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Oleh Indra Yoga Prawiro

teaching as a method. The second, the

understanding of teacher in implementing
Along the years, many different teaching Communicative language teaching is good.
methods have been developed whether to The teacher can facilitate the students well,
face students need or to match the so the students can use some expressions to
requirements of new administration, all of communicate with their friends. The third, in
them claiming to be the best option to teach this study there are two important things that
English. However, according to academic influence second language acquisition. The
research, some linguists have showed that first is the environment of language
there is no one single best method for classroom. The second major point of
everyone in all contexts and no one teaching learners in acquiring second language is the
method is inherently superior to the others. interaction or real communication among of
The choice of teaching method itself them. The last, one of the advantages of this
depends on what fits you as a teacher such method is the student being active.
as your educational philosophy, classroom However, there is also a disadvantage of this
demographic, subject areas and school method. The participation of the students is
mission statement. This study does not really important in the implementation of
discuss about the use of CLT in English CLT in language class. If the students have
Course setting only but also the not motivation in learning language, so the
understanding of teacher of CLT method communicative competence will be harder
including teacher’s and students’ role in to be achieved.
CLT classroom then, Second language
acquisition for teenager and the advantages Key words : Language Method,
and disadvantages of CLT in teaching Communicative Language Teaching,
English. The results show that the first, the Teachers’ Understanding, SLA, Advantages
teacher uses communicative language and Disadvantages.

Introduction English. However, according to academic

Along the years, many different research, some linguists have showed that
teaching methods have been developed there is not one single best method for
whether to face students need or to match the everyone in all contexts and no one teaching
requirements of new administration, all of method is inherently superior to the others.
them claiming to be the best option to teach

9 Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

The term of teaching method refers to (2012) who investigate the improvement of
the general principles, pedagogy and Students’ Speaking through Communicative
management strategies used for classroom Language Teaching Method atMts Ja-alhaq,
instruction. The choice of teaching method Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding School of
depends on what fits you as a teacher such Bengkulu, Indonesia. Both of researchers
as your educational philosophy, classroom focus on percentage or the quantitative data,
demographic, subject areas and school while this research wants to investigate
mission statement. For an experienced deeply relate to the use of CLT in teaching
professional language teacher always adopts language.
the principled eclecticism approach that is This study will not discuss about the use
deciding on the most suitable techniques and of CLT in English Course setting only but
applying the most appropriate methodology also the understanding of teacher of CLT
for that learner’s specific objectives learning method including teacher’s and students’
style and context. role in CLT classroom then, Second
Based on the problems above the language acquisition for teenager and the
researcher conduct pre observation to the advantages and disadvantages of CLT in
English course class to know what kind of teaching English.
method is used in teaching English. The
observation showed that the course Literary Review
implement the method of Communicative Communicative approach in language
Language Teaching to teach the students. teaching starts from a theory of language as
This pre observation is really helped the communication. The goal of language
researcher to decide the main focus on his teaching is to develop communicative
research because there are many researchers competence, Richard and Rodger (2001).
who concern the use of methodology in CLT is the name which was given to a set of
teaching English. beliefs which included not only a re-
Some researchers have been examination of what aspect of language to
investigated the use of CLT in teaching teach, but also in a shift in emphasis in how
language for example like Chang, S. (2010) to teach. The “what to teach” aspect of the
who investigated a contrastive study of communicative approach stressed the
grammar translation method and significance of language function rather than
communicative approach in teaching focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary.
English grammar in Taiwan and Efrizal, D.

