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Summarize the story in one paragraph:

One day Juan started to feel bad, and decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor got surprised by the
strange symptoms in Juan's whole body, and he recommends him do some exams. After having seen the results, the
doctor suggested a complex treatment with the famous doctor Sebastian Parisi otherwise he would die. Juan tried to
get another job and he asked all his friends for money but all his attempts were useless. He was desperate so he
decided to rob, he found a man and shoot three times in his head and rob all his money. The following morning,
Juan went to see doctor Parisi, but his secretary told him that he was killed during the night when a thief shot him
three times in the head.

2. Fill out the table below, providing evidence and clear inferences from the story

           Evidence                                                                          What You Can Infer

Juan started to feel bad He was sick

The doctor got surprised He had strange symptoms

Juan decided to rob He needed money

Juan went to see doctor Parisi He came for the treatment

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