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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Syllabus of the Course Inglés B1, Code 900003

1. Course Information

The course is part of the academic unit: Vicerrectoría Académica y de

Investigación VIACI

Training Field: Interdisciplinar Básico

Academic degree level: Profesional

Number of credits: 3 Course type: Methodological

The course does not have a re-Take Course designed by: Angela Patricia
exam Arias Tibaquirá.

Course updated by: Carlos Andrés Gómez Enciso.

Date of design: Tuesday, November 23, Date of update: Tuesday, November 23,
2021 2021

Course Description:
This course belongs to the basic interdisciplinary training field and the foreign
languages component which seeks the development of the competences to interact in
a second language and is included in the curriculum guidelines of academic programs
at UNAD.
This is a 3 academic credits methodological course. The course is divided into 3 units:
The first unit – “Expressing rules and regulations”, gives the student the opportunity
to learn how to express prohibition and to talk about rules and regulations. The
second unit “Describing places” allows the student to describe feelings and emotions
and to describe and compare places. In Unit 3 “Talking about personal experiences”,
the student will be able to talk about past events and personal experiences. Through a
Task Based learning strategy and 6 different tasks the student is led to acquire the
skills needed to talk about personal experiences, daily life situations and events.
This course is important for the student because it will give him the opportunity to
study and practice the intermediate contents of English. Also, it will allow the student

to acquire different skills: oral comprehension (audio and speaking ability) and written
comprehension (writing, interpretation, and content development), encouraging
students to learn English for their personal lives using techno-didactic resources to
learn a foreign language with autonomy and tutorial accompaniment.

2. Course Learning Purpose:

The course learning purpose is:

• To develop the student’s communication skills in the English language by

completing different tasks showing understanding and use of standard language
to express opinions, to describe feelings, and to keep conversations about
personal experiences, daily life situations and past events.

3. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the main ideas in audios and readings which
describe personal experiences, daily life situations and past events.

Learning Outcome 2: Describe in a written text personal experience, daily life

situations and past events using the appropriate grammatical structures and the
vocabulary studied in the contents.

Learning Outcome 3: Express in an oral way personal experience, daily life

situations and past events using appropriate pronunciation, grammatical structures
and the vocabulary studied in the contents.

4. Learning Strategy:

The Learning Strategy for the course is: Task based learning.

This Learning Strategy is based on developing meaningful tasks in which the student

uses the language for genuine communication to strengthen his learning. The
student is the center of the learning process who will use his strategies and
knowledge to interact and develop the tasks leading to the use and acquisition of the

The Learning Strategy is organized in 6 Tasks

• Task 1: How much do I know?

• Task 2: Looking for a destination.
• Task 3: Planning the trip.
• Task 4: Let’s talk.
• Task 5: How much did I learn?
• Task 6: Let’s check-up.

5. Course Contents and Bibliographic References

Unit 1: “Expressing rules and regulations”

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

Module 1: Interview and respond to interviews
• Using conditionals
• Order of clauses in conditionals
• Identifying phrasal verbs
• Understanding phrasal verbs in context

Module 2: Express prohibition

• Finding a job
• Expressing necessity and obligation
• Expressing obligations using must
• Talking about prohibitions

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

Module 1 & Module 2 from the E book. You can find them in Learning / E
book/Online Content English B1.
INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. Books & Books.

INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. Books & Books.

Arias, Angela. (2021). Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje - OVI: “900003 – Looking for a

Unit 2: “Describing places”

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

Module 3: Describe feelings and emotions.

• Applying for a job
• Using the infinitive
• Asking for and giving clarification and repetition

Module 4: Describe places

• Talking about possibilities
• Identifying verbs followed by gerunds
• Using infinitives and gerund with changes in meaning

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

UNAD INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. (2020) Books & Books.

UNAD INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. Books & Books.

Unit 3: “Talking about personal experiences”,

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

Module 5: Talking about conversation skills

• Reviewing present perfect

• Reviewing past participle form of irregular verbs
• Managing interactions
• Closing a conversation

Module 6: Keep conversations moving

• Using comparatives and superlatives

• Expressing similarities and differences
• Talking about life experiences using superlatives

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

The contents in Module 1 & module 2 from the E book. You can find them in
Learning / E book/Online Content English B1.

UNAD INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. Books & Books.

INVIL English E-book. Level B1 [Software]. Books & Books.

6. Organization of Weekly Academic Activities and Course Evaluation Plan

Initial Moment:

Task 1. How much do I know?

To be developed from week 1 to week 2
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1

The activities are: Presentation of an online English test to check your prior
knowledge in the English language.

Initial moment evaluation

The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student answers to all the questions proposed in the Test.
• The student checks his knowledge of English.
The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course
Intermediate Moment

Task 2 Looking for a destination.

To be developed from week 3 to week 6
This responds to Learning Outcome: 2
The activities are: To write a travel guide in English about a regional destination.

Evaluation of Task 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Development of steps 1, 2 & 3 (Individual activity)
Development of step 3
Participation in collaborative activity
Consolidation and submission

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

Task 3 Planning the trip.

To be developed from week 7 to week 10
This responds to Learning Outcome: 2 , 3
The activities are: To record a video presenting a travel itinerary about a regional

Evaluation of Task 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Development of step 2
Development of step 3
Forum participation
Consolidation and submission

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

Task 4 Let’s talk

To be developed from week 11 to week 14

This responds to Learning Outcome: 3
The activities are: To have an interview with the tutor about travelling experiences.

Evaluation of Task 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Completion of steps 1, 2 & 3
Development of step 4 (Speaking meeting)
Forum participation
Consolidation and submission

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

Task 5 How much did I learn?

To be developed from week 12 to week 14
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1
The activities are: To take an Online English Test about the contents of the course.

Evaluation of Task 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
• The student answers to all the questions proposed in the Test.
• The student checks his knowledge of English.

The highest score for this activity is 50 points.

The highest score for this evaluation moment is 350 points, corresponding to 70% of
the course evaluation.

Final Moment

Task 6 Let’s check-up.

To be developed from week 15 to week 16
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1
The activities are: To submit an Online task which assesses the topics corresponding
to the academic units of the course through a Closed Objective Test (POC).

Evaluation of Task 6
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student answers to all the questions proposed in the Test.
• The student checks his knowledge of English.

The learning evidence for this activity are Automatic Online score

The highest score for this activity is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of the course

7. Teacher’s Support

To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The
options for this academic support are:

• Virtual Campus E-mail

• Collaborative Forums
• Skype Sessions
• Online Conference Sessions or Web Conferences
• Face to face speaking practice session
• Skype group attention

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