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Digestive System

■ It breaks down and absorbs nutrients and water.

■ It expels faeces.

Circulatory System
■ It transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste substances around
the body.

■ Heart- Is the organ that pumps blood.

■ Arteries- carry blood from the heart to the organs.

■ Veins- Carry blood from the organs to the heart.

■ Capillaries- Connect the arteries and veins.

■ Blood- Is a red liquid that fills the circulatory system.

■ In the Circulatory System:

- The blood leaves the heart.
- The blood reaches the organs.
- The blood returns to the heart.
Respiratory System
1.Exchange of gases
■ Air reaches the alveoli.

■ Oxygen enters the blood capillaries.

■ Carbon dioxide leaves the blood and enters the air.

2. Inhalation
Muscles around the lungs contract and air with oxygen enters the body.

3. Exhalation
■ Muscles around the lungs relax.

■ Air with carbon dioxide leaves the body.

Excretory System
■ It cleans the blood of waste substances.

■ It expels waste products from the body.

■ The kidneys filter

blood and collect waste substances.

■ The ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder.

■ Sweat glands filter the blood and produces sweat.

■ Sweat is released through the skin’s pores.

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