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Ia m th e door : by me if any man l

in , h e sha l
en t er
be save d , an d shal l in an d an d fin d pas t ur e
go out ,
E S .




142 To

1 50 WO R T H S TR EE T


o ur o w ndependent of se
n, i impres sio ns and visible
n se

causes N o reference is here m ade to obj ective ap p ari :


tions or other supposed m anifestations of di sembodi e d

S pirits to the physi cal sense s but S pecifically to the ex

hi bitio n of seership p r o phe tic jn sig ht spiritual in sp i

, ,

ration and all those phase s of e xperience which involve

the exercise of the mind s powers a bove the plane and

independent of the fivesenses


N o unbiassed S tudent of history or of our o n t ime

Will di spute the fact of these experiences regard them ,

ho he may Every age and people c haracteriz e d by


seers and prophets N o great religion h


lishe d without them However much o f


lucin atio n superstition and fan ati

, ,

gled in these experiences genuine ,


prophecy and the indep en dent S up


the mind s action have been demonstrated
question .

The significance of these facts has not been

appreciated nor have the nature a n d con di tions of th is

higher and independent sphere of mental action re

c e ive d that attention and practical study which thei r

importance demands The recent formation of a Psy


ch ical Re search S ociety in England and America for


the colle cti on and classification of authent ic inst an ces of

p sychic experience and occul t phenomena for analytical
and practical examination is a step that is destined to

ultimate in the mig htie st in telle ctual upheaval and revo


lutio n our world has known .

L e t the full S i g nificance and bearin g of these e xcep

tio n al experiences once be realized and the law of their ,

development generally understood the idols of supersti ,

tion and the despotic power of ecclesiasticism on the one

hand and the blank negations of a materi al istic agnos
ticis m on the other will be S hattered and dispersed for
ever It is because they hav e not been practically con

s ide r e d and understood that they have been made the

b as is of a superst itious reverence for supposed sup e rn at

ural manifestations and for the priestly assumpt ion of a

divine favoritism on the one hand or that they have ,

be en associated with the study an d practice of magic ,

as perfectly natural and,
leg iti

the higher every ,

impo ssible without this ; an d if all these proces ses are

the manife station Of a di vine activity and purpose in
cr eation and p ro vide nwce t h en Go d in His relations to ,

nature and man is the most abs olutely natural B eing i n


exis tence .

S upernaturalism then in asystem O f universal order

, ,

and relations whether r uled by one supreme in telli


gence or by a uni versal law of equilibrium and har “

f "

S a misnomer at e ve r occurs is in O be di e n c


to la an d in harmony with universal order) but in ‘

syst em O f ris ing g radations and pro gre ssively unfolding


Orders and advancing planes of l ife each plane O f activ ,

ity to be unders to o d must be studied under its o n

, ,

laws .
vfi i I N T ROD U CTORY .

The lower kingdoms and all the activities

ical world and its occult forces have .

making of him a M i crocosm a ,

germof all that the universe co

t he starting point

tion in which the

p owers of his germ inal life but on the high er plan e s Of


his p sychic and spiritual bein g ; albe it their primary

development is in a physical organism .

The super sensuous activities of mind in a portion of


our race but in di cate the latent powers of all ; hence in

these exceptional experienc e s and latent powers are hid
den the most S tupendous p ossibilities of our marvel , ,

lous compl ex and microcosmic nature

, ,

This latent power of inde p endent mental action or ao ,

tion on interior and higher psychic and S piritual planes ,

is as capable of normal development and exercise and is

as legitimate under proper con di tions as is the m ind s ,

action on the plan e and under the limitations of the ,

physical senses .

The higher planes of mental action o p ened in greater ,

or less degree to a fe ,
reveal and demonstrate the
existence of other and finer senses of a p sychic and
S p iritua l character inherent in the nature of man though ,

latent as yet in the masses .


These in n e r s e n s e s then relate man interiorly first to

, , ,

the occult and psych ic side or soul of th ings includ ,

ing the realm of the departed or soul world ; and second -

, .

to the still deeper and inmost the transc endent S phere


of the Impersonal and D ivine the realm of Absolute , .

av oided .

whom it

my be in M
a p a the tic relations whether in the

there is Of necessity the defle ction and limitation of a

p ersonal bias S uch is.the inspiratio n o f all genuine
m edi umshi p t he quality of which depends upon the class

o r gr ade of intelligences with which the me di u may
be in sympathet ic communication an d this depends ,

largely upon the character mental development and ,

moral S t ate

The so ul however that is o pened through its o n

, ,

divine inmos t to the conscious touch or v ibration of and


s ympathetic un ity with the D ivine and Imp ers onal, is

lifted thereby out of and above the S phere of self into ,

the sense of the universal the di vine S phere of imp ersonal


and impartial sympathy and j ustice and is thus enabled ,

to recognize and love the truth and the right for their
own sake indep en dent of all bias of p ersonal considera

tion or preference .

All i nsp iration from the S phere of p ersonalities has ,

we repeat the deflection of p ersonal bias hence inspira


tion dir ectly from the sphere of the D ivine is the only
p ower that can lift man into the impersonal an d p erfect
attitude of truth and righteo usness to ard all q uestion s
and things and give him the real mastery Over them
w .

S piritists and all who su ppose that God m sp ire s men

only thr o hg h the intermediate ministry Of angels and
S p i1 its and that imme diate inspiration from Him i s im

possible make this mi stake the y re co g ni z e an d cul tivate


, ,

onl y the S ixth sense and practically shut themselve s

against the opening and activity of the seventh which ,

alone can l ift them to the mastery freedom an d ill umina

, ,

tion of the perfect life .

Al l who co m e into conscious unity With the D ivine are

lifted thereby into royal fellowship and communion also
with those who dwell and walk in the perfect l ife of unity
w ith God ; but those who seek angelic communion as an
end and confound the Holy S pirit referred to by Jesus
with the influence of S pirits practically put S pirits above

God in the ir thought and desire and S O S hut the sel ves

out from the S phere of D i vine communion and fellow

ship and in their worship of angels and ancestral
S p irits and intermediary gods become idolators
, ,
They .
Go d is to be
acces sp irits o ut o f the b Ody have to Go d, which

i h g y


S i hl ,

od to

messengers and these are angels o f Go d whether in or


the messenger .

many of the earlier prophets Jesus was probably the

first to dr aw the line of discrim ination clearly and m

ake ,

the di stinction positive between the inspirat ion fr om

S p ir its in and through mediumship and the immediate ,

insp iration fr om God .

Jesus unmist ak ably recogni zed the medi umship of

John the Baptist who came in the S pirit and power of

it th is is Eli as which was for
, ,

It had
that the S pirit of Elij ah one of the mightie st of the

Hebrew prophets S hould return to earth i mm e diate ly


e rho o d

and special work for men i n a nd through the medi um


Avatars etc This blen di ng of the p ersonal sp here of


a S pirit with the personal S phere of a man

the will intelligence and personality of the S pirit domi

nating the personal ity intelligence and will of the

, ,

m an as in the me di umship of S pirit control is when

, , ,

p ermanen tly maintained for a lengthened period for a

definite end the only kind of reincarnat ion possible to

a departed spirit This when not in the di vi ne order


an d for some wise pur p ose becomes obsession,

There .

is no doubt a large per cent of insanity caused by this


di sorderly and unfortunate blen di ng of personal spheres .

The better phases of orderly mediumship may still be

beyond the di ss olu ‘

nature which this fact involves ; but in

the n e and higher S piritual life to men

l .

Christ ideal and method there i ll be no ,

perverted as it,
t oo generally is to

of the spiri tuali zation of the


itixe Christiani ty as isO fte n don eby


the spiritual consciousnes s and d evelopment of the

higher psychic p owers under di vine inspiration Will

open the true and safe door o f communion with the de

parted in independent S ee rship in whi ch the S eer does
, ,

not come under the intrusive wills and controlling domi

nance of other personal ities as in the ordi nary phases of

Whi le Jesus recognized the mediumship of John than ,

whom no greater had risen among men he also at the


same time emphasized th is di stincti on between the in

spiration of the Old D ispensation under the di sposi
tion of angels through med iumship and the N e and ,
All hi gh prophecy had p ointed to t he coming of that
which S hould be p erfect the kingd om of h eaven or

the perfect life on earth This the Christ affirmed had

, ,

conf esse d that no greater p ro ph

than John the Baptist he also a ffirmed that

least in the kingdom of Go d is greater th ,

other words he that is o pened to immediate


from God and to conscious communion

, ,

shi p ith Him as Father has entered upon ,

finitely above and beyond the possibilities

intelligenc e .

M aking this S t arting point the inauguration

. -

and higher life of illumination freedom and ach

, ,

for man as the S pecific


The true destiny and highest attainment

any and every man is the unfol di ng an d

of other personalities N o p e rfe ct a ctio n and mas ter y is


possible therefore e ither on the plane of the physical

, ,
senses or on the h igher and psychic plane of the S ixth

sense until the S phere of the D i vine and Impersonal is


opened consc iously to the soul through the quicken ing ,

and act ivity of the seventh or God sense and the entire -

man is thus co o rdinated with his own divine inmost en ,

throned in the activity of its rightfu l supremacy under

the immediate illumination of Go d

Thi s book is not p res ented ho

, wer ev ,
as a sc1 e n tific

t estimony of one who has e xp e n e n ced 1 n som e degree

their reali ty It is an earnest effort from the st and p oint

of a seer to bec ome a help not an oracl e for o the rs and

, ,

to So unfold the la and condit ions through which the

S piritual consciousness is attained and the emancipation

of mind realized in the development and exercise of the


c r di v me 1 n sp 1 r atio n that the truth

p sy hi c p owers unde ,

thereof may be practically and readily t este d by all ho .

desire to know it for themselves . Th is method of

demonstration is practical and within reach of all and

is re al ly the only kin d o f demonstrat ion needed .

If as we c laim man holds these S pecific organic rel a


tion s to the occult and psychic realm or inner S ide of

things and to the still deeper inmost and transcendent
, ,

sphere of the D ivine Impersonal and Absolute then

, ,

the inner senses whi ch S O r elate him to them are an o r

g an ic necessity A S such
. they may and should be awak
ened and t he normal consciousness of these relations

con sciousness of the external world and of his relatio n s

thereto has been established through the activity of the
physical s enses .

These innate powers on which the higher consciousness

must be based have indeed been p artially awak ened in

vas t numbers through the rel igious e fforts of men in .

S eeking after some real ization of God because the high ,


er planes of b eing to which these powers relate man ,

impinge upon his so ul A fe only however have


, ,

reached the clear consciousness of these relations and

attained thereby the fu ll supremacy and realization of
spiritual be ing in the flesh We have in the Christ the

one supreme and perfect example of thi s divine re aliza

tion and so the p erfect type and model for all N ever
, .

thele s s the partially awakened masse s not understan di ng


their o n condition nor recognizing or appreciating their


higher possibilities have been held in darkness by the


m isleadi ng interpretations of equally blind leaders It .

i s hoped that the following pages will bring to such a
ne light an d courage and open the door of spiritual
emancipation and del iverance to many .

In passing we would simply call attention to the occult


and innate power of the S ixth sense c alled Psychometry

, ,

as the basis of intuition and of all the higher psychic

sion s which so man y have independent of and often in

ns tin ct is to the an imal .

e try, a s t hename i
is the soul mea sur

the psychic power o f e nterin g into mental

and sympathy with the 1 n n er life of men and
and p erce1 v1 n g a ccurately the ir essential char
acter con di t i ons and history indep endent of all extern al
, , ,

Sources of information In its fuller

. sweep of action the
mind is enabl ed to penetrate With unclouded vision and
un erring intuition the Secret processes of nature and life ,

and thus solv e in a flash of o mni scl e n t light the most

occul t and abstruse questions At tim e s als o the
, ,

vis ion is opened the womb of the future nu

, ‘

seal ed and dramas of coming events near or far are nu

, , ,

rolle d to the prescience of the seer Another phase of .

its higher activities is intromission into the spiritual

world in which the soul is enabled to min g le in beav

e n ly societies and witn ess celesti al scenes of be atific


blessedness which no language or symbols of earth can


p ortr ay These high powers and others


awaiting de velopment in every h

opening of the inner senses and spiritual

and are p ossible to all who tru ly desire it .

The constitution of man is essenti al ly the

world over N o one soul possesses powers



which therefore ; may not be cultivated an d ex e rcis e d to


the ends for which it was g iven The L ord Christ as

sured his followers that in his illumination and e x p e ri

ence he but exempl ified the innate p o ssibilities of all
and promised all who should believe his word an d follow
his inst ruction that they S ho uld have a lik e illumination

and do the works he di d and even greater


In spiration seership prophecy etc are n o t e re
, , ,
, ,_

peat the exclusive gifts or pri vilege of any favored class ;


nat ional ity or t ime but are the inherent birthright of all
, ,

men Accepted example s of these h igh gifts have ex


iste d among al l p eople and constitute the illuminati of


our common humanity revealing the possibilities S lum


bering potentially in all .

Among the illuminati hav e been souls of e xcep tional
genius inspiration and p o er ho hav e exerted an m
, , , e

calculable influence for good in l ifting up loftier ide al s -

and q uick e n in g the nobler aspirations of the race .

Prophets in ev ery age have had unmistakable fore

gleams of a v astly h igher and grander l ife for m a n on .

earth and in one accord have pro claimed with the au


tho rity of a divine presc ience a com ing t ime of un iver ,

sal enlightenment freedom peace and blessedness to be

, , ,
his O w ,m d
n e x p e r 1 e n ce
a e h im the
C hrist or D ivinely
An oi nted L eader of hi s race We do not necessarily ig

nore no r depreciate the insp ir atio h and service of Bud:

the still more ancient nor:

r e co g n l zl n g l n Jesus the D i vin e Gal

a perfection of illum ination and spiritual power

overshadows them all .

of t rue sp iritual realization and practical attain

d of and sought for by them was c ertainly
fulness by him All o f occult ins i ght and

g ht for by alchemist and mag i cian were

o ss e s s e d by him as a result of his spiritual

and attainment .


The Ap ostles an d their imm ediate fo llo ers also to a


large degree entered into this secret of the M aster and

realized its p ower as manifest in the triumphs and mar

v els of the Apostolic church

In the rise of ecclesiasticism however which followed

, ,

that age this secret of the Christ was lost to the Church

which no longer remained the cu sto di an of its po er .

When the Church ignored a l iving universal and per , ,

p e tu al inspirat i on and
set up in its stead the interpret
ing ministry of an autho ritatl v e p rl e stho o d the light and ,

gifts of the S pirit went out upon her alt ars ; the priest
took the place of the prophet and priest and people ,

alike sank into theblindness and darkness of a sensuous

and idelatrOus worship


There have been nevertheless a small m1 n o r1 ty of 1 n

dependent souls scattered through the centuries both m
w “

and out of the Ch urch ho turning from ecclesiastical

, ,

authority and traditional dogmas to the original gospel

Of the Christ caught its secret and m their consecrated

and insp ired lives bore witness to its power The .

Church as a bulwark o f tradi tional dogmas and the
s up e r stl tio n s of darker ages has had its day The

general reaction which has n o set in against the

fictit ious authority of tradition is destined to spread an d ,

in its destructive path to S hatter the hoary idols and

strongholds of antiquated error and clear the ay for the w [

incoming light and better life of a n e day and S pi ritual w

era for mankind This reac tion is not based so m u ch

upon a materialisti c agnost ic ism as upon the upspring

ing sp ir itual instincts and asp irat ions of men wh ich find

no satisfying food in the common Church teaching !

Amo g the m ny vo ces lif t d to p roclaim the

n a 1 e up

ed t o his w
follo ers .

011 are inherent in

di tio ns of c ivil ized life . We k now from p ersonal e xp e ri


We are morally certain that the Apostolic attainment


e S imple a n d direct faith an d


ay,by a return to th .

method of the Christ so faithfull y acted upon by his


The Chr ist told men they were children of God and ,

through loyalty to that divine relationship they should

become p erfect as their heavenly Father was perfect
The S p irit “ .

w w
The great Apostle to the Gent iles said ,

beareth i tness ith our spirit that we are ch il dr en of


God ; and if ch ildren then h eirs ; heirsof God and j oint


Teach men that they h ave no capacity for Spiritual

S p iration and the realization of the p e rfe

and they will put forth

This ha s been the pract ical teaching
about se venteen centuries Assure

hand that the D e ifi c attributes of the


operation with the Father s S p irit and they may be


aroused to the proper effort for its realizati on


Th is was the S imple but sublime gospel of the Christ

and to day as when first announced it is the powe r
, ,
of God unto salvat ion to every one that believeth


s alva tien it prom ises is the attainment and security of a

l ife abov e the powe r of contagion and d is ease as abov e ,

t he power of temptat ion and S in A l ife guided by the


h igher wisdom of an unerring intuition an d g o ve rn e d by

the insp iration of an impartial and all embracing love and

- 1

sympathy It is the realiz ation of the perfect life of at


son of God in oneness with the Father s S pirit But ’


when S hall men commence the spec ific e ffort for its
immediate possession ? S hall it be in th i s g en erat ion ,

here to d a y or some future age

, , When will the time be
more favorable than now
If it were a matter of intellectual development and
general progress only there m ight be some reason for

postpon ing the millennium to some future t ime ; but it

i s not There is already sufficient intellectual develop

ment and progress l n general These are to be supple :


me n te d and the des ired change and transformation e ffecte d

by the specific application of a higher law and principle .
and higher o rder and cycl e o f e volutio n and progress



which in the order of an ell i se and ben e fice n t Provi


k in n m of God as at hand or within reach of human


mount of vision to behold the nearness of the kingdom ,

inspire them with boldness and courage to enter in

p ossess its tr easure s is the
prayer of

N EW Yong j anuary
1 89 1 .


I m the
a door : by me if any man enter in he sh all be saved nd shall g .

, , a o

in nd ut an d fin d p t u
I m th g od h ph d nd kn my he p nd m k now w
a o ,
as re .

m y v ice n d I kn ow
n o f min

n d t he y f ll w
a e o s e er , a o s e ,
a a e .

My h p h s ee e ar t h em o , m a ,
a o o e

A n d I giv un to t he m e te n l lif ; n d t h y sh ll n v
e pe i h n it h r
r a e a e a e er r s e e

s ha ll an y m an pl u k t h m o u t

f my h n d
c e o a .

I m m t h t th y might h ve l ife nd t ha t t h y mig ht h ve it m

a co e a e a
a e a o re

A nd h e h eep I h v
ot r s hi h n ot a e, w
f th i f ld : th em l o I mu tc are o s o a s s

b ing n d t hey h ll h my v i ; an d th e hall b on fold nd n

r ,
a s a e ar o ce er s e e a o e

s h ph

I am th li ght of the w he t ha t f ll o et h m sh ll n o t w w
e er .

e o ld r .alk m d k o e a ar

but h all h v t h light of lif

th w
nes s, s a e e e .

V ily v ily I
er y
u n ter
o yo u ,
H t h t b
sae l i v th n m o k th t I
e a e e o e, e r s a

d o h ll h do l
s a n d gre ter t han these Shal l he d
e a so a because I go unt th
a o o e


a . .
lif e power intelligence
, , an d goo dn ess men have ever

The p ur est and ost exalted co n cep tl o n of the nature

a n d character of God e ver reache d by the mind of man

! a s formulat ed by Jesus when he said ; God is S p irit ;

and they that worship him [recogniz e love and a dore!
must worsh ip in S p irit and truth : for the Father seeketh
s uch to worship him


In this con ception

recognized not onl y as the animating prin
versal life force of nature but as Absolute

goodness p ower and provi dence ; our Father in


ven whose

affection of all men as His children “ .

Theoreticall y Theosophy is God knowledge or W1 se


in the thi ngs of God Practically defined Theosophy i s


the understanding which men have of God in His rel a

“ “
tion to nature and man and of man in h is relation to

God and to nature .

This understanding may be enlightened and perfe ct ,

o r confus ed and imperfect In either case it will exert


a corre spon di ng influence upon the personal life and

c haracter and constitute the real basis of the individual

faith and effort .

When p erfect it gives that practical wisdom which


ables its possessor to S O adj ust hi mself to these r elations

that he S hall live the true integral life and thus no r

mally unfold an d increase 1 11 1 sdo m and power until

he attain the p erfect state of S p 1 ritual freedom illumi ,

nation and bless edn ess .