Universitas WIralodra Indramayu 10


A guiding principle was to train evaluated as ineffective because they do not

students to use these language forms help the students to be able to communicate.
appropriately in variety of context and for a CLT is conceptualized to make students
variety of purposes. The “how to teach are able to communicate actively in the real
aspect” of communicative approach is life situation. This is interesting to know the
closely related to the idea that language reasons behind the conceptualization of
learning will take care of its self and that CLT approach. One of them is to solve the
plentiful exposure to language in use and problem faced by the students who have
plenty of opportunities to use it are vitally already learned English for several years,
important for students’ development and but they still cannot speak or communicate
skill, Harmer (1998). in English. Language is a tool of
CLT aims to make communicative communication. Therefore, if the students
competence as the goal of language teaching only know the roles of the English language
and to develop techniques and procedures and they do not know the function of it, they
for teaching language skills that are based on will not able to communicate fluently in.
interdependent aspects of language and
communication. Communicative Theory of language
competence includes grammatical The communicative Approach in
competence, sociolinguistic, and strategies. language teaching starts from a theory of
Communicative language abilities include language as communication. Hymes (1972)
knowledge or competence and proficiency stated that the objective of CLT is
in the application of these competencies in communicative competence. Haliday (2004)
the communicative use of language, explained seven basic functions that
contextual, and appropriate. language performs for children learning
Some researchers have investigated their first language:
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) 1. The instrumental function: using
is considered as an outstanding approach, language to get things.
which can fill the gap in a number of 2. The regulatory function: using language
previous English language methods and to control the behavior of other.
approaches, such as audio lingual, grammar 3. The interactional function: using
translation, and the silent way. These language to create interaction with
previous approaches are analyzed and others.

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Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

4. The personal function: using language to The Features of CLT

express personal feelings and the The fundamental difference between
meanings. the more traditional structural approaches of
5. The heuristic function: using language to language teaching and the communicative
learn and to discover. approach is that the latter focuses on
6. The imaginative function: using language meaning and conversational interaction with
to create a world of the imagination. references to grammatical accuracy if and
7. The representational function: using when the teacher deems it necessary. CLT is
language to communicate information best considered, as an approach to language
Canale and swain (1980) described four teaching, with its main aims and theory a
dimension of communicative competence reflection of a communicative perspective
such as, grammatical competence, on language which can be used to support an
sociolinguistic competence, discourse unlimited amount of classroom procedures.
competence and strategic competence. This Classroom activities typically focus the
concept has been made to refine the original student on completing tasks, solving
notion of communicative competence. problems and assisting learners to
Furthermore, the bachman concept has been communicate meaningfully in the target
in turn, extended by Celce-Murcia, Dornyei, language. There is an emphasis on
and Thurrell. communication rather than the accurate use
of structure or form. Fluency is givenpriority
Theory of learning over accuracy as errors are seen as part of
There are three elements of learning theory the learning process, the teachers’ therefore
that can be seen in some CLT practices: find themselves in the role of facilitator and
1. Communication principle: Activities that monitor providing feedback at the end of an
involved in real communication promote assigned activity. The grammatical structure
learning. based syllabus will have been abandoned in
2. Task principle: activities in which favor of a more functional or notional based
language is used for carrying out syllabus.
meaningful tasks promote learning. However these versions of CLT as
3. Meaningfulness principle: language that outlined above find themselves open to
is meaningful to the learners support the scrutiny and interpretation. Howatt (2004)
learning process distinguishes between a strong and weak
version of the approach, the weak being

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described as pre communicative tasks. 3. The structure of language reflects its

Littlewood (1981:8) states these tasks “aim function and communicative uses.
to equip the learner with some of the skills 4. The primary units of language are not
required for communication without merely its grammatical and structural
actually performing communicative acts.” features, but categories of functional and
These activities can take the form of drills or communicative meaning as exemplified
controlled dialogue practice. These in discourse.
exercises therefore are a necessary stage and
“develop links with meaning that will later Teaching and Learning Activities in
enable him to use this language for Communicative Language Teaching
communication purposes.” (ibid:8). Learning activities in CLT focuses on
Howatt’s (2004) suggests the strong version real oral communication with variety of
allows the teacher a less dominant presence, language without too focus on form of
with low teacher talking time. They act as grammatical patterns if distinguished with
mediator while the students find themselves non-communicative activities which only
responsible for their own language learning. focus on how to construct the sentences that
In contrast to the idea of presenting the based on terms of grammatical during
language and then practicing it the teacher learning process of English (Harmer, 1998:
begins with communicative activities that 85).
permit the student to actively learn for Applying CLT in English as Second
themselves. This strong version however Language (ESL) context will be different
has been vulnerable to attack. Harmer from implementing it in English as Foreign
(1983:164) suggests that students are thrown Language (EFL) context. In the ESL context
into a communicative situation “as a prelude where English is officially used and the
to any instruction: all subsequent teaching is students can easily get access to practice the
based on whether they sink or swim”. language in the outside of classroom, CLT is
Characteristics of communicative view of much easier to be implemented. However, in
language: the EFL context, it is quite challenging to
1. Language is a system for the expression apply this approach because English does
of meaning. not officially use in this context, or the
2. The primary function of language is to students only have limited opportunity to
allow interaction and communication. practice English in the outside of classroom.

