,
etr. ln a hlt-drlven, radlo-forused lndustrv, that rould he sonewhat rhal-
lf the artlst who slgns vou ls a rlorltv at the lahel lllke Enlnen, Ludarrls,
I.l., S Cent, etr), there ls a hetter rhanre that vour ro|ert wlll he a rlorltv
at the lahel as well. Ihe level of effort the na|or lahel nakes on vour ro|ert
ls ln dlrert roortlon to the level of nanrlal value of the artlst to whon vou
are slgned.
You galn lnnedlate rerognltlon ln the narketlare when a na|or artlst gets
hehlnd vou and ro-slgns vou.
You are slgned to a lahel that ls run hv an artlst, so the understandlng of
the nuslr and artforn ls nurh stronger than lf vou are slgned to a lahel run
hv a lawver or an arrountant.
Your rst release ls alnost guaranteed to feature the latlnun rerordlng
artlst herause vou are slgned to hln or her, and there ls a nanrlal stake ln
helng ronoted land ro-slgned) hv that artlst.
You are thrust lnto a rareer that starts at a nld-level. You get to tour wlth
an alreadv estahllshed artlst, vou get to learn the lndustrv through the eves
of a latlnun rerordlng artlst, and vou galn art of an alreadv estahllshed
fanhase. Ihe oortunltles for exosure for vou are lnnedlatelv greater.
You get to see the lnslde vlew of a suerstars rareer. You ran learn fron
the nlstakes or surresses of that artlst who rones hefore vou. lt ls next to
lnosslhle to get surh an lnslders vlew wlthout helng rlght there to llve
lt rsthand. Ihls eduratlon ls lnvaluahle lf vou are snart enough to alv
what works to vour own rareer and not exerlenre those sane nlstakes and
ltfalls vourself.
Whlle there are usldes and downsldes to everv deal, earh artlst nust welgh
the otlons for thenselves. Slgnlng to an estahllshed artlst nav not he good
for evervone, and lt nav he the hest route for others. Ihe trlrk ls to know all
of the luses and nlnuses of anv oortunltv and then nake an lnforned
derlslon hased on what ls hest for vour own rareer and vour own sltuatlon.
Slgnlng anv rerord deal ls usuallv a ronnltnent of S to ! vears of vour llfe.
ln nost rases, thls ls the llfe san of a ra rareer, so rhoose verv wlselv. ll
ZZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZJ
Z+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZS
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 1us Bleezv 6 Ionva Ierelle 6rooves for Caltol Rerords I1s 1s
Iastles lashlon Show Z ll 6reen Cltv 6 Srarfare on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret J ll Lll lll 6 Kasa the on the 0Z0NE Awards + ll hr Plll, erek 1urand, Ionv Neal, 6 1 ln-
art ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge S ll lloRlda 6 lreezv the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 ll 1lhhs 6 Irae I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre ! ll Paul Wall 6
Alfanega harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards 8 ll 0Z0NE fans ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge 9 ll 1 uote, Wlllv Northole, 6 Plavaz Clrrle on the 0Z0NE Awards red
raret I ll hatt anlels 6 Wendv av I1s 1s Iastenakers II ll Ladles reln hvko Korh dlnner showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers IZ ll hallk Ahdul 6 Randv Roer
I1s 1s Iastenakers IJ ll KBXX Ihe Box rrew I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I+ ll 1 KIone 6 Pookle of Urhan South Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover IS ll 6unlav, 6eter K,
6 Iorrh I1s 1s Artlst Panel I6 ll Prlnress 6 Art Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I! ll New honev Iwlns Korh dlnner showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers I8 ll Klng Yella
6 hoetester 6rooves for Caltol Rerords I1s 1s Iastles lashlon Show I9 ll LEP Korh dlnner showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lI!,I9), -Rav l6,I+), 1 Lash lZ,+,S,9,II,IJ,IS), Klng Yella lI,8,IZ), hs Rlverrltv l!), Ierrenre Ivson lZ,I,I6,I8)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Shawtv Lo 6 hls daughter the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards
lPhoto. 1 Lash), Ihe 6eto Bovs 6 1 Prlnre the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ben Rose), Young 1eezv 6 Boo harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Irevor Iravnor)
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZS
Z6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
o Cheat and not get Caught, that ls the nethod.
Before anvone out there gets offended, ln
not rondonlng rheatlng. ln not even savlng
that rheatlng ls rlght. All ln savlng ls, thlnk of
when vou nd out vour klds are havlng sex. You
nav not want then to. You wlll even let then know
thev should walt and vou dont agree wlth thelr
hehavlor, hut vou have to exlaln to then how to
rotert thenselves. Youre golng to rautlon then
ahout SIs and regnanrv and evervthlng else vou
want then to know ahout sex. Even though vouve
told then lts wrong to have sex vou know thevre
golng to do lt anvwav so vou nlght as well srhool
then on dolng lt rlght.

Ladles, l hear vou. Whv the hell do vou nen
have to rheat ln the rst lare! lf vou have a
good wonan at hone, whv rant vou he satlsed
wlth what vou have! llrst of all lf l do derlde to
artake ln sone extrarurrlrular artlvltles lt ls not
a refertlon of what ln not gettlng at hone and lt
ls not a refertlon of not helng satlsed. ln fart, lt
has nothlng to do wlth nv wlfe, glrlfrlend, or naln
rhlrk at all. lt has to do wlth the fart that for a
hrlef nonent ln tlne l was attrarted to a nenher
of the ooslte sex, whlrh ls hlghlv natural. No
enotlons, no nental or slrltual ronnertlon, |ust
a stralght hvslral enrounter that rant and wont
hurt anvhodv lf vou do lt rorrertlv. What ls dolng lt
rorrertlv, vou ask! Corrertlv ls to Cheat and not
get Caught. l helleve that lt wasnt the extranarl-
tal affalr that 1ohn Edwards had wlth hls forner
ranalgn worker Rlelle hunter that raused hln to
lose hls olltlral rareer and lt wasnt the rheatlng
that nade Blll Cllnton lle to Anerlra hv denvlng anv
sexual relatlonshl wlth honlra Lewlnskv hark ln
I998. lt ls also not the rheatlng that nade horgan
lreenans wlfe leave hln after J lus vears. lf
lt wasnt the rheatlng, then what was lt! Ladles
and 6hettonen, hovs and glrls, and even all vou
rrarkheads, lns, and edohlles, the reason all
these sltuatlons went down ls herause the nen got
Cheatlng doesnt hurt, herause what vou dont
know rant hurt voul lf l dont hrlng anv SIs hone,
lf l dont get anv other rhlrks regnant, lf vou dont
feel llke vou need to look through nv hone and
stress ne ahout where l go or where lve heen, we
have a hav hone. No harn, no foul. lf a tree falls
ln the forest and no one ls there to see lt fall, who
glves a furk! lts the gettlng raught that rauses
the rohlensl hen, we dont take thls rheatlng
thlng serlouslv enough. When vou are rheatlng
vou have to art llke vou are naklng a na|or, na|or
drug transartlon. You have to nove llke vou have
8 kllos of roralne and one of 6eorge W. Bushs
daughters tled u ln vour trunk. You have to treat
lt llke vou rant afford to get raught. Ihe last
thlng vou want ls to fare the ronsequenres of vour
slgnlrant otherl
hen, we have to start novlng llke wonen. But
hold u. all of vou half-fags wlth vour tlght |eans,
hohawks, and v-nerk t-shlrt, dont get exrlted.
Put vour evellner awav. What l nean ls that wonen
nove ln the shadows. l reallv helleve wonen would
nake hetter drug dealers than nen. ln not ro-
notlng the selllng of drugs, l an |ust trvlng to use
an analogv that nv hood gures ran understand.
A wonan ran get u at seven ln the nornlng, work
untll ve, rone hone and rook, rlean and ut the
klds to hed. Ihat ls her evervdav routlne. Shes not
on her rell hone textlng ln the nlddle of the nlght,
never taklng her hone ln the hathroon to nake
a rall. But sonewhere ln that 9 to S she had sone
rork for lunrh, honle. She told vou she was golng
to get a IZ lnrh and vou thought she was talklng
ahout a Suhwav sandwlrhl
hen do the ooslte. Iextlng all the dann tlne,
taklng vour hone ln the hathroon and whlser-
lng, not reallzlng the sound ls nagnled tlnes ten
ln a hathroon. When nen |un-off, thev have a
tendenrv to rhange thelr atterns, naklng u dunh
ass lles, llke, ln golng to the harhersho. honle,
there are no fades helng glven out at nldnlght
on a Sundav. You swear voure gettlng awav wlth
sonethlng, hut vour wonan ls not stuld. Iruthfullv
vour glrl ls rohahlv furklng that sane harher vou
rlaln to he golng to see. he ls ruttlng vour halr and
ruttlng vour wonan and vou dont even reallze lt.
hen are dogs, wonen are rats. ogs furk ln hroad
davllght, thev get sturk together looklng all
rrazv ln the vard at IZ noon when the sun ls at
lts hlghest. Evervone ran see then and thev even
sav, Look at then dunhass dogs. Ihats whv
whenever nen get raught rheatlng wonen sav,
Look at that dunh ass dogl But wonen nove
llke rats, nvsterlous and sneakv. You have never ln
vour llfe seen two rats furklng. You alwavs see the
klttens though, so vou know thevre gettlng lt ln.
As a natter of fart, when rats nate, nultlle nale
rats wlll he attrarted to the one fenale rat ln heat.
Ihe nales wlll ght over her, and the vlrtor wlns
the rlght to nate. At rst, the fenale wlll re|ert the
nale, hut eventuallv allow the nale to nate. After
natlng, the fenale wlll glve herself a thorough
wash. lf a nale attents to hreed wlth her at thls
olnt, the fenale wlll attark hln. 0nre the fenale ls
done groonlng, the rvrle wlll reeat.
Wonen go through the sane roress. lf a wonan ls
ln a relatlonshl, she ls not |ust golng to glve her-
self to anv nan trvlng to get at her. Ihev have to
ght for her attentlon and the one who noves less
llke a dog and nore llke a rat ls the one who wlll
wln the rlght to slee wlth her. When thev are nlsh
gettlng lt ln, the wonan goes lnto her zone llke the
fenale rat when she ls groonlng. lf the nale trles
to get at her durlng thls erlod she attarks hln hv
denandlng that he not rall her. lll rall vou when l
need lt, and that ls the wav lt should he.
hen want to lork evervthlng down and rontrol
evervthlng. honle, dld vou not forget vou have
a naln rhlrk at hone! You rant he dolng all the
extra shlt, hrotherl Know when to hold then and
when to fold then. 6ettlng all enotlonallv at-
tarhed, taklng vour slde rhlrk out on dates, eatlng
ln the sane restaurants vou take vour naln rhlrk
to and sendlng vour slde rhlrk to sho ln the sane
stores as vour slgnlrant other. Youre ahout to get
raught and furk lt u for the rest of the nen who
know how to roerlv rheatl
And all vou dudes wlth naln glrls, lf vou have a
slde rhlrk dont klss her, dont hold her hand, dont
eat her ussv, lease dont hang her raw, and
lease dont he textlng her and ralllng her to ask
how her dav was. You are not her nan, and she ls
not vour wonan. Ihose thlngs l |ust nentloned are
onlv for vour naln sugar staln. lf vou are vlolatlng
anv of these rules vou nlght as well turn vourself
ln herause vou are ahout to get raught. lts alnost
over. Aretha lranklln a.k.a. the fat ladv ls slng-
lng, that uer roon ls helng reared for vou,
sonewhere soneone ls huvlng fresh fowers to ut
on vour grave rause voure ahout to klll vour whole
heautlful sltuatlon at hone. lt wont he herause
vou rheated, hut herause vou got raught.
Now that l have shared wlth vou nv |ewels, alv
then to vour llfe roerlv. lor the rerord, all thls
researrh l have ronlled on rheatlng was done on
a strlrtlv serondhand hasls. l have not exerlenred
rst-hand anv of the thlngs l have talked ahout.
Snart nen learn fron thelr own nlstakes and wlse
nen learn fron the nlstakes of others ltransla-
tlon. n not furklng u nv hav hone rause of an
0Z0NE hagazlne Chln Cherk).
Renenher. Io Cheat and not get Caught, that ls the
nethod. Untll next tlne,
Ihe Slnlster hlnlster Charlanagne Iha 6od
By ChaRLaMagne Tha gOd
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z!
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 1ulla Beverlv, hs Rlverrltv, Wendv av, 6 Paa urk I1s 1s
Iastenakers Z ll 6rourhv 6reg 6 Paul Wall Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv J ll hurrlrane Chrls 6 Corv ho harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards + ll Break
Iha Bank 6 I1 Chanan I1s 1s A6R anel S ll Ist Ladv El, Nlna Chantele, 6 Storn I1s 1s Iastenakers 6 ll Plav 6 Sklllz harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards ! ll Erlr Perrln,
Kerlsha Snlth, Klsha Snlth, Cordlre 6ardner, Kennv Brewer, 6 hallk Ahdul I1s 1s Iastenakers 8 ll Rarehreed 6 Paa urk I1s 1s Iastenakers 9 ll Slln Ihug 6 6ottl ave
6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge I ll Rork Cltv on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards II ll ee Sonoran 6 1 hontav I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre IZ ll
hz 1ae 6 hs Rlverrltv I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre IJ ll Ladles, Young Cltv, 6 hlrha Porat I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I+ ll Ist Ladv El 6 1 rana harkstage the
0Z0NE Awards IS ll I larrls, Steh 1ones, 6 Paul Wall Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv I6 ll 1 Lll Bov 6 Iavlzn I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I!
ll Bankroll 1onez 6 Paerrhase Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I8 ll 06 Ron C 6 1 hl-C Bar Rlo for Ra-A-Lots Welrone to houston artv I9 ll Paa urk 6 Lll uval I1s
1s Iastenakers ronferenre
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose l9,I), -Rav lZ,II,IJ,I+,I!), 1 Lash l+,IS), Klng Yella lS,IZ,I9), hs Rlverrltv lI,J,6), Ierrenre Ivson l!,8,I6,I8)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Bun B 6 hana Wes ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge
lPhoto. Edgar Walker), Lll Keke, Paul Wall, 6 runna Bov harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson), Shawtv Lo 6 Are hood I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre lPhoto. 1 Lash)
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z!
Z8 ll 0Z0NE hA6

















hvlouslv the deslgn for thls lere rane fron nv fare, lts a
rartoon look. And l nade lt out of whlte gold and dlfferent
rolor dlanonds. hlue, hlark, whlte, lnk and vellow dlanonds.
l gured slnre l nake all these nlre leres for other eole l
should nake one for nvself, and l never had a hlg lere of nv own.
A lot of nv rllents are raers or athletes so thev alwavs want to ugrade
the dlanonds. Ihev dont use no rhea dlanonds, so nv lere had to he the
sane wav, lt has alnost S, BVS dlanonds, and IS rarats. lf l nade thls
lere for anvhodv else lt would rost then llke SI!, to SI8,exret
for nv honle Paul Wall of rourse, lt would onlv rost hln llke SIS,.
Evervhodv that sees thls rhaln alwavs wants sonethlng slnllar. l was at a
vldeo shoot wlth lat 1oe ln hlanl and he was llke, han, l want vou to do nv
rartoon fare llke thatl So ln golng to nake another hlg lere for lat 1oe.
ln alwavs ln the hood, and l alwavs do nuslr vldeo shoots, so l alwavs have
nv ersonal hodvguards wlth ne whenever l wear the lere. l have to have
rotertlon herause lts reallv exenslve and lt took ne a reallv long tlne to
nake lt. lt took ne Z weeks |ust to nake the nold and alnost 6 weeks to n-
lsh lt ronletelv. Ihls lere was hard to nake, hut the nost dlfrult |ewelrv
l ever had to nake was the hlg So So ef lere l dld for 1. lt was too hlg for
nv ruttlng narhlne. lt was a reallv hlg rhaln, hut lt rane out real nlre.
Everv lere l nake has a dlfferent look and a dlfferent neanlng. Berause ln
the |eweler, everv lere l nake, whether snall or hlg, ls lnortant. A lot of
eole thlnk lf thev rone to ne thev gotta send SS, or S!,. hell
nol l ran nake a lere for a thousand. l |ust love to nake |ewelrv, and l dont
have an all tlne favorlte lere, hut thls ls denltelv one of then. ll|
As told to Erlr Perrln
Photo hv -Rav
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z9
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 1oe Anthonv 6 Nellv I1s 1s Artlst Panel Z ll Kerlsha Snlth
6 Cordlre 6ardner I1s 1s Iastenakers J ll 1 +S, 1 Ron Love, hallk Ahdul, 6 Slln 6oodve Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv + ll Bav Bav, 1 +S,
6 1ahher 1aws I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 Panel S ll 1 Chrlstlon 6 1 Nastv the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 ll 1ulla Beverlv, hana Wes, 1 Prlnre, 6 B6 Bar Rlo for Ra-A-Lots
klrkoff artv ! ll Rlrk Ross 6 Bun B I1s 1s Artlst Panel 8 ll Shawtv Lo 6 guest Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv 9 ll Ioo Short 6 ladles on the
red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards I ll Stehanle Brooks, Lutovua Ihonson, 6 Natalla 6onez the 0Z0NE Awards II ll 6-hark, hvko, Lll , 6 ladles 6rooves for Cal-
tol Rerords I1s 1s Iastles lashlon Show IZ ll Lll Boosle 6 rrew I1s 1s Iastenakers IJ ll Klller hlke 6 1 Prlnress Cut on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret I+ ll Brandll 1ohnson
6 Ierrenre Ivson I1s 1s Iastenakers IS ll B1 6 1ln 1onsln I1s 1s Iastenakers Produrer Panel I6 ll hanlf Sunner 6 Steh 1ones I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I! ll
1 en 6 Ionva Ierelle 6rooves for Caltol Rerords I1s 1s Iastles lashlon Show I8 ll Bohhv ash I1s 1s A6R anel I9 ll Bun B 6 06 Ron C ave 6 Busters for U6K Pool
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose l+,!,9), -Rav l6,8), 1 Lash lIJ,I8), Klng Yella lI,IZ,IS,I6), Ierrenre Ivson lZ,J,S,I,II,I+,I!,I9)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Sean Paul Asvlun Rerords studlo sulte durlng I1s 1s
lPhoto. Le1aurean hallev), Lll Boosle, Wehhle, 6 Paul Wall harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ben Rose), Bun B 6 Klller hlke I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte lPhoto. Klng Yella)
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z9
J ll 0Z0NE hA6
By eric Perrin
This is story of Climax, a stripper who
cheats--at least when selecting her
stage name.
0n nv rst dav danrlng l was so nervous l
rouldnt rone u wlth a nane or anvthlng, she
ronfesses. Ihe rluh gave ne a lere of aer
that had sanle danre nanes on lt, and the nane
Cllnax was on the llst. l guess l klnda rheated.
But regardless of where her nane was derlved,
the Long Bearh-horn heautv has heen rauslng
rllnartlr elsodes ln the nlnds of her nanv fans
at Strokers for alnost elght nonths, and she
arknowledges her nane has a lot to do wlth her
surress. Peole |ust seen to love nv nane, savs
the ZI vear old. Whenever l lntrodure nvself as
Cllnax thev lnstantlv start snlllng.
And whlle her nane and J+-Z+-+ hvslque
ohvlouslv hrlngs a snlle to her rustoners fares,
nothlng ran nake the + II stalllon as rontent as
the fast nonev her rareer rreates. lll he honest,
l onlv started danrlng for the nonev, she states.
But l denltelv en|ov the envlronnent at Stro-
kers. Ihev reallv have nade lt a nlre atnoshere.
Before she derlded to serve the rrowd at Strokers,
Cllnax served drlnks at 1ernalne urls Studlo
!Z. Ihen, she studled to he a aralegal, hut
herane frustrated wlth the anount of srhoolwork
lnvolved. llnallv, after helng heavllv lnfuenred hv
sone of her veteran danrer huddles, Cllnax de-
rlded to rllnh u on the ole herself. She hegan
danrlng at rlvate artles, hut qulrklv lvoted to
the llnellght of a real strl rluh.
however, real strl rluhs, often entertaln real as-
slonate atrons. Ihe rrazlest thlng ahout thls |oh
ls how nastv eole ran he, she exrlalns. 6uvs
have trled to offer nonev to eat ne out on stage,
and ln llke, Are vou rrazv! ln a strler, vou
dont know ne. But fenales ran he |ust as had,
and even sone of the other danrers.
Adnlttedlv a slngle hlark fenale addlrted to
retall, Cllnax has two asslons ln llfe. sholng
and readlng. l love to sho, she gushes. But
the one thlng l llke nore than sholng ls read-
lng. l trv to read as nurh as osslhle.
Ihe hl-rarlal hookworn has a large rollertlon
of llterature, lnrludlng her favorlte, Ihe Coldest
Wlnter Ever hv Slster Soul|ah. Whlle nost eole
rohahlv wouldnt exert Cllnax to he as well-
read as she rlalns, she stlll fears the hlggest
nlsronretlon of her ertalns to her ersonalltv.
lor sone reason eole tend to thlnk ln sturk
u when thev rst neet ne, she savs. After thev
get to know ne thev reallze that ln a reallv rool
erson. ln real hunhle, and l |ust llke to rhlll.
Unfortunatelv for Cllnax, she nav not he ahle to
rhlll for long. Ihls wlnter the AIL-dwelllng danrer
wlll relorate to desert of Las Vegas where she
lans to nlsh srhool. Cllnax ls denltelv a ol-
lar henu lten avallahle to Atlanta for a llnlted
tlne onlv. ll
J ll 0Z0NE hA6
Booklng. www.nvsare.ronlstrokersatl
Wehslte. www.strokersrluh.ron
Photograher. Sean Cokes ++-6ZZ-!!JJ
hake-U Artlst. hlke hlke 6!8-!JZ-SZ8S
halr Stvllst. Bahv Bov ++-J96-Z!J9
0Z0NE hA6 ll JI
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 1u|u of harlons BB 6 hls daughter I1s 1s Iastenakers Z
ll Blgga Rankln 6 Lll Boosle I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre J ll 1ln 1onsln 6 Lll uval Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover + ll Roh 6old 6 Kln Ellls the Jrd annual 0Z0NE
Awards S ll Ionv Neal 6 1us Bleezv ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge 6 ll Sunner Walker 6 1 rana on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards ! ll
Shawtv Lo 6 1lhhs I1s 1s Artlst Panel 8 ll Nellv glvlng sone love to hana Wes ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge 9 ll loxx 6 Alfanega I1s 1s Iastenakers
ronferenre I ll ueen 6 Bun B I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte II ll haltlan lresh 6 Klng Yella I1s 1s Iastenakers IZ ll Loaded, guests, 6 Pookle I1s 1s Iastenakers
ronferenre IJ ll 6o 1 anon, Bankroll 1onez, 6 1 Chlll I1s 1s Iastenakers I+ ll Ladles Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover IS ll Paa urk 6 6rlnd hode I1s 1s A6R
anel I6 ll Certled 6 Wendv av ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge I! ll Ashlev Snlth 6 Erlr Perrln harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards I8 ll r Ieeth 6 Alfanega on the
0Z0NE Awards red raret I9 ll Red 6 Lll lll harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards Z ll Brandll 1ohnson, hanlf Sunner, 6 Ieka I1s 1s Artlst Panel
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lI6), -Rav lI,+,6,8,II,IZ,I9), 1 Lash lI,I+,IS,I8,Z), Klng Yella lZ,S,!,IJ,I!), Kurtls 6rahan l9), Ierrenre Ivson lJ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Srarfare 6 1 Prlnre the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards, Cha-
nllllonalre, Paul Wall, 6 avld Banner harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhotos. Klng Yella), hannle lresh 6 runna Bov harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. hs Rlverrltv)
0Z0NE hA6 ll JI
JZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
Iextln ls no longer safe now that 0Z0NEs
dangerous nlnds have harked the svsten.
- lron the nlnds of Erlr Perrln and Randv Roer lPhotos hv Erlr Perrln 6 Klng Yella)
JZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
J avs after the Z8 0Z0NE Awards

