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It is commonly accepted that math is difficult, obscure, and of little interest to certain people.
The study of math carries with it a stigma and people who are talented in math are often treated
as though they are quite normal. Mathematics has importance over and above the application of
basic numeracy skills. It is also the prime vehicle for developing student’s logical thinking and
higher-order cognitive skills.

Mathematics also plays a major role in a number of other scientific fields, such as physics,
engineering and statistics. In this connection, a positive attitude towards mathematics among
students is an important goal of mathematics education in many jurisdictions. Many students
struggled to accomplish mathematics especially in problem-solving However, they still need to
learn mathematics because of its importance in daily life. They must be able to solve problem
because problem solving is important for the development of human competencies. In real life,
students need to solve problems because that is a basic way to survive in our daily life and
mathematics is seen as the language. The primary and secondary mathematics curriculum
emphasized on arithmetic, problem-solving, communication, mantic-thinking, connection-
building and technology application skills. Mathematics skills such as language, number fact,
information and arithmetic are vital in problem-solving. Deficiency in any of these skills could
cause difficulties in mathematics skills among students.

National and international evaluations show that, on completion of basic education, many
students’ mathematics knowledge and competencies fall short of the expected level United
Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2012.

In Malaysia, studies showed that students felt difficult in mathematics because, they had
difficulty understanding and retrieving concepts, formulas, facts and procedure (Zahrah et al.
2003) and lacked the ability to visualize mathematics problems and concepts (Tarzimah 2005).
Weakness in understanding concepts, logic-thinking and lacking of strategic knowledge caused
errors in problem-solving (Tay Lay Heong 2005). Occurance of similar errors signified
difficulties . A part from that, error analysis showed that students were lacking in arithmetic and
procedure knowledge as a result from weak conceptual understanding (Latha 2007). Mohd Johan
(2002) stated that many students could not bring meaning to the problems and did not know how
to plan and perform the problem-solving strategies. However, not many studies emphasized on
the difficulties of mathematics problem solving related to mathematics skills deficit. If the
difficulties in mathematics skills involved are understood, better programmes to overcome the
difficulties could be prepared. Moreover, if learning approaches and teaching strategies applied
did not fulfil the intellectual needs of the students, these could lead to students’ difficulties in
learning mathematics.In Maddela Comprehensive High School (MCHS), study shows that some
STEM students often face difficulties and challenges when solving math problems. Some of the
problems encountered by STEM students include difficulty in understanding abstract concepts,
Math involves many abstract concepts, which can be challenging for some students to grasp.
This difficulty in understanding abstract concepts can make it difficult for them to solve math
problems. Another problem is limited problem-solving skills, STEM students may have
difficulty solving math problems because they lack problem-solving skills. They may not know
how to approach a problem, break it down into smaller parts, and apply appropriate problem-
solving strategies. Another problem is time management, Solving math problems can be time-
consuming, and STEM students may struggle with managing their time effectively, especially
when they have multiple assignments and exams to prepare for. Another serious problem is
anxiety, Some STEM students experience anxiety, which can affect their ability to solve math
problems effectively. Anxiety can make it difficult for them to focus, remember information, and
apply problem-solving strategies. Teachers need to understand students’ potential, problems and
learning difficulties in order to implement effective teaching strategy and to produce meaningful
learning among students.

The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties, challenges, and strategies that STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students face when solving math
problems. The study aims to identify the common issues that students encounter when solving
math problems, the strategies they use to overcome these difficulties, and the effectiveness of
these strategies. The findings of this study can help educators and institutions to develop targeted
interventions and support systems that can enhance students' math problem-solving skills and
improve their academic performance in STEM subjects.
The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties, challenges and strategies in solving
math problems face by the STEM students of Maddela Comprehensive High School.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What are the specific difficulties and challenges that STEM students at MCHS face when solving math
problems during the academic year 2022-2023?

2. What strategies do STEM students at MCHS employ to overcome the difficulties and challenges in
solving math problems?

3. What are the reasons why STEM students at MCHS struggle in solving math problems?



1. How does your personal problem/s affects you in solving math problems?
2. What about your family problem/s? Does it also affect you in solving math problems?
3. Do you have any health problem/s? Does it also affect you in solving math problems?


1. Do you use any strategies to be able to solve math problems? Why? Why not?
2. What are the strategies you use to solve math problems?


1.Why are you struggling in solving math problems?

