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Daesung Kim Oct.

12, 2021

Personal Achievement Reflection

My personal achievement is applying for a cashier position at Hannam Supermarket store. I
applied for the job in August 2021 after my summer school session had ended. From applying for the
job, I learned many skills sets which I still used till this day.

It was the most influential and important experience for me by far out of any thing that I have
done. The summer of 2021 was tough for me, because I didn’t have any break after my grade 11 year
passed by. I felt that I should try working due to the lack of work experience. At first, it was very
frustrating to make resumes and refine to the standard that I wanted. However, after making the
resume, I advised by my brother that I should hand in the resume in person. From handing the resume
in person, I learned the impact of person-to-person interactions, and how powerful it is. When I got
accepted for the position, I felt a burst of euphoria, and the hard work and courage paying off for me.
The realization of the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone is the biggest take away for me.

After being accepted to the cashier position in Hannam store, I learned that hard work and self-
discipline is not something to be underestimated for. The process of applying for a job, getting accepted
for work and working the workplace, taught me need to work on anything I want to achieve. For a bigger
achievement, the harder and smarter I must work. I also developed the importance of communication
skills, where I was taught through dealing with customers in the store. Another skill which I learned was
the significance of responsibility, and how important it is to keep up the consistent effort to achieve the
goal I want to. Through experiencing an environment which I have never worked in, I feel that every
moment of my life is even more precise than before.

After many failure and mistakes made while working as a cashier trainee, it was a huge
disappointment in myself. Similar like any trainee, a trainee spends huge proportion of time with the
trainer. This can make the trainee feel need to be learn everything at a pace which is unnecessary and
can lead to mistakes. I learned that whenever I rush or do anything in hurry, I am guaranteed to make
mistakes, and the quality of my work will be lacking. Through the experience of rushing myself to not
give enough time for myself to train properly, I became aware that I am a person who need preparations
before any activity or task. Therefore, I am trying my best to always be prepared for tasks or activities in
Daesung Kim Oct. 12, 2021

Finally, meeting new people and dealing with unpleasant customers gave me new perspective
on manners and working under pressure. With unpleasant customers, it became a valuable skill to stay
calm and explain why a problem is occurring between myself and the customers or others. I learned that
stepping out of my comfort zone and meeting new people and doing new things are way less scary than
I imagined to be. Also, I learned that I have responsible while being bold in my attempts of stepping out
of my comfort zone. In conclusion, I am happy and satisfied that I had valuable experience through
working as a cashier in Hannam Store, because it gave me confidence to explore and find what I am truly
passionate about.

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