jb: hev I1, where should we have the awards next vear!
Tj: Llsten 1ulla, ln not dolng thls award show shlt wlt vou no nore. lurk that. l
|ust got hark fron nv dortor and found out l got hlgh hlood ressure herause
of thls shlt.
jb: What are vou talklng ahout!
Tj: l nean no hard feellngs or nothlng, hut l rant have B.o.B assorlated wlth that
shlt no nore. Were trvlng to get hln on IRL one dav.
jb: Youre trllnl Can vou at least do the Iastenakers Conferenre!
Tj: Naw, l rant do anvthlng, to he honest wlth vou. Ihat shlt was a furkln
hloodhath. Nlggas was snoklng weed on the elevators wlth AK +!s, Rlrk Ross
was outslde ullln nuthafurkas over, B.6. fell aslee ln the hathroon and lssed
all over hlnself. And nohodv even knew who the hell B.o.B was. ln sweatlng
|ust thlnklng ahout that shlt and l stlll gotta gure out how ln gonna av thls
seedlng tlrket Ross gave ne.
jb: Caln down, I1.
Tj: ont tell ne to raln down. You dont understandl I-Paln was runnlng around
steallng lllows and shlt outta eoles hotel roons, haltlan lreshs nasrot was
ln the lohhv rooklng frled lantalns and rotton randv, and Boosle and Wehhle
was shootlng rras wlth B.o.B and took all hls nonev. WIl!
jb: hold on. I-Palns the one who stole nv lllow!
Tj: lurk vo lllow, B.o.B raught a rran ln hls nerk. You know he rant slee on
a fat hed.
jb: You are reallv trlln rlght now. Ihls vears show was rrazv. We had Bun B
erforn, Blg Bol fron 0utkast, Shawtv Lo, avld Banner. 1eezv was there, Ioo
Short, I.l., Chanllllonalre. hlke 1ones.
Tj: Who!
jb: Yeah, voure rlght. But we had all three 6eto Bovs on stage at one tlne, thats
a hell of an arronllshnent.
Tj: But the onlv reason serurltv let Bushwlrk Blll on stage was herause thev
thought he was the nldget fron hell ate. Who the furk dld vou hlre to do seru-
rltv anvwav! Y0U WERE SUPP0SE I0 6EI PRlVAIE SECURlIY l0R B.o.B.lll l CANI
IRUSI Y0U l0R ShlI, 1Bl
jb: Well, next vear ls gonna he rrazv. lts gonna he hlgger than the 6rannvs.
Tj: lurk thatl l told vou ln not dolng thls shlt next vear.
jb: lf vou wont hel ne do lt agaln next vear lll rlnt all those 6roule Confes-
slons glrls sent ln ahout vou.
Tj: lUCKl
0Z0NE hA6 ll JJ
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll Iavlzn, Young Cash, 6 Blgga Rankln the Jrd annual 0Z0NE
Awards Z ll J ee, Lll Boosle, 6 Wehhle on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards J ll Plthull, guest, 6 06 Ron C harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards + ll 6rlt Bovs on the
red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards S ll Bun B 6 Kasa the on I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte 6 ll Chanllllonalre 6 Bun B I1s 1s Artlst Panel ! ll hot Stvlz 6 Klller
hlke the 0Z0NE Awards 8 ll Slln Ihug 6 the Boss hogg 0utlawz Korh dlnner showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers 9 ll Bav Bav 6 Are hood lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef
1ans BB I ll eRav avls, 1-har, 1anes Posev of the Boston Celtlrs, 6 hadd hatta I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre II ll Ron Stewart, Chad Brown, 6 06 Ron C ave
6 Busters for U6K Pool Iournanent IZ ll E-Class 6 1 Khaled the 0Z0NE Awards IJ ll hallk Ahdul, Kerlsha Snlth, Ierrenre Ivson, Klsha Snlth, Cordlre 6ardner, 6 Kennv Brewer
Korh dlnner showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers I+ ll 6 ash 6 hls wlfe Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv IS ll IV 1ohnnv 6 Blg Bank hank the
0Z0NE Awards I6 ll Blzzle 6 ladles on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret I! ll Yung LA, I1 Chanan, 6 Clav Evans I1s 1s Iastenakers I8 ll hvko 6 Arrhle Eversole Korh dlnner
showrase durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers I9 ll Rasheeda 6 Klrk I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lZ,+,8,II,I8), Edward hall lI9), 1 Lash lJ,IZ,I+), Klng Yella lS,6), Ierrenre Ivson lI,!,9,IJ,IS,I6,I!), Ire uhh lI)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). ueen 6 hana Wes ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Chal-
lenge lPhoto. Edgar Walker), Chanllllonalre 6 Wlllle I1s 1s Iastenakers lPhoto. -Rav), Lll Boosle 6 1 +S Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouse artv lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson)
0Z0NE hA6 ll JJ
J+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
Bahv and Sllns vounger hrother Ierranre 6angsta Wllllans
rllque of New 0rleans gangstas and heroln dealers was the
orlglnal lnslratlon for the nane of the hot Bovs ra grou
lthe worlds lntrodurtlon to Lll Wavne, 1uvenlle, B.6., and Iurk,
ln rase vou dont know...). he rherked ln wlth 0Z0NE fron a
lederal Corrertlonal lnstltutlon ln 1esu, 6eorgla, where he ls
servlng a llfe sentenre.
Shout out to my street Families....

Whiiiii! Whats poppin Fams? Yeah, I address you as Fams
because, youre street people like I was. Anybody thats getting Money
or bustin his gun is my street fam.... (The real recognize real).

Picture this Fam..... I was laying back in the three man cell I
was assign to which is too small for two people. Anyway, I had the radio
on and Lil Waynes Milli rap came on. All I could do was smile. I re-
member when the Lil Homie was in the studio back in 97. He had a mini
afro back then. He was writing a rap to go on the Hot-Boys album. A name I
told my brother to name the group... The Hot-Boys name came from some real
street Gangsters. Dooney, Sterling, Mosquito and myself. All three a dead
now. No we didnt bust raps, we bust caps...

I remember when Cash Money use to rent one raggedy bus to ride out
of town to do Concerts. I would be right there, Some of the times. Two
guns and my Bulletproof Vest. While C.M.R. crew were entertaining people I
was hooking up Heroin deals. The game was good to me. Well at least thats
what we think, just because we are getting money, Women are Crazy about
us, we riding in nice cars, jewelry, stacking money, bust our guns or pay
someone to do it for us... The drug life is the life we all love until the
Feds Catch us. I know thats how I feel after Ten years and Five months in
Prison serving a life sentence.

Dont trip homie, the people havent caught you yet so ball til you
fall. But do you ever stop and think, that you are putting your Family at
risk? I Know I didnt. And thats what lead my Mother to be Shot. Actu-
ally the Shooters were trying to kill my Lil brother because they couldnt
Catch me. I Know you maybe thinking that you are too smoothe to get caught
slipping Oh Yeah, Well I thought that too. I was shot in the left foot in
1991 while on the run from juvenile because I had escaped. I was stabbed in
June of 1994 my lungs collapsed, a month later I was Shot and lost apiece
of my bladder and had to walk around with a Colostomy bag on AKA Doo-Doo
bag. For 23 months. The last time I was shot was in 1996, one of the bul-
lets came out the Front of my Chest. I played all the Slick and Kind rolls
in the game to deceive a person. Look at the picture of me holding my
daughter. At that time I attended Delgado Commnuity College. I had been
arrestted for murder six times and plead guilty to attempted murder in
1993. If you look at the picture that Im eating the Cookie Ice Cream
youll see I didnt have a mustache and my eyebrows are done. Thats be-
cause I had to dress like a woman to get to my Victim. At that time I
was young so all the games you think is new, people before me has
done and so on.... The main thing that I trip off of is we believe
the world is ours while we are balling but when we go to jail, We
calling any and everybody to make bond or get us a lawyer. Then we
have the nerve to get mad with our woman when she leave us once we
get time. When you were free you came home when you got ready. You
slept with any woman that let you. Now you want to kill her and dis-
own the Child or Children. Yes indeed.... I know you maybe thinking
he just saying all this because he got Caught. Yeah well Im doing
enough time for everybody. And you still have a chance to get your
life together... Even the ones that are thinking about selling drugs,
trust me homie its a waste of time. When you feel that you have to
have those nice tennis shoes, Parda, Gucci, Polo ect... OR that you
have to eat so we say. Think about the people in africa that dont
have nothing. And most of all think about me... On June 24, 1999 The
Judge sentence me to Life and 240 month which is 20 years. On March
6, 2002 He resentence me to Life and ran the 20 years Concurrent. Say
no to drugs, stop the Violence, and be aware of HIV/AIDS... Get Your
Education its important.
Check out my Blog at
Lastly Thank you Ms. Julia Beverly for giving a opportunity to be
heard... Wendy Day one love...
Any Questions: Write to
Terrance E. Williams
FCI Jesup
2680 HWY 301 SOUTH
Jesup GA 31599
J+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll JS
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll Cordlre 6ardner 6 Kennv Brewer Korh dlnner showrase durlng
I1s 1s Iastenakers Z ll Carlos Cartel, PlhP, 6 1 Churk I on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret J ll 1 Nastv, I1 Chanan, Kelth Kennedv, 1 Chrlstlon, 6 1 lnart lsroverv 6reen
for lsland ef 1ans BB + ll heshah hawklns 6 Blg Buhh I1s 1s Artlst Panel S ll Young AC 6 Iurtle Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv 6 ll Shawtv
Lo 6 hls fanllv on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards ! ll Brandl 6arrla I1s 1s Iastenakers 8 ll Rlrk Ross 6 Klller hlke I1s 1s Artlst Panel 9 ll U6K Bunnles
ave 6 Busters for U6K Pool Iournanent I ll -Ruff 6 harlon Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover II ll I0E 6 1 B-o on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards IZ ll
haltlan lresh 6 rrew on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret IJ ll Kln Ellls 6 Wendv av I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I+ ll Presldentlal Irahouse on the red raret the Jrd annual
0Z0NE Awards IS ll Blg Buhh, Ashlev, 6 hezeleo I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I6 ll 1lhhs 6 1ln 1onsln I1s 1s Iastenakers I! ll Lll Corev 6 Pookle fron Urhan South I1s
1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre I8 ll haurlre 6arland 6 Klller hlke I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I9 ll Snle, 6ar, 6 Shell I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lJ,6,8,9), -Rav lS,I,IJ,I+,I8), Edgar Walker l+,IS), Edward hall lI!,I9), 1 Lash lIZ), Kurtls 6rahan lII), hs Rlverrltv l!), Ierrenre Ivson lI,Z,I6)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). B6 6 Il Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson),
Lll Boosle 6 Bun B 0Z0NE Awards rehearsal lPhoto. Klng Yella), Pln Cs non, wlfe, and klds. hana Wes, Chlnara, Corev, 6 Chrlstlan on the red raret the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ben Rose)
0Z0NE hA6 ll JS
J6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
dutty Laundry the game talks about helping
break gucci Mane and the problems within large
dJ crews.
l heled hreak 6urrl |hane], 01 |a 1ulrenan] rlght now, Blg Starkssss ron-
lng u, ld sav those are the naln ones. l started the Senate 1s. 0f rourse,
ln art of the hlttnenn, the C0RE, and the lleet, hut l was reallzlng that
after a whlle, helng ln all those dlfferent rrews, |artlsts] dont get hroke no
nore. Ihe hlgger the rrew gets, the forus rhanges. ln the heglnnlng, wlth the
hlttnenn, lt was nore ersonal. lt was |ust 1s wlth a ronnon rore. As |the
rrew] gets hlgger and hlgger, lts not ahout the sane thlng anvnore. As the
1 rrew starts gettlng hlgger, lt starts gettlng out of hand and |eole start
loslng forus. ln the heglnnlng lts nore |ahout] fanllv, evervhodvs rlose knlt,
trvlng to do sonethlng together to hel out new artlsts. But when vou start
hlttlng 8, 9, I eole, how are vou reallv hellng anvthlng! lts ahout
nonev then. lor a lot of new artlsts |who] dont have relatlonshls wlth 1s,
all thevre golng to do ls av the head of the rrew to lav a rerord herause
nohodv reallv knows vou. l llke how the Ahllllates are, and 1 1ellv and the
Southern Stvle 1s. Ihevre keelng thenselves snall and keelng real 1s
thatll artuallv lav rerords.
Ihats whv l started the Senate 1s. lts llke twentv-ve to thlrtv 1s ln there,
rats that are ln the streets that hreak rerords. 1 Rell fron llorlda, ! fron
henhls, Cool Breeze fron Atlanta, 1 lrogle fron Atlanta, Whltev fron
Nashvllle. Ihats nv rrew. Evervones handlrked. Ihevre rats that are ln the
streets, that do what thev do ln the rluhs or the nlxtae srene and hreak
rerords. Ihev dont get ros rause thev dont have the hest uhllrlst ln the
world, or navhe thev dont have a hlg hudget llke other hlgger 1s. Sone-
tlnes the dudes that reallv hreak rerords dont have that hlg stuff hehlnd
then. Prlne exanle would he 01 |da 1ulrenan]. 01 ls one of the hlggest
underground arts rlght now. Were dolng shows four or ve nlghts a week
wlth no vldeo, no radlo. No one erson ran hreak a rerord hv thenselves, hut
lf vou have a good tean, at the end of the dav, vou ran nake lt.
As a 1, l know that voure onlv as good as there last rerord vou hroke. Ihere
are a lot of rats out here that take rredlt for stuff thev dldnt do. l alnt never
heen the tve to take rredlt for taklng that nans alhun and uttlng lt on
the lnternet, or taklng rredlt for hreaklng a rerord thats on the radlo. 6urrl
|hane]s the hottest guv ln the South rlght now. Nohodv was tourhlng 6urrl
when he got out of |all. We got lre Attark J ronlng out real soon. So, theres
a lot of work that goes lnto thls. Real rerord hreakers ut ln a lot of work.
Ihev do a lot of stuff ln the trenrhes that a lot of rats dont see.
ln the #I |nlxtae] suller ln the South. Nohodv noves nore unlts than
ne. Alnt no other 1 ln the streets got as nurh resert as ne, exret navhe
Blgga Rankln. Put that ln the nagazlne. ln rorkv as hell when l sav that.
Ask anvhodv ln the streets, thevll tell vou. ln ln the fea narkets. ln ln the
stores. lll go ln vour rltv and ost u at vour rar wash. ll
As told to Randv Roer
City: Chattanooga, TN (via Trinidad)
Mixtape Series: Hood Classics
Affiliations: Senate DJs/So Icey Entertainment DJ
3 Songs In Current Rotation: Gucci Mane Im a Dog, OJ
Da Juiceman Kop a Chicken, Big Stackssss Born To
J6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll J!
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll Stave own 6 1 Prlnre 1r Bar Rlo for Ra-A-Lots Welrone to
houston artv Z ll 6-hark lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB J ll 1 lnelere 6 1 Barkslde on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards + ll hlrhael Watts,
Brandl 6arrla, 6 06 Ron C harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards S ll Shane, Blgga Rankln, Brlsro, 6 Iorrh 6rooves for Caltol Rerords I1s 1s Iastles lashlon Show 6 ll Prlnress 6
Klller hlke on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards ! ll Lll uval 6 Il Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover 8 ll Klsha 6 Kerlsha Snlth harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards
9 ll Are hood, Shawtv Lo, 1 +S, 6 Rorrett I1s 1s Iastenakers I ll Bushwlrk Blll 6 hls wlfe Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv II ll 6utta Iwlns,
guest, 6 Stax on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards IZ ll Blg An, Certled, Blg Cee 1av, 6 1 holla I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre IJ ll 8Ball 6 Wlrkett Crlrkett Bar
Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I+ ll Purle 6 Blg Iearh on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards IS ll 1-har 6 Brandl 6arrla I1s 1s Iastenakers I6 ll Yoko, Alfanega,
1 Prlnress Cut, 6 Ionv Neal Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I! ll Clav Evans, Wendv av, 6 Snake I1s 1s Iastenakers I8 ll 1avIon, Irae, 6 1 lnart Cluh 6lo for Boss
hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv I9 ll I1 Chanan 6 Lll Boosle Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv Z ll 06 Ron C 6 1 Blark I1s 1s Iaste-
nakers huslr Conferenre
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose l6), -Rav lI,J,!,9,II,I+,I6,I9), Edgar Walker lIS), 1 Lash lI,IJ,I8), Klng Yella l8), hs Rlverrltv l+,I!), Ierrenre Ivson lZ,S,IZ), Ire uhh lZ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Bun B 6 1 Prlnre harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto.
Klng Yella), Paul Wall 6 Shawtv Lo harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards, Klller hlke 6 Chanllllonalre harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhotos. Ben Rose)
0Z0NE hA6 ll J!
J8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
Following a well-publicized Atlanta incident in which he was stabbed dur-
ing a fght with his sisters boyfriend (and subsequently arrested),
LIL SCRAPPY vents on his problem, defending his
younger sister, and getting released from his Warner Bros. contract.
smoke at least a pound of weed a day. Thats because I have a lot
of muthafuckers around me. My niggas just smoke and smoke and
smoke. But when my [daughter] is around, its a non-smoking zone.
No tolerance. But I do smoke a pound a day. I have a problem. I can
get a pound for $55, but thats still like $20k a year [spent on weed]. I cant
live without it. But its some doctors and judges that cant live without it.
Its some lawyers and some nurses that cant live without it. We all have a
problem. Its a recession, ladies and gentlemen, but stay on your grustle!
I basically raised my little sister. My mom was out in the streets [while we
were growing up] and my dad was nowhere to be found. Before I had a
baby, [my sister] was my baby. When I heard that [her boyfriend] had been
beating her, that shit just struck a nerve. He had been doing it all week and
she aint said nothing. That aint even in my family; my mama dont breed
babies like that. She was a little timid of him because she aint never been
in an [abusive] relationship.
I was on my way out of town and my baby mama called me and was like,
Nigga, I been calling you, and I was like, What you want? She said,
Nigga, it aint me. You aint been answering this phone all day and this
nigga been over here beating on your sisters ass and dragging her, pull-
ing her by her hair. He dragged her up the street. She said he had been
doing it all week. I was on Jonesboro Road and I made a U-turn. It took me
thirty minutes to get [to my sisters house]. The police had been there the
whole time so I was thinking everything would be cool [by the time I got
there]. But I got there and everything was still crazy. The police aint got no
control over this bastard. Hes still walking up and down the stairs talking
about what hes gonna do to people.
I saw the police when I got out of the car. I had my shirt of. I didnt come to
hurt nobody, I just wanted to see my sister. When I went in the house, I saw
the police, and Im lookin at all these people that dont belong in there. Im
pointing in their faces like, Who are these people? My baby mama was
like, Oh, thats his folk. I said Oh, yeah? Wheres my little sister? The police
were like, Who are you? Then I saw [my sisters boyfriend] coming down
the steps. We got into a real bad fght; no holds barred. I cant really go into
detail about what happened [for legal reasons] but I told the police, Either
you get him up of me or you might as well just take us both to jail right
now. I beat him down so bad that when I was on top of him he grabbed a
knife and stabbed me in my right chest, right on my tattoo.
The police let him go and locked me up. They were giving him lemonade
and shit, letting him walk around. It was some groupie-type shit. The
policemen were calling their other homies, like, I got Lil Scrappy. Hes in
some shit, and it wasnt even no racial shit, because [the police] were
black. Its always some black on black crime, even in the police station.
I dont know whats going on now [with the
crunk movement]. I kinda backed of of it when
I saw [Lil] Jon backing of of it. If the leader aint
standing on top of it, then I aint fnna stand
nowhere near it. I guess Jon is on some other shit;
hes trying to expand. Hes not trying to stay with the
same sound forever, but thats what they labeled him:
crunk. Hes the King of Crunk. He kind of labeled himself.
Jon is always trying to expand and Im always trying to
fnd ways to expand. Im trying to keep Hip Hop
alive and keep this shit going down here in
the South. Im trying to let everybody
know that theres always going to be something new; something fresh. I
was just in a predicament where I couldnt put my shit out. Now I can put
my shit out and let people hear me and lead my own destiny.
I fnally got out of my solo deal with Warner, so Im by myself now. Gs Up.
My plan is to hit the streets hard once again with this new grustle move-
ment. That means grinding and hustling put together, if you dont know
what that mean. Its not 24/7, its 84/7. You never sleep. Youre always up
grustling. Whether youre a nine-to-fve nigga or an on-the-block type
nigga, or youre a rappin-ass nigga or an acting-ass nigga, whatever the
hell you do, youve gotta be on your grustle. Its a new movement. Gs Up.
[My joint venture with BME/Warner and] the whole G-Unit thing was a
one-time project, but were still family. Niggas still show me love, with a
long spoon. Niggas call and see whats up with me. Even Buck hollad to
see whats up with a nigga. Im staying out of the whole [Young Buck vs.
50 Cent] situation. Niggas aint paying me enough to get in the middle of
their situation. My daughters got to eat, so I stay dolo. Aint nobody help-
ing me right now, so I stay dolo. They dont owe me shit and I dont owe
them nothing.
Buck and 50, if it was me, I would have just played my position and got
my money. Thats just me. I aint never had three or four million dollars.
I aint never seen that much money, so if you ofered me something like
that, Id take it. As long as you aint the police. [50 releasing the personal
recorded calls with Buck] was like the Art of War. Niggas are at war right
now, I guess. When niggas are at war theyll do all kinds of shit. I see where
Buck was coming from, he was like, Damn, nigga, I wouldnt even hit you
that low. But 50, on the other hand, hes like, Damn, nigga. I looked out for
you. Niggas are going of emotions right now. I dont give a fuck, Im just
trying to get my money. Like I said, I aint getting into they shit. Much love
to everybody. If you dont like me, fuck you. Im getting money anyway.
They dont pay my bills. Nobody pays my bills. I pay my own bills. Matter
of fact, my lawyer needs about $20k right now. Can anybody help me? No,
they cant, so I got to get it.
Crime Mob broke up because Princess and her brother and her dad all
think they run shit. They think they made Crime Mob. They actually have
a publishing company where their money goes. Everybody thinks that it
comes to me, but I had nothing to do with their publishing. Im the one
that gave them their publishing back. What record label does that? What
record label gives their artists their publishing back? All of it? Here, have
it! They are signed to my label. I gave them their publishing back and
they still bitch.
I dont know what Princess is doing now, but Diamond has
a deal. We have papers and proof, so whoever wants to
know, Diamond has a solo deal [with Warner].
Were working on getting Psycho Black
[from Crime Mob] a deal too. [The group]
has a deal under Warner, but were talking
about solo deals. I tried to be the best guy
in it, but they tried to make me into the
bad guy. What the fuck? Im out making
money, so Im the bad guy.
Im tryin not to get into any more
trouble. CEO status. I am a CEO;
Gs Up Records. Were doing it
real big. Love to the A-Town
all day; shout out to DJ
Holiday. //
As told to Julia Beverly
J8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll J9
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll Plavhov Ire, B0B, 6 B Rlrh on the red raret the Jrd annual
0Z0NE Awards Z ll Bun B 6 Iuna Basa ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge J ll 1 Snallz 6 Iun Iun on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards + ll 6rourhv
6reg, Churk Creeknur, 6 I1 Chanan I1s 1s Iastenakers S ll Blg Bank hank servlng drlnks Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv 6 ll 1 ISI 6 Blg Bol
I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte ! ll Ihe entlre hlanl hovenent on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret 8 ll Klller hlke 6 Slln Ihug ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge 9
ll Rlrk Ross 6 Brlsro on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret I ll Nellv 6 Skv reln KBXX Ihe Box I1s 1s Artlst Panel II ll Seventeen 6 Blg Buhh Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover
IZ ll Lll C, lat B, 6 6eorge Loez I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre IJ ll RawLI, heshah hawklns, 6 guest on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret I+ ll lntl Red 6 Ionv ave 6
Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge IS ll B0B, Yung LA, 6 Stav lresh Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I6 ll 1 Khaled, Rlrk Ross, 6 1 Nastv the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards I!
ll Suthun Bov 6 6orllla Iek on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards I8 ll Rork Cltv 6 1 Prlnress Cut the 0Z0NE Awards I9 ll Adero awson 6 eRav avls Bar Rlo for
6rand hustle Iakeover
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose l8,I!), -Rav lJ,II,I9), 1 Lash l6,!,9,IJ), Klng Yella lI,I+), hs Rlverrltv lZ), Ierrenre Ivson lI,+,S,IS,I6,I8), Ire uhh lIZ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). 01 a 1ulrenan 6 Blgga Rankln on the red raret the
Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ben Rose), Blg Bol 6 8Ball Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover lPhoto. Klng Yella), 1 Snallz 6 1 rana I1s 1s lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson)
0Z0NE hA6 ll J9
+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
rank Llnl has had run-lns wlth the law. he grew u ln a slngle arent
hone and sent tlne ln the street. But thls raers storv ls far fron
tvlral. Yes, llke nost raers, he ralls hls hrand of ra realltv nuslr,
hut hls nessage ls a llttle dlfferent.
A lot of voung nlggas out there ln the streets reallv dont understand or
know whv thevre out there, he savs. l artuallv tell nlggas that shlt alnt
sweet out here. lts a lot of shlt out here nlggas dont know and l |hel]
show hln that the street llfe ls a dead end route. You rant hustle forever, lts
ronsequenres |to vour artlons].
Wlth hls new ro|ert on Radar Entertalnnent, ln All ln, the lt. hvers natlve
seaks to hls exerlenres, growlng u ln a slngle arent household and the
efferts that followed.
l knew nv daddv |hut] he |ust wasnt an at-hone daddv, savs the Z6-vear-
old. l reallv dldnt have anvhodv to look u to |at hone], so l looked u to
nlggas l adnlred ln the streets. l eventuallv started runnlng ln the streets and
seelng a lot of real shlt a lot faster then l should have seen lt.
Although hls non worked and went to srhool to ensure that her klds had a
good uhrlnglng, lrank Llnl stlll found hlnself lnvolved ln street llfe. Ihe les-
sons that hes learned fron tlne sent travellng down a dead end ath
are srlnkled throughout hls alhun. Alreadv garnerlng rrltlral arrlaln
fron hls ve earller nlxtaes, hes fullv forused on dellverlng hls hrand
of truth.

