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Name:Harshit Kumar Dubey 21BCAC27

Md Afshan Barlaskar 21BCAC41


Project name:Book shop management system

The main objective for developing this Project on Book Shop
Management System is to provide interface to the manage Books, Books
Category, Books Sale. We develop Book Shop Management System for an
offline store and it’s a windows-based system. This project provides a lot of
features to manage Books Sale, Books, Books Category.

1.Improved Efficiency: To streamline the day-to-day operations of bookstores by

automating various functions, reducing manual errors, and improving data accuracy.

2.Better Decision Making: To provide bookstores with the data and insights they need to
make informed decisions about their business, including inventory management, pricing
strategies, and marketing efforts.

3.Inventory Management: To maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of books in

stock, books ordered, and books sold.


1.login:A login module for a book shop management system might include a user
authentication process where users enter their username and password to access the
system's various functions and modules.

2.Manage Books:The Manage Books module in a book shop management system allows
bookstores to add, edit, and delete books from their inventory, as well as keep track of
their stock levels and availability.

3.Manage Book Category:A module to manage book categories including adding,

editing, and deleting categories with user authentication and authorization.

4.Manage Book Sale:A module to manage book sales including creating and tracking
book orders, processing payments, and generating invoices with customer management

5.Reports of the project:A module for generating reports on book sales, inventory, and
customer data with customizable filters and export options for analysis and decision

Software Requirement:
> operating system- Windows 11
> front end- Visual studio 22
> back end- My Sql Server

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