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6. The Queen’s role in the hive is to produce. The will lay eggs in the early spring, beginning with the
delivery of the first new pollen by personnel. Egg production will continue until the end of the season, or
until the pollen runs out. she may lay up to 2,000 eggs each day at he height as queen. The queen has a
five-year life span, although her productive life is only two or three years. Younger queens may lay much
more eggs, but the older queen may lay unusually large amount of drones. Every year or two, the old
queen was overtaken or replaced by the new queen. A skilled beekeeper can produce high-quality queens.
A newbie, on the other hand, is frequently better off purchasing an exceptional queen from a recognized


1. 2,8,34,144,610

2. 3,21,144,987

3. it is not a coincidence since it has a pattern.

4. If we look at the Fibonacci pattern, we can clearly see that 5 is the fifth number in the series, and the
integers that are divisible by 5 are every 5th number in the Fibonacci sequence. This includes 5,55,610. The
next is 8, which would be the 6th Fibonacci number in the series. The integers that are divisible by 8 are
every 6th pattern sequence, it contains the number 8 and 144. The same is true for the 13, Which is the 7th
number in the Fibonacci series. Every 7th integer in the sequence including 13 and 377, is divisible by 13.
The same is true for all the sequence succeeding terms and if the sequence is repated the pattern will
continue constantly.

13. 108 degrees

Every triangle has a total of 180 degrees. An inverted triangle has one vertex angle and two base angles
that are equivalent. As a result, the bas angle is 65 and the vertex is 50.

14. =137.5 Degrees.

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