hv hest attrlhute as an artlst ls that ln real, reasons the father of
four, nentlonlng that as a voungster he wanted to he a 1. l exerl-
enred a lot ronlng u, |ust helng tled lnto the |ustlre svsten and helng
hlark and ronlng fron where ln fron. You have no rholre hut to he

Pushed hv trarks llke ln All ln, hls alhun ls a rulnlnatlon of the hard
work hes heen uttlng ln over the ast IZ vears. he |ust hoes that
eole glve hls nuslr an honest rhanre, deslte a saturated ra narket.
l ran honestlv sav nv hlggest lnfuenre ls 6od, he arknowledges. he
hlessed ne wlth the talent to he ahle to sread thls good nuslr. ll
Words hv 1arlnta howard
Photo hv Ierrenre Ivson
+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll +I
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 6uest 6 lloRlda the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards Z ll Rlrk Ross 6
the Carol Cltv Cartel on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards J ll Bohhv ash, Bun B, 6 6lasses halone I1s 1s Iastenakers + ll Chad 1r 6 hana Wes the Jrd annual
0Z0NE Awards S ll IV 1ohnnv 6 Slff on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 ll hurrlrane Chrls 6 1 rana Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover ! ll Sean Paul, Blg
Bol, 1ln 1onsln, 6 Plthull on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 8 ll Stav lresh, Shawtv Putt, 6 Bun B ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge 9 ll henhltz,
Iral , 6 huev lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB I ll Ihl Bovz on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards II ll llrst Ladv of 6reen Cltv, hlrhael Watts, 6 Corv ho
I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre IZ ll 1 ro 6 the enltlon 1s I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre IJ ll Sark awg 6 uentln Brown I1s 1s Iastenakers I+
ll Ierrv Ross, Slln Ihug, 6ottl, 6 Chrls Ward Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv IS ll Blzzle 6 Lex lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB I6 ll Clav
Evans, Prlnress, Lll uval, Ron Whlte, 6 Klller hlke I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I! ll erek 1urand, C0RE nodel Lonlre aka hs allas, 6 Ionv Neal I1s 1s Iastenakers I8 ll
LeIova Lurkett 6 guest Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv I9 ll B6 6 Choer Cltv Bovz harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose l8,I), -Rav lZ,J,S,!,IJ,I!,I9), 1 Lash lI,6,I+,I8), Klng Yella l+,I6), hs Rlverrltv l9,IS), Ire uhh lII,IZ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Nellv 6 Irae ave 6 Busters lPhoto. Klng Yella), B6,
Alfanega, 6 Blg Kuntrv Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover lPhoto. -Rav), Congresswonan Shella Lee 6 I1 Chanan I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 Panel lPhoto. Ben Rose)
0Z0NE hA6 ll +I
+Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
go Irls Ihe lWhlte) Raer Show slngle-handedlv
nade lt hard for hl ho heads to take whlte enrees
serlouslv. But ln the rase of Asher Roth, those whlte
klds fron the suhurhs rant rhvne nvths are qulrklv
helng ut to rest. Ihe ZZ-vear-old enree has alreadv rerelved
ralse fron the llkes of Akon, on Cannon, 1 rana and
Ludarrls, whlle hulldlng a fan hase that has nanv ralllng hln
the hest whlte hov to tourh the nlr slnre harshall hathers.
lf ln golng to get ronared to anvhodv, lts rool to get
ronared to the #I selllng ra artlst of all tlne, Roth
savs of hls Enlnen ronarlsons. ln a whlte enree, so
ronarlng ne to Enlnen ls wav too easv. Were reallv two
ronletelv dlfferent artlsts. ln ZZ vears old. ln a volre
of an entlrelv dlfferent generatlon.
Ralsed ln horrlsvllle, Pennsvlvanla, Roth grew u ln a
household that dldnt exartlv arret ra nuslr. lnstead
of Run-hC and the Beastle Bovs, hls arents oted for
Brure Srlngsteen, lre Stralts, the Ientatlons, and
Earth, Wlnd 6 llre, whlle hls older slster laved New
Klds on the Blork and Ievln Canhell. But durlng hls
teenage vears, Asher develoed a dlfferent taste ln
nuslr, as the heats, rhvnes and llfe of hl ho drew
hln ln. When l started derlvlng nv own olnlons, l
started gettlng lnto hl ho, he savs. lt was dlf-
ferent, lt was edgv, there were olnts to lt.
Ihe rst ra alhun Asher urrhased was 1av-Zs
Vol.Zhard Knork Llfe, and fron there, hls adnlra-
tlon for hl ho sawned lnto rhvnlng, a hohhv
he started ln hlgh srhool and rontlnued through
hls rollege vears at Westrhester Unlversltv.
|Ralng] was a hohhv for ne, he exlalns. lt
was never llke, l need to get a deal. l wanna
he a fanous raer when l grow u. l |ust llke
releaslng nvself and seaklng nv nlnd through
hl ho.
Exresslng hlnself through hl ho led to a
huzzlng hvsare age, neetlngs wlth hl ho
exerutlves llke 1av-Z and Steve Rlfklnd, and a hlddlng
war hetween Unlversal, Atlantlr and ef 1an, ln whlrh
Asher derlded to slgn hls 1ohn hanrork to Rlfklnds
SRClUnlversal lnrlnt lhone to stars llke Akon and avld
Although he dldnt drean of heronlng a fanous raer, Asher
ls well on hls wav to heronlng |ust that. hls lntrodurtorv nlx-
tae, Ihe 6reenhouse Effert, hosted hv on Cannon and 1 rana,
and rst ofrlal slngle l Love College, a feel-good ode to rollege
llfe and a reresentatlon of hls frat hov lnage, have garnered
rrltlral arrlaln. |hl ho] ls also ln the hurhs, hut vou rant |ust
lgnore the fart that hl ho ls denltelv for the streets, he savs.
6ettlng the roslgn fron 1 rana and 1 Cannon, and havlng
evervhodv resond real well to the nlxtae, was another hoost of
rondenre. ln stlll learnlng. ln not golng to retend llke l got lt
all gured out. ln |ust naklng thls u as l go along, followlng nv
heart and naklng good nuslr. ll
Words hv Randv Roer
Photo hv harlo Panehlanro
+Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll +J
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll 1 +S, 1 ISI, 1 rana, 6 1 Cool Ald Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle
Iakeover Z ll Lll Larrv, LA, Sunner Walker, 1 rana, 6 Wlllle the Kld on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards J ll 6rourhv 6reg 6 Shawtv Lo on the red raret the Jrd
annual 0Z0NE Awards + ll Averv Storn, Cltv Sud, hurhv Lee, Nellv, 6 Kv|uan ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge S ll Lll Boosle 6 I Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iake-
over 6 ll Irae 6 hurrlrane Chrls the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards ! ll avld Banner 6 1 Blark harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards 8 ll 1 Prlnre wlth hls Llvlng Legend Award the
0Z0NE Awards 9 ll B0B 6 Il Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover I ll h1, hlke hee of 6reen Cltv, 6 hagno I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre II ll 1V of Z og Rerords, C Wakelev,
Blg Cee 1av, Blg An, 1 holla, 6 guest I1s 1s Iastenakers IZ ll Bun B 6 Averv Storn ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge IJ ll 1ustlre League 6 hs Rlverrltv I1s
1s Iastenakers Produrer Panel I+ ll Ed of hlskeen 6 6ullv 6rooves for Caltol Rerords I1s 1s Iastles lashlon Show IS ll Ladles I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte I6 ll hs
Rlverrltv, hallk Ahdul, 1ulla Beverlv, hatt anlels, 6 Erlr Perrln the 0Z0NE Awards I! ll Plavaz Clrrle on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards I8 ll 1 lnart, 1 Nastv, 6
1 Chrlstlon lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lZ,I!), -Rav lJ), 1 Lash l+,6,8,I+,IS), Klng Yella lIZ), hs Rlverrltv l!,IJ), Ierrenre Ivson lI,S,9,II,I6,I8), Ire uhh lI)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Blg Bol 6 Klller hlke the 1lve llstenlng sulte lPhoto.
haurlre 6arland), RANK nodels I1s 1s Artlst Panel lPhoto. Klng Yella), 8Ball 6 Srarfare harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. Ben Rose)
0Z0NE hA6 ll +J
++ ll 0Z0NE hA6
or allas newroner Iral lshort for Iraldnark) lt was hard to
helleve that an after-srhool astlne rould turn lnto a lurratlve
deal wlth hltz Connltteel1lve Rerords eserlallv when he wasnt
terhnlrallv even an adult vet.
l artuallv lnked the deal when l was I!, hark ln lehruarv, he savs. lt was
a roress gettlng the deal rlght or whatnot, hut l renenher the dav when
thev few ne out there. Ihev had a drlver waltlng on nv doorste at llke
ve orlork ln the nornlng. lt was rrazv. l nean, l |ust dld nv thang, gave
II%, rane hark, and lnked the deal. Ihe rst thlng l dld was qult nv |oh.
Ihls storv took lare shortlv after henhls 1 lreddv hvdro dlsrovered the
new talent and rontarted henhltz, VP of A6R at 1lve Rerords. At the tlne,
Iral was naklng sone nolse wlth a song hed self-rerorded ln hls hed-
roon at hls arents hone. 6utta Bltrh, whlrh was later renaned 6utta
Chlrk, was a owerful dlslav of Irals otentlal and henhltz deened lt
sultahle to rerelve the hltz Connlttee ro-slgn.
0n Irals hvsare age lhvsare.ronlIraldnark) ls a large gallerv of
hotos fron hls deal slgnlng dav, wlth hls non and dad roudlv hv hls
slde. When asked ahout thelr thoughts on hls rareer rholre, Iral savs,
Ihev dldnt reallv rare rause lt ket ne ln the house. Wlth nv hrother
alwavs out and ahout, whatever ket ne ln the house and awav fron the
streets thev were rool wlth lt.
Ralsed ln the notorlous 0ak Cllff area, Iral rould have easllv herone a
vlrtln of drugs and vlolent rrlne. hv arents had ne ln srhool outslde of
the Cllff at Cedar hlll hlgh Srhool. Ihev |ust trled to kee ne outta trouhle
under anv rlrrunstanres. But l was alwavs rool, l sturk to nv own and dld nv
thang, so l was good.
Iral had heen dolng hls thang slnre the age of nlne, when he herane
ronsuned wlth the hl ho rulture. Later, ln hlgh srhool, he dlsrovered how
to earn a llvlng fron ralng. he exlalns, l would dro a C llke everv vear
at srhool, get that qulrk srhool nonev fron the students. ld go out and huv
nv rlothes and all the shoes and ld he good for the rest of the srhool vear.
So that was reallv nv oh|ertlve. l alwavs wanted to ra hut l had no ldea that
lt was gon take off thls fast, hefore l even graduated. lt was rrazv.
Wlth a na|or lahel narhlne now harklng the slngle, 6utta Chlrk ls lrklng u
seed ln everv new narket lt rolls through. lollowlng the suer-renlx trend,
Iral and hls lahel enllsted 1 Khaled, Are hood, Bun B, Irlna, and hurrlrane
Chrls for the latest verslon of the song. ln addltlon to the energetlr, forreful
sound of 6utta Chlrk, Iral released a slower teno rerord ralled X-Plll
lSex Plll) thats also a fan-favorlte. When ronarlng the two songs, lts
evldent that thls voung rastar has a wlde-range of ahllltles.
Ihe alhuns gonna he re, front to hark, he savs, ohvlouslv exrlted. All nv
nuslr ls gonna he good. lts gonna he one of those Cs where vou ran lav
everv rerord. Io kee the llsteners ln tune hetween now and the release of
hls dehut, Iral ls ronotlng hls nuslr wlth Iraldnark the hlxtae and a
southern rono tour.
And |ust ln rase the fenale ronsuners are wonderlng, ves, Iral ls stlll look-
lng for a 6utta Chlrk. ll
Words hv hs. Rlverrltv
Photo hv lwang Valdez
++ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll +S
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll Bun B 6 the U6K Bunnles ave 6 Busters for U6K Pool Iourna-
nent Z ll Shawtv Lo 6 rrew on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards J ll 1 +S 6 Plavaz Clrrle I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre + ll I1 Chanan wlth the rreators of
RANK 6 the RANK nodels I1s 1s Artlst Panel S ll B6 6 8Ball Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iakeover 6 ll Rlrk Ross 6 1ulla Beverlv I1s 1s Artlst Panel ! ll 8Ball 6 Wlllle
harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards 8 ll Paul Wall 6 IV 1ohnnv the 6allerla for the grand oenlng of IV 1ewelrv 9 ll Slln Ihug 6 B0B the 0Z0NE Awards I ll Bvron 6 1 B-o
I1s 1s Iastenakers II ll Randv Roer, hallk Ahdul, Ierrenre Ivson, -Rav, 6 Klng Yella I1s 1s Iastenakers IZ ll Choer Cltv Bovz 6 Yung LA Bar Rlo for 6rand hustle Iake-
over IJ ll hallk Ahdul 6 Slln 6oodve I1s 1s Iastenakers I+ ll 1 lnart, Rlrk Edwards, 1 Rl, erek 1urand, hallk Shahazz, Ionv Neal, I1 Chanan, 1ulla Beverlv, 6 guest I1s
1s Iastenakers IS ll hoodz V rrew ave 6 Busters for U6K Pool Iournanent I6 ll Blgga Rankln, 1 +S, 6 1 Ron Love I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 Panel I! ll 0rlando hr6hee,
Vlnre Phlllls, Shawtv Putt, 6 Stav lresh I1s 1s Iastenakers I8 ll Steh 1ones, 6 ash, Lll Iwlst, 6 1as Prlnre Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv
Photo Credlts. Ben Rose lI,Z,I6), -Rav l8,IS,I!), Edgar Walker lI), 1 Lash l+,S,I+,I8), Klng Yella l!,II,IJ), Ierrenre Ivson lJ,9,IZ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Are hood 6 Prlnress lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans
BB lPhoto. Ben Rose), Nellv 6 hana Wes ave 6 Busters for Nellvs Bowllng Challenge lPhoto. Klng Yella), Bun B 6 Blg Bol harkstage the 0Z0NE Awards lPhoto. hs Rlverrltv)
0Z0NE hA6 ll +S
+6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
lth so nurh lre-grlll grannar and nean nugglng netahors
ln nost raers lvrlrs these davs, sone rould nake the
argunent that hl ho takes ltself too serlouslv. Not slnre the
davs of Shork 6 ulllng douhle dutv as huntv hun have
heads reallv dared to have fun ln thelr verses. But the Chlrago trlo of Ravdlo
6, heathall and Kravzee, hetter known as hot Stvlz, ls holng to rhange all
that. After hlowlng u thelr honegrown slngle Lookln Ass Nlgga on hoth
YouIuhe and hvsare, Yung 1or heard the rerord at an Atlanta strl rluh
and found the guvs on the lnternet, resultlng ln then lnklng a deal wlth hls
new Swagg Iean lnrlnt through 1lve Rerords. Now wlth the sotllght on
then, the fellas are out to rove that thevre nurh nore than |ust a one-hlt
1or saw sonethlng new and refreshlng ln us, sonethlng that the gane
needed rlght now, savs Kravzee, exlalnlng how thev took the ronret of
roastlng or whats ronnonlv known as lavlng the dozens and turned lt
lnto a hlt. Ihats what we wanted, adds Ravdlo 6. Ihanks to the haters, lt
|ust turned lnto sonethlng hlgger.
Now rearlng to release thelr dehut alhun, Yo hana 6ot A hustarhe, at
sunners end, the grou ls holng to usher ln a new era of rarefree nuslr
that ran he arerlated hv evervone. Chlrago ls so dlverse. Peole look
at Connon or Kanve or Lue and thlnk that lts |ust all ronsrlous |ra]. We
dont want eole to thlnk thats all lt ls, exlalns heathall. Were turnlng
evervhodv on to a whole new stvle. Iheres alwavs sonehodv that rones ln
and rhanges thlngs, and were that turnlng olnt.
Knowlng the nlrkv nature of the ra gane, lf hot Stvlz dreans of latlnun
laques dont work out, rest assured that thev have a hark u lan. havlng
done ronnerrlals for hrands llke Kraft and Ale hefore thev got on and wlth
lans to start thelr own Yun Yun 6lnne 6un huhhle gun hrand, the three
rollege-edurated enrees wlll he good no natter what. But wlth thelr resent
forus rnlv on the nlr, the Chl-Iown rollertlve ls not looklng to relnvent the
wheel, |ust kee lt rolllng.
hot Stvlz ls not a ra grou. Llghten u, Ravdlo 6 tells the rrltlrs. Were not
trvlng to he Nas, were not trvlng to he the next 1av-Z. We |ust trvlng to have
fun. lf vou dont wanna have fun, dont llsten. ll
Words hv Anthonv Roherts
+6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll +!
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel I ll hlstah lAB I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre Z ll Plavaz
Clrrle on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret J ll Sean Paul Asvlun Rerords studlo sulte durlng I1s 1s Iastenakers + ll Klller hlke I1s 1s Artlst Panel S ll Nova, 1 E-leezv,
1ulla Beverlv, 6 hallk Ahdul I1s 1s Iastenakers 6 ll Iral I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre ! ll Bun B I1s 1s Blg Bol llstenlng sulte 8 ll 1us Bleezv the 0Z0NE
Awards 9 ll 1 holla I1s 1s Iastenakers I ll Roh 6old 6 Cuntrv Bov Rerords I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre II ll 1 Caone I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 6 huslr Con-
ferenre IZ ll 6uest 6 1 honev on the red raret the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards IJ ll hs Rlta 6 Ire uhh lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB I+ ll hurrlrane Chrls 6 guest
I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre IS ll hot Stvlz I1s 1s Iastenakers ronferenre I6 ll Ire uhh 6 B0B I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 6 huslr Conferenre I! ll house Cluh
6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv I8 ll Sweetness 6 Candv lsroverv 6reen for lsland ef 1ans BB I9 ll hC latal, Boontown, 6 Irlll lnages on the 0Z0NE
Awards red raret Z ll Bav Bav I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 Panel ZI ll Rorrett I1s 1s Iastenakers ZZ ll Cellskl I1s 1s Iastenakers ZJ ll 1 lnart I1s 1s Iastenakers
Z+ ll Rarehreed I1s 1s Iastenakers ZS ll Laroo I1s 1s Iastenakers Z6 ll uentln Brown 6 Sark awg on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret Z! ll r Ieeth on the 0Z0NE Awards
red raret Z8 ll haltlan lresh Cluh 6lo for Boss hogg 6 Swlshahouses I1s 1s afterartv Z9 ll Corv ho 6 1 Prlnress Cut on the 0Z0NE Awards red raret J ll Wlll hustle I1s
1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre JI ll Vltal I1s 1s Iastenakers JZ ll Ire uhh 6 1ln 1onsln I1s 1s Iastenakers Conferenre JJ ll Cll 6 1av Ion I1s 1s Iastenakers
1 6 huslr Conferenre J+ ll +-lze 6 Aleshla Steele I1s 1s Iastenakers huslr Conferenre JS ll Ist Ladv El 6 -Rav I1s 1s Iastenakers 1 Panel
Photo Credlts. -Rav lI!,ZI,ZZ,ZJ,Z+,ZS,JI), Edward hall lI,I,I+,J,J+), 1 Lash l+,IZ,Z6), Klng Yella lZ,JS), Kurtls 6rahan lJ), Le1aurean hallev lIS), Loaded l6), hs Rlverrltv l!),
Ierrenre Ivson lS,9,I8,Z8), Ire uhh lZ,8,II,IJ,I6,I9,Z!,Z9,JZ,JJ)
Ihe West Coast lnvaded houston for the Jrd annual 0Z0NE Awards 6 I1s 1s Iastenakers 1lhuslr Conferenrel lahove L-R). Rorrett I1s 1s Iastenakers
lPhoto. hs Rlverrltv), I1 Chanan, Irae, 6 1ulla Beverlv I1s 1s Artlst Panel lPhoto. Klng Yella), Sark awg I1s 1s Iastenakers lPhoto. Ire uhh)
0Z0NE hA6 ll +!
+8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
lth haters throwlng shots these davs llke never hefore, havlng
a nane llke Bullet Proof denltelv has to rone ln handv for
Z vear old 1ustln harshall. Ihough stlll a voungln ln the
gane, the Shreveort, LA reresentatlve has heen honlng hls
skllls slnre the age of IZ and has rerentlv nade sone nolse wlth the renlx
of hls slngle hot Iolr featurlng Bun B. Now ofrlallv rerelvlng the Ra-
A-Lot stan of aroval and helng welroned lnto the rllque, Bullet Proof ls
settlng hls slghts on helng nore than |ust another raer ronlng out of the
hoot-shaed state.
As an artlst, ln reallv forused on thls nuslr rlght now, hut l wanna he nore
than an artlst. l wanna he a nogul, he exlalns. ln hungrv. When l get u
on that stage, l sweat lt out. l dont rare lf l |ust hought the outt, lll sweat
lt out so that eole feel that asslon. lts lnortant to ne how eole er-
relve ne. lts not all ahout gettlng a rherk. lts ahout that resert too.
Bullet Proof ls holng that hls as-vet-untltled dehut alhun on S Entertaln-
nentlRa-A-Lot wlll hel hln galn that level of resert that hes seeklng.
Ilght lled ahout the LPs guest aearanres, he onlv reveals that fellow
Southern rhvne savers Irae and Z-Ro wlll eek thelr heads ln on the artlon,
hut ronlses that theres nore where that rane fron. And even though hes
rurrentlv rldlng the wave of nonentun that hes rerelved fron the hounre-
heavv, rluh frlendlv hot Iolr, he exlalns that the full-length ro|ert wont
he restrlrted to onlv one tve of sound.
l told eole not to get too ronfortahle wlth hot Iolr. You reallv gotta
av attentlon to what eole wanna hear. ln showlng dlversltv. l dont have
a rohlen wlth trvlng nothlng new. A lot of artlsts dont do that, he savs.
l dont want eole to sav Yeah, hes got nlre heats, hut the suhstanre and
rontent alnt reallv there. l slt u wlth nv ad and en and reallv get to lt.
Wlth suh|ert natter ranglng fron rlasslr hlork heaters to hls own ersonal
letter to the resldent, Bullet Proof ls deternlned to not onlv nake a nane
for hlnself ln the gane, hut nake a legarv.
l want eole to know thls ls the naklng of sonethlng serlal, he savs en-
hatlrallv. What searates ne fron other artlsts ls, haslrallv, ln not lavlng.
ln ronslstent and erslstent. l helleve l ran he one of the next greats. ll
Words hv Anthonv Roherts
Photo hv 1ark Ihonson
+8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll +9
S ll 0Z0NE hA6