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Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

During learning process of CLT, their second roles in CLT. These roles have
students’ are hoped to communicate orally the same objective with the role of teacher
and conquer all components of as the facilitator. They are as organizers of
communicative competence and teacher is sources and as sources themselves. As the
being motivator, assessor, facilitator, and organizers of sources, teachers have to
corrector during students’ discussion or organize activities and materials needed
speaking in front of the class. In addition, the during the classroom activities. Then, as the
teacher also should make their lesson sources themselves, they have to be able to
interesting so the students don’t fall asleep answer all the questions from their students.
during learning English (Harmer, 1998: 1). Whenever their students have difficulty
during communicative activities within the
The roles of teachers classroom, as the sources, they are the best
Breen and Candlin cited in Richards and person to refer.
Rodgers (2001) have stated that there are
two main roles of teachers in CLT classroom The roles of learners
activities. First, teachers act as facilitators The roles of learners in CLT are
who facilitate a communication process different from those in the traditional
between learners and various texts and language classroom because the focus of
classroom activities. As facilitators, they these approaches is not the same. CLT
have to set a classroom becomes conducive focuses on the function, whereas traditional
setting for communication where students language classroom that usually applied
are encouraged to communicate mostly with teacher – centered approach emphasizes
their peers or groups. During the activity, forms or grammar. Learners have the role as
teachers monitor their students’ activities negotiators between themselves, the
and then take notes of their errors to be learning process, and the object of learning
worked on the next communicative practice. in CLT (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). This
The second role of teachers is as means that they are as communicators who
independent participant. Different from their are actively engaged in negotiating
students who participate in peers or group, meaning- in trying to make them understood
teachers participate independently in CLT and in understanding others. Nunan (1999)
classroom activities. suggests that learners should negotiate their
Beside of those two main roles, teachers interest with their teacher; what and how
still have other roles which are implied as they want to learn. As a result, in order to

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acquire language skills and knowledge, the teaching or teaching effectiveness may be
students have to become active defined (Braskamp, and Ory; 1994). For
communicators and manage their own instance, Centra (1993:42), defines effective
learning. teaching as “that which produces beneficial
and purposeful student learning through the
Findings and Interpretation use of appropriate procedures”. Braskamp
The Understanding of Teacher in and Ory, (1994:40) include teaching and
Teaching Methodology learning in their definition, defining
To get the information about the effective teaching as the “creation of
understanding of teacher about teaching situations in which appropriate learning
methodology, the writer conducted the occurs; shaping those situations is what
observation to the class and gives the successful teachers have learned to do
questionnaire to the teacher. Based on the effectively”.
questionnaire, the teacher stated that In this study, the teacher uses
Method of teaching is a way used to communicative approach or communicative
help the teacher and also the students
language teaching as a method to teach her
in doing teaching and learning process
easily. students. The teacher believes that
Communicative approach is one of the ways
For the teacher, method of teaching can
to make students more active in class
be used as a tool to accommodate her
because by using this method the students
teaching and learning process, so their
are guided to make communication among
students will be easier in absorbing the
of them. This statement is stated in
material and she as a teacher can easily to
questionnaire, the teacher stated that
deliver the material. The statement also
As we know that the purpose of the
supported by Adamu (2008) who stated that
communicative approach is to make
method as a procedure by which a goal is the students being communicative or
active in doing something in the class.
reached, a purpose accomplished or a result
That is why I use this method, because
achieved. Method can also be defined as a I want to make my students active and
make the class more life.
practical application of teaching principles
based on the nature of learner, the nature of The statement also supported by Brown
the subject and the learning needs of the (2001:43) who stated that students in a
pupils/students. communicative class ultimately have to use
However, there is much debate within language, productively and receptively in
the higher education community on how unrehearsed contexts outside the classroom.