The perfect adjustment of man to al l his relat ions is

possible therefore onl y through the recognit ion of and
, ,

conform ity with the central co o rdi nating law of his be

ing which secures its integral harmony and per fection

That co o rdinating la is the la of his moral and spirit

ual relation to God as the child of His love and provi
d eu ce the supreme la of his mo ral nature and spiritual

s onal relations with men with N ature and his envi ron

order and government —

the kingdom of

the forces of life and Of death making h im practically

S uch is the sublime possibility of an through per m
sonal uni ty in S p irit and purpose with GOd in all the re

latio n s of life and being Unity o f man in th ought and

will with the D ivine S pirit brings consciousnes s of God s


unity with man m his personal activities and a chieve

Perfect conformity with the la of univers al harmony ,

an d s o with the di vi ne supremacy of being mak es man

w w

o n e with the la and the la with him in that suprem

w w

acy He thus becomes the la incarnate and S o a la


unto hi mself This gives him the fre edom of the un i


verse ; since the S pontaneous activities of his being are

henceforth one with the di vine supremacy in the uni
6 T H E OP E N D O OR;

external sources of inform ation :

embraces the im mediate perception
cesse s O f nature and life in any spe

the attention is directe d .

For there
that shall not be revealed ; neither
known .

This gives c orresponding ability t
di rect the occult forces to the full extent
knowledge thus ac q uired of their nature
, ,

action .

f A S a l ready intimated ,there a re de grees

in this esoteric insight and wisdom and ac ,

degree reached by each soul and co rr e sp o n

ment of its activities to the di vin e law will
p l e t e n e s s of res ul ts in personal experience .

The search for esoteric knowledge and wis

supreme desire for spiritual realization or ,

God and man in the harmony and suprem

has gi ven to Theosophy the name al so of The
Rel igion .

C hristian Theosophy Diflerentiatcd


u nderstan di ng of the nature of God and man


the la of di vine attainment and realiz ati

reached and practically demonstrated in

p e ri e n ce —
ih the
correlation with other principles equally essential , would
necessarily be misleadin g and give rise t o misguided

lumination only can give the unbi assed per

ro un de d truth in its correlated har
power and this we claim a s first

and demonstrat ed in personal experience by

e Christ.

essential principle involved in the conceptions

experiences of those who had preceded
embraced and held in its true relations in
concept an d perfect Theosophy .
the C hrist ,
or God Anointed .

came therefore n o t to destroy o r sup

, ,

the prophets but to bring their

, ,

of mankin d H avm g done this for him


s e n tative man , he had demonst rat e d its

all his race .

Having both by precept and example


demonstrated the perfect way of attainm

complet e d the victorious life of spiritual

and break its power over the thought and life of man .

Wresting his body fr om the grasp of

from the tomb he opened a pathway to t
of light and blessedness without death thr , ,

ous translation .

High prophecy d eclares that the last

S h al l be destroy ed is death For .

' '
ble must put on incorruption an d th ,

on immortality S o when this 0


put on incorruption and this mortal shall


immortality then S hall come to pass the s


written D eath is swallowed up in victory
, .

The L ord Christ on putting the la S

feet ascended to his throne of power
spiritual heavens where he hen cefo

the help of his divine sympathy and

on earth or in the
f z

feet life the sp irits of j ust men made perfect Q—


tr yc omes to earth in His name S imply and justly

because he was the first and as yet the only complete
, ,

receive d the h elp and r ealized the power


mini stry led by the ascended and glo

es their interest On e with his and his o n e ,

ever bee n fully u nderstood and ap preciated s1 n ce Ap os _

tolic times or not it has never failed those who wheth er

, ,

blin dl y or intelli gently ha ve opene d themselves to it

, .

From out the luminous de pths Of the S piritual S phere

that encircles the indestructible soul life of hum anity,-

the M aster speaks to the he ar ts o f men saying Behold


, , ,

I stand at the door and knock ; if any man hear my voice

and open the do or I will c ome in to him and will sup

wi th him and he ith me



In th is utterance he speaks not for himself alone but ,

for the mighty Brotherhood of S pirit of which he is the

living h e ad and l uminous centre He speaks also for.

that ideal lif e on earth once realized by him which

, , ,

through the faithful following of the great Captain ,

awaits the coronation of universal humanity .

W hen this living perpetual ministry of the Christ e -


with its kin dl y help to n e

immediate and e ffectiv e U h
bring the Pentecostal bapti sm

w w
experienc e .

Kno ledge hich


not onl y does not save but destroys


We kn o an d wp
th e righ it too ;
e ap rove

We k n o th e r o n g an d y e t th e ron g pu rsu e.

If y e continue in mywords Said the Christ


, ,

S hall ye be my di sciples indeed ; and ye

t r uth an d t he truth S hall make you fre e .

whi ch saves and brings to perfection i

knowledge of God and of His Christ .

Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent .

To know and understand God as Jesus knew and un q

de rsto o d Him is to experimentally know Him a s o ur

, .

Father in h eaven through lovi ng loyalty to and com 3


munion with His S pirit It is to know Him by the it


ness of the S pirit His S pirit witnessing with ou r

spirit that e are children of God and if children then , ,

heirs ; heirs of God and j oint heirs with C hrist -

To know Jesus as the Christ or sent of GOd is to kno

him as the typical or model man the di vinely approved ,

or representative S o n of God and Brother of men by ,

rising into fellowship with him in the personal realiza

tion of the p erfect life of divine S on ship and Brother
hood .
Jesus as the Christ cl aim ed nothing for himself th at

for all men he base d upon


sis Of his teaching . Verily verily I say unto y Ou ; he


t hat be lieveth on me the works that I do shall he do also


_and g re at a than th ese shall he do ; b e cause I go unto the

Certitude of the Divine Possibility —T e

first ques
s a think ing mind on the presentation of
ise is Is this ideal life of
, .

S piritual perfection and power represented in the story

of the Christ and by him promise d to all his faithful fol

ive dream of romance or is ,

I the story of the Christ in its,
essent ial features is ,

an historic verity then cert ainly the divine attainment

12 TH E O P EN D 00R .
. .

by many its p ossibility is


all .

the truth or falsity of the gosp ‘

balance of evidence is on the side of its

if true the Christ himself has l eft us the

de onstration in p erson al experienc e v1 z : , .

following of his exampl e and instruction .

tles substantiated t heir testimony of the tran

life of their resurrect ed and ascended L ord .

Thls evidence is equally available t o us an d ,

the only p ossible evidence of practical value an d
demonstration to o ur age It is indeed the .
, ,

str atio n for which the age is waiting .

The Chr istian Church sin ce Apostoli


in any marked de g re e g iven this k ind of

world be cau se a s we shall show it has has 11
, ,

not to day make this claim and promise the basis of


faith and e ffort .

S peculati v e opinions and metaphysical re aso n m g s as

i ,

such are not demonstrations ; and have but little power a


over the life .

The Christ resorted to no metaphysic

S peculati v e methods to co n v mce his

truth of his teaching ; he deman ded no

ance of his word as auth
to test the truth of his
the principl e s and
TH EO S O P Hr/ 13 ;


them that they would th i s find its demon stration .

onal e xperien ce .

s pake it is true as one having authority and



wer I t was however the au


, ,

tho ri ty of insight and experience and the power of truth ,

exemplified as he stood before them the living illustra


tion of the gospel he was preach in g .

The true followers of Christ in every ag e S peaking ,


and acting in hi s name and power mu st and will pres ent , ,

the same l iving demonstrat ion for the ir t ime as di d the ,

p eat,
the pract i cal demonstration for wh ich the world is

The actu al Christ and l ife and itsfinal real

Apostol i c ,

izatio n l n univ ersal experi ence but fulfil s the noblest

asp irations of humanity as expressed l n the fOre g le ams


and prophetic visions of its illumi nat ed seers and

prophets since human history began .

Assum ing then the hi storic verity of the Christ life

, , ,

and the trustworthiness of his teaching we have a ,

practical basis for their demonst ration 1 n personal ex

p e ri e n
. ce S urely on so reasonable a bas i s it is worth ,

the while o f every one to seri ously examine and t e st the

truth of th i s high claim and promise for himself .

B asi s Of the C l aim and Pr omi se — Under the Chri st

te achi ng every man is recogn ized as a son of God and , ,

therefore of necessity stands on an equal ity of privilege

and opport uni ty before God wi th Jesus h imself .

Jesus having first attained the perfect l ife of p e r se n al

adjustment with the divine order and government and ,

thus demonstrated the law of thi s adj ustment the law of

1 TH E O P E N D OO R .

he assures us that the same God approved

de r stan di n g ,
and illuminated life 1 s open toall an d att ainable by all .

To what else indeed could the C hri st le ad others but

, ,

if a child of God as rec ogn ized by the

with him sent forth of the Father to do
work and achieve a destiny worthy of hi
age and heredity .

It will be hard for the mind bi assed

all men in privilege and p ossibility with Jesus as the


Christ It 1 s nevertheless the claim of theL ord Christ

, ,

himself .

Wh en he says to his followers Ye th ,

and therefore they necessarily inherit this possibility

as a divine here di ty


This demand for the perfection of their be m g as sons of

God covers all that was possible to him even as the ,

S o n of God in which he was and could be except ional

only in be ing the model man and p erfe c t type o f divine

sonsh ip .

AS a divinely anointed teacher he certainly would not ,

demand Of his followers anyth ing beyond their power of

attainment That he claimed no relation with God as

H is S o n di ffering in any sense save in degree of reali


za tio n —
from that hel d by or p ossible to all men is evi ,
your Go d N othing could be more explicit ,
S pecific ,

his departure .

Maste r,even the Christ ; an d all ye are bre thre n


The leadership of Je sus rests wholly upon the fact that

' '

he was the firs t of our race t o ente r into the full and per
fect l ife in the real ization of c o n sc1 o u s un l o n with God m

the flesh All others therefore ho rea ch this state are

, ,

necessarily his followers .

By follo ing him however others may through this

, , ,

a tta i ment go forward to some higher achievement tha n

n ,

was reached by him on earth as he himself promised , .

Verily verily I say unto you He th at believeth on me


, , , ,

the works that I do S hall he do also ; and greater than


these S hall he do because I go unto the Father ”

, .

The Key to this Attain ent —

The astonished count ry
men of Jesus on witnessing his marvellous power and ih

si ght questioned among themselves , saying Whence

, ,

ha th th is man this isdom and these mighty works ? ”

16 TH E O P E N D O OR

Is not this the carp enter s S on ? IS not his mother

c al led M ary ? and his brethren James and Joseph and

, ,

S imon and
Judas ? An d h1 s S isters are they not all

with us Q Wh ence then hath

Je sus ,in answer to thei
M y doctrine is not mine ,

man willeth to dohis will he shall“ know 0


whether it be of God or whe ther I speak

I can of mine own self do nothing ; as I

will but the will of the Father which


In th ese words the L ord Christ di sclosed

his at tainment and the immediate source

dent experience .

the time ? why has it not been s m e e ? and why is it not

are so blinded by the bias of traditional impressions ,

preconceived opinions and fixed habits of thinking t hat

, ,

new conceptions involving an ent ire change of ideals and

methods make but S l ight impress ion upon them an d ,

thus are misapprehended and often grossly misinter

p re t e d .

For this reason the long habit of the Christian world

regar di ng Jesus as in some way a sup ern atural be ’
1 75
he t oo k on as exc eptional
ere fo r e im poss ible of reali z ati on by any m ere
though fal se to fact and to the cla1 m of the
for h imself stands in the way of realizing the

mighty import of these as suring words of Jesus even by ,

those who accept him as supreme authority .

O n the other hand the material ist ic and agnostic bias


, ~

of those who do not in any sense regard him as super

leads e ither to the rej ection of the so called mira -

or accepting,
modified form the exceptional character of

works attribute these to s ome special


p ossibly abnormal condition and thus not ,

a norm al standard of attainm ent for all

ern philosophy while accepting the probable trut h of


the Christ lif e, believe him to have been a reincarnated

who had reached his marvellous attainment
the experiences and disciplm e of many previou s
plan etary incarnations and therefore no stand
, , ,

the possible imme di ate realization of others who

o t passed through S im ilar p r o existent e xp e ri

S till again the modern spiritists believing all ih

, ,

sp irat ion to come from departed S p irits account for his


except ional character and works on the basis of medium

ship and bel ieve him to have been a mere instrument in

the hands of a class of spirits of perhaps an exception

all y h igh order O f intell igence and power .

With these or any other sufficient bias it is easy to see

, ,

8 T H E OP E N s een .

stupendous results in their p ro ml se S hould be misap ,

prehended and fail to fully arre st the attention and en a

will observe that n o t one of the po sitio ns

fi e d is borne out by the gospel
c laim of the C hrist fOr himself who ,

be the best j udge of the nature and

mannerp ossible heattributes his re mark ahle e n


di rect ,

lig hten m en t and power di rectly to his person al r e co g n i

life of the Father 1h his soul . In t he same S implic t

that the same in dwelling life of God

all men awaited only personal rec ognition
tion to effect a like result and experience in all
, Be .

lievest th ou not he said to the doubting Tho mas arid



so to all doubting Thomases Believest ,

am in the Father and the Father in me


I say unto you I S peak not from myself

that dwelleth in me doeth his works B .

am in the Father and the Fat

me for the very works sake .

you He that believeth on me

, ,

he do also and greater than these S hall he

I go unto the Father The psalm ist in insp

had seen this possibility when he wrote :

is the fountain of life and in thy l ight

light Jesus had re al
of se lf and the limitations of the sense con s ciousness ,

the spiritual cons ciousness the consciousness of his life

The l imitations of the external in dividuality an d sense


oneness however donot apply to thei nner S pirit

, ,

neces sarily partakes of the 1 mp e rso n al
of the Father Hence the laying do n

ou t of an d above the lim itations of the

es s which r elate only to the external

the impers onal plane of the spiritual

on O f the p e r
consciousness of being It .

bias of the external sense

go of t he cl inging sense
itatio n s which is the S p irit

20 TH E O P EN D O O R .


ature with
the Fath er and seeking as his loyal
embo di ment of His S pirit of 1 mp erso n al ‘

impartial an d;

It is indeed the transformation of the self seeking i

, ,

vi du ality into an im

that is a personality that has risen


sonal considerations predilections , ,

preferences into the S pirit of imparti al


j ustice toward all .

It is entering into the spiritual suprem acy of b eing ,
hich is the p ersonal consciousness of impersonal being ,

that is, the consciousness o f p artak l n g of the essen t ial

nature of the impersonal indestructible and divm e qual

ity of the Father .

The P ractical Ex pl anati on This is not after all so .

, ,

di fficult of apprehension if we th ink of the one universal

life as the Efflu e n ce of God who 1 s pure S p iritual Being
and that all l iving things and beings are partakers of
, ,

this l ife and exi st only by virtue of it

, .

Al l that we know of life p er se is a s it is man ifest in

, ,

organism and function In this manifestation its com


p le t e supremacy over the mater i al elements 1 s exhibited

from the v ery first recognized motions of its activity .

Th is is seen in the imme di ate transformation

crude elements of the inorganic world into the
substance of a vegetable organism and agam l n ,

transmutation of one form of organ ic substance and

sue into another in the building up repair and heal
, , ,

of the living organisms of animals and men .

of stri ctly material el ements and con

then life as a manifest transcendent energy is

0 ‘

attribute of matter does not originate,

ions and is not the product of organ


itself the organizing power in which its tran

over matter and therefore indep endence of

essential l ife , we have no better name than S p irit ,


God as original essent ial,and absol ute Being e ih

, ,
0 be infinite in intell igence an d good

and love and the most inspired and ,

earth hav e claim ed and found in the

and Goo dn ess the eternal Fatherhood
rits .

L ife then as a S p iritual energy manifest in organ ism

, ,

and funct ion is the expression or revelation not only of

a transcendent overr uling Intell igence ,Goodness and

Providence but an indwelling Presence and Power an
, ,

immanent D eity immanent in the omnipresent energy


of His being .

This un iversal Life or Effluen ce of God under the im ,

p ulse of the infi nite love ever seeking thr ough the living
22 TH E OP E N

the Father becomes specialize


acteris tics and specific functions of each l iving organism ,

to the complex organism of man in ,which the D eific , at


tributes b ecome at length focali zed

This energy of D e ific life as some p ,

re ss e d

S leep s in the mineral breathes ,

dr eams in the ani mal and comes to ,


man .

M an is the fir st embodied form of life

He is therefore the first being in the Order

e xp re s s1 o n .
, ,

of evolution capable of thinking of and se ek 1 n g after - ~

spiri tual nature and di vine sonship .

p eat specialized germs of the D e ific attributes depo site d
, ,

man becomes an embo di ed reproduction in mmi ature of , ,

self a god in embryo .

A s such man is endowed and the O nly b ,

planet thus endowed with the free powers


ness and volition which qualify him for rec


mentally co o perating with the indwelling

ing life of the Father in his own being i ,

of both soul and body This involves .

power to mentally interfere and disturb

are in the Father an d the Father in us then we shall

the supreme fact that the anim ating life of


n ot dependent up
but is itself the in

The divine ideal and provision for man in both s

and body are of n e ce sSity: absolutely p erfect They
in human experience ho vvever onl y by the cOl

, ,

of man himself in the exercise of his own free


life and power in us is the indwelling
its perfect la is equal to a n d

experience the di vinest results ,

ur own co operation

tion of and faith in its possibilities


perfection in us will certainly be


co o perated with to this end .

with it onl y by recogn izing its

e rfe ctio n in the functions of our

24 1! TH E O P E .

in it to outwork and effect the desi red p erfect re

possible unto you Al l thin g s are possible to.

that believeth .

M an must and sooner or later will

, ,

life in God by first recognizing that


and phases is of spiritual not o f

origin and therefore that its sup

from ithin f His emancip ation and del

the weakness and bondage of flesh and

e ffe cted by no other means

w w

S o long as e cling in the spirit of self ill


sense consciousness of external dependence and


p j é i cal lim itations under that c o n s c1 o u sn e s s , we
fere with the divin e inworking by our distrust and
and thus hold it to the limitations we ourselves set
It is indeed through our di strust
, ,

physical sense of limitation , that we fal


and become the subj ects where we may ,

masters of the external con di tions and

vicissitudes of the outward world to hich we

through the S elf seeking spirit of the sense cons
- -

ness H o true indeed are the M aster s words



soever shall seek to save his life

soever S hall lose his life S hall preserve it .

The functions of life ordained

build up an organi sm that S hall perfectly

give expression to and answer the demands ,

of which it is the embo di ment and organic

of S ervice S econd to keep that organism
pose for whi ch t he y were ordained of GOd and secur e ,

the Father Of men ;

respecte r of persons is to be thought

mp er so n al and impartial in His atti

an d th e entire creation a s the obj ect s

providence Hence m an to be

e ct in chara cter and life as the

also become imp ersonal an d im

part ial in Hi s attitude toward men and things and so at ,

one with the Father in all the relations of life an d be in g .

Thi s is poss ible only as he rises out of the sense con -

scio usn e s s and the self seeking S pirit and l imitations of


the external man into t he sp iritual consciousness of life


in God an d unity with His S pirit of universal love sym ,


y ou ,
and pers ecute yo u ; that ye
your Father which is in heaven :
to rise on the evil a n d on the good an d ,

the just and on the unj us t He is .

as your heavenl y Father is p erfect .

When therefore Jesus said : Believe me

, ,

in the Father and [ the Father in me : or els e

for the very works sake he simply m

’ ”

c allyxs aid that he

a s dwelling an d acting

spiritual consciousness ;
God and of God in him He

him S O that the words he spake and


were not from his own wisdom and p

him to which the imperson al character of th ese words


and works bore testimony .

D welling on and acting from the h igh and imp e r so


plane of the spiritual consciousness in wh ich as an , ,

bodied S piritual be ing and son of God h

the Father was realized all his external

mind and body were execu ted under the

tion of the S piritual life He was in th

power of the S pirit was in all his words

In those e xplic it words therefore to , ,
ter as they stan d intheir simplicity and u nadorned set

ting in the broken but evidentlyhonest record of the

Ev an gelists .

