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Dear Madam/Sir,

To begin with, I would like to put forward some information about the
English summer school I am representing. It is an extra-curricular
programme for children, where they can learn and have fun throughout the
Congratulations on your job at our school. We are writing in response to
the letter we received from you.
The summer school involves lessons, activities and day trips. Your
allegations and beliefs stated that you had only teaching responsibilities. It
is true that you will have lessons, teaching every morning for three hours
with two breaks, but we want to inform you that the job also includes
taking care of the children, helping in preparations for our activities and
trips. There will be different quizzes and drama shows, that might require
your support and input. During the day trips, you are supposed to
accompany the children all day long and supervise their behaviour. What is
more, in the evenings, we organise karaoke nights or movie nights for our
participants and your task includes attending these events along with the
In conclusion, you will have classes every day, afterwards leisure activities
will take place, where your skills and knowledge are very valuable. We
hope that you are still interested in taking this position. We are sorry for
the misunderstanding and we are waiting for your prompt reply.
Yours sincerely,
Summer school manager.

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