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Here is the affidavit you will have to sign if you want to benefit from the reduced rate of withholding tax in 2021. Please make sure you review and agree to all

I, BISMI ANISA LARIA ZULFI , of legal age, with id no. 1503036103940003 citizen of sarolangun , residing at ID , do hereby states as

1. That I entered in a license of works agreement with Freepik Company, S.L. (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) on 2020-10-20.
2. That said Agreement set forth, on clause 2.1. that:
a. Designer “agrees to cooperate with the Company and promptly provide the Company with documents or information
evidencing Contributor’s identity, nationality, residence or tax status as may be needed to determine, reduce or
eliminate any applicable withholding or other tax, VAT, duty or levy of any nature”.
b. Designer “shall keep updated its tax registration and other information with the Company whenever there is a change
in circumstances that could impact the taxation or delivery of royalty payments (i.e. changes of address, banking
information, contact information, etc.)”.
3. That I have been informed by Freepik Company, S.L. that, according to Spanish Tax regulation, the Company is required to
apply withholding tax on all payments to designers outside of Spain. Said withholding is mandatory unless (i) both Spain and
the country of residency of the designer have signed a double tax treaty which reduces this percentage of withholding tax
(which could reduce the withholding tax to 0% or a different number between 24% and 0%) and (ii) the designer provide the
Company with a valid certificate of tax residency issued by the Tax Authorities of the designer’s residence country.
4. That, in order to avoid the application of the maximum withholding tax percentage, I warrant what follows:
1. The tax information provided by me is accurate, specially, the information relating my country of residence.
2. I will communicate the Company immediately if said information has changed.
3. Within the first three (3) months of 2021, I will obtain a valid certificate of tax residency from the Tax Authorities of my
country of residence, corresponding the year 2021. In case that, exclusively for legal reason, the Tax Authorities of my
residence country cannot provide with the certificate in such period, I will provide Freepik with sufficient evidence of
this issue and I will provide the document within 30 days of becoming available. So for example, I the authorities will
issue the document from July 2021, I will provide this document by 31 August 2021.
4. Within the first three (3) months of 2021, I will obtain a valid certificate of tax residency from the Tax Authorities of my
country of residence, corresponding the previous years starting from the date of commencement of the Agreement,
where applicable.

In case I fail to comply with the above warranties, I have been informed that Freepik will withhold the difference to the
correspondent maximum percentage retrospectively from the subsequent invoices. Likewise, Freepik shall be entitle to terminate
the Agreement and I will have no rights to compensation and request damages whatsoever from Freepik for breach of contract.

Malaga, on 2020-12-22

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