In doing so what do we fin d 2 S imply the marvel of a
young unl ettered mechan ic the son of a p easant car
, ,

p e n t e r of N azareth ,
working w ith his father at hi s trade
until of age with no h int of access to unusual sources of
occult lore and training as some have suggested and with
, ,

no advan tage above his brethren and neighbors Of that

obscur e province yet com ing at once into such marvellous

tr ans ce n de n cy o f wisdom and occul t power that a ll who

had known him from childhood were astonished and
never learned ? ” “n
I S ot this t he c arp ent er i

l An dhis
brethren are ,
en hath ,

this man this wisdom and the 1

‘ ”
L et

training and home influen ce of the

the teaching of the syn ag ogue ,

faithful followi ng of his own intuitions the transcendent ,

l ife of Spiritual supremacy illum

ination an d occult
, ,

p ower recorded of him ; that he thus becam e pract i call y

m and ; that on occasions the substance of a fe loaves u

and fishes m ul tiplied under his han ds to feed a fainting
multitude ; that by his word or touch of livi ng power

the lepers were i mme di ately c leansed the mam acs re ,

stored to reas on and friends all manner of sickness and


di sease instantaneously healed the sleeping dead calle d l


b ack to life and finally yielding his own physi c al life to

, ,

the S le e p o f death and restoring it again translated his

, ,

bo dy by a triumphant process Of spiritualizatio n to t he


celestial world with ,

Ye t higher and diviner than all these

, ,

these depended was the attainment o


eur of S pirit recorded of him which h , ,

resistantly to the murderous hate of his

in the very hour of crucifixion pray for
Father forgive them for they know no
, ,
iracul o u s
conception N o reference 1 s


this by either M ark or John to whom thefirst ,

gospel narratives are credited, and who if such


as h e ld and believed by them ,and conside r ed

the story of the Christ woul d certainly not ,

out of their record That claim therefore


, ,

out by us with other ap o cryph al matter as

, ,

o the picture pre served to us of the Christ

some S pecial pre na ta l condi ti on s conspired to

excepti o nal sp iri tual g en l us a natu; -

, _

Inven ti on S tate smanship Gene ralshi p etc have b een

, , , .

made the same way This with the spiritual vis1 ons


and dreams recorded of the mother of Jesus m ight ,

real basis of the legend of the mi raculous

co p ied into the story of M atthew and

the wonderful things to which all the

in testifying were in their essent ial
, ,

experience in the life death re surr e c , ,

t ion and translation of Jesus the unlettered carpenter of

Judea then as he assures us a like experience is possible
, , ,

to all men thr ough the faithful intell igent following of


his example an d instr uction His example as the Christ


po ints and leads the entire humanity to wh ich he be

longs up to a like achievement otherwise he is not the

Christ or divinely anointed le ader of his race .

3 0

he Chri st should , ,

ful words . The Words th a

t I speak unt o you they ,
ar e

from the spirit and in the l ife,

them the weight of a divine

that I say unto you I speak -

then shall ye be my di sciples indeed and , y e

sha ll kno

If, then,
those utterances of the Lord

t ially e q u eathe d to us in whi ch he spe

key to or s ecret of his

true spiritual insight fully derstood

un .

The Specific Application Fir st he gives the attitude


of mi nd and will nec essary for di vine insp


shall kn ow of the teaching .

The p ersonal will is the expression of the dom inant

desire When therefore this is to kn ow and do the will
, ,

of God that is to fulfil the di vine purp ose in the func

, ,

tions and activi ties of our being rather than indulg e the ,

ple asures of sense or fill out the ambitions of the s elfish .

l ife the p ersonal will becomes one with the Father s



and the soul is thereby opened to the imme di ate inspira


3 1K
. e

to Jesus as he assures u s the full

, ,

to his s oul M y meat it is to do the


n t me and to fin ish his work .


ece ssary to the e x e r

p erception of truth

any legitimate matter to which the attention
and through hich the S piritual understand

be revealed ; neither hid that sh all not be kn own.

w w
rul e he observed : Of ml n e o n se lf I

own ill but the ill of


because I seek ll

Father whi ch hath sent me ”

This means the entire

for the time of the external judgment based

ous impressions and the appearance of things .

we put in the ba ckground all p ersonal

thi ngs i n any g 1 ven my or as we would
ice which re
r pers onal
t hat we interpret all sensuous
by this inner spiritual sense of
ase our final j udgment upon its testi mony ,

of any an d every personal considerat ion

and which secure divine inspirat ion and the un


exercise of intuition or the p sychometric power ;

eons judgment .

etc .

He would have nothing but the t ruth fo r the

whatever sacrifice these mi ght bring to pers onal pride ,

desire or convenience ,

things necessarily brings the soul


and opens it to His imme di ate insp

ment Intuition then becomes pure spiritual

ment in which the wisdom of God is un mi


revealed .

n ot be realized at once but assuming and maintaini n g


this attitude and o bserv1 n g these conditions at every


e ffort will in due time bring them ; they are the onl y

mental attitude and conditions that will sec ure them

with certainty and perfect ion .

Necessary Pr ecaution s While the insp

intuitive powers are being cultivated and

this method care should be taken against

imaginati v e fancy for intuition and until the


in the way has learned to make the discrimin

supposed intu ition s should be ful e
resumptive high e r autho
iritu al di sc ernm ent the cle a
, r an d
of intuition shoul d be developed ,

reliability established by experimental veri

and complete fam iliarity with its work ing at

thi s is done its exercis e and practice for devel

an d trai ning should be regarded in the sam e

ig ht of any corre sp onding exercises an d

for proficiency Without this there will be

less danger of self dec eption and fanaticism


reason also associ at ive e ffo rt and the help of

tied som

e degree of p roficiency ar e
ce M uch valuable time and many

p erplexing e xperiences may th u s be saved .

general y e t all important suggestions onl y can

, ,

in a book .

Helpful Suggestions Here is one suggestion that will

be help ful to all trembling and fearful s ouls whic h is , ,

tha t everyone ho has reached the plane of moral percep

tion an d ration al di scri mination knows absolutely with
in himself the di fference between the desires of the flesh
and the higher demands of the spiri tual nature .

Here is a start ing point f o r all and wh ich all can


gras p since the higher demands of the sp iritual nature


are at once the basis and expression of insp iration and

i ntuition and the ir strict observance secures the full and

t imid so ul s in the ,

appealed when he

mind in its van ous moods they will fin d them

selves as

an inner spiritu al sense of truth ,

sometimes in di rect opposi tion to

It is this inner sense that we are to
and cultivate as the door to all higher exp
attainments .

Th Great Liability The one thing

— 1

guarded against in this di rection is that the i nterior ,

the father to the thoughts or suggest ions . Thi s 21 s the

v e lo p an d exercise the inner p erception and the ,

psychic powers of the soul without fir st s eeking


inspiration and g ui dance .

There is such a thing a s self hypnotization as well


as the hypnotizing influence of suggestion from oth er

minds Hence the importance of maintaining the s trict

ly normal con di tions and relat i ons of the mind as in ,

certain abnormal conditions easily induced in ma ny ;


subj ectiv e desires and s ug g e stio n s are readilymade to


appear as obj ective realities .

This is the source of the many hallucinations

fal se and conflicting visions of God heaven hell , , ,
and the real is tic mental pictures of

Involved .
— M anneeds fir st to l earn

an d th at h is experi ences resul tin g

e m the other .

th rough wh ich he 1 8 to attain his

her until he stand s in his true and normal


God as a S piritual being and the child of

perfect provi dence .

seen the supreme nece ssity of observing

rul e in first S eekin g and establishing the

strictly impersonal attitude of mind and feeling Only

by so doing do e come i nto unity with the impersonal

S p irit of the Father and open ourselves to the imme

di ate touch and in sp iratio n o f His imparti al wisdom and

g oodness . It 1 s 1 n de e d this supreme desire of be ing in

uni ty with the Father ! that His di vine and perfect will
an d purpose may be fulfil led in us by which we are ;

really brought into this impersonal attitude of mind and


of man that
cap acl ty ,

the people o f to day -

capacity to c ul tivate and develop Th .

t ablishe d in the confidence that g e n ul n e

un failing intuition are actu al ly possible

cable for them .

M any indeed need to be assured

, ,

spiritual nature which relates them

spiritual kingdom within as ,

n atui al ly as they are related to the external

through the senses .

Inspiration and i ntuition are we repeat , ,

a n d legitimate functions of the spiri

tion and sense p erception are of the sen

cal M en are as naturally receptive t

God t hr ough their inmost life Which is ,

God as they are to impressions from the


through sensation when their attention and de sire


awakened to it Intuition is the di rect action of


mind in immediate response to this inspiration from

D ivine as sense p erception is the imme di ate action

the m ind in response to sensuous impressions from

ternal obj ects .

O n e is the response of the mind to vibrations in

nerve aura caused by external impressions ; the 0

its response to vibrations in

e o u sn e ss ,

w m and
is do

M an opens his soul to these vibra


e D 1 vin e by desiring ab ov e all th ings to


and p urpose of God in any specific direc
in other ords the absolute truth concern

action of the mind s powers on the plane of

the sense cons c iousness the other is t he exercise of the

, .

on the interior plane of the Sp 1 r1 tual co n

the refore ent irely up o n the di

and desires a s to which pl an e

d s activities


The s e powe rs having been fir st awakened and prim a ,

and di sciplined on the p lan e of the senses


and desires are spontaneou sly active

in that direction In o rder tlie refore to
, ,

e and decided e x p e rl e n ce on the S piritual

spiritual con scl o usn e ss and the
S pontan eous acti vity of the soul s pow er s on this plane
” ’

as a habit a correspon di ng interest must be awakened


in S p iri tual things . The attent ion and desire must be

spec ifica lly di rected to the soul s interior relations to

God and Hi s kingdo m and the di vine c ommunion and


fellowsh ip to be re aliz e d in and through this relat ion

The full recognition of this high possibility with the ,

attention and desire fix ed confidently upon its 1 mme di

ate realization opens the so ul to the consciousness of
3 8

the true spiritual consciousness is awak

a sufficient persistent repetition
the higher consciousness an d the habit of exercising the
mental p owers on its plane become permanently and
firnfly established .

This o nce e ffected intuition becomes


an d unmistakable fu n ction of the so ul ,

spontaneous in its action as sense percep

more danger of bein g con founded with

and above or the action of the m
ration intuition becomes the expression of di vine is

do m \an d practically the voice o f Go d in the S oul :

, , ,

This voice is never wholly S ilent in any soul that has at

t ain e d the moral consciousnes s or sense of perso nal r e
S ponsibility It ne eds therefore only to be recognized
, ,

as of di vine authority listened to and followed to lead

, ,

the soul out of darkness into l ight out of bondage into

w “

freedom out of ,
eakness int o power the light freedom , ,

and power of the spiritual life the glorious liberty

of the ch ildren of God For the grace o s o d that


bringeth sal vation hath appeared to all men teaching us ,

that deny ing ungo dl iness and worl dl y lusts We should

, ,

live soberly righteously and godly in th is present

, ,

world .

Mor al Adj ustment the Primar y C ondi tion From all


this it will be seen that before the intuit ion and higher
powers of the soul can be safely and
vate d and exercised in the line of

as the revealer of the mind and will ~

perfect ay w
en anyone desiring to know and do only

perfect way,and rec ognizing it to be o r

opens himself to enlightenment from the
intuition reflecting the Father s w isdom

, ,

the way and reveal the truth He then will


he Father s will and shall know of the divine

In m any of the affairs of life man cannot j udge or de

e absolutely ri ght or perfect way from the
o w
n external observat ion and experience .

He does not know all the facts and conditions involved ,

and therefore an absolutely perfect judgment is impos

, ,
There is this i nner sense how ever,

one which acts independent of an d

, ,

to the external j udgment and exp


with more or less di stinctnes s the


any matter ; this e call intuition .

tacle an d e xpr e s s1 o n of di vine 1 n S p1

man under any circumstance or p

from the external judgment and

de ntly op en himself to the enlightenment of
sp irit concerning the way that way ill be

hi m in the clear s en se o r inner voice of this

The more fully he stills the outward ac
l istens to and follows t
unfold and becom e an unerring guide
an unmistakable revelation of God l n W 1
When a man has fully consecrated hi
lowing of this guide in the conduct of
ward revelation of the perfect way
him at whatev er sacrifice of personal

or apparent gain he has then taken the true attit


toward God and the world ; and the best p ossible

him will certainly come into his life .

Having come to the mastery of h imself under its le

ing he is prepared to enter upon a h

career of achievement as he has within


to the solution of every proble , and


mea nt

do he shall know ef the t each


and my judgment is just ; because I

will ; b ut the will of the Father which
The M aster listened to the di vi ne vo rce
lowed its guidance and interpret ed all ,

its light T his a nswered the q u e stion


ath this man thi s wisdom and th e s e wonder ,

e door of entrance into the kingdo m the ,

atio n o

realiz f God ,

the Father: Iti is the key i

to t l at

is that inner sense possesse d by all , ,

senses the right and

independent o f exter
o n s, be cau s e it sens es t he presence and pur

l ive move an d have our being

, , His .

not only interp enetrates our being as

but enswathes it as well Hen ce it is

e to k now the di vine la and pur

con di tions opens the soul to the
touch of His S piri t and the vibrations

our o n ; this is inspiration .

e p e at is the ac tion of the mind under


inspirati on or the vibrations

42 TH E O P E N noos e w

light of t he ‘

It reaches behind all false seem i ng

kn ows when things are in their tru e or
conditions because it is one with Go

of them .

Through S piritual intuition the soul


all things from the stan d point of the , .

fin ds an d holds supremacy in and


ing unerringly between truth and

by its unity with God in its relati
If it be asked
w w
The Final T est —

in the ay ho to di scrim
of fan cy or the spontaneous op in ions and j udgm ent
o f

hi m ask himself th ese questions : Is it the supreme de

“ '
si re o f the heart and determ ination of
and do only the di vine and perfect will
the Father at whatever seeming sacrifice

gain ambition wish or any consideration

, , ,

save the ful fil ent of the Father s will and
me ? Is thi s d esire and determination bas
conviction and perfect faith that this ,

best possible good into my life and hold

to it
When these questions can be answered truly in the
firmative and the consecration to the di vine leading m
“ ,

intuit ion is complete there will be no furthe r doubt .


question in the matter The soul wil


S perf ect wisd om i n it s e ffort and ,

Father s perfect method which will ,

wattempt the development

e an d exercis e of intui
and the higher psychic powers for the a dvance

the increase of our own wi sdom ,

attainment of power and advantage over others



en ourselves to the illusions an d s elf dece ptions -

c ome,in f r o m the selfish S p irit an d the perversi


pir it of a true divine sonship see k to know


wi sdom an d t of ulfil H is purpose in all things


surely as Go d is and man is His chi ld will

, ,

of the Father be revealed


the most passionate desire

ate longing of the Soul for
llo ship W1 th the Father be answered ,

p l e tes t fulness of His div ine sympathy and

Thi s was the secret of the Christ through which he


entered into the marvellous ful ness of His divine real iza
tion and atta1 n men t and through which all who follow

hi s leadi ng may reach a like experien ce


Intuiti on thus becomes the opened eye of the soul ,

h ich penetrates beneath the surface to the heart and

so u l of things and beyond the vail of sense into the sub

lime depths and heights and mysteries of l ife and being .

It is the sp iritual vision of a son of God which peers

mighty proc esses of or e
Him in the play o f His activity in

an d music of the S inging spheres .

We ne e d but o p e n eye an d e ar

marvels here ,

To fin d the o ri e n t s

O ur co mmo n dai ly l if d i in e v e,

An d e very l n d P l tin
a a a es e.

salvation involved an
of the Christ has no reference whatever to a S p

vation from a hell of torment in another world .

specifi cally and only to the p erfection of the

and social life of mankind here an d no '

as in all worlds by the perfect co ordination of


human wi ll with the divine and p erfect will of the

Father :.

The motive appealed to is not fear of ah angry


ho is to be appeased and reconciled toman ,

spirit of di vine sonship and loyalty to an all wise -

ben e ficen t Father in heaven It appeals to the rati


n ece ssity of rec ognizing and co operating with the

son of God a child of the infinit e

owers of thesp1 r
await only the kindl ing t ouch of a

The only salvation the Church coul d con

on the b asis of this theologi cal misco n ce p
mpu te d righteousness through faith in a

AS man had no power to fulfil

d to be done for him by a perfect
to him on its acceptance through

N ot everyone that saith unto me L o rd L ord shall


, ,

enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the

will of my Father who is in heaven The sal vat ion

taught by Je sus is found onl y in doing the Father s
will That will is expressed in the la of the personal
lif e based in the moral nature and spiritual constitution ,

healthful exercise of all these powers

their co ordi nated activity

Unt il then the higher power


, ,

S piri tual nature a r e a ak e n e d and


di vine supremacy and a c tivi ty the will ,

God in them cannot be fulfilled nor the ,

man as a child of God realize d

The activity and supremacy of the Sp i
the animal and sensuou slife expresses
and thus becomes the supreme law of th
for the normal outworking of the personal
all speci a l revelations and leadi n gs in the
experience are given as n eeded l n the S p1 r1 tu al ;

t ions .

the offspring of God every man is sent forth to a


di vine career H o then S hall he fulfil the lofty p ur

, ,

pose o f his being except he become a co work er with t he -

strict observance of the divine law through which alone

this supreme result is possible 2? This being the la of w
the perfect l ife and thus the p erfect la of life ,the a d
w .

j ustment of the personal will and conduct to the law w ill ,

and of necessity must bring the perfect result s in the ‘

l ife and thus the perfect life of a true and loyal son or
, ,

daughter of God .

Nothi ng Ar bitrary in the La The demand 1 t



be observed is not that we surrend er the 1 ll


the sense of moral freedom to the will of Go d in any -


seek to knod do His ill

being because that purpose
of our bein g .

exi stence as a product and part o f a "

perfect “
economy ; but with the freed om
The poss ibilities o f our being are
(1 vol iti on .

the la and provi sion for their re alization

it needs but the recognition of this truth
c o operat ion with the di vin e la
and provl
these bilit i S to bsolute fruition in ’

g p O S S 1 e a

but t he glad surrender of our personal pre j

de S 1 r e s 1 n all th in gs when in the lig ht%f


, ,

do m reve al ed i n our o n intuition s these

to be in accord ith the divine order a n d

supreme la of truth and right .

no servile attitude of the Christ toward the

will of the Father as an arbitrary la nor an y sense of w

comp ul s ion in the expre s sion when he said : My meat

fit is to do the will o f him that sent e and tofin ish his

work . It was rather his appreciative recognition o f the

Father s infinite good will and perfect way and not only

the willing but the glad doing of that will and way as

known ; and in that sup ie m e desire to know and do the


Father s will as such he o p e n e d h imself to its complete


, ,

revelation in the intuitions of his own soul which thus ,

be came di vinely illuminated .

It was in this very loyal attitude of the m ind and heart

of Jesus toward the Father that he found his true and
normal freedo m and supremac y as a son of God an d ,

TH E O PEN noon .

c onformitywith the laws of be m g s i nce these laws ,


True freedom for man is the

e r cis e all the powers of his be i

t ions and relations Th ese conditions


the necessary workings of a perfect

est sense we say ordained in infin ite wisdom to sec


that p erfect resul t These organic condi tions and re


latio n s then const itute the laws cf being and reveal the
, ,

ness of every sentient being .

In a universal and compli cated system of e x1 ste nce

like that of which we find ourselves a part there must ,

be established relations an d corresp onding conditions


of healthful activity under these relat ions These con .

s titute law and order Without this there would nec os


s a rily be universal chaos confus i on and di sorder if in

, , , ,

deed we could conceive of existence at all under


c onditions .

S in and dise a se and all the confusion discord and , ,

ery of the world are the necessary results of a

of the ben eficen t laws of bein g on the part
e xercise of his freedom of choice and action .

is provided

w ith the spirit ual

co and volition he observe and

intelligent and voluntary act ; he does so because he

be lieves it is the true and right and wishes to do only

In its h ighest sense it is because he thinks that it ,

the p urpose of hi s Fathe r l n he aven the f ulfil ,

of which will al one secure his h ighest well being

He will cultivate and follow his spiritual i ntuit ion ,

then because it will teach him all things

, gu ide him ,


in to all truth and will S how him things t o come



Obedience to its lea di ng exalts his being l ifts him into ,

sp iri tual freedom illuminat ion and power holds him in

, , ,

In lim it d en e th p e cia l h ibiti n f m d g ree o f di im

li g l wf be dien e to
a e s s er e a r e s ex o s o so e e s cr

ina ting in t ll ig n
e e b ut t h i
ce , s is no t t he ru n a o o c inst inct it
sonal achievement and mastery .

If then man intuitively chooses the perfec t
, , ay be
cause he recognizes it as the

Father s ay because it is
unity with the Father in it the ,

ing a voluntary co worker with Go d gives -

of confidence and strength in the rig hte o

course and the certainty of success which ,

absolutely inv incible This 1 s the faith .

Jesus when he said Have faith in God e

nothing S hall be impossible u n to yo u .

of the M as ter but the demonstrative experience of saints


in all ages that we cannot turn to God within in faith

, ,

trust and supreme desire to know and do His will under


all circumstances ithout receiving the 1 mme di ate in


spiration help and guidance of His S pirit in our own

, , ,

to its accomplishment .

