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Hi Yela and Rachel,

Good morning!
We just got a response from Jeff—representative from one of our clients. He is requesting to
go through the usability testing first before letting their store managers take it too. Would it still
be possible to schedule him later at the 3:00PM-4:30PM slot? Kindly let me know your
availability, so I can endorse him to you.
Thank you!

Hi Jeff,
We just have a change in schedule with our agency On-Off Group, who will be onboarding the
participants and facilitating the Usability Test. The UTs has been moved to Mon Jun 27 to Wed
Jun 29. Hoping that you would still be available next week. Kindly let me know the date you
Thanks again for your willingness to participate!

Hi Jeff,
Thank you. Endorsing you to Yela and Rachel—representatives from our agency On-Off Group,
to onboard and guide you on the usability test.

Hi Yela and Rachel,

Kindly accommodate Jeff.
Thank you!

Good morning, Sir @Martin, is it okay if I endorse Jeff to On-Off Group, so they can onboard
him for the usability test, if ever it would still be possible to do it later? Since Jeff requested to
sschedule it later at 3PM, but we just moved the UT schedule to next week.

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