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- What would you change, add or remove from the way you celebrate New Year's Eve?

I Think I love Colombia’s way to celebrate new year but I think I would add the water battle that
lasts three days, it’s cool.

- What was the most interesting thing you found about a different country or culture?

Absolutely the food it’s so weird how people eat in diferent countries (especially in Asia), I really
want to eat a little bit of those diferent foods.

- Would you like to celebrate New Year's Eve in another country or with another culture? Why?

Of course I do, because I want to experience something different of what I see all new year’s in my

- If you could create or plan your own celebration, how would it be??

I think it would be the craziest celebration in the world, people will wear the craziest costumes, of
course I am going to take the water battle idea for three days and music everywhere with sound
limits of course, but that should be the base for my own celebration.

- How has it been the experience of working in group? What was the best or worst of it?

My experience is always great I love to work in groups you can share your ideas with other people
and make projects faster because there are more hands working, the only thing is that for the
group to advance everyone needs to be disciplined if not the group sinks.

- Describe your role within the group. What is it that you give to the group? What could you have
done better?

Actually in my group I felt like if we all were at the same role but Sofia Londoño had the
presentation so she was like the leader, I think that sometimes I was a little bit distracted but we
all helped so the group could rise.

- What do you think is important and necessary about working in group? If you were in charge of a
group project, how would you structure it? What roles would you assign in the group?

I think that the most important thing when you are working on groups is that everyone is polite
and we all advance at the same rhythm. I would structure from the leader and the helpers, the
leader have project and work on it while the other people research and help with information. The
roles would be only the leader and the helpers nothing else.

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