SZ ll 0Z0NE hA6 SZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
daVe & Busters
By Keith Kennedy
Now that the dust has settled from the 3rd Annual TJs DJs/OZONE
Awards (TOAs), its time to look back at what made this event so spec-
tacular. If you missed it, you should be very upset with yourself. But,
if you were one of the 7,500+ people who participated in this historic
function, we thank you and let this serve as a reminder of one helluva
weekend! It kicked of on Friday with Jive Records UGK Pool tourna-
ment @ Dave & Busters (right), hosted by Bun B. It was a great look
seeing Bun B, Mama Wes (Pimp Cs mother), and Pimp Cs wife Chinara
mingling with DJs while the Tastemakers did their thing on the pool
tables. Willie D (below), Slim Thug, Chamillionaire, Killer Mike, and other
celebs came through.
OG Ron C held it down in style on the
turntables (above), spinning all the hits that
made UGK an international phenomenon. The
DJs arrived in style on the conference buses,
courtesy of the TMI Boyz & Lopez Graphics
(left). After the pool tournament, everybody
headed to the bowling lanes (below) for
Derrty Ent./Universal Motowns Brass Knuckles
Celebowl hosted by Nelly and the St Lunatics.








Nelly (right), Murphy Lee
(far right), and Chamil-
lionaire (above) all made
appearance on the lanes
while being cheered on by
Ashanti to showcase the
new album, Brass Knuckles
(above right). DJ 151 kept
the party live with the latest from Universals catalogue. Meanwhile, Tony Neal (founder, The
CORE DJs), Slim Thug, and other Tastemakers had a ball celebrating Wendy Days (founder, The
Rap Coalition) birthday by the bar.

3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
the aFter
By Keith Kennedy

0Z0NE hA6 ll SJ




3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
the aFter
By Keith Kennedy

Bar Rio played host for Friday nights Wel-
come to Houston party, presented by Rap-A-
Lot. J Prince oversaw the festivities that had
BG in the building along with performances
by Z-Ro, Trae (below), Glasses Malone (below
right), and Kinfolk Thugs. Mad you missed
it? Dont worry; MTV Jams was on hand to
capture the moment. Anyone who couldnt
get into the over-capacity club stuck around
to parking lot pimp in true Houston style
On Saturday night, we took it downtown to Club Glo (left) for the ofcial
TJs DJs Tastemakers afterparty. This party was on swoll! Given that
Shawty Lo, Lil Boosie, Webbie, Slim Thug, BG, Paul Wall, LeToya Luckett,
Big Boi, and even Bushwick Bill were in the building, it was no wonder
there were hundreds still outside trying to get into the sold out spot!
Michael Watts and J Que kept the crowd rockin all night.
Swishahouses Paul Wall (right), Lil Keke, Slim Thug and the Boss Hogg
Outlawz (below), BG and the Chopper City Boyz, Shawty Lo (below
right), and many more took the stage.
Lil Boosie and the Trill Fam as well as
Big Boi from Outkast were spotted in
Glos ultra-exclusive upstairs VIP
Sunday night, the Tastemakers headed back to Bar Rio for the
Grand Hustle takeover/OZONE Awards pre-party. T.I. brought
the entire Grand Hustle family to Houston! Lil Duval hosted
while DJ Drama and Q45 supplied the music. Grand Hustle
artists Big Kuntry and Yung LA (left) and 8Ball and Alfamega
(below) performed, in addition to surprises like Big Boi and
Hurricane Chris. BETs Rap City was in the building flming
while B.o.B. and T.I. (right) kicked it in the VIP. And you already
know OZONEs Carnivo XO and CRUNK!!! Energy Drink wrapped
trucks were posted out front (below left)!


0Z0NE hA6 ll SJ





3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
tJs dJs
By Keith Kennedy
Lydia Harris of Lady Boss Entertainment presented the Management Panel
(below) with panelists (pictured below l-r): Rico Brooks (Gorilla Zoe, formerly
Yung Joc); Johnnie Cabbell (Shawty Lo, Fabo, Crime Mob); Clay Evans (TI,
Young Dro); TJ Chapman; moderator Wendy Day; Snake (Czar Ent./BloodRaw);
E-Class (Rick Ross, Brisco); Charles Chavez (Rob G, formerly Chamillionaire).

The knowledge presented in this panel focused on not only how important
a manager can be to guide an artists career but also how much an artist
plays a part in their own success.
Break The Bank Entertainment
presented the A&R Panel (left)
with panelists (pictured at left l-r):
Orlando McGhee (Warner Bros.);
Anzel Intl RedJennings (Rap-
A-Lot); Shawn TubbyHoliday
(Interscope/Gefen); Dave Lighty
(Jive); Jean Nelson (Atlantic); Dee
Sonoram (Koch).
The true power brokers of the
industry, the A&Rs taught about
what is necessary to have a suc-
cessful project, the pros & cons of
being on a major label, and what
they look for in order to sign an
Ruthless Records presented the DJ Panel (above) with moderator Tony Neal of the CORE DJs (pictured above left) and panelists
(pictured above l-r): DJ Hi-C (Houston club DJ, GO DJs), Mz Kitti (XM Radio); Leo G (XM Radio); Brandi Garcia (KBXX The Box
Houston); DJ Q45 (Rap City/Jacksonville club DJ); The Bigg DM (CORE DJs, Albany PD); Bay Bay (K104 Dallas); Jabber Jaws (KBTT
Shreveport); TJ Chapman; Madd Hatta (KBXX The Box Houston); DJ Ron Love (Jacksonville/Orlando); Bigga Rankin (Jackson-
ville/Atlanta mixtape/club DJ); Kaspa the Don (founder, Hittmenn DJs).
If you dont understand the dynamics of a DJ or what it takes to have your record played after attending this panel, then youve
wasted your time.
The Producer Panel (below) featured panelists (pictured below l-r):
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League (2 Pistols She Got It), TJ Chapman, BJ (Webbie Inde-
pendent), Cory Mo, Jim Jonsin (Lil Wayne Lollipop& TIs Whatever You
Like), moderator Dedra Davis, and Mr Lee.
Producers provide the heartbeat of todays records you know and love.
Here, they explained how to get paid for production work, how to get
placements, and more importantly, how to get inspired.
S+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
DRANK (above right, TJ Chapman and Julia
Beverly reppin) presents the Artist Panel
(above) with panelists including Flo Rida (far
left), Mya (left), Bun B and Trae (above right),
Willie D and Shawty Lo (right), Killer Mike
and Chamillionaire (right), Rick Ross, Mistah
FAB, Brisco, The Jacka, B.o.B., and Princess.
Who better to learn the ins and outs of
the game as an artist than from the ones
who lived the life? The artist panel did not
disappoint as the artists told the truth and
whole truth about the industry. DRANK was
on-hand to make sure everybody slowed
down enough to enjoy the information.











0Z0NE hA6 ll SS
Ruthless Records presented the DJ Panel (above) with moderator Tony Neal of the CORE DJs (pictured above left) and panelists
(pictured above l-r): DJ Hi-C (Houston club DJ, GO DJs), Mz Kitti (XM Radio); Leo G (XM Radio); Brandi Garcia (KBXX The Box
Houston); DJ Q45 (Rap City/Jacksonville club DJ); The Bigg DM (CORE DJs, Albany PD); Bay Bay (K104 Dallas); Jabber Jaws (KBTT
Shreveport); TJ Chapman; Madd Hatta (KBXX The Box Houston); DJ Ron Love (Jacksonville/Orlando); Bigga Rankin (Jackson-
ville/Atlanta mixtape/club DJ); Kaspa the Don (founder, Hittmenn DJs).
If you dont understand the dynamics of a DJ or what it takes to have your record played after attending this panel, then youve
wasted your time.






3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
tJs dJs
By Keith Kennedy

The Koch dinner/ showcase featured
performances by the Boss Hogg
Outlawz (right), L.E.P., Rob G (below),
KOB, Jewman, Young AC (below),
Archie Eversole, New Money Twins,
Myko, & Keelow.
Wow! Thanks to Koch Records, the
Tastemakers enjoyed a delicious
spread while tasty sounds trickled in
their ear from the next wave of artists.
The Capitol Records/TJs DJs Tasties Fashion Show @
Grooves (left) featured performances by Hot Stylz (below
left), Glasses Malone (below left), Trai D (below), Jus
Bleezy (below), Chop Chop, and Alfamega (below right).
Island Def Jam presented the BBQ in the Park (below) @
Discovery Green (across the street from Hilton Americas
host hotel). It was hosted by Ace Hood, Playaz Circle, Willy
Northpole, and Roccett, with DJ Christion (right) spinning
some fresh records.
The Tastemakers started of the last glorious day with
some fne BBQ. Too $hort, Mistah FAB, and Pastor Troy
were among a few of the artists who came out for some
good food and music provided by Island Def Jam.
The host Stay Fresh (below)
had folks on the foor roll-
ing while Alfamega (right)
was kind enough to comp
drinks and food for the DJs
in the VIP room.
The fashion show (right) assembled
by Tonya Terelle mixed the games
hottest artists with the fyest fash-
ions available.
Houstons own Harlons Bar-B-Que
(below) provided the tasty dishes
that had DJs and media alike lined
up under the tents. Although
Young Jeezy didnt make it until the
OZONE Awards later that night, his
presence was felt at the BBQ with
plenty of posters, fyers, and music
playing from his upcoming album
The Recession (left).
0Z0NE hA6 ll SS







S6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
B.G. (above): Its the OZONE Awards 08. In with the old,
out with the fake.
Lil Boosie (right): I really love OZONE because they were
the ones that really put my face with [my] name. I got
love for Julia.
Mike Jones: Its big for OZONE to want to bring the party
out here [to Houston].
Slim Thug: Julia pulled a real good move when she
brought [the OZONE Awards] to the H-Town.
Chamillionaire: Honestly, [the OZONE Awards] is where
I need to be. I started out in the mixtape game and now
Im back down to the ground level. All the big artists
come back here because these are the people who make
it happen. snagged some
artists on the red carpet to
fnd out why they came to the
OZONE Awards:
Hurricane Chris (right): Every
time the OZONE [Awards] pops
of I got to be there, because this
is where our black folks meet up.
A lot of us wont see each other
for years but we meet up out
here. If you aint representing for
OZONE, you aint nothin.
3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
oZone aWards
red carpet
Pitbull (above): OZONE is something that Ive
been involved with some day one, and its
something that helped launch my career. OZONE
Magazine and TJs DJs is the epitome, to me,
of hustling, working hard, and staying unifed;
fghting to get in [the music game]. Now that
weve got our foot in the door, obviously, you can
see what OZONEs been doing for years. This is
the third year and its in H-Town. Last year it was
at the crib [in Miami], and to me its just a blessing
to be a part of it.
Lil Flip: I saw Julia take [OZONE] from 50 pages to
200 pages, and Im proud of her.
(below l to r): DJ Drama, DJ Q45, Princess, Lil Flip,
LeToya Luckett, & Big Boi
Trae (below): Half of the media
that commented on shit wasnt
even at the awards. Any real
muthafucker that was there
had the most fun, period. Even
with the incident [between me
and Mike Jones] which wasnt
a refection on OZONE, it was
personal between me and him
I had fun. The media can kiss
my ass. If you werent there, how
can you criticize? Half of them
couldnt put together no shit like
this. Everything wasnt perfect,
but nothing will be 100% per-
fect. Everybody got something
productive done. I think people
were just happy when the
weekend was over just to get a
couple hours of sleep. Niggas
didnt sleep that weekend.
S6 ll 0Z0NE hA6















0Z0NE hA6 ll S!
David Banner (below): One thing that separates OZONE from other award shows is
that at other shows, you see the same damn people get the same damn awards. At the
OZONE Awards, you really get to see the real grinders and the artists that people listen
to in the streets get the opportunity to get heard and get acknowledged. That means
the most to me. For artists who have $40 or $50 million dollars the [OZONE Awards]
might not mean much,
but for some artists
this award show
acknowledges their
hard work and gives
them motivation to
keep going.
Trae (below): Half of the media
that commented on shit wasnt
even at the awards. Any real
muthafucker that was there
had the most fun, period. Even
with the incident [between me
and Mike Jones] which wasnt
a refection on OZONE, it was
personal between me and him
I had fun. The media can kiss
my ass. If you werent there, how
can you criticize? Half of them
couldnt put together no shit like
this. Everything wasnt perfect,
but nothing will be 100% per-
fect. Everybody got something
productive done. I think people
were just happy when the
weekend was over just to get a
couple hours of sleep. Niggas
didnt sleep that weekend.