It 1 8 the animal nature and self seeking S pirit of the

sensuous life that call for theunr estrained indulgence o i '

pers onal desire and the grat ification of self will while

the S piritual nature demands truth and righteousness for

their own sake independent of personal desi re This ,

means the impersonal att itude of the soul in the impar

ti al sharing of universal good and the spirit of brother ,

hood sympathy good w ill and service to all in oppos1

, , , ,

tion to the demands of self will .

In every life the temptations of the fle sh and the de

To ask t he question is to answer it .

of the mere sensuous life than Go d in his infinite

, p erfe c

T h is is the

” ”

the di vine Wisdomand g o o dn e ss an d

thus to perfe ct ion and the co mple te f ulfilment


o f its exalte d de stm y as the o ffspring of God throu gh

the voluntary commitm ent of man hi m self to this course .

Thi s uni ty with God l n the pers onal l ife 1 s e fle cte d as ,

alre ady shown by and only by thi s very subordi nation

, , ,

of the animal and sensuous l ife to the law of the spiritual

nature in its ri ghtful supremacy by wh ich the funct ions

of the lower nature are held to their unperverted activi

ties and legitimat e functions in the general economy ,

and so at one With the di vine order in that economy .

Thi s necessary ach ievement of the free powers of man ,

however is not effected without a decis ive stru ggle

, .

Everything relating to hum an conduct 1 S to be judged

52 TH E O P EN D O O R .


thenceforth be no perm anent

ends in the dec isive victory of
This S truggle m ay and
one en di ng in immediate em

and p ermanent victory if the soul in

, ,

its supreme importance rises to the


mi ned resolution and unshaken faith ;

a prolonged and unsatisfyi ng effort t
and di strust .

ish S pirit the soul has the ability to pause and ask ? Is

a spiritual being and a child of God ? Is it a fulfil ment

of or departure from his will and p urp o s

Are the efforts and activitie s it involves in

oneness with his S pirit and character ?
seriously done in the hour of temptation ,

mands of the S piritual nat ure will be h

with divine authority in the voice of intuition ,

the soul to God and duty .

The soul has also at these times the power of

, ,

and the abil ity to determ ine whether it prefers t

to the enticements of sense and the temptations
selfish life or to turn from them and cl eave to t

in its desire after God an d the fell owship and


ments of the spiritual life .

de man ds if the so ul turn wholly to the

in its d e sire for uni ty with the Father,


onc e to the s aving power of God in the

o f fleshly l ust s ar e i mm edi ately ex tin

piritual achiev ement in the worl d All may lik e him
s x
, ,

x g o in and out from the sph e re of d vine communion and


fello shi p clo thed in its g arment of light an d clad in
, .

its armor and p anoply of i nspiration and po er to co ,

O perate with God in the finishing of His work the trans ,

fig uratio n and perfect ion of humanity and the w orld .

I am the door : by me if an y man enter in he shall be


saved and shall go in and out ; and find p asture the


t rue sustenanc e and inspiration of life .

To desire above all things unity with the Father and ,

conf ormity with His will in all things ; will bring the

certain co operat ion of His S pirit and power w ith and


into our will and effort at attainment and achievement .


His S pirit and admitted a n d inducted by it into the se


e rets my st e n e s and m astery o

f H is u n ivers e as fast a s

through loyalty
pared for advancing , The veil
of sense ordi narily ,

through it the interior

be asked why should ,

flesh and the sp irit in the

w hy the necessity of the te

many in bringing the one
hy S hould not the spontaneous de si
the ambit ions of the sensuous l ife be
fi e d why should they exist at all in
man if their indulgence and gratification are detri mental

to his best interests and why if plante d by Go d from


whom all things proceed and all powers receive their
funct ions S houl d the demands of the S piritual nature be

in conflict ith the functions of the flesh and the sensu


ous l ife even in the highest possible develop ment and
activity of these functions 3 and finally hy S ho uld the
, ,
w ’

unrestrained activity of the animal functi ons be in con;


fli ct with the will of God who ordained them ? A brief ,

consideration of the strictly human powers and their.

sphere of action in contrast with those which are ex

e lusively an imal and dominate the animal l ife o r bru te

creation will make clear the answer to these qu est ion s .


It will also serve to illustrate the constitutional basis in

the nature of man for the claim and p ro ml se of the ,

C hri st as well as fo r the philosophy involved

, .
These powers are

s tan di ng ,
the ttainment
a oi true wisd om , the elev ation

enthusias m for huma ni ty These be m g .

an d p ossible attainment o f man as an ,

iri tu al be in g an d child of Go d they S h ould ,

supreme end and aim o f his life and effort /


be in g the organi c 1 n s trumen t o f the soul s


this world has also i ts nec e ssities without

, ,

of which the soul itself would be

crippled in its life work here N evertheless the physical

necessities and legitimate demands of the sen suo u s l ife

are so l imited in compari son with the necessities and

demands of the soul that they necessarily hold a posi

tio n of secondary importance in the ec o nomy of the

56 TH E O P E N D oo s

s oul the one supreme m te re st an d

importance in the

ertain the supply of the physical necessities This

c .

msel i

also of the out ard o rld an d i Be

therefore anxious sayl n g What

S h al l we drink ? or Wher e ithal


for your hea v enly Fathe r


w ,

need of all these things But see .

a n d hi s righteousness and all these


added unto you .

S uch is the normal and legitimate l ife

Go d though 1 n carn ate in a physical b ody
w ,

h i ch relate him vitally

rial laws and conditions
p ossession and activity of strict
The human b ody however , ,

structure from the ani mal is ,

with reference to the development an

t ivity of the higher human p owers and ,

S trained indulgence and activity of the

This order and relations of the c

cannot therefore be ignore

degeneration and perversion of p hysica l function .

the miseries and evils of the orld are traceabl e to

very violation and perversion .

A legitimate degree of animal activity 1 S an o bvi

physiological necessity to the proper develop ment ,

pair health and vigor of the human body

, ,

equally obvious from the superior structure of

e not inthe s ensual in

end. Conservation of

d over t he laws and con

nobler powers of the s oul for which the body is con

structed not to control it to the ends of animal pleas

ure nor to expend e nergy that bel ongs to the higher


Without the observance of this laWj I l the economy of


the personal life the conquest of the outwar d w orld

to whi ch the soul is c al led will be impossible The con

quest must begin l n the personal l ife by the perfect ad

the soul to the di vine law of its being before
ment and accumulatl o n of power for

The organi sm s of animals on the other hand having

, ,

no intellect ual and moral natures to subserve are con


s truct e d ith direct reference to the unrestrained in dul


g n ce an d activity o f their impulses and propensities

e .

the reason
g i ven be possibly t rue of man

S elf indulgence self seeking and

the la of the animal nature fear be ,

only restraining influence .

S ensation and instinct constitute th

and prescribe the S phere and lim itations

activi ties and consciousness ab ove which

, ,

Pleasure and pain ina physical sense

standards of good and evil That which .

p er s e is the good which it instinctively

wh ich gives pain or di scomfort is the
and seeks to avoid with n o sense of moral qual

e it
h r s .

Havin g no moral sense of right and wrong as ,

the unrestraine d gratification of the appetites

p e n s it ie s brings no inward protest shame or
degradation as in m
, ,

an in whom S piritual

never ceases to lift up her voice in warning and

The selfish S pirit and its la of self seeking and w -

indul gence belong to a n d S p rl n g from the ani mal

ure in man as in the brute and are essential within
, , ,

le gitim ate S phere to the p erformance of the


functions desire b e m g the only stimul u s to the


ity It is onl y when they are not controlled and


the ir proper l imitations by the nobler p owers

and intui t ion and when the law and selfish S pi rit of the

animal are allowed to dominate the soul in its p

social and industrial l ife that mischief is
, ,

wrought in these activities and relations .

ich seeks not to be min

rej oices in the o pp o r

e law of God l n the l ife .

man being g 1 ve n to meet t he

be held to the l im its


ds of the sp iritual nat -

s a i h th emproper l imitation co o r
“ — “



1s e re p e at the di vine la of the ‘

, ,

personal life or will and purpose of God in the life

The T o P lanes of C onsciousness — No that is n et e ,


ar d
te r vv that which is sp iritual Evo lutl o n as a un 1 ve r

sal la in the dev elopment of o rg an l c life furn ishes a


key to the solution of th is very important problem A .

brief consideration of the two planes of consciousness

made necessary by the evolutionary process in the nu
foldin g of the soul s powers fir st on the primary plane


, ,

of the sen suous life and afterward on the h igher plane


of the spiritual l ife will account for the seem ing eo n

fli ct and its temporary necessity be tween the flesh and

, ,

isthen because the rational and moral powers are

, ,

awakened to ac tivity in their relation to the outward ;


education and development are nec e

of the sensuo us life and thus under ,

Before the soul has awakened

its S piritual being and r elations ,

are absorbed in the thin g s of the

knows no o ther .

the pursuit of sensuous good that the innate demands of

the spiri tual nature are neither realized n or understood .

N o t the r efore until the evolution of these

, ,

att e a sufli cie n t


di. 1e to re
ri ght for their o n sake independent of their sub s er

vie n ce to selfish ends does the conflict begin between the


that time until the soul is fully awakened to a re alizm g 1

sense of its true nature and relations as a ch ild of God 3 ,

and is unreservedly committed t o the true life o f this 1

higher relat ionship in which the animal nature becom es
subordi nated to the spiritual the co n flict ill continue ;

It ceases however when this personal adjustment is

, ,

fully made the true life entered upon and the spiritual

natur e becomes p ermanently enthroned in o rg an l c su

p r e m a cy in the p ersonal life , c o or di nating all things

with itself .

The functions and activities of the sensuous nature so ,

essenti al to our relations with the outward world and ,

the disciplin e of experience to be

ing are secured . Reverse this order giving the suprem

In thiS iS seen both the reason and nature of the con

flict and the necessity of a S piritual awakening and read
j ustment of the personal life to the divine order before
man can enter upon the true integral and victorious l ife
, ,

of a son of God in the flesh Verily verily I say unto

, ,

thee ,Exc ept a man be bo rn again he cannot see the king

dom of God . That hich is born of the flesh is


flesh ; and that which is born of the S pirit is sp irit _

This does not refer to the birth of a n e natur e but to ,

consciousness and activity of the

62 i nn O P EN
n o o n:

higher S piritual nature in its active supremacy a new ,

p ower is born in the soul of which th ,

in its hi ghest development on the obj

no hi nt or promise .

This is the power of s o rising


above the cir cle o f physical sen satio

of sense perception and

ment al concentration th ,

ly dissipated being wholly subordinated to


s ense of pure spiritual being and the flood of i nterior ,

illuminati on thus induced .

inward concentration the power to transfer the sense


of perfect health which dominates this state into the

, , , ,

c ircle of bo di ly functions is absolute This transl ation

, .

of spiritual harm ony and p ower into physical function

results in the imme di ate dissipation of
tion and debility giving the full sense of

and vigor which is as permanent as it is immediate and


grat ifying .

The ab ility also to tr an sfer the interior illuminat ion to x

the physic al organs of sense p erception vastly exten di ng ,

their penetration and range o f action is equally potent , I -

s o that the whole inward man in its realize d supremac

may be brought forward to full e xternal activity in the
S phere of the obj ective life .

In a true and loyal life th is blending by S pecial

at proper seasons of the two planes of con

is evolved an d established
iri tual adjustment o f the p ersonal life

s will as it is manifested to;

the spiri t ual plane b e com es an easy and del ightful

experience Then from the deep c entres of being and


the interior heights of supreme spiri tual realization the


soul may in t ur n transfer by an act not of will but of

, ,

faith thi s realized power and supremacy of sp irit down


into all the normal activities of the external l ife exalting


them to the highest degree of efficiency and perfect ion .

We say faith not will By faith we mean that perfect

, .

co mm itment of the whole soul to a g 1 ven purpose in the -

intuit iv e as surance and absolute certainty of real izing

the desired resul t a certainty which admits of no pos
which when the soul lives and acts
of spiritual supremacy S peaks and it is

and it stands fast in the entire S phere
activities .

In this S tat e of inward conc

p ower ,
faith conver g es all the
action so that when the at te

b ody or any p ortion of it for ,

sa lt the law and p ower of this action are


entire body and its c on di t ion s are thus


the erfe ct control of the mind .

When thi
its own organis m it is enabled to ex ert a corr espon d

ing energy for good over other organisms and g radu


ally to extend its p ower over all th e condit ions if its

external environment until the entire mastery and oon

trol of them is achieve d

S ome of these resul ts are partially and imperfectly o h
t ain e d through the p sychological states of hypnot ism ;
artificial somnambulism and trance ; but these remark
, ,

able as they are are abnormal and temporary conditions

, ,

and can never be made the basis of perfect and perma

nent resul ts N either can they be made the means of

attaining the permanent S piritu al consciousness and
transcendency of p ower here suggested .

The normal and complete evolution of the S piritual

consciousness is effected only by the free act of the so ul
sanction and co operation o f Go d in the e ffort It is


therefore we repeat and emphasize when the S piritual

, ,

conscio usness or sense of l ife in G o d is permanently


established that the power is readi ly acq uir ed o f with

drawing at will fro m the objecti ve plane and sphere

of sense and focalizing the mental powers upon the

psychi c plane of interior vision and p sycho metrl c action.

With thi s comes the ability to control physical sensation


and translate the supreme sense of healthful tranquillity

and power which dominates the sp iritual consciousness ,

into correspondi ng physical states .

Physical Sensation versus Spiritual Feeling To the

strictly obj ective and sensuous consciousness and un

derstandin g all thought of good and evil is associat ed


In the higher sp iritual con scio '

ing however physical sensation

, ,

n itio n Joy and


the plane of the S piritual al and

afl e ctio n al states e

ntir e ly in sensa
tion Feel ing in the h igh spiritual sen
stan di ng belongs exclusively to t he Soul as sensation in ,

the p hys1 cal sense belongs to the body .

the maj ority of men are living feeling and ,

have been so blended in the consciousness

have become identified in the thought of the
t hi s xperie n ce the e mphas 1 s has been so pl
the atysical sense of things that as a
sens ibility of the fin el y strung nervous
has become so unduly exalted that ,

Sensitive to both physical and mental

thus easily deran ged and made to suffer
and pain While sensat ion is thus made the

basis of good and evil man will continue to fall captive


to the e ntice m en ts o f sense and r emam correspondingly


subj ect to physical derangement and su ffering .

In the awakening and permanent sup r e macy o f the

S piri tual consciousness the emphas is in thought is wit h


drawn from physical sensation as the basis of good and ,

evil and placed where it belongs on the mora l p

, ,

right and wrong p er 8 6 ,


The so ul then becomes so ab s orbed in the

activities of the S piritual life and the pure
I 67

subordin ate S phere in the hu

S usceptibil ity to physical imp re ss1 o n s an d all dise ase

of thehigh er

of resi stan c e to ali di sturbing influenc es that di sease

and physi cal p ain become next to i mpossible Or S houl d .

they from inj ury or any cause be induced they are e aS 1 ly

, ,

and promptly overco me and healed by a S p ecial act of

mind to thi s e n d
The physical body it must be remembered is the o r
, ,

g an i c instrument of the soul in its ac ti v e relation s with

the outward world Wh en ther efore the sensuous a ctivi
, ,

ties are wholly subor di nated to and co o rdi nated with the
hi gher activities of the spiritual nature in its supremacy

the body becomes a perfect physical expression of the

dominant state of S piritual consciousness and power .

It is then held not only in a condition of perpetual

health and the vi gor of abundant life but is c aught up at

times to share the soul s ecstatic thrill of enraptured

thought and feeling in those high and holy seasons o f

mount the S hining face of

great saints in all the ages

soul by the
s tates becomes sensation but o f a vastly

, ,

from that generated from the vibration

pre sions Having a S p iritual origin i

chas te and heavenly and ,

ical expression an d
When the outwar
are thus p ermanently
draw at will from the obj ective plan e and the
physical sensation as previously intimated is
, ,

t ive ly an easy matter and rea di ly acqui red


By entering into the r ealiz ati

and his higher relations to God and
dom man does not by any means los
, , ,

t ions with the external world He simply


mastery of his body and of his relations to

world thro u gh it by the realized t ranscendency

S p iritual being l n thes e relations

The obj ective consciousness and the use of the ph


the accompanying intuition .

iu d s -

ac tion ho ,

abil ity to heal others ,

1s one of the u
lt powers
o cc thus

The in terl o r or psychic V1 S 1 o n thus opened becomes ,

p ractically omnisc ient in any one specific di rection in

whi ch the attention is fully turned .

The fin al state of perfect and permanent illum ina

tion the highest possible earthly condit ion is reached
, ,

when through the permanent co ordi nation of the out
, __

ard with the inward life the two planes of conscious


ness become at length blended so that the o ccult p o


ers of the so ul are brought specifically to bear in the

A postles ,
and also in the
tics the seers a n d prop

comes a real and le gitimate
worker the miraculous man or

Conclusion —
It is as

tie of a spi
of a iVin e Govern ment .

It is because man 1 s 1 n teri o rly vitally and perma ,

n e n tly related to the kingdom of God and a transcendent ,

sphere of divine communion and


h olds a normal and legitimate posit

over the physic al Order and th ,

the phys ical world to which he is externally and

r arily related through the body and its senses :

Though beg inning his conscious exist ence On the

plane of the senses and in the sphere of the anim al life)

man as man in his essential an d permanent nature is

from birth a spiritual being and ch ild of Go d .

h igh p y hi n d oc cul t p w
p ifi l w
! Fo r a full an aly s is of t he e er s c c a o rs

and f th
o s
e s nd n dit i ons of t h ei r u l t iv t i n
ec c a a co nd c a o a s

i Th W y t he T ut h n d t he Li f
c r o s e , s ee e a ,
A H n dbo k o f
r ,
a e . a o

Th e sophy Hea ling and Psychic C ul t u by the auth r

o , ,
re ,

o .
be comes a typ e of t he race in its general career and


. w
fol di ng o f the intellectual and moral p o ers fun der the ,

stimulus of sensuous impressions c ontact with mind and

, ,

the press of physical necessity .

In like condition the race life as such o f which the 1 n


di vidual is a type be gan it s exi st en ce on the low plane

of sa vage ani mal ity the hig he r hum an powers gradually


un folding through the di sc ipl ine of experience under ,

the stimulus and press of necessity which forced them

into action unt il through the de v elop m
, ,
ent thus secured ,

it was lifted to the le v el of the full human consciousness ,

and to the sense of st ill h igher possibil ities .

From that time man was pract ically re ady fO

r the

higher spiritual education an d development hich

this sense of nobler poss ibi lities called for and sug
72 TH E O P E N D OOR . .

p he ti c instinct demanded

of the worl d

reached di sclosed an d demonstrated

, ,

of the Christ he proclaimed at once

, ,

thority of a di vine sanction and insi

its door open ed unto men

He pointed out the mistake
s eeking

w hi c
h men had made

tio rh and

he had found and opened in the inner life

followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall ,

the light of life


Through that door of the inner life he assur ed them

if they entered they shoul d be saved and go in and

the true sustenance and the true

out and fin d pasture —

inspiration of life By me if any man enter in etc h,

I am the light Of the world etc Only as an Examp le , .

and Instru ctor for all the w orld could he be the l ight o f
the world Only as an Exemplar and Teacher of the c er

tain way to the perfect l ife for every member of the hu

man race could he be called the S aviour o f the race .

If he taught and exemplified that which as imp o s

al understanding opened in the S cul
his teaching an d example opened 1 n
unders tanding of Go d as pure S pirit
ent and transcendent absolute in i s
w ~

and providence and the 1 mme diate Fa



The true spiritual consciousness hich this under
is the consc iousnes s of o ur own sp 1 r1 tual
relationship with God as our beav
enl y Father partak ing of His essent ial nature and a t

tributes and t hus ent itled by a divine b irthright as

, ,

chil dr e n o f a pe rfect B eing and Gov e rnment to all the


c onscious communi on and unity of S pirit ,

or will

fect life of S piritual

through partaking of th
n ess with Him in the di vin
t ion of His Being in and o ver all the

witness with our spirit that e are

and if ch ildren then he irs ;

he irs with Christ if so be

we may be also glorified t ogether . Thos e
share with the Christ in the supremacy of the Sp
must Share w ith him in the subj ection of the fle Sh

This spiritual understanding and consciousness is the

door of entrance into all this di vin e real ization which is
the rightful he rita g e o f the sons and daughters of Go d


Th is door is opened in the Christ teaching and example ,

and is free of access unto all . By me if a ny ma n en


ter in he shall be saved sav ed to his full inheritance
, ,

the absolute real izat ion of all his divine possibilities as

a son of God .

The door of entrance into the ki ngdom having been

the la wof the spiritual life which

as Father with ,

s p 1 rit of loyalty to that relat ionship , springing from

supreme love of hi s heart for the Fath erin the grate

ful sense of identity of nature with Him .