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Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

Classroom tasks must therefore equip learning process because the students are
students with the skills necessary for given an opportunity to give command,
communication in those contexts. Students interact and show their personal answer. In
are therefore encouraged to construct this process, the role of teacher is needed.
meaning through genuine linguistic The teacher should be aware to all of
interaction with other. students, and give equal portion to all of
It means that in communicative them.
language teaching class, the objective of The statement is supported by James
teaching and learning process is the ability (2004) who stated that the function of
of the teacher to facilitate the students to teaching including stimulating, directing,
have communication among of them. So, the guiding and administering: Teaching
students can use or implement their ability involve stimulating the pupils/students to
in the real life because the focus in the learn. The teacher is equally to be directed
learning process is not only mastery some and guided in his study. He has the duty of
vocabulary, grammar or rule but it focus on administering many children in the
language use. This statement is supported by classroom as a teacher. He maintains order
Richards and Rodgers (2001: 166) who and discipline in the classroom to create
illustrate that ‘the emphasis in conducive classroom environment for
communicative language teaching on the effective learning, free from disturbance. So
process of communication rather than to make the students curious in the earlier of
mastery of language forms, leads to different learning process, the teacher should direct
role for learners from those found in more the students to the objective of learning by
traditional second language classrooms’. interpreting that objective to the enjoyable
To facilitate the students in having activity.
communication among of them, the teacher The second step, the teacher asks to her
uses several steps. After opening the class, students about how to solve their own health
greeting and checking the attendance list, problem. This process makes the students
Firstly the teacher tries to do apperception. easier to answer because both the problems
The material at that time is about health and problems solver are based on their own
problem. So, the teacher tries to ask some experience. So, they have their prior
health problems that usually get by them. knowledge and just translate in to English
This kind of activity is really helpful to Language. Then, to reinforce students’
arouse students’ motivation to gather in the knowledge, the teacher asks the students to

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listen the conversation about how to solve problem and the result is there is no students
the problem. Based on that conversation the who have difficulties in making the sentence
students can learn how to create suggestions because the teacher teaches the students in
sentences and also possibility answer to give sequence. So, the students are easily in
that suggestion. absorbing the material. Based on the
The third step, the students are asked to interview session, the teacher have stated
discuss with their friends about kinds of that the use of communicative approach in
problem and the way to solve that problem. teaching English is really beneficial for the
This is the exercise step, because the students except the students are easier to
students are given an opportunity to share learn they also feel happy to learn.
their answers with their friends. The book is I have used that method to teach in this
language center for about 2 years and
also provided some expression to be used in
the result is very good. Some of my
giving suggestions. So the students can use students talked to me that they are
happy with the method that I used to
it when the teacher asks the result of
teach and it’s really different with
discussion. their English class in senior or junior
high school.
The fourth step is the real
communication step, the teacher are divided So after observing the class, the writer
the students into two groups. Then, they are can conclude that the teacher is really
given some problems and they have to ask understand about communicative language
some suggestion to their friends. The teaching method because she conducted her
students are allowed to give any kind of roles as CLT Teacher that is as a facilitator
suggestion based on their own perspective. for her students. Richards and Rodgers
In this step the teacher supervises the (2001) have stated that there are two main
students, so when there is any students who roles of teachers in CLT classroom
have difficulties in using their English. The activities. First, teachers act as facilitators
teacher will help them. The teacher also who facilitate a communication process
checks the result by asking the result one by between learners and various texts and
one to the students. The teacher wants to classroom activities. As facilitators, they
know kinds of suggestion and the use of that have to set a classroom becomes conducive
expression in making suggestion. setting for communication where students
The last step is confirmation. The are encouraged to communicate mostly with
teacher asks to the students about their their peers or groups. During the activity,
difficulties in communication about health teachers monitor their students’ activities

17 Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

and then take notes of their errors to be classroom and other problems relate to
worked on the next communicative practice. teenager’s characteristic.
The second role of teachers is as Teenagers characteristic are really
independent participant. Different from their complicated. They are not children nor are
students who participate in peers or group, they adults. They bring to the classroom and
teachers participate independently in CLT the learning situation a very unique set of
classroom activities. cognitive, emotional, social factors which
In teaching and learning process, the teachers must consider when delivering
writer can see that the teacher showed her content. They learn differently. So, they also
best in teaching her students. Even there are should be trained differently. This statement
some students use Bahasa Indonesia but the is supported by Moskowitz (1978) who
most important think that the students can stated that teenagers are involved in the
respond the questions of the teacher and they construction of their own identity, and, in
try to change the answer by using English fact, the image that teenagers have of
after their friends or the teacher help them to themselves is vital for their whole growth.
use English language. So, by using this They are critical of others, but dislike others’
method, the writer can see the effort of each criticism. Therefore, it is essential for them
student in using English to respond or to learn to adopt others’ perspectives as well,
answer in any situation in learning process so they can assume their point of view and
because the teacher has facilitated them with understand them. The use of language
sequence activity and some expressions that learning activities that include the
can be used to communicate relate to the development of empathetic behavior can
material. affect their sense of belonging to the group
they are in and this will improve the quality
Second Language Acquisition by of their relationships.
Teenagers in CLT Classroom That is why sometimes frustration and
For some teachers, teaching teenagers classroom management issues take
become a very challenging experience. precedence over learning because the
Sometimes it can be a nightmare for them teachers should not be ready to deliver the
because of complexity in teaching teenagers. material but they also have to think about the
Many of teachers that teach teenagers appropriate method, activities, social and
complain about their students’ behavior, emotional conditions of their learners in
lack of interest, participation in the teaching and learning process.