As our thoughts and prayers are descending upon
Houston after Ikes wrath, we ofer our thanks to the
city of Houston, the people of Houston, and those
that took the time to come to Houston that made all
of the hard work worthwhile. Stay tuned to or to fnd out about the
4th Annual TJs DJs/OZONE Awards Weekend!

Comedian DeRay Davis
(left), the host for the
evening, kept the crowd
entertained between sets.
Bun B and his choir (right)
headlined the touching
Pimp C tribute, perform-
ing Angel In The Sky.
5,600 DJs, artists, and
fans (left) packed into the
George R Brown Conven-
tion Centers Assembly
Hall to see performances
by Rick Ross, T-Pain, DJ
Khaled, B.o.B., Lil Boosie,
Webbie, Too Short, Mis-
tah FAB, David Banner,
Big Boi, Bun B, and plenty
of others.
3rd annual
august 8-11th, 2008
houston, tX:
3rd annual
After a well-publicized backstage incident with Trae, a bandaged Mike Jones (below)
insisted that what doesnt kill him makes him stronger by appearing on stage with
Alfamega as scheduled to present the DJ of the Year Award.
Clockwise from bottom right: OZONE Award winners included
DJ Khaled (DJ of the Year Award); J Prince (Living Legend
Award); David Banner (Trillest Artist: The Pimp C Award);
Shawty Lo (Breakthrough Artist Award); Young Jeezy accept-
ing the Best Rap/R&B Collaboration Award for Ushers Love In
This Club; and T-Pain (TJs DJs Tastemaker Award)
0Z0NE hA6 ll S!
Houston legend ESG (be-
low left) kicked a classic
freestyle before present-
ing the Best Lyricist Award.









S8 ll 0Z0NE hA6 S8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll S9
lovd lnslsts he ls readv to leave hls
ronfort zone, hut todav voud never
know lt. he ls slttlng at a tahle on the
outslde atlo sertlon of hls favor-
lte hreakfast restaurant, 1. Chrlstohers, and
he rouldnt look nore at hone. Everv nornlng
he walks two hlorks fron hls suhurhan Atlanta
aartnent to thls trendv hreakfast sot llnaglne
Waffe house neets Ihe lour Seasons Brunrh) and
orders the exart sane neal a grllled rhlrken
hreast, rheese grlts, srranhled eggs, haron strls,
and one anrake. he knows all the waltresses hv
nane, and thev all know exartlv what he wants
when he asks for the usual. Slttlng at a tahle
arross fron hls rlosest frlends and nanager on
a sunnv Wednesdav around hls wav, there ls no
reason Llovd shouldnt he ronfortahlehut hes
not. ln fart, he ls far fron lt.
Ihe ZZ-vear-old slnger has rerorded rhart-to-
lng slngles, and sold rerords all around the
world, hut he stlll feels unronfortahle wlth hls
osltlon ln the gane. Plagued hv an lnsatlahle
hunger whlrh rant he rured hv anv haron and
eggs, the Lessons ln Love lnstrurtor ls longlng for
nore. he wont he full untll hls song ratalogue
rlvals Ihe Beatles, and he ls looked at as the
greatest erforner slnre hlrhael 1arkson or Bohhv
But rlght now lts tlne for hln to eat.
We sone rountrv hovs, he savs rasuallv, rlght
hefore he orders hls rarnlval of ralorles. We gotta
start the dav off wlth a llttle ork on our forks.
And for Llovd lts alwavs ork, never heef, and
erhas thats what has hlndered hls rareer thus
far. Ihls nuslr |lndustrv] ls all ahout drana, he
lanents. Ihats rohahlv whv l havent sold those
Z or J nllllon alhunsl dont reallv llke to deal
wlth drana.
Iodav ls a llttle dlfferent, however. hls thlrd
alhun, Lessons ln Love, has |ust heen released,
dehutlng at nunher ! on the Blllhoard Z rhart.
Although Llovd ls rontent wlth the song selertlon
and overall alhun, he stlll deslres to grow as an
artlst, and even suggests that hls lahel, Ihe lnr.,
has hlndered thls growth. Llovd ls nore than
readv for hls rohust nuslral taste, whlrh lnrludes
surh genres as alternatlve and elertronlr to refert
nore ln hls own work, and navhe lts tlne, he
feels, to sto helng so dann rool wlth evervhodv.
When l was ulllng u to the restaurant vour
slngle, 6lrls Around the World, had |ust rone on
the radlo, so that nust he a slgn that thls ls golng
to he a good lntervlew.
llaughs) Everv tlne l see vou, nan, sonethlng
rrazv haens, llke the tlne we dld the lntervlew
at the hotel, and nv rousln wrerked the Benz rlght
as we were ulllng ln. So hoefullv nothlng too
rrazv wlll haen todav.
Yeah, hoefullv. Ihat song ls a hlt though, lt ro-
elled vou to a to ten dehut, nan. You ran never
go wrong slnglng ahout the ladles.
Yeah, and l reallv do want all the glrls. l wanna
nake all the glrls nv glrls. l wanna have J nllllon
glrlfrlends at one tlne and have all of then he
rool wlth earh other. Serlouslv, when l walk ln
the rluh, l want all these other R6B dudes to he
lrrelevant. All these other nlggas shouldnt even
natter. hv shlt should he the hottest.
ann, so rlght now, at thls olnt ln vour rareer, do
vou feel llke voure the hest!
l feel llke ln to ve ln the gane for R6B slngers,
hands down. l feel llke ln hulldlng a nlre rata-
logue of nuslr. 0ne dav lll he ahle to rork for Z
hours stralght on thev ass, hut l do thlnk that to
S alnt good enough.
how do vou lan on taklng that nunher I sot!
how do l lan on rovlng ln the hest! Bv taklng
nv hands and rhoklng the shlt outta nfurkas
untll thev get lt, untll thev understand what ln
talklng ahout and where ln ronlng fron. Not
llterallv rhoklng nfurkas, hut reallv glvlng then
the nost lnrredlhle nuslr thev ever heard. Io he
nore rerlse, l |ust want to stav lnnovatlve, nak-
lng sure l strateglze wlth how ln golng to narket
nv ro|erts and ronrets. l want to stav rreatlve
wlth the ronrets for alhuns and vldeos and kee
eole guesslng, and nake sure l dont get ron-
fortahle. ln real unronfortahle rlght now.
What ls the naln thlng voure unronfortahle wlth!
he helng unronfortahle ls hased on where ln at
ronared to where l want to he. You know, ne
not helng there, and wantlng to get there. Untll l
nake lt there, lll he unronfortahle.
Are there anv non-nuslr related aserts of vour
llfe that voure nore ronfortahle wlth now than
vou were a vear ago!
Wonen. lor a long tlne l had a rohlen gettlng
wonen, herause thev would all he llke, ann, nv
llttle slster llkes hln. l rant reallv furk wlth Llovd,
herause nv llttle slster ls rrazv ahout hln. She has
a lrture of hln on her wall. ld have to sav lt all
rhanged the rst tlne l got to ste and let eole
know who l reallv was wlth the song You wlth
Lll Wavne. l thlnk that hefore then a lot of eole
saw ne, hut dldnt hear ne. l had other slngles
that eole en|oved, hut l thlnk You denltelv
took lt to dlfferent helghts as far as rrosslng over
lnto suhurhan Anerlra, and havlng eole of all
dlfferent walks of llfe rerognlze lt was hot. Now, l
go to Iexas and l get all Latlna glrls ronlng u to
ne telllng ne thev love nv stuff. And then l go to
New York and l got older wonen ln huslness sults
ronlng u to ne, and rone hone to the A and lve
got heautlful hlark glrls ronlng u to ne, so lts
great herause evervhodv ls startlng to take heed
to nv nuslr. But hefore then l rouldnt get the
glrls l wanted herause thelr llttle slsters all llked
ne and that nade then not take ne serlouslv.
So that reallv revented glrls fron deallng wlth
Ihat was one of the lssues, the other lssue was
that eole dldnt reallv get to see who l was.
Ihev saw who l was wlth, and who ln wlth alnt
neressarllv got all the nonentun ln the world
rlght now. So l got that worklng agalnst ne.
Who voure wlth as ln...!
Who ln assorlated wlth, who ln slgned to, the
lahel ln on, and all of that stuff.
So vou thlnk vour lahel has hlndered vou!
Wlth the fenales, or |ust ln general!
1ust ln general.
how ls the sltuatlon rlght now wlth vou and Ihe
lts rool. l do nv thlng. ln at a olnt now where
nv nuslr ls ne. lts doe.
lt seens as lf voure Ihe lnr.s fagshl artlst now.
lt used to he 1a Rule, then Ashantl, hut now lts
Llovd. how do vou feel ahout that!
lts |ust llke anvthlng ln llfe. Peole attarh
thenselves to hrands herause lts sexv to do so.
At one olnt ln tlne So So ef was the sexlest
thlng ln nuslr. lf vou rane out and sald vou were
wlth So So ef eole were autonatlrallv golng to
llsten. Bad Bov at one olnt was the sexlest thlng.
Ihe lahel ln at was onre the sexlest thlng, hut
lts lost a lot of lts sexv due to oor erfornanre
fron lts artlsts. lt gets frustratlng when vou have
soneone llke ne, who dedlrates evervthlng and
rones u wlth thls great nuslr that evervone
loves, hut slnre lt doesnt have the sexv hrand
hehlnd lt. So lt nakes lt nore rhallenglng. l klnda
work lndeendentlv at tlnes, lts denltelv harder
that wav.
So are vou looklng to get out of vour sltuatlon
wlth Ihe lnr.!
An l looklng to get out of lt! Ah, the onlv thlng
ln looklng to get out of lsnt the sltuatlon of
where ln slgned to, lts the sltuatlon of what
ln ronned to, as far as the tve of nuslr l ran
nake. l llke a lot of dlfferent nuslr. l llsten to ev-
ervthlng. elertronlr, rork, alternatlve, hlues, |azzl
llsten to evervthlng, nan. lts tough when vou llke
that klnd of nuslr, and vou trv to nake sonethlng
thats rreatlvelv rhallenglng and lt doesnt reallv
t the nold.
have vou dlsrussed that ronrern wlth then!
Yeah, l talked ahout lt, and we ronstantlv talked,
hut l thlnk the hest solutlon ls to |ust stav true to
nvself and what ln dolng. l got to stav true to
nv nuslr, nake sure nv nuslr ls strong, and nake
sure lts the hottest shlt out.
ls that what vou dld on vour new alhun, Lessons
ln Love! Are vou hav wlth all the songs on the
lts not rorket-srlenre. lts rettv nurh ndlng
a groove, and onre vouve found a groove |ust
trvlng to rlde lt out. 1ust naklng nuslr that feels
good to vou. l nake nuslr that feels good to ne.
When nv frlends and l are ln the studlo, what
were worklng on feels good to us. We dont reallv
know lf lts gon ronnert, hut thats where lt starts.
o vou stlll ronnunlrate wlth lrv 6ottl!
lLlovd auses and looks to hls nanager, Noonle
Lee, who ls havlng a ronversatlon two tahles over)
hev Noonle, do we stlll talk to lrv!
Noonle. lts llke a welrd sltuatlon. Were stlll rool
wlth lrv, hut we havent talked to hln ln a whlle.
lts klnd of a nutual reason hehlnd lt, hut lts not
llke were heen or anvthlng.
lve never heard ahout vou havlng heef wlth
Yeah, l nean lts rool to he rool, hut sonetlnes
shlt alnt rool, and thats when vou gotta sto
helng so rool. Ihats where ln trvlng to get to.
Ihats where ln klnda alnost at. hv honle over
at CIE was llke, Nlgga, sto helng so gotdann
rool wlth evervhodv all the tlnel You da shlt, art
llke ltl But l dont know, l guess ln |ust too nlre.
0utslde of nuslr, hell veah, ln rool. ln one of
the roolest dudes voull ever neet, hut when the
shlt alnt where lt needs to he, lt alnt reallv so
rool no nore.
Are vou at the olnt now, where shlt alnt rool no
Naw, nan. l love where ln at. Ihats whv ln so
So how nanv nore alhuns do vou left ln the
l thlnk, two. But what nakes ne feel the hest ls
that l have nv guvs harklng ne. l got nvself, l
got Noonle, l got -av, l got Reese, and l got
0Z0NE hA6 ll S9
6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
1aser. l got nv lnnedlate rrew. Wlthout all of
us, reallv nothlng translres. l feel good ahout
that herause were at a lare where we rontrol
the teno, and we deternlne what ls trendset-
tlng. Were not relvlng on no one elses olnlon.
And l thlnk everv artlst wants to get to that olnt.
lt would hel to have evervones lnvolvenent he
a llttle hlt nore, hut hev, lt ls what lt ls. You |ust
gotta enhrare what vou got. When l rst rane ln,
l was reallv unollshed. l had other eole wrltlng
sone of nv songs, l had other eole rodurlng
nv rerords, and l was rettv nurh taklng dlrer-
tlon. Now l know the dlrertlon, l rodure nv shlt, l
wrlte nv shlt, ln dolng nv thlng.
What trarks dld vou wrlte on Lessons ln Love!
1ust to nane one, l wrote the slngle, 6lrls Around
the World. l wrote and rodured the trark. lve
heen rodurlng quletlv for sone tlne. hv honle
hattv P used to let ne ush huttons on hls
narhlne, hut lt wasnt untll we started naklng the
alhun that l nallv galned the rourage to go ln
there and ask for ernlsslon to |ust trv sonethlng.
l dldnt wanna waste nohodvs tlne, hut l thought
l had sonethlng that would he doe and lt rane
out nlre.
Whvd lt take vou so long to nallv get on the
hoard and start rodurlng!
l dldnt want to lntlnldate anvhodv. Sonetlnes
lts lntlnldatlng to eole who have done thelr
thlng ln the ast for soneone new to rone along.
lts |ust llke wlth Barark 0hana. Whv should anv
resertahle hlark leader hefore hln seak down
on hln, and not suort hln, and not he ln hls
rorner! When he rst started runnlng a lot of
the old hlark leaders were suortlng hlllarv,
navhe herause thev felt that hes a threat to
thelr slgnlranre ln Anerlran hlstorv. havhe hes
|ust dolng sone thlngs that thev rouldnt do, so
thev feel threatened. So when voure deallng wlth
sonehodv who has heen rodurlng for a long
tlne and ls used to gettlng all the rredlt, and now
thev have soneone vounger who ran do all of
that and nore, thev nlght feel llke thevre loslng
slgnlranre. But what thev should do ls enhrare
that voung erson and nake then hetter, herause
that would onlv nake then look hetter for what
thevve arronllshed ln the ast.
how nurh tlne do vou send ln the studlo!
ln alwavs ln the studlo. ln totallv dedlrated to
the studlo. At thls olnt alnt nothlng outslde the
studlo for ne, and lf ln not ln the studlo l go
rrazv thlnklng ahout the studlo. ln elther ln the
studlo or ln wlth a glrl.
Now, vou worked wlth 1aser on Lessons ln Love
as well, rlght!
0f rourse. l llke worklng wlth 1aser, hes llke
Luther Vandross neets Cee-Lo. hes fron the A,
and hes lnfuenred hv Atlanta nuslr, hut hes also
lnfuenred hv soul nuslr, so when vou nlx that
together vou get Atlanta soul.
So lf 1aser ls Luther neets Cee-Lo, then who are
ln llke Bohhv Brown nlxed wlth hlrhael 1arkson.
ann, thats a hell of a statenent. But l wlll sav
that after last vears 0Z0NE Awards we got a lot
of osltlve feedhark ahout vour erfornanre wlth
Yeah, oug E. lresh rane u to ne after last
vears show and told ne that l ut on the hest
show, that was doe. Perfornlng ls art of ne.
l nean, who doesnt want to get on a stage and
|ust rork that shlt! l grew u watrhlng novles llke
house Partv, Crush 6roove, Purle Raln, hoon-
walker, lt was lnslrlng to he ahle to generate that
klnd of exrltenent when vou tourh the stage.
You and Wavne seen to work well together. how
do vou have surh good studlo rhenlstrv!
We have a lot ln ronnon. We hoth grew u father-
less, were hoth fron New 0rleans ln one the
worst hoods ln Anerlran hlstorv, and we hoth got
lnto nuslr real earlv. hore lnortantlv, we hoth
have a real resert and arerlatlon for what
were dolng, whlrh ls naklng nuslr and naklng
eole nove. Anvtlne vou have two eole who
are ln lt to he the hest, and not |ust for the hread,
lts hound to he sonethlng serlal. lts llke Kanve
sald. l dont do lt for nv health, nan. l do lt for
the helt.
What does vour fanllv thlnk ahout vour rareer!
hv non alwavs knew l had nuslr, hut she alwavs
stressed havlng a Plan B. She was heavv on the
srhool thlng, so for her to see |nv nuslr] turn
lnto sonethlng thats real, sonethlng that ls hel-
lng to suort her now, and ls hellng nv slster
get through nedlral srhool, lts |ust a trl, nan. l
nean, who exerted thls to he sonethlng real!
What do vou ronslder to have heen vour hlg hreak,
or has lt not rone vet!
l havent had lt vet. l thlnk lve had a few hreak-
throughs, hut naw, l havent had the hlggest
hreakthrough vet. lts stlll ronlng. But the serret
to surress ls alwavs glvlng eole nore than thev
exert, and thats what l lan to do. ll
6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll 6I
6Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
ll to r), Snle, B.6., 6 6ar
0Z0NE hA6 ll 6J
Ihe world has heen fanlllar wlth B.6. for a long tlne, hut nost eole arent
as fanlllar wlth Snle and 6ar. Can vou guvs tell ne what lt ls that vou hrlng
to the grou, and whv eole should av attentlon to vou!
Snle. l hrlng nvself to the tahle, thats what nakes ne unlque, vou know
what ln savln. ln a dlfferent lndlvldual, evervhodvs not the sane. l hrlng
nv orlglnalltv to the tahle.
6ar. ln the sane nlgga that he ln everv hood. Sane nlgga, dlfferent storv,
sane struggle. l |ust hrlng nv heart and nv authentlrltv to the grou. ln a
real nlgga, ln real loval, and everv rlrrle needs a nlgga llke ne. ln gonna
dlslav that and show that to the world.
What nade vou do a song llke Buhhlegun! lts a hot trark, hut lt seens llke
a devlatlon fron vour nornal stvle of nuslr.
B.6.. honestlv, we alreadv got the streets on lork, we alreadv know that the
alhun ls gonna he gutter-gutter-gutter, so we reallv |ust wanted to show an-
other slde of the Choer Cltv Bovz. So we derlded to glve en a rluh rerord, a
fenale rerord, a radlo frlendlv rerord, hut at the sane tlne have lt 6d u.
o vou nd lt frustratlng that artlsts llke vourself, who usuallv ra ahout
street llfe, are sonewhat forred to do Buhhlegun ra to get nalnstrean
B.6.. ont for a serond get lt twlsted, nan. Buhhlegun ls |ust the nane
of the song, hut lf vou llsten to lt, vou gon see, lts a 6 song, and lts full of
swag. l guarantee the real nlggas gettln nonev gon love that song.
Snle. Llke 6lzzle sald, dont get lt twlsted. We |ust derlded to glve the rluh
sonethlng, hut the alhun ls a hag full of gangsta shlt.
What are vour ersonal favorlte trarks on the C!
Snle. hv ersonal favorlte ls halntaln. lts a real heartfelt trark for nlggas
thats golng through the struggle. ltll tell vou, at the end of the dav, how to
So, how are vall nalntalnlng! l know vou guvs stlll stav ln New 0rleans. has
the rltv rehounded fron a nuslral standolnt!
B.6.. lf vou ran nake lt ln New 0rleans, vou ran nake lt anvwhere. lt ls what
lt ls. Weve gotta work around all the rehulldlng, llke real nlggas suosed to.
ls that what vou neant hv the alhun tltle Llfe ln the Conrrete 1ungle!
B.6.. New 0rleans alnt nothlng hut llons and tlgers and hears. Llons, tlgers,
and hears, lf vou go to Nola.ron or lf vou rherk the news down here, lts re-
allv, reallv, reallv a |ungle. Llfe ln Ihe Conrrete 1ungle ls what we reresent.
Besldes the three of vou, who else ls featured on Llfe ln the Conrrete 1ungle!
6ar. Aw nan, we got a whole lot of features on that thang. We got features
fron 6rand hustle wlth Alfanega, to BloodRaw fron CIE. We got Rorko on
there, C-hurder, Skl fron UIP, hurrlrane Chrls, 6 Shot, and then of rourse the
honle B.6. And Ladv olla ls on the slngle Buhhlegun.
Whats the hlggest dlfferenre hetween thls new ro|ert and vour rst grou
alhun We 6ot Ihls!
B.6.. honestlv, nan, thls alhun ls llke Z tlnes hetter than We 6ot Ihls. 0n We
6ot Ihls we were golng through a lot, vou know, rest ln eare to VL hlke. We
were deallng wlth VL hlke, and he was golng through hls sltuatlon. he was
golng through a lot. So on thls alhun were |ust golng tll the wheels fall off.
You nentloned VL hlke, and unfortunatelv he assed awav ln Arll, hut
hefore he dled he was naklng a lot of allegatlons toward vou, B.6. he was
ronarlng vou to Bahv and savlng that vou were dlshonest ln deallng wlth
the nonev.
B.6.. l never reallv nurh entertalned lt herause l know ln hls heart he alnt
nean lt. Peole do and sav that tve of shlt |ust to get on, and |ust to get a
nane out there or whatever. But lt ls what lt ls.
l saw that vou were avlng trlhute to hln on vour hvsare age, so ln as-
sunlng vou stlll looked at VL hlke llke fanllv!
6ar. We nade hlstorv, so how rould we not treat hln as a fanllv nenher!
We took one when he left. eslte anvthlng that was golng on, lt was stlll
real nlgga shlt. erlslons were nade hut vou rant fake how vou feel ln vour
Snle. But now lts Llfe ln the Conrrete 1ungle, Setenher I6th.
lt hasnt heen a verv good rllnate for ra grous latelv. What nakes vou feel
that vou wlll he ahle to surreed where so nanv other grous have falled!
6ar. We feel reallv rondent now ahout thls new ro|ert. We got evervthlng
soundlng the wav lt should. l thlnk eole wlll denltelv suort lt.
how was lt worklng wlth Asvlun!
Its been three years since the most infamous storm in U.S. history, and still, the first
thing that comes to most minds upon the mere mention of New Orleans is Hurricane
Katrina. The FEMA trailers still litter the lawns of the once-proud neighborhoods,
mold continues to engulf the interior of many abandon homes throughout the city, and
the crime rate remains through the roof; comparing New Orleans to a jungle is still a
very fair interpretation. And while most of the New Orleans rap community has left,
the Chopper City Boyz are still there, and theyre still hungry. B.G., Gar, and Snipe are
hunters in the jungle, and like it or not, theyre at the top of the food chain.
The three essentially solo artists, who hunt in a pack, have seen more success in the game than most would
imagine. Their first project, 2007s We got This, debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top Independent albums chart
and made it to #21 on the hot 200 chart. The Koch release sold almost 30,000 copies in its first week, and led to
a new deal with asylum.
One unique element that certainly attracted asylum to CCB is that while many veteran artists such as B.g. at-
tempt to form a group with lesser known emcees, gar and Snipe can actually hold their own on the mic. The
Chopper City Boyz have become a respected collective, drawing comparisons to many of the legendary rap
groups from new Orleans past.
however, not all the news surrounding the Chopper City Boyz has been positive. Following the release of We
got This, the group experienced a rather ugly divorce with longtime member VL Mike. Mike had accused B.g.
of being dishonest and unfair financially, and had just begun a solo career when he was gunned down in new
Orleans on april 20th, 2008. B.g. and the rest of the group maintain that regardless of their situation, VL Mike
was family and they have mourned his passing.
We looked at him as family, says gar. We made history together, so of course it hurt when we lost him. But
now weve gotta focus on the future.
and in focusing on the future, the group is gearing up to release Life in the Concrete Jungle this fall. Fueled by
the catchy club anthem Bubblegum, featuring new Orleans artist Lady dolla, the Chopper City Boyz are look-
ing to eat again, and this time they have a bigger appetite.
0Z0NE hA6 ll 6J
6+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
6ar. Aw nan, lts J tlnes hetter |than Korh]. We feel arerlated over there.
We stlll uttln our work ln as a lahel, so lts not |ust Asvlun worklng.
Snle. We not shlttln on Korh, though, thev dld what thev rould, va feel ne!
6ar. But we arerlate Asvlun, nan. Ihev ued our salarv.

