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Dra. Fransiska E. Kapoyos, M. Hum

Name: Graciatri Rappun Salman
NIM: K011211238
Class: Kesmas E
Skim the following essay about the future from Time magazine. Read the questions and then
skim the article to find the answers. Work as quickly as you can.
1. Is this writer hopeful or discouraged about the future?
How can you tell?
Answer: The writer is discouraged about the future. The writer worries are written in the first
paragraph of his essay. But the writer is also hopeful because in the essay there is a solution
and a reminder for the readers.
2. What are some negative effects of population growth, according to this author?
Answer: Many negative effects caused by population growth. If the worst occurs, countless
millions will become environmental refugees, swamping the nations that tried to converse
their soil, water and forest. The most ominous effect Is that millions of life forms will become
extinct and human no matter how well behaved, cannot help crowding out natural system.
3. What does this author say must be done to avoid disaster?
Answer: The best hope for both humanity and other life-forms would be to cut human
propagation in half, so the world’s number do not exceed 8 billion by mid-century.

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