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In this study, there are two major points Teenagers learn language because it is
of learners in acquiring second language. meaningful to them. They learn a language
The first, the students in the class learn not only for marks but because it is
through the situations that support them in meaningful. The statement is supported by
learning language. The compositions of Savignon (1991:263) who stated that
students in the class that only consist of ten communicative language teaching has
to thirteen students per class make them become a term for methods and curricula
enjoyable to study. The teacher also pays that embrace both the goals and the
attention to all students because of the small processes of classroom leaning, for teaching
number of participants in the class. practice that views competence in terms of
Maybe it is because the number of social interaction. So, CLT provides the
students on each class maximum only
learners with the opportunities to experience
20 students but I usually get only 8 to
13 students on each class. So, it makes language through communicative activities.
me more focus on each student.
Communicative activities help to acquire
The support from environment really communicative competence.
influences the learning process, because Based on the observation, the writer can
when the students do not feel comfortable. see that the teacher tries to make
They will be hard to learning something. In communication among of them more
the other hand when the situation in the meaningful. The teacher uses the problems
classroom is really effective to learn. The that commonly happen in teenager situation
students will be easier to learn the language. and give a sample that are also close with the
This statement is supported by Hadfield situation of them. That is why; the use of
(1992: 10) who has observed that a positive CLT in teaching teenager is a right decision
group atmosphere can have a beneficial of the teacher because the students are given
effect on the morale, motivation and self- meaningful activities that can be used in the
image of its members, and thus significantly real life.
affect their learning, by developing in them
a positive attitude to the language being The Advantages and Disadvantages of
learned, to the learning process, and to Communicative Language Teaching in
themselves as learners. Teaching English
The second major point, of learners in CLT is proved as an effective approach
acquiring second language is the interaction in many countries all over the world because
or real communication among of them. it can help learners to communicate

19 Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

competently in the real life situation. So I think it’s really helpful for me to
teach my students.
Although CLT is regarded as an outstanding
approach, the level success of applying this Some additional activities and material
approach is varied in different contexts. are also provided in CLT book. So, teacher
In this study, the teacher stated some can use some variation to make the students
advantages and disadvantages in using CLT become more active to communicate.
in teaching her students. The teacher stated Richard & Rodgers (2001) stated that to
that one of the advantages of CLT is because engage students in communication, teachers
the role of teacher is only as facilitator. can use games, role play, task-based
One of the advantages of this method communication activities which emphasis
is the student being active. This
on peers or group work. Freeman-Larsen
method is designed to make the
student as the center of the class (2000) analyses that game is essential
activity, while the teacher is only the
activity in CLT because there is a purpose to
facilitator. So they are pushed to be
more active and communicative. exchange and, speakers can negotiate
Another advantage is for the teacher.
meaning. They get immediate feedback
As the facilitator, the teacher will be
easier in teaching the subject. from listener whether or not he or she can be
understood or understand others. Therefore,
This condition is really helpful for the
games have the same characteristic with real
teacher, especially because in the course
communicative event.
both material and the step in teaching the
However, except those advantages,
students have been provided in the teacher’s
there are some disadvantages towards the
book. So, the teacher only follows the
use of CLT in teaching and learning process.
instruction in that book, facilitate the
The teacher stated that
students in learning the material, provide an
It’s a reality that in every class
opportunity for students to communicate to
activity, not all the students being
each other and check whether any active. One of the disadvantages of
this method is that it will not work for
difficulties or not in the learning process.
the student who is not active. It’s not
Yes, this book is really good. It easy to make or even push the students
provides sequence activities so it’s not to be active if the student still passive
necessary for me to prepare all of the in studying, then this method can not
material because we are given the be applied.
teacher book. So just read the
instruction here and we can teach the This situation is appropriate with the
students easily. And..ehmm...if you
result of some research from some experts
want to develop the material, this book
also provide some choice to develop it. which stated that the motivation of students

