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This chapter showed the background of the study, the significance of the

study, scope and limitation, theoretical/conceptual framework, schematic

diagram, statement of the problem, hypothesis, and definition of terms.


Problem-solving has special importance in the study of mathematics. The

main goal in teaching mathematical problem-solving is for the students to

develop a generic ability to solve real-life problems and apply mathematics in

real-life situations. It can also be used, as a teaching method, for a deeper

understanding of concepts. Successful mathematical problem-solving depends

upon many factors and skills with different characteristics. One of the main

difficulties in learning problem-solving is the fact that many skills are needed for a

learner to be an effective problem-solver. Also, these factors and skills make

teaching problem-solving one of the most complex topics to teach. Mathematics

is used to quantify numerically and spatially natural as well as man-made


Learning facts and contents in mathematics is important but these are not

enough. Students should learn how to use these facts to develop their problem-

solving thinking skills. Special attention to the development of problem-solving

ability has been accepted by mathematics educators and genuine mathematical

problem-solving is one of the most important components in any mathematics

program or curriculum.

Filipino students regarded mathematics as useful in their daily lives and

valued the effort put into improving one's mathematical prowess. Filipino pupils,

on the other hand, thought that word problems weren't relevant and that they

could all be answered using a straightforward, step-by-step method. Statistics

showed that there is a considerable difference between the genders regarding

the utility of mathematics and the assumption that effort can improve

mathematical abilities.

This study "Difficulties Encountered by the students in Mathematical

Problems Solving" is deemed necessary for teachers, students, and future


To the teachers, this study can be used to analyze the student's ability in

mathematical problem solving, and to address the student's difficulties in word

problems. This is helpful for the teachers, especially in teaching the steps in


To the students, this study can help them understand their own difficulties

with mathematics problems and solve worded problems easier and accurately

through the use of the steps presented in this study.

To future researchers, it would be helpful for them to use this study as a

starting point to formulate actions to also address the concerns of the students

with regard to problem-solving.

Theoretical Framework

This study was guided on Cognitivist Theory of Jean Plaget which states

the factors that affect learning and teaching Mathematics. Reading

comprehension skills and the ability to solve mathematical problems could be the

difficulties of pupils to solve mathematical word problem. In relation to the study,

pupils find difficulty in Mathematics. For instance, solving word problems require

mental representation of the problem and simple arithmetic to transform the word

problem into a mathematical equation. As a result, students who are not skilled in

formulating a mathematical equation will not be able to solve the word problem

which will lead the pupils to the unfavorable attitudes towards Mathematics. The

theory of Cognitive Psychology Approach stressed that pupils need to apply

cognitive strategies of goal and sequences of mental operation in order to learn

and solved worded problems. Teachers should adjust their instructional practices

according to the different pre-skills that the students have because these pre-

skills play a big part in solving mathematical problems. When students gain more

conceptual and procedural skills in Mathematics, they become more competent

and efficient in learning mathematics.

Scope and Limitation

The study focused on the difficulties encountered by students in

Mathematical problems solving. The study involves grade 8 students at Northern

Mindanao Colleges, Inc. The research included the difficulties of the students in

the steps of problem-solving. The research also includes the mistakes committed

by the students. The study is conducted during the second term of the academic

year of 2022-2023.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the "Difficulties encountered by Grade 8

students in Mathematical problem-solving.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Age:

1.2 Gender

2. What are the difficulties encountered by the students in mathematical


3. What are the causes of the errors committed by the students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between students' difficulties in

Mathematical problem solving and the teacher's instruction?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the student's perception of

Mathematics problem solving and their Mathematics performance?


The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1: There is a significant relationship between student's difficulties in

Mathematics and the teacher's instruction

HO2: There is no significant relationship between students' perception of

Mathematics and their Mathematics performance.

Definition of Terms


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presented various literature and studies that have related to

the research’s topic and gave broader views to the researcher in emphasizing

the These served as the groundwork for the present survey

Related Literature

According to Webster's dictionary, the nature of mathematics was defined

as the science of relationships and patterns, a way of thinking, art, language, and

discipline. Kim (2019) said that mathematics was a subject that made students

rip their hair out and jump for joy, but the subject was inescapable as you

become an adult in the real world. Mathematics teachers should create strategies

to attain the goals, standards, and scope of teaching the subject. One of the big

goals in teaching mathematics was problem-solving skills that’s why many

students were scared of this subject.

According to Frei (2019), if students lack conceptual comprehension, of

mathematics, rigidity in their use of mathematics, and an inability to successfully

apply the procedural information they have learned to novel and unusual

problems and circumstances…

Bahar and Maker (2015) stated that the concept of problem solving is

referred to by scientists as a high- level thinking process consisting of intellectual

ability and major cognitive processes.


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