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(scene 1)
*JJ and Nicole walking* *someone snap a picture secretly* *sit on the table with Nicole’s

Nicole : What’s up my friend? How are you? *beso-beso*

Sam: I’m good, I’m doing good how about you? And you mr.?
Nicole:I’m also doing good, and by the way this is JJ my officemate.
JJ: Hi nice to meet you, I’m John Julian, JJ is fine. *offer shakehand*
Sam: *accept shakehand* nice to meet you JJ * suspiciously look at Nicole*

*chicka-chicka* *JJ’s phone ring*

JJ: Excuse me guys, I’ll just take this call. *leave*

Sam: So, what’s going on?
Nicole : What do you mean what’s going on?
Sam : I know he’s not just your “officemate”. Tell me honestly, who’s that guy?

*JJ suddenly comeback, interrupted their conversation*

JJ: Guys I’m sorry I have to leave, something came up at work and I have to go.
Sam : It’s fine go ahead. *fake smile*
JJ : *lean to Nicole* I’m sorry babe *whisper*

*JJ leave*

Sam: I heard that, so what’s really going on? Tell me?

Nicole: *sigh* He’s my boyfriend.
Sam : What the heck Nicole! You’re having an affair!
Nicole : *panicking, looking to her sides* shhh, calm down let me explain.
Sam : Explain what? That you are cheating on Henrich? Since when?
Nicole : For several months now, He’s my officemate, he’s so kind, he always help me.
Promise Sam He’s a good guy.
Sam : I don’t care whether he’s a good guy or not. Nicole You’re married, you have kids.
Nicole : I’m sorry I didn’t mean it, it-it just happen.
Sam : Don’t say sorry to me, I’m not your husband. Fix this Nicole, choose. And as your
friend I just want to remind you, you have two daughters.
*Nicole sigh*

(Scene 2)
*Several days after the first scene*
* Henrich taking care of Aila & Anji *
Henrich : Okay, You’re good to go guys.
Aila : Thanks Dad.
Henrich : Be good at school okay?
Anji : Yes Dad, we are always good.
Henrich : Go guys, your bus is here, you’ll be late.
*the three hug and wave their hands*
* Henrich phone ring* *check his phone, someone send picture** grip his phone, angry

*Henrich meet-up with his friend (carlo)*

Carlo : What’s up my man? *guys greet*
Henrich : *sigh* *sit*
Carlo : woah, that’s kinda heavy, what happend? Are you alright?
Henrich : I think Nicole is cheating on me.
Carlo : What?! What do you mean? Nicole won’t do that
Henrich : I wanna believe that.
Carlo : Have you already talked with Nicole about that?
Henrich : Not yet. I don’t have the courage, I’m scared.
Carlo : Bro, Just relax, talk with your wife. Confront her, you have the right to do that.
Henrich : Thanks for the advise bro, I have to go, the kids are waiting for me.
Carlo: Alright, bye bro.*tap Henrich’s shoulder*

(scene 3)
Henrich: Hon, can we talk?
Nicole : Can’t we do that tomorrow? I’m tired *cold*
Henrich : Be honest to me please. Are you cheating on me?
Nicole : *lowkey shock* What nonsense are you talking about? Are you out, of your mind?
Henrich : *show the picture* How about this? Explain thi?!
Nicole : Where did you get that?!
Henrich : It doesn’t matter where I get this, now explain! Are you having an affair? Nicole are
you cheating?! Who’s the guy?
Nicole : Hon, I’m sorry * hold Henrich hand * Hon, I didn’t mean it. Please hon I’m sorry, Let
me explain Hon.*pleading**holiding Henrich’s hand*
Henrich : Explain what? That you betrayed us? Me and your kids?

*Henrich holding his anger*

*remove Nicole’s hand*

Henrich: You know what, Lets Divorce. I don’t know what you can do next. I love my kids,
and I’ll do everything for them to be in good state, and if you don’t want to be part of that, it’s
fine. That’s your choice.
Nicole :Don’t drag the kids here. And What do you mean “my kids”? They are my children
too, our children.
Henrich : Our children? Yet you still had the guts to have an affair. That’s it let’s have a
Divorce and I’ll take the children.

*Aila & Anji standing near the door, watching them*

Anji : Mom, Dad are you guys fighting?

Aila : Dad, what’s Happening?

*Henrich & Nicole lumingon *

*Nicole go near them*
Nicole : Why are you still awake guys? *caresing both of them*
Aila : Mom, are fighting with dad?
Nicole : No, baby. We are just talking. *smile*
Anji : Are you guys fighting because of us? Because we didn’t get a verygood star today?
Anji : I’m sorry mom.
Aila : Mom, I promise I’ll do my best to get a verygood star tommorow.
Anji : Me too Mom, please don’t fight guys. I’m sorry.

*Henrich go near them*

Henrich : Hey baby, it’s not about that. We’re not fighting we’re just talking. Don’t say sorry
baby it’s not your fault. And do you remember what daddy always say?
Aila : Always do your best.
Henrich : That’s right, you guys always do your best, the stars doesn’t really matter as long
as you guys do your best and enjoy.

*Henrich cares them and hug them*

(scene 3)
*Henrich and Nicole talking to the lawyer/counsellor (Junjay)*

Junjay : Are you guys really sure about you are going to do? You know, Divorce is not simple
as it may look, it has to go through a process.
Based on what you told me guys, about your reason why you are going to have a divorce. I
think you should talk more about this matter. I mean, you guys have children. I want you
guys to open your mind more. You two, don’t be selfish, think about you kids. They are more
affected about this than the both of you. Talk again, then after the both of you discussed
more about his matter. Come back here to me and by that time let’s decide.

*Henrich and Nicole looked and each other*

(scene 4)
*Henrich and Nicole sitting*
Nicole : I’m sorry, let’s give us another chance. Hon, please. I’m sorry
*Hondling Henrich hand infront of her*
Henrich : *sigh* For my daughters, let’s start again.
Nicole : Thankyou Hon. I promise nothing like this will happen again. *hug Henrich*
Henrich : Please don’t break my trust again. I love you faithfully and I wish you too.
Nicole : I won’t, and I’ll love you guys more. Faithfully.

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