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Uipath Installation Steps:

Step 1: Go to the and click Try Uipath Free button:

Step 2: Then you will be redirected to the following page, wherein you have to log in to the
UiPath. Here, you can choose to login by email, Google account, Microsoft account or Linkedln.
Step 3: Then you will be re-directed to the following page. Here click on Download Studio, to
download the setup.

Step 4: After the setup has been installed, double-click on it to open.

Step 5: Once, UiPath opens, choose which license you wish to activate. Here, I will activate
the Community License.

Step 6: Now, choose which profile you want to choose.choose the UiPath Studio version.
Step 7: Finally choose the update channel. choose the Stable version.

Step 8: Once, you choose the update channel, the following is the screen you will see:

Congratulations!! Uipath Installed Successfully

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