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Test 1, Question 4 – Email (2)

From my point of view, I think that you should reconsider your uncle’s offer. There is no such
a thing like working what you truly enjoy and you would like to deal with.
Even if you will not get paid that much, it is still a job where you could get a lot of
experience, and all of this while enjoying yourself. You could learn many new things from
your uncle and, maybe, get along with the family bussines. In this way, during this summer,
you could find out if in the near future you would like to have a this kind of full time job. This
is a really big opportunity and you should not miss it.
Furthermore, working in a supermarket can be really exausting and it will take a lot of your
free time, as well. Although you get paid better, if it will consume a lot of your energy and do
not forget that you are doing it only during the summer holiday.
So, if I were you, I would take the work for a publishing company because this offer has got
something unique which you could enjoy a lot.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All content is relevant to the task.
The target reader is informed about all points in the task and the
writer has offered opinions and given some useful, relevant advice.
Communicative 5 The conventions of an email to a friend, such as a friendly tone,
Achievement have been used effectively to communicate both complex and
straightforward ideas. The function of the email, to give advice,
is achieved and both advantages and disadvantages of both
jobs are discussed: Even though you will not get paid that much,
it is still a job; Although you get paid better, if it will consume a
lot of your energy.
Although no opening and closing formulae are used, this does not
affect the overall communicative achievement of this response.
Organisation 4 The text is well organised and coherent. There is a variety of
cohesive devices used to compare and contrast the two jobs and
structure the response as a whole: From my point of view, Even
if … it is still; In this way; Furthermore; Although. Paragraphing is
also used to good effect and there is some good use of linking
words within sentences: and all of this while enjoying yourself; a
really big opportunity and you should not miss it.

Language 5 The writer uses a range of vocabulary, particularly in terms of
functional language to give advice, which is appropriate for the
context: From my point of view; you should reconsider; family
bussines; consume a lot of your energy; something unique.
There is a range of sentence structures which demonstrate control
of both simple and complex grammatical forms: So, if I were you,
I would take the work for a publishing company because this offer
has got something unique which you could enjoy a lot.
There are a few errors, mainly spelling, but these do not impede

B2 First 4, Sample Writing answers 2

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