0kav, thats alwavs a good thlng. So where do vou see vourself ln ronarlson
to the nanv hlstorlr hl ho grous fron New 0rleans!
6ar. l ran see the world ronarlng the Choer Cltv Bovz to the Choer Cltv
Bovz. We get ronllnents all the tlne, and eole trv to ronare us to the
hot Bovs, whlrh ls an honor and a ronllnent, herause thevre legends. But
lease dont ronare the Choer Cltv Bovz to anv grous heslde the Choer
Cltv Bovz, herause there ls no other. lf vou rone to New 0rleans theres a
Choer Cltv hov evervwhere, so the streets are loval.
o vou thlnk one dav the Choer Cltv Bovz wlll he hlgger than the hot Bovs
6ar. Ihevre legends, nan. Ihe hot Bovs were llke the Beatles for real. You
rant ln no wav ronare us to the hot Bovs, lts onlv our serond alhun. But
l got the gane fron one of the hot Bov generals. l rane u llstenlng to the
hot Bovs so ln honored to even he here.
Belng that thls ls vour serond alhun, do vou have anv sales goals or exer-
tatlons voure looklng to neet!
6ar. Ihe skv ls the llnlt, nan.
Snle. Were |ust trvlng to do hetter than the last tlne, vou know!
B.6., voure also worklng on vour solo ro|ert, Ioo hood Z Be hollvwood,
rlght! how ls that ronlng!
B.6.. Yeah, lts done. l turned |the alhun] ln. Ihe release date ls Novenher
ZSth. lve got rodurtlon fron hannle lresh, Cool 6 re, Srott Storrh, and
1.U.S.I.l.C.E. League, |ust to nane a few. Reallv and trulv, l got the hest of the
hest of en. lt was reallv dlfrult to lrk the hardest IS rerords herause l had
so nanv hot songs done. Ihe hard drlve was so full.
I.l. exerutlve rodured vour alhun, rorrert!
B.6.. Yeah, he exerutlve rodured the alhun wlth ne, hut ln not slgned to
6rand hustle. ln slgned to Atlantlr, and Choer Cltv huslr, hut Il nost
denltelv ut hls lnut and hls stan on lt. he klnda runs the |Atlantlr] hulld-
lng, and he helleves ln ne. he knows what nv otentlal ls. l had a roule of
deals on the tahle, nan. But when the Atlantlr deal rane arross nv desk l
was llke, lts tlne to get ltl
Now 6ar and Snle, l know vou two are hoth solo artlsts as well. Are vou
lannlng on drolng anv lndlvldual ro|erts ln the near future!
6ar. Ihe skv ls the llnlt.
Snle. 0h, of rourse. ln alreadv halfwav nlshed wlth nv alhun. We rane
ln thls as solo artlsts and we alnt never forget that. Evervthlng else ls ln
the naklng, hut rlght now lts Choer Cltv Bovz. Weve got our grou alhun,
weve got Ioo hood Z Be hollvwood, weve got another grou alhun, and
then our solo alhuns. Choer Cltv ls ln the hulldlng.
B.6., are vou ndlng lt rhallenglng to ronote two alhuns at one tlne! Llfe ln
the Conrrete 1ungle and Ioo hood Z Be hollvwood are drolng rettv rlose
to earh other.
B.6.. l nultltask. ln a nultltasklng lndlvldual llke that, so lt doesnt hother
0kav, so evervhodv has heen talklng ahout the osslhllltv of a hot Bovs
reunlon. ls that golng to ever haen or what!
B.6.. hv rst slngle off nv new alhun ls featurlng 1uvenlle, Lll Wavne, and
Irae. Were hout to shoot the vldeo for lt next week. lts all good.
how ls vour relatlonshl wlth Bahv rlght now!
B.6.. We rool, we swet our sltuatlon under the rug. lt alnt no hlg deal.
how dld vou work that sltuatlon out!
B.6.. he was looklng for ne, and he sent for ne, and l went and net u wlth
hln. he |ust was llke l dont want to go lnto the full detalls of what he was
savlng, hut l rould tell that he nlssed ne, and l ran adnlt that l nlssed hln.
Llke l sald, we were one hlg, hav fanllv.
Well now that lts all ahout the Choer Cltv Bovz, ls there anvthlng that vou
want the world to know ahout vou!
Snle. We |ust want the world to know that Llfe ln the Conrrete 1ungle dros
Setenher I6thl ll
6+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll 6S
66 ll 0Z0NE hA6
lf vouve ever seen the rlean rut hald rat whos
alwavs runnlng wlth Blork Entertalnnent and
wondered, Who ls that! the answer ls Rlro
Brooks. lor the last four vears Brooks has heen
one of the guldlng forres hehlnd Blork Ent.s
surress. hanager for Bovz N a hood, fornerlv
Yung 1or and now 1arkle Chaln, Brooks has hullt
a reutatlon of helng deendahle and thorough.
0Z0NE raught u wlth hln to get sone words on
hls urlse, status and what the future holds.
When dld vou start 9I96 hanagenent and what
was lts orlglnal goal!
lt started ln Z+ rlght hefore Blork Ent. ut out
Bovz N a hood. Ihe ronanv was started herause
Blork wanted to have nanagenent for the artlsts
on the lahel. Ihls ls wav hefore J6 deals, nlnd
vou. lt was a sltuatlon where vou wanted to know
whats golng on wlth vour artlsts. Slnre then lt has
ld vou have rlor exerlenre ln nanagenent!
l rone fron a nanagenent harkground. l started
off worklng ln a rerord store as a rlerk ln I99S to
thlrd kev to asslstant nanager to nanager. Before
that l worked at Krogers and ln rustoner servlre.
All of those |ohs gave ne skllls l use todav. When
deallng wlth ronoters, l treat then llke ruston-
ers. host other nanagers sav thev hate |ronot-
ers]. l treat then llke rustoners, l follow u wlth
then. Ihese are the eole that kee nv llghts on
and nv artlsts ald. You have lnternal rustoners
llke the ronoters, lahels, agents, those are the
eole vou lease rst. Ihen vou have the exter-
nal rustoners llke the fans. lnternal rustoners get
the external fans hved for the ro|ert.
how long were vou lnvolved ln the rerord store!
l worked ln nuslr retall for I vears. l started ln
9S after graduatlng fron horehouse. hv non sald
she wasnt taklng rare of ne anvnore so l had to
get out on nv own. l started worklng at a rerord
store and fell ln love wlth lt. l started readlng
trades and gured thls ls where l needed to he. l
started ronsultlng lahels llke an Browns wlth the
Bonerrusher Neva Srared rerord. Ihen l heled
BhE wlth Srrav and Irlllvllles rst slngle. l
started retall ln the 6reenhrlar hall Peernlnt
huslr, then West End, then l wound u nanaglng
S-6 stores ln hetween 6eorgla and Alahana. lt
glves vou nanagenent skllls, hut nanaglng an
artlst ls a llttle dlfferent. lts nore lntrlrate.
Conlng fron a harkground that lnrludes golng to
horehouse and worklng ln a 9-S settlng, how has
that neshed wlth artlsts who rone fron a dlffer-
ent harkground!
lts the erfert t. hl ho alreadv has had ron-
notatlons. When ne and 1or go to neetlngs ln
L.A., thevll he so surrlsed that were on tlne and
dont have I-IS eole wlth us. l want to hreak
the ronnotatlon of honehov nanagenent. Ihe
thlngs vou need to he nanagenent naterlal are
asslon, ronnertlons and nonev, not neressar-
llv ln that order. A lot of street rats rant talk to
rororate eole. Ihev have the talent hut not
evervthlng else. A guv llke Blork nlght walk lnto a
lare trvlng to rent a studlo, hut a whlte |owner]
nlght he thlnklng, he nlght sell drugs. l rant do
lt. Wlth a guv llke ne, ln not as threatenlng. l
get ln the door rst, and then l hrlng the hanners
and rough rats, so lt artuallv works hetter. hv art-
lsts are reresented hv soneone who knows how
to handle thenselves ln a rofesslonal nanner.
What have heen sone of the hlghllghts of vou
rareer so far!
No one had heard of Bovz N a hood at the tlne,
so havlng thelr alhun rone ln at #I on the Blll-
hoard rharts was a hlghllght. 1or was nonlnated
for a 6rannv. lve heen ahle to go to Afrlra,
1aan, and the Carlhhean, lares nost eole onlv
drean of golng. hl ho has taken ne all over
the world. Llstenlng to the nuslr and then gettlng
engulfed ln lt has rhanged nv llfe. lts alwavs a
thrlll for ne. Ihe lndustrv ls llke, What have vou
done for ne latelv! So l alwavs trv to hreak new
arts everv vear. Bovz N a hood ln S, 1or ln 6,
|6orllla] Zoe ln !.
o vou herone real rool wlth the artlsts vou nan-
age, or trv to kee thlngs rofesslonal as osslhle!
Earh nanagerlartlst relatlonshl ls dlfferent. he
ersonallv, l dont snoke weed wlth the artlst. l
dont snoke weed, erlod, artuallv. l dont drlnk
wlth the artlsts, navhe sone wlne at dlnner. l
dont go out trvlng to holler at glrls. lt has to he
a resert level. l denltelv see nanagers hanglng
wlth artlsts and the resert goes down. You rant
he the one artvlng, vou have to he the one who
wakes then u for a 6 Ah flght. ln llke a roarh. l
have to notlvate vou, he soneone to talk to. You
dont see Phll 1arkson hanglng wlth Kohe |Brvant].
l trv to kee the relatlonshl as rofesslonal as
You rerentlv took on nanaglng 1arkle Chaln, the
rst artlst outslde of Blork Ent. Exlaln that nove.
l alwavs had rats wantlng ne to nanage then,
hut ld turn lt down herause ld rather do a roule
|ohs well than nanv half-assed. But then l started
looklng at strategv and wantlng nore leverage to
take thlngs to the next level. ln taklng nv tlne,
though. l thought 1arkle would he dlfferent, and lf
lt works lt rould he another narket. lf l had never
vlslted Asla l wouldnt have seen lt or develoed
the vlslon l have for hln. l wouldnt have thought
to trv and do huslness wlth hln. lt rould he na|or.
Whats the hlggest nlstake vou see nanagers nake!
You have to stav grounded. When voure grounded
vou nake hetter derlslons. Sonetlnes l see artlst
nake lt to rertaln levels and, nothlng ls wrong
wlth feellng good, hut vou have to stav rentered.
Ihev nake nlstakes herause thev get so nanv
eole ln thelr ears. lve seen lt so nanv tlnes. l
go hone and see nv nother, grandnother, fanllv,
and trv to glve hark. Artlsts llve ln a fantasv world
herause thev have so nanv eole raterlng to
then. Ihev get raught u ln the llfe.
o vou thlnk lts a nanagers lare to offer thelr
artlsts ersonal advlre outslde of nonev and nuslr!
l was talklng to Chrls Llghtv onre and he sald hed
tell guvs not to go down that ath. hanagenent
doesnt alwavs have to he ahout nuslr and nonev.
l talk to then ahout health lnsuranre and llfe after
nuslr. l het half the rats who have hlg rhalns alnt
got health lnsuranre. Ihats a rohlen. But vou
rant tell then that when thevre ln the rluh, vou
rant talk to then ahout avlng thelr nortgage u
for a vear or two hefore huvlng u |ewelrv. ll
Words hv haurlre 6. 6arland
9196 ManageMenT
0Z0NE hA6 ll 6!
68 ll 0Z0NE hA6
lts heen three vears slnre the + Brothers fron hlanl salarlouslv grlnded thelr
wav to the to of the rharts wearlng sarkles and sequenre. And though thelr
ZS dehut alhun Bluestars dldnt exartlv neet sales exertatlons, the grou
followed u wlth Z!s Late Nlght Serlal and rearhed gold status hehlnd
the I6th 6 Park llngerlng slngle 0n the hotllne.
ln the last three vears, Prettv Rlrkv has enrountered a nultltude of us and
downs ln the lndustrv, fron ronlalnts regardlng thelr raunrhv onstage
antlrs, to the rerent dearture of lead slnger Pleasure P, thls grou of forner
Iovs R Us klds has wltnessed lts share of El Irue hollvwood nonents.
Now, asslsted hv Plttshurgh-horn vorallst +Plav, the ralR6B grou ls re-
lng the release of thelr thlrd alhun, Elghtles Bahles, whlrh ronlses to
dellver a nurh nore nature sound. ln hoes of rovlng thev ran adat to the
ever-rhanglng, often-rkle lndustrv, Prettv Rlrkv has heen forred to grow u.
here, the grous unofrlal sokesnan Bahv Blue desrrlhes the roress.
how have vou heen ahle to tarkle the stereotves of a tradltlonal hov hand!
l thlnk the stereotves of nost hov hands are that thev are real o-lsh and
tallor-nade to t a rertaln denograhlr. But not Prettv Rlrkv, were real,
were the to ten klngs. Everv tlne we dro a rerord lts gon o at radlo
and on BEI, and thats rause we rater to our fans. 0ur fans nake sure our
rerords stav at the to of the rharts. Ihev vote for then and request then. We
alnt a hov grou, were nore of a rllque, lt alnt ahout the nuslr. Were that
rllque thats rough and tough ln srhool, that hangs on the rorner ln front of
the llquor store.
So lf lts not ahout the nuslr, what ls lt ahout!
lt ls ahout the nuslr, hut lts also ahout the Bluestar hrand wlth us.
0kav, vour rst alhun was ralled Bluestars, and lts also the tltle of vour
ronanv. What ls the slgnlranre of the nane Bluestar!
Ihat was our fathers nlrknane hark when he was stlll ln the street. lt rane
fron hln helng a hlark-ass nlgga. he was so hlark thev ralled hln Blue,
and the nane sturk and lt |ust klnda got assed down. So we ran wlth lt.
how ls vour new alhun Elghtles Bahles dlfferent fron vour last two alhuns!
We |ust wanted to take lt hark to when the nuslr was real. Rlght now the
nuslr ls over-saturated wlth eole who are raught u wlth the trends, so we
|ust wanted to take lt hark to when hl ho and R6B rst rane together, vou
know, late 8s earlv 9s, rlght after Bahvfare and LA Reld had thelr run wlth
Whltnev houston and Ionl Braxton. Utown Rerords rane through and thev
had harv 1. Bllge and 1oderlthat whole era sawned a hunrh of R6B grous
that were stralght out of the hood, and Prettv Rlrkv ls stralght out of the
hood llke that. Elghtles Bahles svnhollzes when the nuslr was wet, real, sexv,
and lt wasnt ahout ganes or glnnlrks.
You guvs were llttle klds hark then, hut are there anv artlsts fron the that era
who vou were trvlng to enulate wlth thls new ro|ert!
Naw, lts not so nurh that we want to enulate. We resert all nuslr, not |ust
nuslr fron the 8s, hut nuslr fron all dlfferent generatlons and genres. We
love nuslr, and we arerlate nuslr for what lt ls and what lts worth, hut we
understand lts a huslness at the end of the dav as well. A lot of tlnes the art-
lst doesnt get to reresent thenselves the wav thev want herause the rerord
lahels have a vlslon for then that thev dont agree wlth. Were one of the few
arts whose vlslon ls what we nake lt. We run our own show. lts our rerord
lahel, we do what we wanna do.
You have a trark on the alhun ralled Knorkln Boots 8 whlrh denltelv has
68 ll 0Z0NE hA6
ll-r). Sllrk En, Bahv Blue, Sertarular, +Plav
0Z0NE hA6 ll 69
a grown sound to lt. ls that what vou guvs are golng for now!
Ihe lndustrv ut thls tltle on us llke were the rlsque grou of the lndustrv, so
we |ust wanted to hlt en wlth sonethlng that was a llttle hlt dlfferent. Were
talkln ahout ruddlln u now lnstead of naklng love, and |our fenale grou]
Butterrrean was on the rerord, and thevre sone stralght hood rhlrks. Ihev
sound llke thev rane fron that era when fenale grous were thorough, llke
SWV, En Vogue, and ILC, hut Butterrrean are stralght thugs. Ihevve got +-lnrh
ngernalls, weaved out to the hootv rheeks, hut thev reresent sonethlng
thats nlsslng ln the gane rlght now. All the other glrl grous are llke IV-
nade and strurturallv ut together strateglrallv, hut these are four rhlrks
that grew u slnglng ln the rhurrh that are reallv a grou.
Are thev slgned to Bluestar!
Yeah, thev slgned to Bluestar Rerords. |lorner Prettv Rlrkv nenher] Pleasure
P ls slgned to Bluestar Entertalnnent lnternatlonal and we |ust turned down
over a half a nllllon for hls rontrart. At Bluestar, were dolng lt hlg thls vear.
As far as our alhun, were dolng all the wrltlng and rodurtlon ln-house. We
alnt llke these artlsts that go ln the studlo wlth sane wrlters and rodurers
that evervhodv else uses, and all the rerords rone out soundlng the sane.
lf vou turn on the radlo evervthlng sounds allke. But Prettv Rlrkv, we go ln
the studlo, dln the llghts down low, llght an lnrense, llght a randle, and talk
ahout us. We talk ahout real-llfe sltuatlons, we talk ahout thlngs we know
ahout. wonen. Prettv Rlrkv loves the ladles and the ladles love Prettv Rlrkv.
Were ln the front row of haskethall ganes wlth our glrlfrlends, and we alnt
on no rover of nagazlnes wlt weddlng rlngs. Prettv Rlrkv ls slngle, readv to
nlngle lookln for hahv nanas, glrlfrlends, and wlves on the slde.
You nentloned Pleasure P stlll helng slgned to Bluestar. What haened that
led to hls dearture fron the grou!
lt alnt even reallv a dearture fron the grou. Weve heen together for II
vears dolng thls nuslr thlng, so evervhodv wants to grow and do other
thlngs. he, Bahv Blue, ln the CE0 and resldent of a ronanv, Sertarular ls
a sex svnhol, Sllrk En ls the ronlete artlst, a ralng nonster, and +Plav
ls a R6B sensatlon. Pleasure P ls also an R6B sensatlon who wants to grow as
an artlst, and lt alnt nothlng wrong wlth that. hes stlll slgned to our lahel,
so whenever he nakes hread, Bluestar Rerords ls nakln hread. Whenever hls
rerord gets laved on the radlo, Bluestar Rerords ls gettln ald.
So there are no lll feellngs hetween Pleasure P and the rest of Prettv Rlrkv!
lts all love, nothlng hut love.
o vou talk regularlv!
l nean, lts a huslness. ln order to rondurt huslness vou gotta nalntaln a llne
of ronnunlratlon.
0kav, so now that the grou has relared Pleasure P wlth +Plav
Naw, hes not relarlng, hes |ust a new addltlon to the rllque. Next tlne vou
see Pleasure P, tell hln to ull hls sleeve u. hes got Prettv Rlrkv tatted on
hls arn. hes a art of Prettv Rlrkv for the rest of hls llfe. You dldnt see New
Edltlon ronlng and savlng that sonehodv rane and relared Bohhv Brown, or
relared Ralh, lts |ust that thev took dlfferent roads and dlfferent aths, hut
thev stlll unlted. lts stlll New Edltlon to thls dav.
0kav, so let ne rehrase that. Now that +Plav ls a new art of the grou, how
does the dvnanlr of the grou rhange, and how ls the sound dlfferent!
Ihe sound ls denltelv a nore nature sound. +Plav has a nore nature volre.
he has a glve ortave range, versus the Pleasure P rerords whlrh were nore
nonotone. Ihls new Elghtles Bahles alhun ls nore harnonlr, lts nore nusl-
rallv lnrllned, and lts got a lot of nuslral elenents to lt that we dldnt do
hefore. Everv vear ln thls gane we learn and grow nore, so of rourse the
nuslr ls golng to grow as well.
What lnltlallv nade vou guvs ut together a ra and R6B grou as oosed to
|ust a ra grou!
lt |ust haened. We werent ut together llke a lot of grous. We |ust rane
together and lt ended u helng sonethlng unlque. Weve heen grlndlng
for a long tlne. We dld evervthlng fron the thug nuslr to the teenvhoer
Nlrkelodeon nuslr, so lt |ust ended u that 6rlnd on he was the rst slngle
that oed off natlonallv. lt hlew us u, so we had to nalntaln the stvle and
that whole lane ln the gane. We were the rst rats ln our generatlon to ut
the hl ho wlth the R6B, and we hear a lot of rats who trv to enulate us. lts
nothlng wrong wlth lt, lts |ust artlsts avlng arrolades to us, showlng that we
artuallv have a sot ln tlne, ln nuslr. Ihe sane wav Bovz ll hen had a tlne,
1oderl had a tlne, and ru hlll had a tlne, Prettv Rlrkv denltelv has a tlne. ll