N o soul can have a deep sense o f the holiness and per

fecti o n o f the Father s nature and characte r and of hi s


o n relati on to Him as the chi ld of H is lo v e and provi

dence without becoming at once loyal in heart to that


The man who does not recogni ze and appreciate the

w '

superior i sdo m an d goodness of the All Perfect On e to


hi s o n and desire above all t hi ngs to be gu ided by


ente r into and become one with Him in them has not

, ,

the right attitu de before God has n ot the true sp irit of


di vin e sons hi p L ike S imon M agus his heart is not


ri ht in the sight of God
g .

The entran ce through the door into the kingdom of

76 D OOR
Q l

TH E O P E N .

When this is onc efully effecte d ,

authoritative assurance ,

experience of many that we ,

we will or need That is


time into the sphere of divi

sp iritual refreshme nt and ,

an s i s do m for e

the centre of his own being The throne room and audi .

ence chamber of the D ivine Presence is the inner san ctu

ary of the human soul where the ,

munion and fellowship ever awaits


the conscious life of ever y man .

enter into thy closet the inner secret chamber

soul and when thou hast shut to the do Or , the

the external life which is sense pray to thy
, ,

wh ich 1 s m secret and thy Father who see


shall re ard thee openly Know ye not that ye are a .

it ” !

temple of God and that the spirit of God dwelleth in


The invitation stands open to all men everywhere h igh

or lo noble or ignoble learn ed and unlearned alike to

, , ,
The same thing followed the Apostoli c movement .

When in the early hist ory of the Christ ian Church i n

, ,

and pomp of its gr asping greed of power it ,

authority o ver the reason and c onscience of

the name of Christ the sublime secret was lost

, ,

power and gifts of the S p irit departed from her

A few only ithin he r walls, and scatt ered

the centuries the real mystics of the Church

, ,

d the secret and entered into its power


These however hav e generally been ostrac ised per

, , ,

se cute d subj ected to the fien di sh tortures of the Inqui s i


tion and often to the martyr s stake by the Church it



That secret is now be ing restored to the world ; yet ,

78 TH E O P E N D O OR .

as of old the blinding preju di ce of an ag no stl c material


ism on the one hand within as well as outsi de the

Church a n d the dogmatism of traditional authority and

superstition on the other will refuse to listen or be con


vin ce d .

N evertheless vast numbers of waiting souls already

, ,

emancipated from both priestly aut hority—an d material

i sti c ni hilism are ready and eagerly looking for the liv

ing word of p ower that shall t ouch the sympathetic vi ‘

brato ry chord of their being and set them free .

These will gladl y recogni ze and grasp the key p .

sented and thus b ecome the ev angels of the now


ing era of spiritual enl ightenment and po er h ,

breaking glories already rest in light and beauty

few \
awakened souls the a dvance heralds of a n e ntran

chi s e d race .



hou met h an d n ow w hen the t rue Wo r s ip h per h all o hip w
k t h u h t w hip him
The r co i ,
s, f
s s rs

th F th in pi it n d i n t ut h f F h
wh p mu t w h ip in pi i t nd it
e a er s r a r , or t he at er see e s c o or s .

G d i S p i it : n d t h y th t
o s r a e a o rs i him s or s s r a ?

in t ut hr .

B n t y call d R bbi f
e o e on e e a or is y o ur M a s te r , eve n

a re br r en .

An d ca ll no m an y o ur f tha er u pon the

W ich hi
B e ye t
s in he a ve n
h f
e re o r e

p f e r ect , e ven as y o ur Fath er w

h h ic i s in h e a ven i s per
f e ch — JE U S S TH E CHRIS T .
the Christ

relation to

and confide in
M an as an has the inherent capacity

commune with and know God in very


Father in he aven The sp ecific thou ght


God is of His infini te sup remacy and perfect ion

of Be ing Fatherhood and Providence The spe cific

, .

thought of man 1 s of his spiritual nature and poss ibil i

t ies of di vine perfection as the child of the infinite L ove

spirit ual being and child of God he


al ly in his essent ial nature

the attr ibutes

Parent . He has therefore the inherent

, ,

child, of unfol di ng into all the supremacy

e in g which cha acteriz e the Father

be perfect as your heavenly Father

is perfect was the Chri st interpret at ion of the purpos e

and providence of God for men as His children .


is the k ey to t he

and no co rrect understanding of

o p hy save in the l ight of this p

L e t us then at the risk of so

, ,

brought forth and hinted at in

more specifically glance at the e ssential
t hi s key of interpretation .

God as S upreme S pirit and Essential

immanent and transcen dent absolute in
ness and providenc e ;

In all through ,
“ ,

. As the immanent God He is the e
N at e and man clothing t he gras s of

blra ging forth meat in due s eason for

ures .In him we live ,

transcendent Be ing He ,

of the U ni ve
S pirits His all wise and ben e ficen t c are and

o ver all His works are so univ ersal and speci


a sparrow falls to the ground without His

the very hairs of our heads are numbered before h
Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of
fore ye ask him .


A s pure S pir itual B eing H e must of necessity ,

cend the uni verse in wh ich He is manifest and ,

exists and can exist only in His

as the human spiri t transcends the body in which it is
manifest and which exists and is held only in the in

dividual life .

on ly me di ation poss i
o f God ith men is the help ,

and sympath etic soul can give a s a ,

to a needybrother or an unfortun ate

the true S p irit of brotherho od .

of the m edi at orial work of the


LChrist which be ing pe rfect a s supreme over all othe r s
, , ,


doctrine of God s Fatherhood an d man s

’ ’

e spiri tual nature of God and a hig he r

e llig e n ce and p ower poss ible to m a n as H is

are not pecul iar to Christiani ty and did not

with Jesus What a s sp e cial to him was his

t and h igher understanding of S p iritual

and character of God in H is Father


al nature and the

possib il ities of man as H is o ff

the realization and personal demonstrat ion
the truth of his c on cept ion in experience .

In his specific a pplication of the deeper c oncept ion of

and effort ,
it '

no t onl y in His tran s cen

taught as no other S eer had t


bility of bringing to fruition i n

perfect l ife of sp iritual supre
in the flesh here and now In S p
, .

ing this assured p ossibility as the

all true faith and e ffort he lifted his ,

trine ,
e repeat infinitely above and

fro mthat of all previous t eachers .

In thus repeatedly e m p ha s1 z1 n g this

of the L ord Christ s Teaching an d Ex amp

g u i s he d him from and raised him above


not for the purpos e o f bel ittling

of other S eers and Prophets who were true —

h ighest inspiration nor to exalt ,the Christ as

obj ect of hero worship but simply to call att



such attained and p r e se n te d by him


A man s ideal of poss ible attainment i s

hi s b asis o f faith and e ffort Whether true .

ideal of p ossible attainment by man

by Jesus was certainly vastly abo v

held by any other religious system of the world


o n l ife a s presented by the record was itself the p

, ,

cal demonstration of the gospel he preached .

Os e made flesh in

does Buddh ism ,

be e scaped fro m ,

state of


to enthrone 1 11
o d in the in di

al l ife of m

en on earth as it is in heaven,

the obj e ctive world a paradise of b eauty ,

del ight from wh ich man sho ul d be trans


S pheres and ri se thf o u g h a scending

it will thus be seen di d n ot m e a n ,

” ”
S p irit nor by God as Father
, ,

sonship of man A fe had caught. .

glimpses of the deeper signi ficance of those features of

e p t io n emphasiz ed by Jesus and made ,

his teaching ; nevertheless ,

fundamental bas is of teach

ig i o n s of the world ,

h istoric Chri stianity .

The Christ interpretation of God man and the world

, , ,
86 O ORi

t hS folds and ou
tside the folds of p

son s : but in every nat ion he that

conception of the di vine Fatherh ood an d broth ‘

is radi cal and

to the p re val lin g rel igious systems of
ing hi stori c Christ ianity It s trikes .

p ri stly and ch urchly authority over the

science and intuit ions of men as it does to ,

despotic rule tyranny violence and o pp r e s

, ,

and arbitrary frdm the concept ion of th

ter and Gov ernment The thought of th

t ice of God as the All Father strikes n o


heart of man as His child Knowing that .

is the combined expression of the infini te love an

dom its contemplation awakens only gratitude
, ,

re verence and an indestructible sense of security


The enthronement of the kingdom of

of man on earth the realiza tion of

will b e the uni ve rsal reign of lo

br oth e rhood The actual izat ion of

t ablishme nt of the real Church of

the imme di ate child of God and brother of Christ ,

man has an equal claim and dependence with every

upon the di rect l eve and providence of the Father ,

of the humblest o f His childre n as to r


The most un deve lo p ed o r degenerat e

in the darkest depths of the life be
e access t o the Father in prayer and
ence love and faith ithat is
, ,

, _

the lofti est seraph of celestial S pheres .

as chil dr en of a common Father and ,

of one family they should all be helpers one of


As each soul therefore comes into the r eali

, ,

uni ty o f S p irit an d purpose with Go d it comes


into correspon di ng real izat ion of unity of interest and


privilege with men Thus and thus only is realized the


universal Brotherhood of man in the eternal and all em -

brac ing Fatherhood of Go d .

The sol idarity or organic unity of the race l ife is the -

onl y basis of universal brotherhood and th is impl ies a


common o ri g in a n d a kindred destiny

There can be n o .

uni versal brotherhood without a correspon di ng Father

hood and M otherhood and thi s is necessarily involved

— —

in the divine birthright of Humanity as the immediate

88 D dO R

t aining L ife

is and can be'

of the S pirit of

his ch ief del ight in ministering t

be the relation and servi ce of
gratefully accepted b ecause , and
t an e o u s o ffering of love
. This is

of brotherhood and Only

s p hi i and fidelity to its la can man



iz at1 n of his di vine heritage a n d poss

S inc e
then the S piritual nature and
man is the root Out o f which springs

the p erfection of his p ersonal

n itio n and realization of this

dous truth is the first

without which no true
ble This can be take

ment O f the personal life to our relations with

ch ild to parent and to our relations w th men as

ren .

It is only as a moral and spiritual be1 ng that

S pec ifically the ch ild of God having identity

oneness of life with Him .

fidelity to the moral law in

and p erfect Being infinite

g e le Ss because perfect in—

His lo v e
to respond

t o an d reciprocate that love and changeless fidelity .

We love Him because he fir st lOved .

M an as a chi ld of God is a rational and moral be 1 ng ,

endowed with the freedom of choice and act ion He is .

gcap able therefore of seeki ng this unity with the Father
, , ,

or reckless of the di vine law and order seek ing only the
, ,

his o n self will

. He is responsible then , ,

of a ction and the results of hi s choice to ;

the full extent of his knowle dge Or opportunity of know


and God in him . Bel oved let ,


God and k noweth Go d

N o man

a n y time If we love one another God


and his love is perf ected in us He .

knoweth not God ; for God is love


L ove al one brings co n scl o u s

and secures fidelity to both .

th e daw and fulfil ment of the


being S in c e : then God is the


p erfect O N E our Father in he


human perfect ion can be

a dj ustm ent of the human to the divine or ,

child to parent ; and lov e toward God as Father

only key to that adjustm ent .

The Christ Secret of At one ment —

The Atb n -

o f man with

of divinity in humanity through that at On e ment i - - -

Word made fie s —
is the central idea an d sublime
of the Theosophy of the Christ .

Jesus was the first to grasp the full secret of thi

one ment and incarnat ion as well as the basis of its

s ibility and actualization and to demonstrate th


w w

preme reality of both 1 11 his own experience .

The la of this di vine attainment as it i s true seem , ,

lation to the Father as t he

Hence t he re cognit ion of th is two

the supreme ideal of p ersonal a d
ation is a necessity to the awaken

alone W1 11 se cure

recognit ion and supreme e mphaS 1 s of


and fundamental truth which gives the

pre eminence over all other teach ing

ha d
1 D o for Mam This love for and faith in

man brings the S p irit of unity With both un


se al s the fountain of insp irat ion l ifts man to the har


mony of be 1 ng and secures the full illumination and

92 TH E



called the true W itn e s

Holy S pirit Wh o m the Father


even the S pirit of truth which ,

ther ,
he shall teach you al
things to your remembrance what
, ,

unto yo u ”
He Will guide you into all

show you things to come

To this sublime assurance of the M

n atc l Apostle adds : f But the manifestati

is g iven to every man to profit Withal .

g 1 v e n by the S pirit the word of Wisdom

word of knowledge by the same S pirit t
by the s ame Sp irit ; to another

the same S pirit to another the ,

another prophecy ; to another ,

another di vers kinds of tongues t o another

, , ,

p r e t a t io n of tongues ; but all these Worketh

and the selfsame S p irit divi di ng to every man ,

as he will .

A s we have the perfect illustration in th ,

this transc endent l ife of spiritual supremacy

th u s opened to all men as the children of God e h ,
also in that example the perfect standard by wh ich
j udge O f our o n att ainment w .

The Or iental Contr ast — U nder the best i

result of the concept ion Of Go d and o f ,

rent p ossibil ities of man as his

doctrine is based The perfect

ch complete illu matio n only se

opened to the great M agi S eersand ,

To such teachers the Christ in his ,

p ractically says Y e do err not ,

ur es nor the power of God
, ,

N d found er of any of the gr e at rel igions nor te acher ,

p r e v mu s to J esus ,
had made t he universal Fatherhood ,
r o viden ce and co o e r atl ve sympathy of God
, p
m inistry of gra ce to men the ba sis o f their

through the ir own

co operat ion t herewith

Limitation —
To the Hebrew m ind God
. ,

only as the Go d of I srael to be lo ved ,

were his elect and
H S wer e regarded in a gen

Gent ile dogs and by many desp ised and


m ies

that many insp ired prophets and the more

Rabbis recognized Jehovah as the God
and the Creator of the world as pro ,

in Genesis ; yet to the narrower concept ion of the


he was practically but a tutelary be ing a god ,

though g reater than other gods nevertheless a

, ,

or limited and local divinity .

the imme di ate di vine possibilities
his di v1 n e sonsh ip and heredity .

This concept ion ; we r epe at has ,

systems Of the world i ncluding e c ,

anity It was however the bas1 s

, ,

Apostol ic teaching and life and the source


their power Jesus a s the first g r eat f t e


world who recognized and proclaimed With ,

assurance of personal co
m anent and transcendent
di ate life as well as the overrul ing wisdom
, ,

pro a ihence and so of necess ity the imme di at


men .

Jesus and B uddh a —

The greatest S eer and S age Of

the L ight of As ia The contrast betwe en

w w

tion Of Jesus ho m e call the Christ or

, ,

n at e d and that upon which the t eaching of Gautama

, ,

called the Buddha or enlightened was based is worth a

, , ,

brief cons iderat ion Gautam a was suffic iently.

ened to p erce 1 ve the uni versal ity and unity of

la . O n this recognition he based his doc

Brotherhood and mercy His S p iritual insight how


e ver was not s ufficiently opened to reach the v ision of


O ur Father in heav en wh ich made glad and trium



phant the soul of Jesus In place of this he recognized .

o nly unbending L a a nd iron N ECESS ITY Hence Karma, .

except Co nfu c1 u s ever occup ied ac
, ,

Hi ndu pantheon and the doctrine of

of souls ; but contemplating the hard

that if God were good He

be good —
so that man could not lo Ok unto Him for help

e s c ape ,

tinction of e xi stence His go sp el of religious


nihil ism was as methodi cal as it a s radi cal He dil i .

the way to reverse all the proc esses of N ature and destroy
desire at its very source He preach e d the thorough con

tempt Of l ife and finally the contempt of the very prO

, ,

cesses the renunciation and mo rtificatl on for its ex

— —

Influen ce Of the D eific C onception Enough has been —

said to show that a man s concept ion of the nature and

character of God and H is government determ ines n e ce s

s arily hi s concept ion of his own nature and poss ib il it ies .

The ideal method and prom ise of Jesus in contrast with

, ,

those of Buddha are a striking illustration of th is


Hence the transcendent importance of the Christ doc

upon his own faith e ffort and de, ,

p ortance of each soul testing fo r

p r o m 1 s e of the Christ t he most e ,

alting the world has had

The P anthei stic C onception —
A brief consideration
of the p antheistic conception of Go d and
upon the life of man wil
tance of t his truth and at ,

secret O f that sense of fat


tho ught of the Oriental o

The spreading of this E asterndoctrine in our West ern

World ha s a like basis in t he prevalent Pantheistic S ense
o f N ature and the recognition of aniron

supremacy of immutable law .

If then we start out with the conception that God 1 s

, ,

the all of things and that the all of things con


God beyond which He has no Be ing then S p irit

, ,

comes a very di fferent th ing to our thought from

Christ conception of O ur Father in heaven .

It is no longer something transcendi ng the p

enal un iverse but someth ing less because only
, ,

thereof that which we call matter being the


We have th en to think of sp irit at the best

, , , ,

sal principle of unconscio us life permeating ,


an d matter ,
r are formed cycles of

life ev olv ed ulti,

ct o rs Whose union

or ep itome of the great W hole , or M a

being the resul t of the act ion a nd reaction

iri t and matter its further evolut ion as a

only thr ough its o n action

against matter in a physical organi sm .

y when once in di vidual ized of repeat

, ,

physical bodies and the supreme la

determines the level or

character of each succee di ng in car
deduction and logic al necessity

thi s view the actual development of the soul is


t of its activities and experiences in di rect co n

hence it must exhaust the possibil ities
h repeated incarnat ions on th is and

the solar system to Which it belongs ,


to lessen
process of S p iritual emancipat ion .

and interpretations of the s tate

There are those who h old
vana a co n s c1 o u s state O f p ersonal
e dn e ss equivalent to the Christi

univ ersal spirit and the complete e xtin ctl o n


consciousness .

T hr ee D etermi ning ConceptionS —

There .

three general conceptions of the origin

const itute the bas is of the various p hil
and destiny embraced by the think ing

world These are : fir st M aterialism in

, ,

the all ; second Pantheism in which m

, ,

play pract ically an equal part the phenom enal uni !

, , ,

verse of matter (substance) and sp irit (fo r ce) co n stitutin g '

the all behi nd and abo v e which there is no Be ing con

, ,

sc ious or otherw i se ; and th ird The ism which recog , ,

n i z e s a Creator S ustainer and moral Governor dwell in g

, , ,

w ith in beh ind and above the organized worlds and the
, ,

cosm ic vo id from wh ich they w ere brought forth in ,

the un c on di tioned splendor of H is original eternal


and absolute Be ing There are modificat ions of these


three general conceptions wh ich constitute di st inct

systems of thought and interpretation but practically , ,

conc ept ion Which recognizes God as both ‘

Being infinite in wisdo m

, ,

man as the 1 mm e di ate

God with an inh erent capacity of r1 sm g into

cons ol on s comm union and fellowship with

is the h ighest form of Theism It is also .

most comprehensive and inspiring co n ce p

has yet been presented to the world The .

philosophy it 1 n volve s; At the same

of its verification are t he s implest , and .

o f the hu mblest soul that has ris en to


of moral percept ion and rati onal discrimina v

di scret ion. The Chr ist inhis co m plete i llu


reach ing the e p e n v 1 sro n an d proclaim ing the



an d H is g o ve rn m en t
and the di vi ne p oss1
irits ,

of God an d demonstrating ,

own experi en ce before the

ely in a dvance of all other
full realiz at ion in his earthly
the deepest yearni ngs of the human soul
sp iritua l freedom and supremacy an d thus ful filled ,

the lo ftie st prophet ic aspirat ions and inspired e fforts of


S e ers and S ages who preceded him For the first .

earth he l ifted up the perfect ideal and demon

“ w

in his own example the perfect la and l iving

its attainment for his race the way the truth
, , ,

and the life for his brethren their supreme L eader,


Exemplar and Helper .

hurches called Christian nor of the

sal vation of the c ,

was the true and perfe c t life of

of God on e arth saved to their

Ye therefore shall b
heredity .


v e n ly Father is p erfect It as .

freedom and suprem acy in and .

m om ent here and now a life ab ,

t atio n and sin as above the p ower of


ease . He shall save h is p eople from

they sh al l lay han dS '

On the Sick and they shall re

cost designating the only name under heaven


fellowship in the spheres of l ight the light of ,

higher l ife disp elling the mi sts and imperfect

th is Thes e in turn , may have helped through


mi ni stry the Christ h imself to his attainment a

Angels m inistered unto him and


yet under heaven
among men the Christ stood
” ‘5

the onl y p erfect representative or embodiment an d re


iz atio n of the ay the truth and the life for men

, ,

Traditional Theology not C hr i stian Theosophy The—

. :

forego ing definition and epitome of the Theosophy of

the C hrist will we trust prevent the confoun di ng of that
, ,
God and Brother of men ,

speculative doctrines Of

1 11 which it

Christian Church has been bu


alle d t
paganiz ed corruption of the apostolic

t eaching In p lace of t he universal

e rfe ct providenc e O f God and the sav


lov e to lift men to the full fru ition of

His childr e n w
hich through

the good tidings o f great j oy

people it has set up W hat ? A monstrou s carica

On the basis of the huge misconception and theo

fiction of an arbitrary despotic an d angry D e ity
, ,

of endless tort ure in the world to come to ,


e n are by nature doomed and from wh ich


be saved onl y through some prop it iat ion and

purchased favor it has set up a scheme of propitiation
1 02

heath enish

t e rp re tin g the me di atorial work of th

God and the glorious possibil ities an d indest


The introduct ion of this p aganism as a ,

interpretation into Christi anity subvert


foundation O f th e C hri st teaching, and

tir e stream o f Christian thought and

the se n turie s


I ln de r th i s interpretat ion the cruel


t yr do m of J e su s an o fficial murd er by

ple became an ato n in g sa

c e p table o ffering to God as

due the guilty the merits of his


ficial death b eing imput ed to the sinner on his

ance by faith of the Crucified On e as his sub
making God a party to the scheme .

