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00:58:36 Giselle Arroyo Crivelli: I don't understand the meaning of endemic

00:59:36 Giselle Arroyo Crivelli: Thanks
02:04:21 Дарья Свиридова: What is the current situation in Iltaly with the
support to Agro complex from the government?
02:06:01 Юлия: Hello. I have question for you as well. Is there a fertilizer
crisis in Italy due to the pandemic? This is a very important issue, because the
quantity and quality of organic products depends on it.
02:07:14 Юлия: Thank you
02:07:34 Valentina Dalla Torre: I guess because of import/export
02:08:07 Elios Favaretto: the problem here in italy is that there are many
workers that are exploited in the agricultural sector, and perhaps the government
is trying to resolve the problem but it’s not enough, really.
02:09:45 Elios Favaretto: it’s called agromafia or caporalato, if anyone is
interested in searching for more
02:11:57 Valentina Dalla Torre: and also sometimes supermarket themselves
cooperate with association and collect food left on spontaneous intitiative by
02:12:45 Valentina Dalla Torre: eh yeah
I guess something governmental exist, but I don't know. maybe it's more about
02:24:14 Valentina Dalla Torre: I feel like a lot of people are very into
healthy eating, somehow even too much and this is affecting adolescents that
oftentimes develop eating disorders such anorexia or orthorexia. in general I feel
like the healthy eating thing is more related to old people that have developed
this habit for their Whole life because they didn't have much to eat and they grow
their own vegetables, and to middle upper class
02:24:57 Valentina Dalla Torre: I feel like the poorer people are the ones
eating worsly
02:25:22 Elios Favaretto: because it’s the food that costs less
02:25:47 Dana Pye: Exactly, in many countries income dictates nutrition levels
02:26:11 Dana Pye: Fresh fruit and vegetables are more expensive than box
foods/fast foods
02:31:08 Valentina Dalla Torre: what about Young people in the agricultural
industry? I could have lost the information if it was already in the presentation
02:34:34 Elios Favaretto: thank you!!
02:34:34 Leon Eric Avrutin 1199956
Thank you!!
02:34:36 Davina Nyame: Thank you
02:34:41 Mohammad Koohi: Thanks

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