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Elizabeth Carveth Personal Achievements 02/21/23

For my reflection I decided to look into my personal achievement of starting and maintaining
my first job.

I started my job in November 2021, specifically November 6 th, 2021. I work as a sales associate
mainly and do online orders and stock on weekends. I work 10-25 hours a week at $16.37/hour.

Skill Development
With this job I was able to develop proper time management, teamwork, maturity,
responsibility, communication, responsibility, and the importance behind the difference of
personal and professional relationships.

After starting my job, I learned a few things about myself. I learned to spend money wisely by
comparing a purchase to how many hours of work it took me to get that money, I prefer hands
on tasks over basic zones or any digital work, and my main objective is to always make
customers as happy as possible.

Personal Relevancy
This achievement is important to me as it is my first experience in the professional world, I was
able to learn how important money management is, and I was able to be pushed outside of my
comfort zone to succeed which is important as to advance in life I cannot hide in my comfort

Future Connections
As this was my first professional experience it will help me with my advancement as I know how
to handle any situation professionally and it showed me that people skills are quite important
within not only the workplace but also in the real world.

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