O n the b asis of such a paganized corruption ,

t ic subtlety succeeded in fo rm ulatin g and fasten
the Christ ian system th is barbaric doctrine of v
atonement and sub stituted ri ghteousness as the
sence of the Gospel the central and foundation

the Chri st message and work .

The Real and the F ictitious C hri st — The ,

wof a fictitious traditional a

g p o er u

bias of here di tary imp ression a n d

prejudi ce could h ide from the enlightened m entality
a nd adv anced thought of to day the heathenism of this -

doctrine which stripp ed of its s cholastic setting and

, ,

of j ustice and blasphemes the merciful and ri ghteo us

an d j
r e st o r atio n through repentan ce a n d faith w ithout

exp iation or me di atio n as disclosed and specifically e mi


p h a s i z e d i n the parable of the P ro di g al S o n as it does , ,

al so hi s doctrine of salv a t ion in personal righteousness

onl y whi ch 1 s the bur den of his S ermon on the M ount

and of all his t e achl n g 1 11 example p recept and parable , .

Mist ak en Efforts Of the Church Unde r this terr ibly

— .

mi staken attitude and impression the frant ic and gener ,

ally well meant e fforts of the Church called Christ ian

Ro man ,Greek and Protestant alike have been directed

to the saving of souls from the rath to come the

' “w ,

hell and pri son house of another

the doors of
which are supposed to be opened to and eternally closed
upon the sinner at death The mere ment ion of this.

crass fiction of theology to the modern mind would be ,

1 04 TH E OP E N D OOR . .

grotesquely lu di crou s in its absurdity ,

presented as a vital truth of r ell g l o n ,

posed sanction of divine authority

Until the religious world is e man cip ate d .

d arkening shadows and mantl ing gl oom which it '

thrown around the thought of God death and , ,

after life are disp ersed by the pure wh ite

there can be no true conception or realization
higher spiritual life and experience .

In the true and normal life which the reign of

tian Theosophy will secure Go d transition w

, ,

call death and im mo r tality ill be among the

lightful and ennobling themes of human conte

Th ew ifi funct i on of the Theosophy f t h
sp e c c o e x

to induct man into the boun dl ess love


the Father by o p em n g his inte rior life


and communion It will thus emancipate him from


hells of fear ignorance superstition an d p erverted

, ,

m ality by lift ing him at once i nto the l ight and fre e

of spiritu al supremacy and divine fellowship .

p r e m
acy and sectarian clannishness are not the
growth of the S p irit of di vine sonship and br o therh
under the immediate inspiration and gu idance of an
wise and merciful Father in heaven They are the .

v e lo p m e n t and man ifestation o f an o the r and v ery di

ent principle They furnish no evidence of sp iritualc


attainment or di vine realizat ion but rather the spirit of


human aggrandizement and the selfish appropriati on

18 SG

children man cannot walk


in His supremacy an d is

The Great Mistak e —

In departing from this standard
O f personal righteous ness under d vm e guidance and

s et up by the Chr ist a s the true and only

in spired prom

ise and substitut ing there


fo r an Ofii cial an d fictitious salvation through imput e d
righteousness by vicarious substitution under the ar

bitrary assumption of ecclesiastic authority and creedal


stan dards (it interpr etin g the letter of S cripture ,

1 06

The saddest fe ature of our

sight of the Church to day -

enli ghtenment and the p o ssess mn


sources of learning and cumul ative intelligence ,

in such servile attitude to the tradit

and clinging with 1 n san e tenacity to the standar
fathers 1 11 di rect antagonism to the livi ng Go sp

S o n of God : It cannot escap e even to d ay the

stingin g rebuke , Ful l well ye rej ect the comm
of Go d that ye may keep your own tradition


In spite however of the m i sconception

, , ,

tion and pagan ized corruption of

Chr ist by the Church she has done ,

V ice to the world by preserving to our age

letter of the original story of the M aster s ’

li fe and words ; for this let due cre di t be given .

When fully emancipated from the thraldom of c od e

s ias tical despotism and the bias of traditional c orruption s

and superstitions the religious world wi ll r e interpi e t


the life and words of the M aster by the key wh ich he

himself has left us as indeed it is already beginning to

do Then will be fulfil led the M aster s own prophe cy 1 11


the parable of the wheat and the tares in wh ich he ,

clearly foresaw and depicted this very histo ricdealing

with his gospel The tares of paganized corruptions
. ,
he is the e n g e rme d embo di ment o f

infin ite pos sibili t ies a God in em

a universe of infinit e harmony an d

c onditions and providence the inborn


di vin ity ill sooner or later come to ful l rounded organic



embodiment or incarnation as re p re sen te d and demon


s trate d in the Belov ed S o n S upreme Brother and M odel

, ,

No Fall en RaceThere is and can be no fallen race


, ,

as such and therefore no original or hered itary sm


fall possible to rational and moral be 1 ng s 1 s a

of the oral
individu al

stand o r fall by its O n motive

ye that y euse this proverb

, ,

have eaten sour grapes and the ,

on edge 2 Be hold all s oul s ,

s oul of the father so also the s oul Of


the soul that sinneth it sh al l di e NO , .

committed sin by a Vl o latio n o f the


truth Every chi ld th erefore is born in

, ,

a sthe t ypi cal A dam before hi s fall , ho but

the o cen ce of all childhood

The ymboli sm of Eden —

The p
in Eden which theol ogi ans have blindly and absur dl y

accepted as literal history is a symbolic ,

meant only as such as is evident ,


speaking serp ent It symbolizes


man soul Eden representing the


hich ev ery soul is brought into p er sohal

Expulsion from Eden symbolizes the fall fr om
through Violation of the la of purity and truth in di so be
di en ce to the voice of God in the soul The temptin g ser .

p ent symbolizes animal desire calling for unr estrained ih

dul g e n ce or the seeking of sensual g ratificatiOn as an end

The Chri st D oor of Restoration —Recovery and res .


to ratio n from the fall or state of guilt and sin as taught

, ,

by the Christ is e ffected through repentance and faith

, ,

which Open the soul at once without e xpi ation or ,

wdead a
as nd is al ive

Overruled by Spir itualr On the —

to the sensuous understandi ng the ,

reco g ni t ion of the law of nec essity and the power of


Karma is p erfectly legitimate and consistent But to .

within the sphere of the divine relationsh ip ,

of di vine lov e and forgiveness the la of the

Spiritual life break s the wheel of necessity overrules

1 10

into the boundle ss

Freedom and su :

bo di ed spirit and so n o f Go d
All life intel ligen ce goo dn ess and
, ,

8 1 011 8 or manifestat i ons of S pirit qual ,

ual being In God as universal S p


Being these are absolute and infinite

, .

me di ate child of God under o rg an 1 c ‘

e n g e rme d embodiment of the D ivine n atu re

butes . H e mu st therefore of necessity as a chil d Of

God possess the inherent capacity of rising to the full "

Organic consciousness or consciousness as an Org anic


being of his spiritual nature and immediate r elation


s hip to GO d Through this r ealization as an embodied

S pirit he enters into his spiritual supremacy and at tains ,

the person al mastery of all the phy sical relation s and

conditions of his environment This attainment can be .

possible however to a rational and moral being only

, ,

through conformity with the moral order o f the D ivine

Economy or unity with the D ivine w ill an

which is secured only through obedience to
the sp irit in the personal life D eparture from th is la

brings the soul into bondage an d degradat ion ; and r e

turn to it through repentance and faith restores the soul
again to soundness and freedom Continued obe di ence .

to this law secures he al thful growth and freedom or in ,

t e g r al development in the l ife power an ,

the Father S o n thou art ever with me an d all that is


mine is thine .
immanent life and therefore in his essential nat ure a
, , ,

con st itution a spiri tual be ing from the firs t holding po3

ten tiallyin hi s lif e the attributes of the Father s trans :

ce n de n t Being He is then we rep eat a God in embryo

, , ,

and in his essenti al constitut ion transcen ds the world in

Whi ch he was born and is capable of rising through and

over all the con di t ions of his environment int o the per
fe ctio n and supremacy of be 1 n g wh ich characterize the

The perf ect moral adjustment of man to his organic r e

latio n s i th the Father and so with the brethren and his

environment through wh ich the illumination of his soul


and the ha rmony and integral development of His B e


assume his true attitude toward God


r o n m e n t on this ba si s i tho ut findi ng

o f its truth m p ersonal e x p e r1 e n ce


instruction and example I .

[no one excluded! he that foll

d arkness but shall have t

Ab flute T ranscendency
a ffect i on and moral qual ity are

n o t qualities of matter Pure .

c onscious being the D e ific Es sence must fro m its Very

— — "

nature always and forever transcend sub

stance and formative processes of org

Gradations of Matt er The material substance 1 11 a nd


through which Spirit finds embo di ment and its attributes

obtain organic expression is not co n fin e d t o t hat gross
, ,

state which men call matter but exists in infini te grada,

tions of refinement ranging from the crudest mineral


deposit up to a state o f invisible and impalp able ether



Indeed the ethereal state was undoubte dl y the original


con di tion of the primordial ocean of co sm1 c substance

from which the elements that compose the various mat e

rial substan ces of the planets were precipitated Th is .

e han g‘
ele s s and Imparti cled Es

le , as we thus u se through these

we find the finer more

coarser until all in thefin al step are found absolutely

, , ,

interpenetrated by and held in the all embracing grasp -

of Omnipotent omnipresent and omniscient S pirit

, ,

Water thus in adegree penetrates and surrounds earth ;

, ,

air,more rarefied correspon di ngly penetrates and sur


more subt ile and elastic than air the m ,

penetrates the densest substances em ,

ms fills the interstellar spaces and con

, ,

a medium of V ibratory impulses ,

of one planet with a nother: The attenu

atter can re ach no farther When we pass .

the plane of the 1 mp alp able ether we touch the

and in

s provi

bf an original ly invisible and imp

Stance , it is cap abl e of being

tion into the invisible su

bstance of living Or

e the r e a l

wh at is perpetually taking place in all

isms . The never ceasing miracle of life

mation and etherealizat ion of the cruder substances


dailyi\ ro ug ht before our eyes .

l ift ed step by step through Q

the crude conditions of r ock metal and e arth


The process however as we know does not s top h ere

, , ,

Thought substance and energy are evolved fr Om t he


con di tions of brain and nerve life capable of setting 1 11


motion powerful waves of ethereal vibration wh ich ,

through mental concentration are made to effect Sp e cifil

cally the psychi c states of other personalitie s Th is in .

di cate s unm i stakably the existence and act ivity of a

p sychic organism within ,

cal corresponding to the plane of the ethereal


With in but di s crete from the atmosphere of the phys i

, ,

cal worl d S uch p sychic action and result s can be pred i
above the plane of physical reaction and the law of
the in di v idualiz at ion and evolution
body there is therefore involved
a t o fold organ ism the external and phys ical bearing

a vital relation to the i nner and sp iritual s im ilar to that


wh ich the husk bears to the unf ol di ng ear of corn it

the essent ial and
one The husk during the pe riod of corn

is vital and essential to the evolution and

ent of the ear which could not take place

it ; but when no longer needed for the p erfe c

1 16

dent life re ains

his self co ns cl o u s
t u te s -

which be 1 ng thus embo

o rg a m sm 1s m de st
the physical body has se rved its te
the formation and maturing of the
organism being no longer n eeded

by the real and permanent body
a ay by di ssolution leaving the ,

ism of the soul in p e rfect fre e do


ab ove and independent of the laws

physical world .

p l e t ethereal and psychic correspondence

e therete .

Hence with the dissolution


body the soul with its


finds itself in a world of environm

respond ence with its own organi c
the inevitable destiny of every soul
of self conscious b eing or in ho
progressive person al ity is ful l
t ablishe d .
spirits fin d their S pher e o f
he l o w er circle s of spirit life,

earth while the


centres of act ion

society on the highe rand brighter plan es of celes

external condi t ions of l ife and society in the

are the exact counterpart s or external ex
inward stat es the environment of each

an d society is determ ined absolutely by its

ions Each indivi dual on passing per

from e arth inevitably gravitates or rises as

, ,
1 18

of the lower cannot ,

by help from above ,

th em They enter them permanently only


through interior development t o co rre spo n df

a con di tion of p ersonal responsibility

are taken in charge byben evo lent asso
tering spirits formed for this purpo se ,

lishe d nurseries schools and asylums app ropri ate

, ,

th eir work.

The mighty sp 1 r1 ts of the so called -

of martyr ages the vast and glori ous


have lived and wrought

live and with di vine1 love
, ,

augment ed powers work for t

uplifting and transformation of humanity Whether ,

earth or in the prisons of selfishness and depravity 1 nthe H


land of soul s .

The conditions of the life beyond are thus briefly de

pi oted here for the light they throw on the question of
reincarnation in connection with the evolution and

present existence Of an indestructible spiritual organism

within and vitally connected w ith the physical body .

If asked by What authority these oracular statements

are made concerning the spiritual body the reality of
t o here however as authority in
, ,

but is presen ted to the 1 n tuitive

S on the sub

exp eri ence in and through t hese relations


con di tion s of smu t life as

physical body and the eu

understan di ng, the la of Karma or co n s e

no t as will be rea ily seen necessitate a re

, d '

in the physical as the s o ul takes up its l ife


d iscipline in the spirit world exactly where it was

down in th is M an may change his attitude toward

and toward man here or there but his essent ial

, ,

them are as indestruct ible as the nature


of the soul of man a sHis child They re .

en forever and unaffected by transition from

sphere to another The changeless nature and
an d m o ral being or of his

relations with m enand his

of personal attitude under
effected in hi s iife in the S pirit world
s imply a change in his environm

his relation to environment or to ard man

by the transition In whatever sphere o f


must adjust himself to an his relations

fr eedom harmony and supre
, ,

hi s unity with God in them

Karma or consequences of On e attitude

, ,

moral and spiritual being ends with the


other and opposit e attitude here or there

, .

The physical world and the con di tions of

are an undoubted necessi ty for the primary di fferenti al:
tion and embodiment of S pirit in self conscious person ,
- ~

alitie s a physical body being n e ce s s ary fo r the evo lu tiO


and perfection of a spiritual body and the physical !


senses for the indi vidualization and primary develop !

ment of the soul s faculties This Once e ffected the real


and perm anent man is no longer an ani mal or mere ,

sensuous and physical being but a spiritual o rg am sm

, ,

capable of sustaining organic relations With a correspond

powers ,

exp erience and di scipline in the

the senses as a preparation fo r a

e ntrance up on the life b eyond Too much .

os sible achievement O f a

and beauty in the

h ere the st ruggl e

d and the personal victory achieved

under no ore fav orable condi tions .

true ideal of development or evolution of soul,

organic embo di ment an d e xp r e s s1 o n i s the

al r e aliz atl o n and supr e macy of mind and the ,

aliz atio n or refinement and p erfe c

the instrument of its activit ies in

e n V1 r o n me nt . w
This in Vie of a spiritual

correspon di ng world of environment rules ,

need or desirability of r e p e ate d p hysical incarna

tr ue un derstan ding and cul tivation O f the sp iritual
and psychic po ers to which e are seeking to


the attention of aspiring and thinking souls will

, ,

repeat bring the full demonstration of the truth

1 22


or di na ry l ifetime of our p re
tions of the after life being
properly developed independent seership ,

Tr anslation versus Dissolution O n e

further g
on the p ossible abolition of the process p dis s o lu tio n

taking its place .

As phys ical substance is bu t the

ethereal or what may practically be 0

stance and returns from the plane of crude matter


time must come when the p ower of e mbodied spirit ,

through the higher unfoldin g of the spiritual con ‘

ness and intelligence an d t he corresponding


chem istry of l ife under spiritual

ize the physical body di ssol ving and ,

grosser elements that it shall pass like


from the physical to the spiritual world
or decay by a glorious translation This

of all high prophe cy .

The transcendent chemistry of l ife transmutes as we ,

know the crude elements of matter into all the infinite


variety of texture which characte n z es the structures of

the v egetable and animal kingdoms It has thus lifted

the primates of the mineral world to the plane of ulti

development th ere i s also .
the compl ete format ion of a

m en t ‘

fro m x
infa n cy to manhood both partaking of the

Th e p rocess of organ i c formation seemingly begin s

with t he extern al body yet as in all life starting from a



ism is re all y fir s t i n the order o f fo rmatio n It thus



constitutes the actual pattern and la under which the '

physical body 1 s constructed ; the out ard body being

but the protectiv e sh ield and vehicle for the process ,

like the husk to the corn .

The Testim ony Of seership There is a natural .

body and there is a sp iritual body said the great ,

Apostle whose psych ic vision had been opened to per


c e ive the inner and permanent organ i sm This testi .

mony of the apostolic seer is corroborated by the corre

s p o n din g testimony of myriads of seers in different ages ,

many of whom were ignorant of what had been said by

1 24

mostly been o f spontaneous

imme di ate
study and cu lture ; then all that whave
e -

demonstrat ion .

S ince then the physical body is but the tempo

, ,

g an ic shield vehicle
and ex t er,nal c o un t e rp
permanent and ,

b oth are started formed and


fi cul tie s in the ay of a S piritual organism on ce separ ,

ated fr o m its p hy s 1 cal co un t e

reincarnated through the

at once It would be like saying that the matured ear of

lu tio nfrom the stalk through the husk cob and m ilk to ,

the full corn in the ear Were such a thing possible.

woul d it still be the s ame e ar of corn ? The same ques


t ion applies with equal force to the re incarnate d man .

Every living organ i sm plant animal o r man is but


the organic expression of the character and quality of it s

w n embodied l ife ; hence soul and body are of necess ity

o ,

the actual correspondences one of the other H o then .

, ,

can the organ ism of a nursing infant or stumbling child

represent or be the expression of a reincarnated p hilo so
pher statesman etc or become such a character only
, ,
with the nature of th ings
i s the t heol ogi cal doctrine

the same basis ; a m isconcept ion of the

in the present existence is far more r

for o n the basis of m edi umsh ip or the sympathetic blend

ing of the p ersonal sphere of one 1 11 the b ody with the


S phere of one or more be in gs of the spirit World w it h


whom the individual has been b rought in mediumist ic

conj unction .

A sensitive psychometrist may by contact with some


relic be brought into sympathet ic union by r e tr o sp e c

, ,

t ion with a p r ehisto rl c savage and if not trained in the

, ,

understan di ng and use of his powers will become for the

t ime so identified 1 11 thought and feel ing with the earthly
life of that early savage as not to dist ingu ish h imself
therefrom He may indeed as has been demonstrated ;

, ,
1 26 T HE 6mm D o o r
“ s

e rhap s

unconsciously to themselves this ,

tric susceptibility either by cont


ing influence o r me di u istic conj unction

of other person al iti e s —
in the body or
more satisfactory explanation than the

tiv e memory of former incarnati o n s .

Astral Shel ls etc , The r e in carn at


j e ct io n abl e aga in in that it raises mor

it is capable of explaining The Oriental .

se venf old di vision of the constitution o f man


flo atin str al shells of denuded and di vi ded

posing l ia D evach an

so necessary to the do

reincarnat ion is of too fanciful and arbitrary

lation to sat isfy anyone not fascinated by the m

physical and sp ec ul ativ e character of ori ental p hilo so
phy .

