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Federalism and Marijuana

Define Federalism: Division of powers between national and subnational governments.

How does the map above illustrate the concept of federalism?

Answer the following questions about this super short documentary

1. What does this video have to do with federalism?

He broke Federal law, but not over state law.

2. Do you think states should make laws that contradict federal law?
Yes, because some laws are just unfair and could go against the majority of the peoples beliefs.
3. When the state and federal law are at odds, who wins?

The principle of federal preemption holds that federal law supersedes state law, but this is not
always clear cut and can depend on the specific circumstances and the wording of the
conflicting laws. In such cases, the Supreme Court may consider a number of factors, including
the specific provisions of the federal and state laws

4. How much power should the Attorney General have to decide how to enforce laws?

Attorney general should focus purely on the federal aspect and stay out of state business. the
balance between the power of the Attorney General and other branches of government is a key
aspect of the separation of powers and a crucial factor in maintaining a functional and
democratic system of government.

5. Do you agree with Chris Williams’ sentence?

No. that sentence is completely unfair, because he thought he was doing it legally

6. Why isn’t the U.S. shaded as only one color in the map above?

Different states have voted different things on the status.

7. Describe two other current issues that illustrate the concept of federalism.

Gun control

8. Considering the film and current events, would we be better off without federalism?
No, it allows for a balance of power between the federal government and the states, promoting
diversity and preventing the concentration of too much power in a single power.

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