0Z0NE hA6 ll 69
! ll 0Z0NE hA6 ! ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !I
ln the state of R6B grous rlght now, lt seens llke there arent nanv grous
llke IIZ hark ln the dav. Whv do vou thlnk that ls!
lt seens llke the love for the grous has klnd of went down, and l thlnk the
love for the gane has gone down. Ihe gane has rhanged, too. When we rane
out lt was nore raw talent as far trvlng to erfert harnonles and sounds.
Iodav, theres a lot of talent relvlng on terhnologv. lts |ust a dlfferent sound.
When four guvs get together and rartlre a song over and over agaln, thev
are dolng nore than |ust erfertlng that song. Youre ronlng together as a
grou. lt nakes vou rloser ln all aserts. nentallv, slrltuallv, and hvslrallv.
l thlnk that ls larklng |ln todavs lndustrv], l have to sav that. lor all the IIZ
fans out there, were stlll together, so vou ran exert another ro|ert.
ln hl ho rlght now vou have evervhodv trvlng to use the I-Paln effert, and
raers trvlng to he slngers. how do vou feel ahout that!
ln not angrv at lt. lf thats the wav thev want to rone and thats how artlsts
want to he errelved, lts all good. l thlnk I-Paln reallv nastered the sound of
the voroder. l dont thlnk evervhodv ran do lt llke hln. But l do feel there are
a lot of artlsts that relv on terhnologv so nurh. And relvlng on that tve of
terhnologv, the voroder and ronuter stuff, lt takes the rhararter out of eo-
les volres. lf vou have three songs hark to hark, three dlfferent eole wlth
the sane voroder on there, vou dont know whos slnglng. And thats where
thlngs get lost. Wlth that sonehodvs golng to take the fall. lf l ut voroder
ln nv volre, l nlght lav wlth lt for one serond ln the next three songs. But
lf nv song rones on voull know exartlv whos slnglng. lts all love, l dont
have anvthlng agalnst lt. l thlnk lts |ust the sound of Z8, Z9, or of thls
nlllennlun hut there are ros and rons wlth lt.
Whats the tltle of vour new alhun!
Ihe tltle of nv alhun ls Loves Crazv. l naned lt that herause evervhodv
knows love nakes vou do rrazv thlngs. But nv whole thlng wlth the sltuatlon
wlth love ls llke, lt nakes vou go through a whole hunrh of sltuatlons. l llke
to hlghllght the solutlon nore than hlghllght the rohlen. Ihls ls not golng
to he one of those alhuns where ln golng to he hashlng eole or hegglng
take ne hark, thats not nv swag. lts not one of those Cs where a roule
ls gonna get lnslde of a rlde and heat earh other u lf thevre golng through
sone rough tlnes. lts llke nuslr therav. lf vou stlrk ln the Loves Crazv C,
l nlght answer a lot of vour questlons. lts gonna he reallv, reallv hot. lts
denltelv golng he one of those |olnts where guvs and glrls wlll he ahle to
sav thev know exartlv where ln ronlng fron.
l never nade anv hahles hut l ut down a few rhlrks to vour rerords over the
vears. So, how does that nake vou feel to have sonehodv llke ne who grew
u on IIZ and grew u on vour sound!
lt nakes ne feel real good. ln golng tell vou rlght now, ln not resonslhle
for rhlld suort. But lts all love. Wra hefore vou ta, eserlallv when vou
stlrk thls Loves Crazv alhun ln.
Whv dld vou rhoose to go wlth So llv for the rst slngle!
Peole usuallv get ald on the Ist and the ISth |of the nonth], and the rst
rherk rettv nurh goes to nost of the hllls. But that serond rherk, other
than gas, vou got sone leewav wlth that one rlght there. lrldav vou get that
rherk and vour folks are ralllng vou llke, What rluh we hout to go to! l feel
llke evervhodv deserves an anthen, and so when l sav, l |ust steed out
stralght out the shower, l dont nean ln waklng u, l nean l |ust got hone
fron work and ln taklng off nv work rlothes and hout to go do nv thlng
wlth nv folks. Ihats what vou feel, ln so fv, and lt has nothlng to do wlth
naterlallstlr stuff, lts how vou feel wlthln vourself. lt doesnt natter lf voure
a CE0 of a na|or ronanv or fllng hurgers at a fast food rhaln. lts vour
swag. So llv. Ihats who l an. ll
lts heen ahout three vears slnre IIZ droed thelr last alhun. What have
vou heen u to slnre that last alhun!
Weve heen dolng tours worldwlde and lve heen gettlng nv lahel to-
gether, hJ Produrtlons. lts a great work ln roress. l |ust nade hlstorv
wlth Asvlun herause ln the rst R6B slnger that thev slgned. Baslrallv,
ln worklng fron the ground u, hrarlng nvself to he the next ef 1an
and Arlsta. ln trvlng to do the sane thlng wlth hJ Produrtlons.
how dld vou derlde to herone a solo artlst!
l dldnt want to do a solo ro|ert artuallv. l wanted to start nv own lahel,
and l looked at lt as a huslness. lts easv |for ne to he the rst artlst]
rause l alreadv have a sound and a hrand wlth IIZ, and lts easler to get
the hall rolllng wlth nv lahel and hulld equltv so l ran ave the wav for
other artlsts who ln ahout to slgn. lts a good look. Even though l reallv
dldnt want to do a solo ro|ert, ln hav l dld herause the rst slngle ls
dolng real good.
Whv dldnt vou want to do a solo ro|ert!
l felt llke l sang enough wlth IIZ. l was verv ronfortahle wlth the role l
laved ln the grou, l |ust never had that deslre to he an solo artlst. But
huslnesswlse l dld want to he the CE0 of nv own ronanv and l wanted
to do sonethlng l hadnt done hefore. Wlth IIZ weve heen ln thls for IZ
vears, weve won everv slngle award there ls. 6rannvs, hIV, BEI Awards,
evervthlng, so what ran elevate ne to the next level! lts ahout rhalleng-
lng vourself and growlng fron helng an artlst to a voung CE0.
ls evervhodv ln the grou stlll rool and suortlve!
how are the relatlonshls now! l was artuallv the last erson that wanted
to |un out and do lt |solo]. lts |ust that nv sltuatlon rose faster. l was
the last erson to start on lt and the rst erson to have lt grow a llttle.
Whv vou thlnk vour sltuatlon rose faster!
l dont know. l ut that ln 6ods hands rlght there. l |ust feel hlessed that
ln not naklng a hunrh of nlstakes. Whatever he wants to haen, l ut lt
ln hls hands and let lt haen.
So what do vou thlnk ls the dlfferenre hetween vour solo nuslr ronared
to IIZ!
Wlth IIZ, we all laved roles to nake sure the IIZ hrand and sound was
develoed. When ln erfornlng lts denltelv a slgnlrant dlfferenre,
herause |ln a grou] vouve got three other guvs out there that got vour
hark. Ihev danre |ust as well, that ran slng |ust as well and lts all love.
But wlth the solo ro|ert l had to nd nv own nlrhe and alnost relnvent
a sound, l dldnt want to go out there and lrk the sane rodurers as
evervhodv else uses and sound rarhon-roled. l wanted to stand out. lor
So llv, l found rodurers that were fv and fresh and had the next tve
of swag. Wlth the grou, vou know vou have the guvs harks. Wlth nvself,
l have to ut on nore helnets. But ln nore than u to the rhallenge. ln
ln rrulse rontrol rlght now.
0Z0NE hA6 ll !I
!Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
You rould sav what vou want ahout Khla Chanhers, hut rhanres are she
wont glve a shlt.
Shes heard the one-hlt wonder allegatlons regardlng her ZZ rhart-
tolng slngle hv Nerk, hv Bark, and she not onlv hrushes then off, hut
hllssfullv resonds, Iheres nothlng wrong wlth helng a one-hlt wonder.
Ihere are a nllllon artlsts, nale and fenale, who wlsh thev rould nake
one hlt.
She hattled the leglon of haters who laheled her a realltv show re|ert
after her hrlef stlnt on VhIs hlss Ra Surene, where she was dlsqualled
for rerltlng re-wrltten rhvnes lthe lnfanous R-E-S-P-E-C-I rhvne)
durlng a freestvle hattle. Stlll, however, Khla energed vlrtorlous. She not
onlv rohhed the shows ratlngs uon her dearture, hut also landed her
own realltv show on VhI set to ln thls fall.
Ihe Iana fenree has also dealt wlth two shadv rerord lahels that
she rlalns droed the hall, and has done evervthlng fron nanre
her own nuslr vldeos to laster her own osters. Shes had storled
heefs wlth nost of her fellow fenale raers and has also squared
u wlth the llkes of Irlrk addv, 1ernalne url, and a slew of others.
But anldst all the rontroversv and drana surroundlng her never-
dull rareer of naklng Nastl huzlk, the self-rorlalned ueen of the
South has alwavs surreeded hv her own standards, and shes alwavs
heen lndeendent.
Whv should eole rare ahout Nastl huzlk!
lts all orlglnal thug nlsses |nuslr], and lts nastv, and sexv, and lts
|ust a real hot alhun. l nlxed hl ho and R6B on the alhun, and l
reallv took lt to the next level. l slng hefore l ra. l |ust ra herause
l ran, hut lts tlne to take lt hark to the nuslr. Ihe Ihug hlsses and
6angstress alhuns were |ust street |alhuns]. Ihev were all ahout
grlndln and gettlng nv nane out there, hut now that ln ronfortahle
and estahllshed, ln ahle to take lt hark to the roots and do nelodles
!Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !J
0kav, that sounds falr. But lets talk ahout vour
hvsare hlogvou have sone rettv olnlonated
entrles. l saw a ost where vou were talklng ahout
the ueen of the South tltle. What are vour rur-
rent thoughts on that tolr!
l thlnk l an the ueen of the South, and l earned
that tltle |ust hv helng an estahllshed, surress-
ful, lndeendent artlst, and a fenale ln the gane
thats had the level of longevltv lve had on nv
own. l thlnk eole are nallv gettln lt, so l
take that tltle hands down, herause all the other
wonen that were rlalnlng lt are falllng aart as
we seak. ln stlll standlng, lndeendent, and ln
alwavs gonna he ahle to stand ahove eole that
rlaln to he ueen of the South. Ihat tltle ls nlne.
6lve ne an exanle of how the other fenales who
rlaln to he ueen of the South are falllng aart!
Ihese wonen are furklng for trarksl Ihats the
reason whv lts so hard for ne ln thls lndustrv,
herause ln not golng to the tahle furklng for
trarks, ln golng to the tahle wlth stralght talent.
how are thev gon rlaln the ueen of the South
tltle when thev |uggllng nuts! Ihe truth alwavs
rones to the llght.
Wowl So ln vour olnlon, what errentage of
fenale raers entertaln trlrks for trarks!
All of enl And lts so hard to sav herause there
are so nanv other talented fenale artlsts that are
gettlng hlorked and are wonderlng whv. A lot of
these wonen are glvlng us a had nane, hut ln
trvlng to rlean lt u so we ran trv to get the re-
sert hark that fenale artlsts need. A lot of then
are of selllng thelr souls |ust for the fane herause
thev know thevre not talented. lts sad herause
there are a lot of eole that are real nuslrlans or
artlsts. l was ln rhorus, l was ln the handlf vou
dldnt lav no lnstrunent, and vou wasnt danrlng
at the foothall gane, voure not |lnto] nuslr.
Ihere are real nuslrlans, artlsts, and songwrlters
out there that arent gettlng a rhanre to shlne
herause there are so nanv rhararters that |un
ln front of the nlr and lav roles. Ihe real artlsts
need to |ust stand u and nake lt do what lt do,
herause ln showlng then that lndeendentlv vou
ran have surress wlthout havlng to lav down or
get on vour knees.
lor the eole who dont see vou as the ueen of
the South, how do vou lan to rhange thelr nlnds
and solldlfv vour status!
l thlnk Nastl huzlk ls golng to do that. A lot of
eole that lt was |ust ahout hv Nerk, hv Bark,
hut wlth Nastl huzlk thevll he ahle to see the
talent and thevre gonna have to resert ne as an
artlst, and as a rrltlral artlst thats here to stav.
lve had a hlt rerord, and lts a lot of artlsts nale
and fenale that are |ust trvlng to nd that hlt. l
tell eole all the tlne, lts nothlng wrong wlth
helng a one-hlt wonder, herause thats a tltle ln
ltself, hut thls ls nv thlrd alhun and eole are
startlng to see the talent.
Whats u wlth vour lahel sltuatlon!
l dld a |olnt venture wlth Blg Cat. hated ltl hat-ted
ltl We dld a one-alhun deal, and l reallv had
resert for Blg Cat Rerords. l reallv thought thev
were gonna rone ln and take Nastl huzlk to the
level lt needed to go. No, l dldnt thlnk thev were
Unlversal, Atlantlr, or a hlg lahel, hut l felt llke
we rould kee lt lndeendent and nake nonev
together. But thev were |ust looklng to nake easv
nonev, thev werent as dedlrated as ne. And l
know nohodv helleves ln nv nuslr the wav l he-
lleve ln nv nuslr, hut l thought thev rould at least
hel narket and ronote the alhun. Ihevre hroke
as helll Ihev were |ust trvlng to raltallze off nv
and harnonles. l nake rlasslr songs that wlll
stlrk llke grlts.
Youve alwavs nade nastv nuslr, so lts klnd of
arorlate that vou would nane vour alhun
that, hut when vou rst started were vou ever
enharrassed to ut out surh exllrlt rerords!
No, no, not at all. Ihe rst trark l ever ut out
was reallv lurk Ihen 0ther hoes, hut when hv
Nerk, hv Bark, rane out lt |ust took over and
that klnd of ut the slgnature on the nastv nuslr,
herause lt was so hlg and had so nurh rrossover
aeal. Shlt, sex sells, hut reallv l nake nuslr for
the rluh.
l heard vou used to hartend ln the rluh hark ln
the dav, also.
Yes, ln Iana. l worked at nostlv everv rluh ln
Iana, and lt was denltelv nv lntrodurtlon to
the nuslr gane, |ust helng ln the rluh and neet-
lng all the 1s and the nanagers at the rluhs. 0f
rourse there ls a ronnertlon hetween the nuslr
and the rluh srene, so that reallv heled ne get
nv foot ln the door.
What was vour favorlte drlnk to nlx!
hnnl guess lt would he a Blue huthafurka.
lor sone reason l had a feellng vou were golng
to sav sonethlng llke that.
llaughs) Yeah, we used to nake lt wlth Cuervo
hark then, hut lts nurh hetter wlth sone Patron.
Ihat drlnk ls off the rhalnl
Khlas Blue huthafurka rerle. You ran use what-
ever klnd of vodka vou refer, hut l llke Ahsolut.
So vou would nlx Ahsolut, sweet and sour nlx,
Blue Curarao, and l llke to add a llttle tequlla to
glve lt a llttle extra klrk.
0hvlouslv vour nuslr rareer has gotten vou to the
olnt where vou dont have to nlx drlnks anv-
nore. What enahled vour surress ln the lndustrv!
l thlnk lts the fart that eole ran relate to nv
nuslr, and lts ne. Peole feel llke ln talklng
dlrertlv to then, and l an nv nuslr. ln not a
erforner, l dont |ust get hehlnd the nlr and let
eole dlrtate what l sav or what nuslr l ut out,
or what rodurers are hot. When eole get nv
nuslr, thev get ne, and thats whv nv fan hase
ls so large and whv eole stlrk to ne. When vou
have a slgnature sound eole resert vour nuslr
and look forward to hearlng vour nuslr and the
new stuff vou ut out. A lot of the other fenale
artlsts have so nanv dlfferent wrlters that thev
end u have nultlle ersonalltles on the alhun
and eole never know who thev reallv are or
where thevre ronlng fron. l ran he so real he-
rause l wrlte and rodure nv own stuff, so eole
resert the art. l nake sexv, nastv nuslr. Peole
llke to llsten to nuslr thev ran relate to, and
eole ran relate to nastlness. But lts not onlv
nastv on a sexual level. Nastl huzlk also neans
helng real, and hlunt, and stralghtforward.
Yeah, vour nuslr ls denltelv stralghtforward.
llaughs) Peole want the real, and thats what l
glve then.
So, whats the nastlest, reallst llne on Nastl huzlk!
hv favorlte nastlest llne on the C ls x vour
hreakfast hutt naked whlle vou eatln ne out.
Ihats on |the slngle] Be Your Ladv.
Ihats not even that had. l was exertlng sone-
thlng a llttle nore grahlr fron Khla.
Well, vou gotta lrk u the alhun lf vou wanna
hear nore nastlness.
fan hase, herause thev gured l would sell at least
S-6, wlth no ronotlon, and thats not at all
what l had ln nlnd. Ihev were suosed to nanre
the vldeo for the slngle, hut thev were wrltlng
eole had rherks, hounrlng rherks and shlt. Ihev
owe evervhodv. So l ended u fundlng the vldeo
for Be Your Ladv nvself. lt was low hudget, hut
lt stlll rane out rool.
0n the lnternet vou referred to 1arkl-0 as Warkv-
hoe. o stlll feel that wav ahout her!
l feel sorrv for her. l feel sorrv that Brlsro alnost
slaed her at nv hushand Weezvs vldeo shoot, l
dont thlnk she deserved that. She need to rone
over here. l trled to tell her all along, she shoulda
rane over here wlth the ueen and she wouldnt
he rrvlng rlght now. l dont wanna klrk nohodv
whlle thevre down, hut lts a shane herause hl
ho ls laughlng at her sltuatlon rlght now.
ln not trvlng to dwell on the negatlve too nurh,
hut lve also gotta ask vou ahout 1ernalne url,
vou were ronarlng hln to Chrls Stokes on vour
hlog. Whv exartlv do vou two have rohlens!
1ernalne went on h0I 9! ln New York savlng that
he felt that l was ungrateful wlth the sltua-
tlon of ne helng on 1anets slngle, even though
she was helng noodv and dldnt want ne ln the
vldeo. But out of all eole, l thought 1ernalne
would understand where l was ronlng fron.
Ihev rearhed out to ne, and l showed love, even
though thev dldnt ut ne ln the vldeo. how an l
helng ungrateful! Ihev ralled ne and asked ne to
do then a favor, l wasnt ralllng then asklng for
a favor. But karna ls a hltrh, herause hlss 1anet
lsnt dolng too well rlght now.
ls lt true that vou used to he a gosel slnger!
Yes, l do evervthlng. l wrlte gosel, l wrlte o,
ln so readv to wrlte sonethlng for Brltnev
|Sears] or hadonna. ln a songwrlter, a real
song-wrlte-er. ln readv to one dav wln a
6rannv for songwrlter of the vear award, herause
hl ho wlll get vou raught u ln the drana and
the heef. l want to go hark to the nuslr, to the
o, the R6B, the rork, real nuslr, herause hl
ho ls turnlng lnto a farade.
o vou thlnk that vou rontradlrt vourself hv dolng
nastv nuslr after startlng off as a gosel slnger!
l thlnk lts reallv |ust art. Io ne nuslr ls |ust ahout
hrlnglng vour exerlenres to llfe. Sonetlnes nv
enotlons nlght he where ln leanlng on 6od,
sonetlnes l nlght he wlth nv nan, or want nv
nan to tease ne, or sonetlnes l nlght he hater
walklng. lts |ust llke oetrv wlth harnonv and
nelodles, so vou rant rategorlze nuslrlans or
songwrlters ln one rategorv.
You were rerentlv featured on the VhI realltv
show hlss Ra Surene. ls there anvthlng vou
want to sav ahout that exerlenre!
l have nothlng had to sav ahout hlss Ra
Surene, lt dld what lt dld. l got nurh love the
show. lve artuallv got nv own show ronlng
to VhI. Were gonna start shootlng thls fall, hut
lt rohahlv wont alr tll around Chrlstnastlne.
lts haslrallv followlng ne around showlng the
roress of naklng Nastl huzlk, and nv llfe. Peole
|ust wanna see Khla. l got hlg thlngs oln, and
evervhodv knows l an hlss Ra Surene.
Edltors Note. Khla later ralled us hark wlth a few
words for fellow hlss Ra Surene rontestant hs.
Cherrv. Iell her dont ronote ne ln her lnter-
vlews, ronote her nuslr. She needs to ut sone
nuslr out and nd her hahv daddv. l dont need
all her free ronotlon, hut thanks anvwav.
0Z0NE hA6 ll !J
!+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
//Production credits
l staved off the radar for a nlnute on urose, hut l owe thls to the gang-
sters. l was horn and ralsed ln Adansvllle, ln Westslde. l was a |renature]
hahv so 6radv |hosltal] had to get ne ln the hellroter. hv nana was an
R6B slnger ln the !s when she had ne, and she wasnt gonna do anvnore
serular nuslr. her raver was for ne to he surressful ln nuslr, so lts llke ln
llvlng her drean too.
l started lavlng the druns when l was three vears old. ln srhool, the hand
tearher would ut ne ln front of the srhool wlth the druns, ln rst or serond
grade. l used to he the hlghllght of the nonent. l was oular ln elenentarv
srhool untll l got klrked out for ghtlng.
hv rst larenent was the renlx to Sannvs l Llke lt. l got that fron
knowlng 1aser |Caneron] lSannle, Llovd, Nellv), who l grew u wlth fron
Adansvllle. We were downtown and 1aser asked ne what l was dolng, and l
told hln l was ln the nuslr shlt. he lntrodured ne to allas Austln. Ihev gave
ne the |oh, hut l got dlstrarted. l was trvlng to he a raer then, when l rst
rane ln. Nlggas dldnt want ne ralng, hut thev wanted nv heats.
Ihls stvle of nuslr nlggas |are] naklng, l llved that shlt, so lts ln nv hlood.
Sort of llke an ohsesslon. 0ne of the new 1eezv slngles l rodured ls ralled
Crazv World. We rut sone other rerords too, llke What Ihev Want. Ihat shlt
was a stralght rlasslr. l alnt |ust talklng ahout the heat, ln talklng ahout
what he sald ln the verses. lts one of those verses vou ut ln the greatest of
all tlne. Worklng on that shlt, l was trvlng to go ln and nake thls Klng Kong
nonstrous tra shlt, l was hustlng nv hraln. l took evervthlng l learned and
took nv all and went ahove and hevond the rall of dutv. l was trvlng to rre-
ate a whole new song. l wanted a heat that a nllllon eole rould arerlate,
hut have evervone else trvlng to do the sane thlng.
Wlth BloodRaws Loule heat, ne and 1eezv were worklng on hls ro|ert and
BloodRaws ro|ert rane u. l had nv shlt hooked u ln the hark, and ld
nake heats hefore he got to the studlo. ld have two hv the tlne he get there
so ld have heats starked u on hls ass. he raught u wlth ne. he sald he
needed a slngle for BloodRaw rlght now. Whlle l was naklng the heat, thev
were naklng the hook, and 8 hours later lt was the ofrlal slngle.
Wlth Plles hotter Ihan he, ne and Plles were gettlng readv for hls serond
alhun and he wanted a rluh rerord. l sent hln + or S heats. he and Plles
rettv nurh work vla hone or satelllte.
l got lnto R6B and o |hv] furklng wlth Sean 6arrett. We herane frlends
through nv hrother and rouslns. Ihev had heen rool for a long tlne, nv
hrother was a art of IIZs staff fron the heglnnlng, slnre the Puffv davs.
R6B and Po ls the reason whv got a J-roon studlo hullt. l was dolng Yola,
1eezv and USA ro|erts and at the sane tlne, ne and Sean were ln the stu-
dlo wlth Slln fron IIZ. l ended u havlng to do J thlngs at one tlne. lf vou
got one svsten, vou ran onlv do one thlng at one tlne. Peole thought l was
rrazv. Ihe rontrartor sald l onlv needed one |roon], hut we ended u uslng
all J roons herause we do so nurh shlt. l stlll need to use another studlo
hldnlght Blark ls lnnovatlve. hldnlght Blark ls the hest thlng slnre alr. l need
the nuslr gane and the nuslr gane needs hldnlght Blark. When eole rone
to ne, lts for nv sound. ln a hands-on rodurer. When vou go ln the studlo
wlth ne, voure gettlng sone doe shlt and hlt rerords. ln ronstantlv work-
lng. When l nake heats for 1eezv, thevre |ust not anv heats, thevre heats for
1eezv. Sane wlth Plles, Slln, evervhodv. When l nake a heat l alwavs know
where l want to ut lt. Ihats whv lts hetter to go ln the studlo wlth ne. ll
As told to haurlre 6. 6arland lPhoto hv haurlre 6. 6arland)
!+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !S
!6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !!
!8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
Southern R6B rlnre Llovd ls hark on the srene
wlth Lessons ln Love, an alhun dedlrated to
the Year of the Lover. But wlth lnexllrahlv
hlgh gas rlres, anong other thlngs, sone nav
ask, What ls there to love thls vear! Worrv not,
though, herause Llovd serves u an alhun full of
trarks to love. Llovd lares sedurtlve lvrlrs over
rarefullv rrafted heats, rreatlng an R6B alhun
whlrh flrts wlth erfertlon and then sone.
Rohlt Loonha
Ihe onlv thlng holdlng hark Irae and Z-Ro fron
helng the hest duo out of Iexas slnre U6K are
thenselves. But even though the rouslnslrhvne
artners dont get along ln real llfe, thev stlll
nanage to nake qualltv nuslr together. Whlle
nost of the songs on here have hoth enrees
dellverlng qualltv verses over equallv doe
rodurtlon, a deeer llsten nakes vou wlsh the
the rhenlstrv thev show on songs llke Raln
and the alreadv-used song No hel was nore
ronlnent. haurlre 6. 6arland
Yung Berg, self
rorlalned Chl-town
rlnre, dellvers a
falrlv lnresslve
dehut. Ihe alhun
offers nore than |ust
Sexv Ladv and Sexv
Can l wlth YB tean-
lng u wlth fellow
Chlragoan, Iwlsta, for
Where o We 6o and
songstress, Casha, for
Buslness. 6ood ro-
durtlon hels YB forge
a solld dehut and
hrlngs hln sllghtlv
rloser to helng the
star he alreadv seens
to thlnk he ls. Whlle
not the nost lvrlrallv
talented or ratlvat-
lng, Yung Berg does
rove to he entertaln-
lng. Rohlt Loonha
Wlth 1 Paul and 1ulrv
1 on the hoards, the
heats on lraver Bovs
thlrd alhun are what
nake thls ro|ert
nenorahle. lravser
Bovs rhvne fows
are a favorahle t
for hvnotlze hlnds
slgnature henhls
sound throughout the
alhuns I! ruts. Ihls LP
ls exartlv what voud
exert fron a Ihree 6
afllate. dark heats,
hooks and grlttv street
rhvnes. Randv Roer
Wlth hls rst solo alhun ln over I vears, h16
roves that hes stlll one of the nost otent
lvrlrlst helow the hason-lxle llne, hut hls
words get watered-down wlth suh-ar rodur-
tlon. Ivlrallv, the alhun goes ln a dlfferent
dlrertlon fron No hore 6lorv, although he does
use slnllar thenes wlth What Would You o!
Ihe alhuns hlghllght 1ungle ls one of the rare
orrurrenres where the heat runs arallel wlth
the lvrlrs. haurlre 6. 6arland
V.l.Cs dehut alhun Beast lsnt nurh to vell and
holler over, hut ln sure hls teenvhoer fans
wlll heg to dlffer. Beast ronslsts of nanv ratrhv
hooks and slllv rhvnes, hut V.l.C. does derlde to
sto goong off on sone trarks. he exresses
hls love for hls hrother on o You Know and
on Bv lalth he |ustles whv he llves hv falth
lnstead of the rllrhe thug llfe that nost raers
llve hv. V.l.C. shows nurh affertlon for the ladles
on nunerous trarks hut other songs nav rause
an ear lnfertlon. 1eeVan Brown