Th is too is an un verifiable theory and n o t 1 n ac c ord

, , ,

with the most a dvan ce d s te p s of modern research in


anthropology The general scope or trend o f Oriental


speculation and teaching may perhap s be made to ap

p ear consistent with the Pantheistic concept ion of
N ature and l ife but it cannot by any possible showing


be made to harmonize w ith the Theism of Jesus .

It is all right to claim Jesus as a Theosoph ist for ,

he most assure dl y was in the truest and fullest sen se


but the doctrine of re incarnat ion and astral shells as

not embraced in his Theosophy His conception of the .

di gal of di rect communi cation between

as held by him an d certain of his di s

s an d lia s o n the M ount of Tran s
e law of di vin e forgi veness healing and ,

res toration without exp iation or me di

repentance and faith leave no place ,

ally taught and emphasized in the Oriental

the human soul etc must of n e ,

cessity be carried for

ward on correspon di ngly d i fferent levels to the ir le g iti

mate r esults whi ch also must correspondingly di ffer

The Chr i st D octrine ver sus Modern Science —


is nothing in the doctrin e or teaching a scribe d to Jesus


that co n fli cts i n the slightest deg re e ith the posit ive


demonstrations cf modern science save the doctrine of ,

divine forgiv eness and immediate healing demonstrate d ,

by him howev er in facts of actual experi e n ce if the

,_ , ,

record be true The unexpl ored realm of sp iritual l ife

an d la by positive experimental s cience as yet renders

any scientific obj ect ion to th is h igher la altogether w
p remature O. n the other h and so far as modern science ,

has ventured in this di rection thes e h igher results are ,

actually foreshadowed and there is absolutely nothing

128 TH E O P EN D O OR

If an y man wil leth to do his will h


doctrine whether it be of God or h ,

This c an not be said of the do c


trm e o f r e in car

myself .

nation a n d Karma .

If we set out with the premise that there is no S u !

preme Will to be stu di ed and obeyed and therei q re no

w w

divine forgiveness or supreme p o er to overrule the la ‘


o f K arm a an d restore without expiation then we have s

, ,

no basis for faith and effort 1 11 this direction

We claim that the rule giv en
been fully and fairly applied on any large scale s1 n ce

wand realized its power

la .

The la of divine lov e and forgiveness on rep

and faith and the ab solute p ower of S pirit to he

reconstr uct without expiat ion or me diatio n is as an tag

, , ,

o n is tic to the doctrine of v icarious atonement and sub

stituted righteousness as to that of reincarnation


Karma There has been it is tru e a form of repent

, ,

and faith insisted on by the church but it has ,

sufficiently comprehensive or vital to the true


of humanity to secure the results prom ised by

salv ation m a future world ha s
atoning blood of Christ as a sa cri :

to God for the sin s of the world the sub ,

s of Christ s righteousness be1 ng impute d

sinner on his acceptance of the blood atonement

Christ be en pre ached a s a M odel of thep e rfe ct life o n


e arth p o s sible to all men as ch ildren o f God ? When


has the M aster s o n words been insisted upon as a

bas is of faith ; Veri ly verily I say unto you He that

, , ,

believ eth on me the works that I do shall h e do als o ;


and greater than these shall he do because I g o unto


The O riental doctrine of reincarnation and Karma ,

wh ich adm its of no forgiveness but insists on exp iation

, ,

and each so ul Worki ng out its own Karma through re

p e a t e d incarnat i—
ons which absolute j ust ice is supposed .


to demand and provide is infinitely more cons istent


humane and j ust than the theological scheme of v1 car1


ous atonement and substituted righteousness Both the . .

Or ientalist and the Western Christian however have

, , ,

13 0

imm edi ate

and in

method and promise o f Jesus which


teach ing and standa rd from and sets


contrast with all other teaching and

world .

C hristian in our m odern world ; and th

teachi ng a n d pract ice o f th is church must
be confounded ith the Theosophy of
its m ig hty promise to man for which we plead

Theosoph ist freely quotes the s ay1 n g of a Christ ian .

and doctrine of Karma in the non forgi veness of sin ;

Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap ;


but he does not follow out the de eper impl ication h ich 6
these words in volve as more fully in di cated in the con

text viz : the suprem e power of S pirit appropriated


by faith to o vercome and eman cipate from an y an d

all conditions of bondage to mat erial ity and sin Be


not dece ived ; God is not mocked : for hatsoever a c

eth un to his o n flesh shall of the flesh reap
tion ; but he that soweth unto the S p iri t shall ;

S pirit r eap eternal lif e L ife on the plane of the

life being

other hand being eternal and incor

as man can live to and m the S p irit a s ell as in the ,


S enses he has here hi s true source of heal ing and re


c o v e ry both in bodily con di tion s and mental and moral

states If then a man i g nores his relat ion to the S p irit
, , ,

or forgets his t rue life as a spirit ual be ing and ch ild of

God and becomes absorbed in the things of the fl esh and


sensuous life he is led to excessiv e indul gence and per


verted a ctivit ies and falls under bondage to the corrup


tions which follow He has s own to the flesh and is


reap ing the fruits of his so ing When howe ver he

, ,

discov ers his mi stake and stops so m g to the flesh in

s eeking the th ings of the sensuous l ife as an end and sows ,

t othe S pirit that is,seeks divine fellowship and suprem

13 2

and righteousness as an

first he will grow up under the spi


fe ct life and like the Christ ch ild

, ,

and stature and in favor with God


no rmal season o f organic maturity re c ;

Christ the full and p ermanent illuminat i


w ithout at any t ime falling int o sin or
l a of the p erfect life .

faith a s used by Jesus did not

\ ,

they are used in the co

When he said The time ,

God is at hand ; repent ye

there as no t hought of hell

proclaimed was the good tidings of great jo y h

shall be to all p eople foretold by the angels at

b irth It was the announcement

man of his spiritual nature di vine sonship and tran scen


dent possib ilities as a child of God an d a c all to the i ,

new and victorious life of divine fellowship and suprem

acy wh ich th is gospel and Theosophy opened to him
through repentance and faith Repent ye and belie ve .

the gospel The word repent is here used simply in


the sense of turning about from goin g in one direction

goodness and provi

by many to the
nal sense of the

clo thed with human attributes n

d p a s sm n s
a as a Person

the Chri st conception of God however in his B e
In ,

ing and Fatherhood there is no anthropomorphism in


volved in the sense of using man in any ay as a pattern


of his conception Indeed this process 1 s exactly re


v ersed It is an original and independent concept ion of

God as universal and supreme S p irit both immanent and

transcendent in His relations to N ature and man It is .


ag ain a reconception of man as a s p iritual being because

, ,
13 4

hi m or,
a a

ing hi m to a sense of his divine


In place of hol di ng the ico n c

pattern of man it holds the con

the M osaic
ing forth m anin His own image and

The doctrine of man s di vine s onship ’

c o mmu m o n with and revel ation from

the spiritual nature of both el im ,

morphic defin itions and limitations and ,

of the boundlessness of the Father s natu ’

d the correspon ding inherent bo un dl

of man as His child .

The B earing of D emonstrative

of positive science will ere long c onfirm
of sp iritual intuition and compel the uni

t ion of man as the immediate o ffspring of

Be ing of wi sdom and goo dness be cau se he i s

embodied self conscious personal ide n tity an d p rogress
- -

Under the law of hered


ive intelligence on our planet .


ity no prece di n

g order of organic l ife could hav e be
stowed on him or transmitted to him these transc end

ent endowments .

The rational moral and inspirational p o We rs '

, ,

di fferentiate and di stinguish an from the animal

dom are not derived from the animal nature Th .
ment and supremacy these germ inal attributes of a tran!
life as the mineral kingdom was to

but these high attribut es were n o


was of the m ineral . L ike he

f orth the germs of a h igher order and k ingdom of life

Of .

All these germs of the ri s ing orders of l ife were doubt


less deposited in the world life of the cosmi c mass by —

the different iat ing act of S p irit a t an early stage o f the

world format ion when the earth was without form
, ,

and v oid and darkness a s upon the face of the deep and
, ,

the S p iri t of God moved upon the fa c e of the waters ,

each to be brought forth in its o n time and order as -

conditions were prepared in the m ighty procession of

the march ing ages in fulfil ment of the purposes of Him


with whom one day is as a thousand years and a thou , ?

sand years as one day .

As a stream can rise no higher than its source this ,

comin g forth of consciousness volition and spiritual as

13 6 T11 1 5 O P EN D O OR .

of the ri sing tide

on of lifein the or
reme and or1 g1

mate o f
creation and the highest form of sible to
our planet he must p erforce take his
, p la Ce at t he head

S tanding with his feet up on its Sum m it and his h ead

among the stars his p sychic or soul powers ar e not held

to the limitations Of physical perception but rise in .

their hi gher range Of activity to acquaintance with the

Cos os and fellowship with the immortal s Though

the las to come forth he stands first


p o rt ance and by virtue of his p ro g r

, ,

to unfold and bring to perfection in his

supreme spiritual attributes O f L ife —

and power and t hus become GO d like in
— -

character p erfect even as the Father in heaven 1 s per


fe ctf

S ince the constitution O f the human soul is p ro g r e s

sive in its nature and character and the unf olding of its

powers is but the organic evolution of germinal attri

butes of spiritual or absolute being thei r i ntegral devel ,

o p m e n t and train ing must and will give him final con

trol and actual mastery of all his physical social and , ,

moral c on di tions and environment .

As the kingdoms below man and the entire world ‘

itual being and son of God must thus beg lu ln the sph ere

t o the la of the S pirit in the life . He must be loyal to

p i ng if
r he ,
w o ul d enter into its power and personally

this e have but to contemplate the life Of the M o de l

man in whoma misuse or p erversion of power would

. .

surely have been an inip Ossibility .

To effect these results and exalt the present l ife of

mankin d to the sublime heig hts of di vine r ealizati o n by ,

inducting them int otheir free born inheri tance is the ,

specific work and sublime mis sion of Christian Theos

o p hy An d God said
. L e t us make man in our image

and after our likeness ; an d let them have domini on over

the fish O f the sea and over the fowl of the air and
, ,

over the cattle ; and over all t he earth and over every ,


living thing that moveth upon the earth .

The Mastery Rests ith Mam An d God said

— Let ,
13 8

stamped him
eternal Father has

freedom to rise through co operation with the divine


provi dence to the di vinest he ights O f possible being

, .

God having thus given to m an as Hi s child freedom


lift him by His almighty power a n d goo dn e ss to that ,

perfection of being in his own i mage and lik e ness whi ch

He has designed and provide d for
the consent and co operation Of man- a

less in the normal ev olution of t he


duce H imself in them To t he full ext ent therefore,


that they O bey the promptings of their O WIl h igher or

S p 1r1 tu al nature the int ui tions of the S pirit which con 4


stitute His voice in the soul does H e ork in a n d


through them both to will and to do of his good pleas

ure .

It is through t he inner and spiritual S ide of our being

that e are rooted in the life of God and th at His nature
, ,

and attributes are S pecialized in the facul ties of the soul .

We hav e therefore only to g ive the same attention and

, ,

desire to the things which pertain to the kingdo m Of

God and the inner life that we give to tho se go f the out
ward world and we shall p erceiv e and underst and them

as clearly .

The kingdom Of Go d and the inner world or S pirit

. ,
Bem g is more thanthe u n i

His love an d

ir itual transcendency of

man the supremacy of his being the free dom of

t he uni

and the thi ngs of the world with which

e hav e to deal w
e are in unity with the Father S S pirit

, ,

and at one with Him 111 them This 1 S the true R

. e co n cili

iatio n or At On e ment of the N e Testament

- -

Functi on Of Spiri tual Insight —

The function of the

S piritual nature or the exercise of the mind s powers on
1 40

The accuracy Of extern al perception depends upon

mann er the exercise of intuition

clearness and perfection of the Spiritual
o nl y through the un di vided attent ion in
for the absolute truth and right The .

needed and the only thing t hat ill


freedom and p ower to the soul ; this
be the only thing desired and sought for .

When the activiti e s of the Sensuous mind

tiv e s of the self seeki ng spirit are hushe d

and the attention and active desire are h ,

upon the S piritual sense of the matter intui ,

heard in the deliverance of her inf allible oracl e which ,

is we repeat the unmistakabl e voice of God in the S oul

, , .

It is this attitude only which open s the s o ul to the im

p ersonal S phere o f the D ivine and S 0 to the immedi ate


inspiration Of God in the uncloude d light of which_


truth and right are clearly seen and the un sp oken and

unwritten Word of the living God revealed If thine .

eye be S ingle thy whole body shall be ful l of light .

The Meeting point Of Man ith GOd

- —It
will be .

ful to remember and try to r

th at God meets and touches
personal relations i
e 1 11 u S . When therefore
, ,

us w e d ir ect their activity only to the ends for which

them e secure His unity With us in

s o the acc ompl ish ment of the e n d de


. ThiS i mme di at e an d inti mate vital relat ion to G o d 1 11

imme diately operate with or antagonize His will co n

co -

the one preparation needed It is the door through .

hich we enter into the realiz ation Of our o n S piri tual

being and of its tru e relati on to Go d to man and to N a
, ,

t ure and acquire specifi c intuitive k nowledg e also Of


the true na ture of anyt hing desirable or useful We are .

thus enabled to enter int o an d know the S oul of things

by a penet rative mental Sympathy through this unity
with God in them .

It is not therefo re thro ug h intellectual development


, ,

and effort under the imp ul sion O f self will that man is ~

to attain the freedom and supremacy o f his be ing and

the m astery O f the world It is only through the recog

niti On of the D ivine wisdom and supremacy and seeking ,

uni ty of wil l and p urp ose with the Father that he can
is of necessity in his essential nature and constitution a
, , ,
such he 1 s indestructibl eand immortal 1 n his personality
, i
an d consciousness holding p otentially within him fr om

the very beg inning of his p ersonality the po ssibilitie s

of di vine perfection .

T he spiritual birth referred to by Jesus as a n e ce S

s ity to an exp erimental knowledge of God and His king :

dom and the realization of thi s perfection of being 111

, ,

relationthereto is not therefore the birth of a n e nat

, , ,

ure in man but the birth or awakenin g of a n e co n


s cio us n e ss
. It is the awakenin g to the men tal re cog

n itio n and personal realization of the S piritual nat

ure and cap acity already his and bringing forth to o r
g a n i c a cti vi ty its latent power O f

thu s ia sm an d service He has th


h imself to the full recognition and

S piritual nature and di vine sonsh ip to ,

s uprem acy of the sp iritual l ife and realiz e

senses .

a correspon di ng to self sa crificing d eeds O f

insp iration -

heroism in the divine m ini stry O f s erv1 ce It is the .

spiritual emancipation uplifting and tr an sfig ur atio n of


humanity because it brings flesh sen se and all the ao

, , ,

tivitie s of m ind and body 1 1 1 subordinat ion to and cO

ordin ation W ith the S p iritual nature in its rightful su
p r e m a cy,
and thus unde r the law and i nsp i rations of the
S p iri tual l ife Which we repeat are love good Will an d
, , , ,
of a son of God the entire ,

and the o rg am sm itself rec

its complete embo di ment and organic e x pre S S 1 o n .

Word is made fl esh the divine ideal



div in e will and purp ose fulfilled


of God ; and the Christ s work complete
fOre shall be pe rfect as your heavenly ,

fe ct .

w w
formity ith the la of the S pirit 1 11 b is li
opened himself to immediate in sp l ration

S phere of the D i vine and his intuition acts ,

di rect n shin in g l ight of the D ivine O mni science


realizes he fulfilment o f the divine promise I Wi

stru ct thee and teach thee 1 n the way hich
sh al t g o z I will g uide thee with m1 n e e ye the eye


O mniscience .

The deeper secrets of the world and the l aws of o c

cult m astery can be grasped by man only through the
active supremacy inspiration an d i llum in ate d i ntuition
, ,

of his S piritual nature .

The co ordi nation of the outward with the inward l ife


the senses with S piritual intuition an d insp irat ion


b ri ngs all under the l a of the spirit in the l ife an d the ,

outward and the inward become one lum inous man .

The intellectual and art istic powers by taking on an ,

intui t ive and inspirational action under S piritual illumi

nation are enabled to interpret correctly the testimony
Father, they are made the p erman ent gifts of the


S pirit un der di vin e illumination wh ich confer on their


p o s s es so

r tha t supreme power O f mastery a-

n d achieve
ment attained by Jesus an d to a h igh degre e hy the '

Why ,
indeed S hould it not be so ? The sust ai ning

p ower of the m ind s facul ties and of the so ul itself in its


entirety of being and p ersonality is the indwell ing l ife


O f Go d
Within and behind that l ife in the infinite

depths and inexhaustible resources of H is eternal and

changeless nature is the enthr oned Bein g of God
It 1 S

through this D e ific Essence and centre of man s be ing’

that he and hi s fac ult ies are securely anchored 1 n S u

preme S pirit and whi ch makes the soul a living tem
1 46

of Go d It is thi
constitutes the S hekinah of th
Holy of Holies in the human
S p iritu al life O f the so ul and of e v ,
soul ,

which constitutes the potenti al germ s of the D i vine na

ture and attributes and gives to m an hiS spiritual co n
, ,

s titutio n a n d indestructible p ersonality wi th infinite , .


p ossibilities O f development and di vine reali z ation:

Soul s facul ties (S piritual birth) of this indwelling spirit

u al life and germinal di vinity ,man in the functions of

hi s being is opened to the lim itless depths of the Fa ~

t he r s spirit a n d from the heights of infi n ite B ei


streams into his soul the i llu inat ion O f the ,

e ver brighten ing e ffulgence of the D ivine Omn l s cl en ce


and the ev er de e p e n l n g 1 n S p

If we attempt to open c ul tivate and exerc ise the
, ,

p sychic powers without the recognition of and depend

e nce upon D ivine In spiration and guidance we are l iable , ,

as before intimated to self deception t hro,


of the self seeking spirit and perversity O f


subj ective desires becoming through self hyp n o ,


the apparent O bj ective reality of the psychic p erc

tion .

An d agai n without turning di rectly to the in m

, ,

and divine centre of our being for the immediate ,

of D i vine inspirat ion and communion by wh ich we ,

held self centred in the di vine law and pos it iveness of


truth and right we are liable to become open to the 1 11


tru s ive W ills an d thoughts of other personalit ies 1 11 more

o r less sympathy w ith our own desires and S O accep t ,

unity with the will

and p urpo se of God in it , it w


ill give

inj ury i t be comes disease d
t hro ugh fo lly, ig n o ran ce , er .

will through a return to this cO Operation imm ediat ely



heal an d restore it The indul gence Of fear despond


e ncy anxiety etc ; are attitud e s an d states of mind in

, , .

antagonism to the ilLan d purpose of G o d in our l ife


hich a r e he al th and heal ing If we become the victim


of some perni cious and en slavm g habit the re turn , ,

through repentance and faith to the right attitude of


soul toward God in the life will bri ng imme di ate eman
cipati o n healing and restoration Imme di at e healing


and perfect restoration should be always expect ed save

; ,
Where it is d perhaps seemingl y imp Ossi
di fficult an

ble for one in bondage to thus unaided and alone read

j ust himself and assum
, ,

e the correct attitude toward Go d

for this result it can be r ea dily and surely

the union of one or more with and fo r him in

e ffort .

The power Of uni ted prayer Which brin g s men into uni ty

ith God and with e ach

unity is omnipotent
, .

of you S hall agree o n earth as t o uching anything th

S hall ask it S hall be done for th em of my Father

” ”
In union there is s trengt h
. It cre
supplies an atmosphere S O to S peak in which , ,

ness of t e in di vidual is replaced by the combined

and moral support Of those who are thus one with him in
symp athy and e ffo rt

Through this unity of t o or more in mutual helpful

nes sand associative effort for t he realization of God in ,

p ersonal experience and the achievement O f some ben efi

cent result they necessarily come into u nity with God
, ,

who is the bond and power Of all unity an d S e cure the ,


working of His almighty p ower to the accomplishment


of the end desired They also come into unity with


the m ighty Brotherhood of the perfect life represented


in the Christ and thus under the immediate co opera i


ti v e influence of a di vine and helpful ministry For .

f ull pe ppl i wM l F i th H li
For a an d s cifi c a c at i o n o f t he la of en t a an d a ea ng

s ee a ut h o l’
r s a rge or ,
T he Way ,
T th
ru ,
and Lif e .

Vi , w
ne reali zation e can rea dily see that the re Spo n S 1 bil

ity and results r est entirely with ourselves .

