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5 Angles in a triangle
1 For the diagram, write down the sizes of
the interior angle and the exterior angle.



2 Calculate the size of each unknown angle.

a ....................... b ......................°

3 Two of the angles in a triangle are 45° and 50°.

Work out the size of the other angle.

4 Work out the missing angles in these isosceles triangles.

Write down a reason for each step of your working.

a b

........................................................................ .................................................................

........................................................................ .................................................................

5 Calculate the size of each angle labelled with a letter.

Give reasons for each angle that you find.

a b

........................................................................ .................................................................

........................................................................ .................................................................

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8.5 Angles in a triangle
1 Three triangles are drawn inside a rectangle.
Work out the size of angle d.


2 The diagram shows an isosceles and equilateral triangle.

There are four sides with the same length.
Work out the sizes of angles a and b.

a = ................°

b = ................°

3 The angles in a triangle are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 7.

Work out the size of the largest external angle.


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4 Work out the size of angle p.

p = ................°

5 In triangle PQR, PQ = QR and angle PQR = 120°.

N is on the line QR so that the ratio of angle QPN : angle NPR is 1 : 2.
Work out the sizes of angles a, b and c.

a = .......... ° b = .......... ° c = .......... °

6 Find the size of the marked angle inside this regular pentagon.
Each interior angle of a regular pentagon measures 108°.


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8.5 Angles in a triangle
1 Work out the size of angle x in each triangle.

a x = 180° − 50° − 70° b x = 180° − 30° − 90°

x = .......... ° x = .......... °

2 Work out the size of the missing angle in each of these triangles.

a ......................°

b ......................°

3 Work out the exterior angle in each of these triangles.

a x = 180° − 50° b x = 180° − ..........

x = .......... ° x = .......... °

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8.5 Angles in a triangle
1 interior angle = 70°, exterior angle = 110°

2 a a = 30° b b = 70°

3 85°

4 a a = 70° and b = 70° because the angles in a triangle add up to 180° and the base angles in an
isosceles triangle are equal

b c = 15° and d = 150° because the base angles in an isosceles triangle are equal and the angles
in a triangle add up to 180°

5 a p = 110° and q = 70° because the angles in a triangle add up to 180° and the angles on a
straight line add up to 180°

b r = 40° and s = 140° because the angles in a triangle add up to 180° and the angles on a
straight line add up to 180°

1 d = 72°

2 a = 60°, b = 32°

3 150°

4 p = 71°

5 a = 50°, b = 20° and c = 30°

6 t = 108°

1 a x = 60° b x = 60°

2 a x = 10° b x = 80°

3 a x = 130° b x = 100°

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