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The Afterlife

The afterlife, is an interesting topic some people believe on it and some do not. In my case
I do and I want to show my opinions and let you see it my way. Most of the people that
believe in afterlife are spiritual, believe in God or both. I diferent cultures there are many
myths and histories that talk about afterlife but nobody has already proved that they are
Afterlife has been a mystery since the beginning of the earth, humans in their desperation
to know things started to create their (not our) truth. Histories that we call myths, in the
myths they made a higher being, a god. The stories kept going, including more gods each
time. And they started to share this way of life. Now is called culture. They even had some
afterlife myths. They thought that in the afterlife you arrive to the underworld with Hades
and his wife Persephone, that is taking Greek mythology as an example but of course
there are more theories.
Catholics' beliefs than when we die we arrive to a kind of judgement in which God, the
virgin Mary, and the angels decide if you are going hell, purgatory, or heaven. They believe
that death is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, he
paid the relationship between humankind and God is restored. And three days after Jesus
died he came back to life again. They believe that is fundamental for a catholic person to
believe in resurrection. And those who believe will be recompensed in heaven.
Some people that do not believe in Jesus, think that the afterlife must be a kind of eternal
peace, where you can do whatever you want, or they just think that you arrive to a place
where you choose in your explicit time when to reincarnate. Some people even think that
there is another heaven after the “real” heaven and that if we arrive there is no chance to
get to God, instead you’ll have to reincarnate and try to get to heaven in your new life and
if you keep arriving again and again, there it will just be a cycle that does not ends until
you realize what you are doing.
I am a catholic with my own beliefs, I do believe in god, but also in Satan, and even if he’s
ugly and bad I do not feel fear of him. He just tries to be God but he is not as wise as he is.
But just like Blaise Pascal said “I'd rather make a mistake believing in a God that does not
exist, than make a mistake not believing in a God that exists. Because if there is nothing
later, obviously I will never know, when I sink into eternal nothingness; but if there is
something, if there is Someone, I will have to give an account of my attitude of rejection”
and I’ll try to do what he says because believing I do not lose anything.

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