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Área personal  Mis cursos  INGLES-A2.2-P36-QUINTEROS CADENA PATRICIA ELIZABETH  Unit 11  Listening Test Unit 11

Comenzado el sábado, 7 de enero de 2023, 13:51

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 7 de enero de 2023, 14:05
Tiempo empleado 13 minutos 55 segundos
Calificación 8,00 de 10,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1 Parcialmente correcta Se puntúa 8,00 sobre 10,00

Listen to the conversation about how to study better and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1.     Tom doesn't know how to start studying    true

2.     Tom needs to take away all of the things that stop him from working. true

3.     Tom's mum thinks that music helps people study. false

4.     Tom puts the dog outside.  true

5.     Every time the dog doesn't go into your room. true

6.     Tom's mum recommends having a sandwich on the desk.   false

7.     Tom doesn't want to turn off his phone at first. true

8.     Tom needs the internet to study.       true

9.     Tom's going to turn off his messages. true

10.   Tom thinks his mum has helped him. true

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