!8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
hs. hv Nerk, hv Bark
returns wlth Nastl huzlk, an
alhun arked wlth nedlorre
rhvnes and serondhand heats. Khla stlrks to her
regular fornat here wlth tales of gettlng llrked and
surked, trlrked and furked. Ihe standout trark ls Be Your Ladv, a horn-
and-hass-heavv trark where Khla lets us know how she takes rare of her
nan. l x va hreakfast hutt naked, whlle va eatln ne out. Ientlng,
l know. Ihe naln drawhark wlth thls C ls lark of dlversltv and the oor
heat rodurtlon, whlrh unfortunatelv often outshlnes Khlas rhvnes. We
know Khlas hustle ls there, now we |ust need to hear the fow. Anthonv
Bark agaln, Ihe Cllse and
thelr Re-U 6ang roun-
terarts sulv us wlth thelr latest volune thls vear
renlndlng us that thevre stlll grlndn. Ihe rst trark, hllllon ollar
Corner, sets the tone for thls street sweeer alhun. Ihere are no frllls,
no glnnlrks, no llers or rhasers, |ust raw, unaologetlr rhvnes. Even
though the rontent ls fanlllar, vou dont get too hored wlth thls grou.
Ihev dellver everv tlne. We Know ls a swagger hanger that kees the
energv novlng on through IZ trarks. honev ls grlttv and a erfert
rerord for thls PhlllvlVA ronnert. 1ared Anderson
Bohagons ahove-average
dlrtv South fow ronstantlv
nakes trark after trark on
thls alhun worth a llsten. Songs llke Yeah She a lreak
featurlng Yo 6ottl, ln Ihe Bedroon wlth 1agged Edge
and the Nlttl-rodured Ihere She 6o are standouts, hut nost of the
rodurtlon sounds dated as lf hagons heen savlng these heats slnre Z+.
Stlll, wlth rodurtlon fron Ihe Runners l6et lt 0ff Yo Chest), aearanres
fron Iwlsta l1ark lrost) and lreewav lBrlght Llghts), and Bohagons
ratrhv rhvne stvle, Crunk ln h deserves sone slns. Randv Roer
Brand New honev ls the dehut
alhun fron 6reen Cltv, the Kllleen, Iexas, ra grou
roslgned hv Srarfare. 0n thls alhun, Sark awg,
Yung Iexxus, h1, 1. Srott, hlke hee, 6-Nl and Blg Sade rove thev ran
rhvne lsone hetter than others), hut llstenlng to seven dlfferent raers
throughout IZ trarks rones off nore llke one hlg rvher than an alhun.
6otta Shlne, oe 6ane, 6ood Enough Io Eat, and ha|or 6rlnd
showrase the grous otentlal, hut whlle thelr nonev nav he hrand new,
thelr nuslr ls the sane old. Randv Roer
lor her fth solo alhun, forner
hvnotlzed hlndz afllate
La Chat releases her alhun
a hood hone 6lrl on her own lahel, lne a ozon
Entertalnnent. Even though shes on her own, La Chats
nuslr ls nore of the sane gutter rhlrk trarks that voud exert fron her.
Lord lnfanous, 6angsta Boo, hurhv Lee and Pastor Irov all nake guest
aearanres. And whlle La Chat fans are sure to he satlsed, nore than
llkelv, evervone else wlll he less than lnressed. Randv Roer
0Z0NE hA6 ll !9
Llfe of a -Bov ls exartlv what vou would exert
fron the -Bovz, storles ahout novlng work fron
here to there and hlowlng nonev on rlothes, rars,
and wonen. Ballln ln hv Cltv ls a denlte artv
anthen for all halllng doe hovs. 0n the soulful
trark Streets Kee Callln he the -Bovz exlaln
the struggles of trvlng to get out of the gane
that anv hustler should understand. leatures fron
artlsts surh as B.6., 1uvenlle, hannle lresh, and
1azze Pha glves the alhuns rreatlvltv and sound
an lnrredlhle hoost. As lvrlrlsts, the duo rould use
sone hel. 1eeVan Brown
lnstead of waltlng to for soneone to hlt thelr state
wlth a naglr wand, South Carollna enrees are
stavlng true to the Southern lndeendent hl ho
slrlt hv drolng thelr own nuslr on thls ZZ-trark
ronllatlon. Whlle hunger and ersonalltv ran he
heard on nost of the trarks, too nanv of then
sound llke dated Crunk nuslr, overshadowlng the
raers talents. lortunatelv, the songs turned ln
hv SC vet har-A-on stand out the nost, naklng
the alhun worth at least one nore llsten. Ihe
alhun ends wlth a strong outro fron the Charla-
nagne, hut unfortunatelv, the nuslr that reredes
lt doesnt t wlth hls nessage. haurlre 6. 6arland
lt should he noted
that thls ro|ert
was allegedlv released wlthout Young Cashs
ronsent, herause lt doesnt sound llke hls hest
work. Ihe World ls Yours, She Alnt Srared,
and lreeze are arguahlv the nost notahle
trarks, hut suhar heats, hooks sung hv Cash
hlnself and slngers that dont slng well, along
wlth Cashs llnlted rhvne skllls, nake thls alhun
a lukewarn effort. hoefullv, I-Palns Nav
Bov slgnee wlll have a hetter showlng on hls
forthronlng na|or lahel dehut. Randv Roer
0n Ihe Prevlew, 1 rana
rovldes |ust that, a revlew to
hold over fans untll Ludurrls
next alhun. Ihls duo kees the entertalnnent and laughs
ronlng wlth wlttv unrhllnes and hllarlous sklts llke
Ihe Vorallzer, where thev take a stah at vour favorlte raers that use the
Rohot Ihlng on thelr volre. Ihe Prevlew offers sone notahle trarks surh as
So Ihoro, the rontroverslal Polltlrs As Usual and Ihrow lt U, featurlng
Lll Wavne and Busta Rhvnes. Ihls nlxtae ls a wlnner, what else rould vou
exert fron a rana and Luda rollaho! 1ared Anderson
here, 1 rana offers u a new
edltlon to hls nlxtae ratalog,
|olned hv hoth 6urrl hane and
Yo 6ottl. Although hoth 6urrl and 6ottl offer a handful of
qualltv verses, sone trarks fall fat llke the duos lnterre-
tatlon of Put 0n. henhls natlve 6ottl outshlnes hls rounterart on sone
trarks, hut the two ronlenent earh other nlrelv and offer fans a healthv
dose of thelr nuslr. Rohlt Loonha
1arkle Chalns latest 1 Snallz
endorsed effort ls a well-ro-
dured nlxtae that deserves to
he ralled an alhun. leaturlng rodurtlon fron 1.U.S.I.l.C.E.
League and future stars BlorkBeataz and Klds Wlth harhlne
6uns, Chaln doesnt dlsaolnt, foatlng over the trarks slttlng hls own
hrand of lava lsh. Although at tlnes hes gulltv of soundlng llke hes glvlng
hls hest Pln C lnersonatlon, Chaln stlll nanages to kee enough of hls
own ersonalltv ln the nuslr to nake hlnself a hurgeonlng star. haurlre 6.
Categorv 6 ls a trolral storn full
of dlfferent sounds and genres.
Ihe overall alhun ls haslrallv
a nlx of reggaeton, o, and hl ho nuslr. lf vou had
no rlue where 1 Laz ls fron, as soon as vou ress lav
ltll he rlear that hes reresentlng South llorlda. hove
Shake ro wlll denltelv get the reggaeton fans out of thelr seats and
horena 8 wlll get the glrls hounrlng to the heat. Ihe storn does start to
dle down on sone trarks, naklng the alhun not worthv of a rategorv slx. But
wlth a llttle nore thunder and llghtlng lt rould rearh serlous hurrlrane status.
1eeVan Brown
6orllla Zoe and 1 Srrean
hrlng evervone l Ah AILanta,
a nlxtae whlrh unfortunatelv
doesnt do nurh to llve u to lts tltle. Whlle the tae
has lentv of hass laden heats, Zoe falters ln rreatlng
nenorahle rerords wlth then. Even guest aearanres hv Shawtv Lo, Rorko
and 1odv Breeze dont elevate thls nlxtae. Zoe falls to ste aslde fron the
standard hl ho fornulas at a tlne where he rouldve reallv set hlnself ln a
league of hls own hv estahllshlng hls own stvle. Rohlt Loonha
Another solld effort fron thls
New 0rleans natlve, CurrenSv
kees the nuslr ronlng wlth hls
swagger and fow ln full effert. Wlth enough referenres
to renane thls nlxtae 1et huzlk, CurrenSv rovldes a
trark to what aears to he hls favorlte foothall teans newest laver on
the song Brett lavre. Ihls nlxtae has an lnterestlng ronhlnatlon of heats
hut CurrenSv holds hls own, rovlng whv Weezv slgned hln ln the rst lare.
hodern av hlle, Navlgatlon Plnn and 1ets huzlk stand out on thls
IS-trark offerlng. Whlle thls nlxtae has lts us and downs overall, lts ron-
slstent to what weve rone to exert fron CurrenSv. 1ared Anderson
8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
Event. Ra-A-Lots Welrone to houston artv
Venue. Bar Rlo
Cltv. houston, IX
ate. August 8th, Z8
Photo. Ierrenre Ivson
end zone

0Z0NE hA6 ll 8I
1. DJ Chuck T The Heart of the City
2. DJ Black Bill Gates & DJ Scream King Shit: Madden/NCAA 09 MixtapePart
3. DJ Sean Mac Sold Out Vol. 10
4. DJ Teknikz Georgia Muscle 9: The Grand Hustle
5. DJ Spinz Southern Swagger 10
6. DJ Bobby Black Down & Dirty 31 Hosted by Gucci Mane
7. DJ Rhude & 2520NYC.COM Presents Flagrant Cops
9. DJ Stupac Southland Tales Vol. 3
10. DJ Snatch 1 The Immense Music Squad
11. DJ Delz Presents: Philly Massacre Volume 1
12. & DJ 2 Mello Presents: Summer Breeze Slow Jams www.
13. DJ 2 Mello Burn Notice
14. DJ E-V Presents Bitch Im From Cleveland Vol. 2
16. DJ Hella Yella MGMT & AAE Presents: Fetti Kings 3
15. The Screw Shop Presents: Tosin & April Renae Log On For Love
17. DJ Bobby Black Crack Addiction: Rick Ross & T-Pain
18. DJ Holiday Holiday Season Volume 2
19. DJ Princess Cut Bout to Blow Vol 3
8. DJ Chief Rocka Rocka Radio 6
THA GOd & dj dRAMA
lor the serond nonth ln a row, 1 lrostv and
Charlanagne Iha 6od hlt the streets and the
net wlth another stuld doe nlxtae. Ihls
tlne the Ahllllates 1 rana, anltv Kanes .
Woods and West Coast rhvner Crooked l host as
lrostv rovldes the nlx wlth new nuslr fron
I.l. and Ludarrls lWlsh U Would), Young 1eezv
lVaratlon) and Srrav featurlng Lll Wavne
lStand U).
1s, send vour nlx Cs lwlth a rover) for
ronslderatlon to.
0Z0NE hagazlne
6++ Antone St. Sulte 6
Atlanta, 6A JJI8
0Z0NE hA6 ll 8I
20. DJ Chief Rocka Presents: After Party 3 Get Naked Edition
lor the serond nonth ln a row, 1 lrostv and
Charlanagne Iha 6od hlt the streets and the
net wlth another stuld doe nlxtae. Ihls
tlne the Ahllllates 1 rana, anltv Kanes .
Woods and West Coast rhvner Crooked l host as
lrostv rovldes the nlx wlth new nuslr fron
I.l. and Ludarrls lWlsh U Would), Young 1eezv
lVaratlon) and Srrav featurlng Lll Wavne
lStand U).
1s, send vour nlx Cs lwlth a rover) for
ronslderatlon to.
0Z0NE hagazlne
6++ Antone St. Sulte 6
Atlanta, 6A JJI8
8Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
Rlrk Ross, llo Rlda, 6 I-Paln
Event. Jrd Annual 0Z0NE Awards
Venue. 6eorge R Brown Conventlon Center
Cltv. houston, IX
ate. August IIth, Z8
Photo. Klng Yella
end zone

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