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especially teenager as one of important those are listening, speaking, reading and
factor in learning language. Learning a writing. Howatt (1984) stated that The
language is a process that requires a long Communicative Language Teaching
investment in time, therefore, initiating and stresses the importance of providing
sustaining the motivation to acquire this skill learners with opportunities to use English
is of high importance. In affective point of for communicative purposes and
view, initiating motivation relates to goal attempts to integrate such activities into a
setting, while sustained motivation depends wider program of language teaching. It
on the quality of the language experience. means that one of the uses of CLT
Although many teenagers in foreign method in teaching and learning process
language context may consider that is for communication. It presupposes that
beginning to learn a foreign language is not language always occurs in a social
a goal freely chosen by them, it is possible context, and it should not be divorced
to initiate and even to maintain their from its context when it is being taught.
language learning motivation if they feel 2. The understanding of teacher in
emotionally connected to what they are implementing Communicative language
learning as “emotional reactions influence teaching is good. The teacher can
the attention and effort devoted to learn” facilitate the students well, so the
(Schumann, 1997: 8). students can use some expressions to
communicate with their friends. There
Conclusion are sequences process that make the
Based on the explanation above, the writer students easier to learn language. It
can conclude four major points in this means that the use of CLT can facilitate
research, those are: both teacher and students in teaching and
1. In teaching the students in English learning process. Teaching and learning
course, the teacher uses communicative process are not dominated by the teacher,
language teaching as a method. In because in the learning process the
general, there are two aims of teacher roles only as facilitator of her
communicative language teaching. The students. This statement is also supported
first, the goal of learning language by by Larsen-Freeman (1986) who stated
using CLT method is communicative that the students do most of the speaking,
competence. The second, CLT focus on and frequently the scene of a classroom
the improvement of four language skills, during a communicative exercise is

21 Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Vol.VIII No.3 – Januari 2017

active, with students leaving their seats to also a disadvantage of this method. The
complete a task. Because of the increased participation of the students is really
responsibility to participate, students may important in the implementation of CLT
find they gain confidence in using the in language class. If the students have not
target language in general. Students are motivation in learning language, so the
more responsible managers of their own communicative competence will be
learning. harder to be achieved.
3. In this study there are two important
things that influence second language
acquisition. The first is the environment Suggestion
of language classroom. The students in Communicative Language Teaching is
the class learn through the situations that a powerful theoretical model in ELT. It is
support them in learning language. The recognized by many applied linguists and
compositions of students in the class that teachers as a useful method to language
only consist of ten to thirteen students per teaching. According to Savignon
class make them enjoyable to study and (1991:263), communicative language
make teacher more focus in participations teaching has become a term for methods and
of each learner. The second major point, curricula that embrace both the goals and the
of learners in acquiring second language processes of classroom leaning, for teaching
is the interaction or real communication practice that views competence in terms of
among of them. Teenagers learn social interaction. So, CLT provides the
language because it is meaningful to learners with the opportunities to experience
them. They learn a language not only for language through communicative activities
marks but because it is meaningful. and communicative activities help to acquire
4. One of the advantages of this method is communicative competence.
the student being active. This method is In this study, the writer gives some
designed to make the student as the center suggestions to the other who wants to
of the class activity, while the teacher is develop their abilities in teaching language.
only the facilitator. So they are pushed to The teacher stated that:
be more active and communicative. ehm...I think for the teacher, I mean as
a teacher we should be more creative
Another advantage is for the teacher. As
to teach our students because for our
the facilitator, the teacher will be easier students sometimes English is really
difficult to learn. So we should make
in teaching the subject. However, there is
them fun and enjoy in learning. And I

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think communicative approach is

really good because the students can Chang, S. (2011). A Contrastive Study of
talk to each other, can use the Grammar Translation Method and
language during the leaning process. Communicative Approach in
So, they not only learn grammar or Teaching English
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Universitas WIralodra Indramayu 24

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