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Self-Reflective Essay for Foundations of Counseling And Psychotherapy

Student's Name





This self-reflective essay aims to capture my thoughts and feelings while taking the

Foundations course, in which I will compare my expectations from the beginning of the course to

what I have learned and understood throughout. I will further discuss the emotions I have

experienced during the skills and theory sessions to provide a more in-depth view of my personal

thought process (Tasca, Mikail, and Hewitt, 2021). When I started the Foundations course, I was

intrigued and intrigued. I was excited to learn something new and to be challenged by the

unknown. I found the structure of the first lecture interesting, and I was eager to listen actively

and ask questions. However, I found it challenging to remain conscious of my listening and

ensure that I was listening with full intent. The practical session, which involved telling my

partner about myself based on three questions, highlighted that not everyone was open to their

experiences, and several barriers and defenses were in place. This made me think more

constructively about how I may have been too subjective or critical. The presentation reinforced

for me that sometimes the things we consider important may not be significant to the customer,

and that the ability to listen will shape the narrative.

Exploring the Lecture

The lecture was a great opportunity to learn about active listening, questioning, and the

client's perspective. Active listening requires one to be fully present and take in what is being

said. I found it challenging to ask myself whether I am truly listening and not just moving on to

the next step in my mind. The practical session was a good way to practice active listening, as it

required us to stay within the boundaries posed by the three questions. It was eye-opening to see

how my partner was not open to their experiences and had erected barriers and defenses to

protect themselves (Tasca, Mikail, and Hewitt, 2021). I was also able to retain the notion that it

is critical to comprehend the client's point of view and that some things we may consider

significant may not be so to them. This struck me as really poignant and made me realize how

important active listening is in shaping the story. I also gained insight into the client's point of

view and the potential barriers they may have in place. The lecture also highlighted the

importance of questioning and questioning oneself to gain clarity on certain topics. I found

exploring my thoughts and feelings on the topic interesting and how this could apply to my

practice. write Experiential Sessions

Experiential Sessions

As proposed by Bowlby, the attachment theory suggests that the bond between a mother

and child is of the utmost importance in forming a secure sense of self. This theory was

especially important to me, as I strongly bonded with my mother and felt deeply connected to

her. Reflecting on this, I understood the importance of the relationship between the mother and

infant and how it can affect the individual's later life. In the experiential session, we were split

into groups and asked to discuss our own experiences of attachment. It was interesting to hear

the different perspectives within the group and to understand that not everyone had the same

experience as me. One of my group members had a very different upbringing from me and did

not have the same loving bond with her parents. She discussed how she felt isolated and distant

from them and found it difficult to trust others. This was a very eye-opening experience for me,

as it highlighted the importance of understanding the different experiences of attachment that

people have had. We then carried out an exercise where one of us would talk, one would listen,

and one would draw. I was asked to draw, and I found this to be a very insightful experience. My

partner discussed how her life was never consistent and how she did not have the same love or

attachment from her parents that I did. I drew images representing her experiences, such as an ice

cube in a glass, arrows pointing in different directions, and a whirlwind. When I asked my

partner to explain the drawings, she said they represented her feelings of coldness, uncertainty,

and the ever-changing nature of her life. The exercise made me think about the value of creative

practices in the consulting room and the ability of art to convey complex emotions. This led me

to reflect on the work of Wilfred Bion and his psychoanalytic aesthetics (Williams and Bion,

2019). Through reading his work, I realized that creative practices could be valuable in

understanding our unconscious phantasies and exploring the primitive emotions that shape us.

The reflective writing experience was a great opportunity to explore the topics discussed

in more detail. I found it particularly interesting to reflect on the notion of association and how it

can free up past thoughts that we internalize. I also reflected on the Freudian theory of ID and the

representation of bodily functions. This got me thinking about whether I could use it as an

intervention and whether I could draw inspiration from Freud to construct this theory for the

creative industry with the psychoanalysis (Garrett, 2023). Another topic that I found fascinating

was the exploration of Freudian theory, and how it has developed over time. I considered how

this theory is more valuable in today's practice and generational differences. I also reflected on

the creative sector and how the psychoanalytic and creative elements can be combined to form a

powerful therapeutic approach. Overall, the reflective writing experience was an invaluable

experience that enabled me to explore the topics discussed in greater depth and gain further

insight into my own personal thoughts and feelings.

This self-reflective essay has highlighted my thoughts and feelings throughout the

Foundations course, from my expectations when I first started to my understanding of the skills

and theories that I have learned (Garrett, 2023). I have discussed my experience of the lecture,

experiential sessions, and reflective writing, and explored a number of topics such as Bowlby's

maternal attachment, Freudian theory, and the creative sector. Overall, this essay has enabled me

to gain further insight into my own personal thoughts and feelings and to reflect on the lessons

learned while taking the Foundations course. I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of

the skills and theories I have been taught and have further developed my knowledge in the

psychoanalytic field.


Garrett, P. M. (2023). Bowlby, Attachment and the Potency of a 'Received Idea'. The British

Journal of Social Work, 53(1), 100-117.

Tasca, G. A., Mikail, S. F., & Hewitt, P. L. (2021). Research evidence for group

psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy. American Psychological Association.

Williams, M. H., & Bion, W. R. (2019). Four discussions with WR Bion. Four Discussions with

WR Bion, 1-112.

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