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Who is anonymous
Anonymous is an organization which is formed by a group of people without identity that
publish hidden comments, images and information on the internet, they also make cyber
attacks against governments, corporations, institutions and governmental agencies.

2. When they appear?

Anonymous was fundated at 2003 in the imageboard 4chan and in the forum Hackers.
Initially was a group of users that made jokes on the internet and since 2008 the participants
started developing their activities outside the network.
→ Imageboard 4chan: is a type of anonymous web where you can publish images.

3. Where do they live?

They live around the world, because they work on the network and they don’t need a
meeting point, although, we can’t know it because they don’t reveal their identity and for the
police catching them is so difficult.
We know that some of them are in Spain and Chile because they arrested some of the

4. How physically are they or any characteristic appearance?

They usually have a neutral appearance. They are represented with a black or dark hoodie
and with a mask on their face.
The mask they wear is from V the Vendetta, a film in which the protagonist appears with it as
a symbol of liberty, protestation and the fight for dignity. Ater the group anonymous
adoptated the symbol for the expression liberty and the internet independence.

5. What objective do they have?

They want to oppose Internet censorship and control and the majority of their actions target
governments, organizations, and corporations that they accuse of censorship. Their goal is
to right wrongs via the ways of the internet.

6. Do they have a symbol?

An emblem that is commonly associated with Anonymous is “The man without a head”
represents anonymity and leaderless organization.

7. Some facts of them

- 2008: After protests of people and DDos Attacks, the accidents started to be more
common. (A denial of service attack, also called a DoS attack, is an attack on a
computer system or network that causes a service or resource to be inaccessible to
legitimate users).
- 2009: Twitter canceled the account of anonymous and Facebook eliminated the web
of Operation Payback, that anonymous consider it was a digital war to protect the
liberty of information.
- 2012: Anonymous was included in the Time newspaper list of the 100 most influential
people in the world.
- 2011: Youtube started to erase videos from anonymous.
- 2016: The Blink Hacker Group, associating themselves with the Anonymous group,
claimed to have hacked the Thailand prison websites and servers
- 2020: Anonymous hacked the United Nations website.
- 2021: Anonymous announced "Operation Jane," a campaign focused on thwarting
those trying to enforce the law which bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy
approved in Texas.
- 2022: Russian camera Dump, Anonymous actors DepaixPorteur and
TheWarriorPoetz declared on Twitter that they hacked 400 Russian surveillance
cameras and broadcast them on a website.

8. Some experiences with they

This summer 2022, the month of September, Anonymous tried to hack our Instagram
account. An account formed by all the members of our group of friends. After all, we
discovered that it was just a prank of some of them, and we just laughed at ourselves.
This is the reason that we founded interest on searching some information and making a
presentation of it.

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