The results will correspond ith our recognit ion de ,

S ire and faith on the one hand or ignorance doubt fear , , ,

and the antagonism of self will on the other We limit -


Fo r f all in
li ation and
st ru ct i o n

at ta in
in t he
ment of s
f m ti n n d ex i
or a

o a
f g up f pi it u l
e rc s e s o

pirit u l gift ee P t h ay of the S pirit by

s, s a
ro s or s r


We must act in the realizing sens
achieve 1 11 His name and strength any
, ,

reach any legitimate attainment is alr ,

using .

p otent ial with the very nature of God to be e vok e d and


cal led forth in the functions of our being by the co n cen

t ra tio n of suprem e desire and the app ropriatin g act O f
faith which this understan di n g an d loyalty O f purpose

enables a s to do .

W hether it be for the illumi n ation of the mind the e ni

lig hte nmg n t of the moral sense the healing of the body
, ,

or the cloth i ng of our hole being ith a superhuman

energy for some extraordinary emergency or unusual
work the needed supply in the spirit is ever at our

c omman d
L e t it then be burned into the consciousness an
ory never to be e flac e d that the central life and inherent

, ,

p ower of our every faculty is spirit that S pirit is S O

much of the nature of GOd in us and that as eve ry fuiic


tion and power of our being has its roots in the spirit it ,

may and S ho ul d take on a divine activity Whatever .

God does for us therefore in a p ersonal sen s e He muSt

, ,

do by the activities of His S piri t in and through the

funct ions of our personal l ife not alone through o ur

Will ing consent but active co O peration Realiz ing thi s


we shall not look out and away for a far O ff Go d nor Sit -
the Eternal Goodn e ss and Providence that bless ing has

no t, ye S hall not only do th is which is done to the :

but whosoever S hall say unto t his mo un tal n ,

shall ask in prayer believing [expecting! ye shall re

, ,

ceive Therefore I say unto y o u W at things soever ye


desire when ye pray believ

e that ye receive t hem and
, ,
uns olicite dt
estimon y
rec eived from n umerous read ers of the t
phy The W y th T ut
o issues

P th w y f the S p i it, tosh wth h lp w

of the ristia n d

eo so a , e r an

The a a o hich r

o e e

Ch i t h b r s t many d
as n u
een o an as a e nco r

vel ation to me It has come into

beenfa re .

l ng
o an d earne st d esire t o b etter und erstand some vital points of His ‘

For more t an t ent h wy y ears I h ave

tried , f rom a s n se of e d uty t , o

be ieve in the met o of . hd
d mp ti a t ught by v i us ‘

re e on , s a ar o c hu h rc es,

p i t tly f d t b hvi d
A n w l igh t h b n th w the m i g f Ch i t l if n
b ut reaso nh as ers s en re u se o e co nce .

n w t w

e as ee ro n on ea n n o r s s e o

ear th I . can h t h igh t f g d u hum l if m y

o see o a e s O ra n e r an e a

th t th Ki gd m f G d m y y t a th Wh ll h ll

f ll w w
attai n, a e n ig o O o a e re n on e r en a s a .

l dly T h b d
Hi wth p f t l if
o o
g th
a g t ( et b urea H u t it
eac u t f er no eca se e as s s e or

t b m y l b

u b
s, u u eca se s u as em p er ec e, as o rs a a so eco e er

I never before real ized the d ivine p ossibilities wh h it in reac of p oor

Whonee db w
h wf wll b h
wd pw
e poor , en he can , of his o n ree -
i , eco me ric
in the is o m an d o er O f the S iritp a m aster over sin an d di sease ,

and an acce pt d he eir o f the Kin gd m o of H eaven 2

You have been to me an interpreter of the mystery of l if e and

1 54 A P P EN D I! .

d ath th l tt h l f me
wth l iving ; th i
e e a er as ost most o f its terrors and the , or r

or ere s so h h
muc t at may b e accom is pl h d e .

Yours trul y ,

. .

d y u p i u b k Th W y th T uth d th
I re ceive o r
My d ear S ir
rec o s oo

“ —
Brot er It is
a , e
j ust t

wy o


L if D u i g th t tim I h d it th ugh v l tim I m

n w
e . r n a e ave rea ro se era es . a

o f d i g my hu g y ul n it d ivi l m nt g i
ee n n r so o s ne e e e s a a n .

y tim I t k it u p I f l t g in mi d d b dy f ha
E ve r e a e ee s ro n er n an o or v

d it d it m mpl t th g u d
i g
n r ea ,
v see s so co e e , or co ers e ro n so e ,

th t Ia t h ty ucann o y f u t h u p n
see t h ub j t t h
a t ill o can sa r er o e s ec a

add t it l u m k th ubj t pl in t th pp h n i n f th
o s va e or a e e s ec a er o ea re e s o o e

rea d er

w h d d
I hav in stature and strengt the un erstan ing

o n , or of . the
l y b k du p dy
w ly
g o ri o u s th me of ou r oo ring the ast t o ears o f st u .

A t first it as o n to me a beautiful mirage or d

m but it rea

b gi ni k f m
my i lf Wh d en I commence

I wb k
is e n ng t o ta e o n o rganic or in e .


c ase ,
di g n

in the
as ro

sense o f e ver
en i n h l th d p i it

b ing bl e t
e li a
an s

o rea
r , an

ze a
d f l t y lf h p l
sm ll f

ti n f ht a
m se a o e ess
rac o o w a

I d dy u B
c onsi ere o r ea u tif u l D m rea .

I h d h i i
a a ern an I h d b n hi l
s nce my y uth th t i go ,
a s o e. a ro c a ca

tarrh th t f st d i pp i g
a 1s a sa ear n .

I h d bl dd d k id y t u bl t h t u d t la m f
th t w w
a a a y
er an u p t I ne ro e a se o e o en.

b ut l ittl t ubl b l
h ave y ;
e d I m
ro g i i g
e int a a ,
no an a e nn n o rea

izeth bl d t uth H f gi th ll thy i iq uiti h h l th ll

e esse r ,
e or ve a n es, e ea e a

thy d i d m th thy ul f m d t u ti n ”
h seas es, e re ee e so ro es r c o .

M ay the go o or e ss you in our d L d bl

o rk and o y w , p en the w ay for
t he co ming o f His K ing o m u on t is b enig te e art d p h h d h ,
is the p y ra er

of y o ur b roth er in the L ord .

DR . H . D EWEY : D ear S ir— Will you
co uld

wd y
gi ve


im resse

d by it I
eb k imply t
y u pp d i but m d th ti
q u t
r a

d t h l
o ur

d th
f i

t f re


es e
h t f mily
k B i g p f d ly
o rea

y l it y but p
e o an o
e en re w
e account o f

or a ver
or . e n


ro o u n


ti l y h g d by i
een e nt I d u b t n
ret c an e . o o ~

d t nu m u f th ki d but
o ero s cases o e n , cer

m k dn m ti g i it d t il

i t ar e or o re n eres n n s e a s .

I am d esirous o f p utti g th b k i t m y h d p ibl

u ld pl C it w h it w
n e oo n o as an an s as oss e,

and I believe I co a e u ld d g t g d I
ere h o o rea oo . ave

i h f d i t ib uti
es ere d d i th l ittl
or s r on , an es re e e

p urp ose .

Yours , very truly ,

N OVEM B E R 2Q 1 890
Havingread y our b ook The Way “ , .

DB . . EW EY e ar S ir—
, ,

T u th L if h hIh f lt d p i t t d
w d h wh
the r and t he e, in ic av e e a ee n ere s , an

hi h h ly i my mi d t g i f ul l
kn w
c as grea t ncrease t e is i n n o a n a


l dg
o e e of the most im p o rtan t s ub j t th t
ec g g th h u
a m can e n a e e an

I may tell yo u th at I am an x io us to kno w if yo u ave e sta lis eh b hd a '

ho l i Am i f th f th f y p o ur in te r reta t io n o f the

N w
sc o n er ca or e ur e ra n ce o ,

T t m t d f t h fu th t p t h idd n
e es a en f th
an or . e r e ra n ce o e a resen e

k no l d g f th t t m t f th Ch i t
e e o e s a e en s o e r s .

y p t I h h d th imp i th t th i m th i g
p ti l i th wd f Ch i t th i t p
F or ears as av e a e ress o n a ere s so e n

d p ee dm
er an o re rac ca t n e or s o r s an s a re sen

t u gh t i th Ch u h
p ti w

a n e rc es .

i u t li i f u tu dt t i ith th
w h w k th i m b th t w
I m

a an x o s o ve n re an o ac n co o -
era on e

ill f G d
o o ill od t d hi G d
or e n e o o an o o s oo


Pl if y u h t bl i h d h l I h ll f l mu h
bl ig d if y u w wth l i w

eas A d
re . n so o av e e s a s e a sc oo s a ee c

ill l t m k hi h it i u d l
h l f ny w
o e o e e no e nes o n c s r n , an a so

if th i m in y u
ere s ro o h migh t pply fo d mi i n
r sc oo or a o a or a ss o
1 56

h ll g
s a o to A merica in the near uture f .

A ddress

p ”
N oth ing I h p has given d
of the S irit . ave e ver eruse an s

upl if t i t t h Ki gd m f u L d
n o e n p ho o o r or , and my s irit u ng ers for more .

Will y u kindly nd m l i t f y u publ i ti

o se e a s o o r ca ons ith the prices
‘ v

th ereo f i p p and l th I d i t p
n a er th m
c o ,
as es re o o ssess e , and tak e t ish
m th od t di co ve wh e e I h d b t r mit
e o s r r a es e .

F ate nally yours r r ,

a re com pac t

Th e Wa y , Th e Tr t h a n d Th e ife , C L ”
lo th , Gi t , $2 00 l
l l
. .

Th e P a t h O f t h e S p irit 3 00 p a g es, C o th , Gi t , $1 2 5

e n 1S8
Or T r ue Christ ia n O ccu l t ism ,
i n p r epa r a t io n .

66 t


h e T h eo so ph o f Ch risty mp l c

( pa h et ) 3 5 ts

Ch r ist ia n T h e o so ph y efi ned , 6
H u m a n it , y”
a sis o f M e n t a H e a lin g , 10


A ny o f t he ab o v e or s se nt post f re e o n r e ce ip t O f i
p ce
r .

A d d ress t h e a u th o r,

J H D E W EY , M D
. . O

3 54 lest 5 6 th S t . , N Yo r k

e .


UNITEDSTATES BOOKC NY, 142 to150WorthSi , Ne Y
ork . .

M agic W hite aub JBIack

— . BY F N HRA ! A RT M A NN M

Thi wk h b
, .

s or as e e n re vis e d , t e- w ritt e n a n d en ar e
g l d
f thi
or diti by th th
s e on e au o r.

CLO TH m, 01 P PE ,ER A R CO V .
50 C E NTS .

chris t ian 013 6 05 0p S eries .

W A Y, T HE TH $2
P AN D T HE u p s CL O
U 00
ATH W A Y S I R IT , ,

, , .

T E F OF T E P , IN P P O .


w dy
F ,
IN P A O .

No rea — No . II , of the se ries , en tit e l d

A Gum s I NS P T NER é E RT

All w
. To IRA IO , A ON A N D EA LI A TxO N O N A H .

t d i t h h igh p ibiliti f m n
th w
h i t o a re n eres e n e er o ss es o a on

h t th i d phil phy f lif h ld d t hi ‘

b k Th i t p w f th h m pi it d t h l w d
e ar , a e ve r e r cre e or o so o e, s ou re a s

oo . e nn a e o e rs O e u an s r an e a an co n

f th imm di t ill mi ti dt fm
l id t d w th t w
diti o ns o e e fig ti
a e u na o n an . rans ura on o an, a re

e uc ith
a e l ill i t t d
a c earn e ss i a n e re s an co n v n ce .

Ch d l f — th f
wy f tt i m t d H i t l d t i f G d d m
Th t
r O f t h i
e sec e t d h i t t e i p r s t an s ran sce n en e e er e c

a O
‘ — a a n en an s ce n ra o c r ne o o an an , are

i t p t d
n e r re e th ligh t f tin pi it l ill mi ti
e tho p a ru e s r ua u na o n, as e O en

d t oo r C o ap di g R li ti by ll m ill t t d in
o rres on — n ea za on a e n, us ra e

Ap t li p i
os o c ex e r en ce .

T h h mbl t m yh n pi it a l
k fi d t h k y t hi

d di ipl w
e u es s ee er a ere n e e o s o s r u

m ip ti d ill mi ti hil th d ill fi d

h wth l
e anc a o n an u na o n, e e a va n ce sc e n

h lpf l gg ti d i p i ti i it p g
b tw th l t t gg ti
e u su es o n an I ns ra on n s a e s. t s o s e re a

ti on e e en f e i a es d th d p t su
p es o ns o s c e n ce a n e ee es ex e

d l f ti t i p i ti f p ph t
d f th i t ll t w
r en ces an o es ns d int ra d o ns o ro e s, s e e rs an sa s , an

r e co ncil th m t igid d mes e os r ith t h d p t e an s O e n e ec e ee es

y i g
ea rn n f th pi it l t s o e s r ua n a ure.

III d unf ld th p ifi t d
l gitim t S ph f th p y hi p wp f th i th
N 0 t . b i .
, so on o -
e ss ue , o s e s ec c na ure an

e a e e re O e th i t s c c o e rs e s x s e n se , e r rue

cu l ti tiva d i on d th d
an l pm t Of a t
e x e rc s e, lt an e eve o en r ue o ccu

s c ence
IV (i p p

p lly f d w
nd th n w
N 0 . ti ) . ifi n re l T
ara h L f t
on h , s ec ca un o s e a o e

P f t Lif
er ec ppl i d t i di id l p i

as a s a e o n v ua ex e r ence a e e

i l
s oc a d f th K i gd m f G d
or er o th
e n o o o o n ear .

h g
t in s of y a t ure a n d Re ig ionl .


(the Ib t feCt
e W ag . BY ANN A (B N S ) O U KI N S G FO RD A N D


c om r e hni
p y th i f t h p t
e s ve s n d
es s o t ti e f th f t
as an It re c o n s ru c on o e u u re . s

origi li t y na it it p t i i t h pl i l g g f m d
c o n s s s e rr s ex o si on n phil e a n an ua e o o e rn o so
id h tf lpd g y mb l f ml

phy , or ea s e re o t
o re enve o ob
e in s ra n e s o s or s c u re or u as.

The Ch i t d i l r s dt by t i
s c o se t t h hi t
o us i b t t h id l
i s no d y mb l i e s o r c, u e ea an s o c

Ch i t t h p f t I it i t O S
r s ,
e er ec f M
n b m S
a e, r f G d wh m
on o an y e co e on o o , o e ve r

m h ld d
an s ou t enl i i h im lf by m
e a vo r o re a ze f th d n l pm t f hi
se e ans o e eve o en o s

high t f lt i
es a cu es .Th w k i ut d w it h g e t bor ill i y s e x ec e as re a r anc as

solidi ty A l fty in pi t i
. o d ps f ra d i t
on a nit i m b i a d with g t
ro o u n n u on , co ne re a

i g p w
r e aso n n
; t h i
o t ifi
er p i i t d
e sc enk wl d g f
c s t l r i an i no e e o n a u ra s c e n ce a se r

t d y f h B ib l d f t h F th f t h Ch h g t d i m t i
o us s u
t o e e an o ;e a e rs o e ur c re a s c e rn en n

th i te p t i
n er f y mb l ;
re a t on d fi lly
o s p f d p i
o s an fna l t ph , a r o o un ex e r e n ce o o ccu e

n mo with t h
e non , l d j dg m t
e c o o n e ss a n y t [d t m i t h i l t i
u en n ec e ss ar o e er ne e r re a ve

v a ues , a nd di t i g i h lit y f m ill i h —
s n u s r ea h th ro q l iti
us o whi h suc ar e e r ar e ua es c

m k th
a e c pti l m it f thi w k d whi h h
e ex e ona er O s b l d it or th
, an t c a v e e na e s au o rs o

p du
ro ce f th m t
one o ll t i t ifi p it i
e os e x ce f
en t d
sc e n t i c ex os ons o s e c re o c r ne

k wno ; d
n to us a t
an f i iani t i d m
cc o u ni b l of i t l
n t a g i d l on aid ity ra e or s o c an uc .

M y the t a l t i f thi b k mi i t t t h d iff i

ra n s a on o s oo f E t i n s er o e us on O so e r c

Ch i t i it y
r s an f th t ,
i o l ligi whi h i d t i d t
a u n v e rs a re t on t th c s es ne o re s o r e o e

i th i
s c e n ce s g i u i y t th t t h i l t id l t di t t d h m i y
e r or an c n t , o e ar s e r os ea , o s ra c e u an t

q il ib i m t t h h um n l it l t un t y t thly l if di i

i ts e u r u , o e a so u s i os co r , o e ar e ts v ne

asp ti ir a dh po n an o e.



G L , P CO V , o .


B O O K C O M P A N Y P U B L I S H ER S , N . Y .
y M rs M YRO . NR EE D .
gi t t l

hi b k i. th t L ife i O

H E argument

of t s oo a s
f t d th h F l d i
w G d h b l i m d by

es e
g n t ro u r E gy;a ure as o rce o ne r o r re vea e h
d k
th t th i p w by w
c o ns c o us nes s , an no n as o as een c a e
l igi

yw d lw di g t fi d l w
re o n an d i s c enc e h t a m s o e r, a e ve n n a e
e ve r h e re an y a a s a cco r n o xe a .

S i c ence m k l im th t it
a es t p
no c a a cann o ro ve .

l im d ll d p d i p t ; it m t t d ide
c a e a , an ro ve n ar us s an s
dp v it l im
ity f l w d n i f nd t b
s c e n ce , an ro e as c a s .

U ity f lif ' '

n gg t
O e su e s s un o a an o e s ou o e a
l gi l q th
, .

o ca se f th u e nce o e o er .

P fd p d
ro o ep e t en i ti
s on O d i ti
en n s s d p o co nv c o n, a n co nv c on e
p n b di th l dy i d p i
f the l w
u o o e t t en ce o ru Th a rea f re ce ve e

ex e r e nce o

ill t ti

is an us ra f
on o mi g a o o verco n .

Th b k l ith h pt P y
Thi i th ghly pi it l wk
e oo c o ses a c a er o n ra

d w
er. _

s s a o ro u i d it t
s i r ua or co nce ve an r en n a
d t W ll phil phi p i it M R d b k i th ghtf l
e vo u as e as o so c s r rs . ee

s oo s ou u
h d by l d

an d su
gg t i es d i t ive a n t i ts t c d fi
a ra c e r ze an e e va e o ne a n ne
' '
s p i it — R hg P a l j
r e zo z osl . ou r n a .

A titl impl e d
so d di ti
s e i an l t lly a

e ca on so un ve rs a na ura
h ll n tt ti

c a e es a en o n.

p th
e c a
t p y i ra
im I
t i h w
fitti g k y

Thy K i gd
n va n,
s e rv e a
s, o
e v e r, a

i gt
n o n,D C . .

h l pf l f m ti b k g i g h h
wt i t
It i
p dly
s a
e u
l — N w
or g
g t
ve m oo , o n o ver re a e s so e

Thi i i m p t th b t wh
b ll t h t i t i / l

a ra , u a e g e ra o na . e er a e a a

m g t h m l ti
l t ly p p d mph i i g th p w f
s s n so e re s ec s e es e a ve s e e n a on e u ‘

t d f b k th t h
p i it A h lpf l h l thf l pl ifti g W k th t w dw
u e o oo s a a ve a e a e are e as z n e o er o
il l b i th
by t h w
th e s r e u ea u u n or a e rea
pt t it y tt
, ,

m t N w
i t
n e re s t e ve n h m y t o se o a no a cce as rue s e ve r s a e
en — e Phil d lph i a e a


Thi b tif l littl b k j t i d i f m th p f ly

S pi it l d h ighly l ti t d w
s e au u e oo us ss ue s ro e en o a rare
T h b k i fitly d di t d
, ,

r ua an m cu va e o an e oo s e ca e
k ft G d th t h k


T ll
o a see e rs a er ll
o an e a re s u re a a s uc see e rs

ill p i th i b k B t th b k d t b d t di d

r ze s oo u d e oo n ee s o e re a re re a s u e ,

dig d m d p t f l if b y d t d i g f th
, ,

l w w

este a e a ar o o ne s e, a n un e rs a n n o e o ne

h i h it p l im i d t b p pr i t d [ t m t l


a c ro c a s, n o r er o e a ec a e . n e a zon a

M g i of T ti A g t 5
a a z ne f a z, u us 1 .

th h f l k ll '
b i fi l tfi p t

It i s a g t ou t t u T / P oo e r en . ze z an ro zs .

S dfen C tlg
or d Li t f O
a a o l t d Th
ue an phi l b k t s o cc u an e o so ca oo s o



P. o . BO! 19 9 2 . 14 2 TO 1 5 0 WO R TH S T R EET N EW YO RK .


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