2. How do you cope up?

This study focuses on Grade 11 STEM students at MCHS during the school year 2022-2023. The
aim is to determine the difficulties, challenges, and strategies in solving math problems. The
study includes a sample size of 10 STEM students at MCHS, specifically focusing on math
problem-solving in the STEM curriculum. It does not consider other grade levels, subjects, or
perspectives from teachers, parents, or other stakeholders.


This study is deemed necessary for the teachers, curriculum makers, students, parents and future
To the teachers, this study can be used to analyze the students’ ability in solving
mathematical problems, and to address the students’ difficulties in word problems. This is
helpful for the teachers especially in teaching the steps in problem solving.

To the curriculum makers, this study can be used and can be added to the curriculum design to
present and create a new and easier approach in problem solving that will cater the students’
needs and to help teachers to teach the problem solving more
comprehensive to the students.

To the students, this study can help them understand their own difficulties on mathematics
problems and solve worded problems easier and accurately through the use of the steps presented
in this study.

To the Parents, this study can provide them with valuable insights into their child's learning
process and how they can support their child's math education.

To the Researchers can use this study as a foundation for future research in math problem-
solving, expanding on student difficulties and effective strategies.
To the future researchers, it would be helpful for them to use this study as astarting point to
formulate actions to also address the concerns of the students with regardto problem solving.


Mathematics is an integral part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics) curriculum, and problem-solving skills are crucial for students in these fields.
Identifying the difficulties, challenges, and strategies used by STEM students in solving math
problems can provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers to enhance mathematics
education. This literature review aims to explore the existing research and studies related to the
topic shed light on the specific difficulties,challenges, and strategies in solving math problems at
MCHS during the school year 2022-2023.


The ability to use cognitive abilities in learning is crucial for a meaningful learning to take place
(Stendall 2009). However, many students have hindrance in using these cognitive abilities in
learning effectively. They were reported to face difficulties in making the accurate perceptions
and interpretations, memorizing and retrieving facts, giving concentrations and using their logic
thinking (Zahara et al. 2009; Tarzimah 2005; Ismail 2009; Andersson & Lyxell 2007; Bryant
2006). Reports from TIMSS 2007 (2008) showed that Malaysian respondent, had significantly
low achievement in cognitive dimension which emphasized on thinking skills and problem

Problem solving is a cognitive processing directed at achieving a goal when no solution method
is obvious to the problem solver; it is applying an old knowledge to a new situation and a task in
which the student is interested and engaged for which he
wishes to obtain a resolution, (Krulik & Rudnick, 1987; Schoenfeld, 1989;Mayer, 1992; Bottge,

Miranda (2006) stated that students might experience difficulties in thinking and learning when
they demonstrated difficulty in giving attention, describing orientation of shape and space,
making perception by visual and auditory, memorizing simple things and understanding
Limjap (1996) reported that as students are given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences
when they confront problem situations, they learn to construct their own ways of reasoning in
mathematics. She further added that the students come to understand their own learning process
and are able to deal with problem situations which facilitate their understanding of the
mathematics concepts.

Mohd Johan (2002) stated that many students could not bring meaning to the problems and did
not know how to plan and perform the problem-solving strategies. However, not many studies
emphasized on the difficulties of mathematics problem solving related to mathematics skills
deficit. If the difficulties in mathematics skills involved are understood, better programmes to
overcome the difficulties could be prepared.


Article by Steve Hewson (2011 ), “The Mathematical Problems Faced by Advanced STEM
Students” Mathematics is critical to the study of any STEM subject; indeed, historically the
development of science, technology, engineering and mathematics has often gone hand in
The scientist or engineer needs to embrace mathematics in order to get the most from their
studies. Unfortunately, students often struggle with the mathematical aspects of their scientific
degree courses. In this article we explore some of the main mathematical problems arising. Far
from simply a lack of content knowledge, we believe that the main area of concern is in
mathematical process skills.
Article by Kaleva, S., Pursiainen, J., Hakola, M. et al. (201 9) Students’ reasons for STEM
choices and the relationship of mathematics choice to university admission. Advanced
mathematics was highly valued in Finnish universities, and many students chose advanced
mathematics believing in its usefulness for their future studies or careers. Yet, their further study
interests and career plans were segregated by gender. As there is a rising need for STEM skills,
we must seek effective ways to deliver the evolving possibilities of STEM fields to students,
especially girls, during the earlier years of their educations.
Many educators have highlighted the difficulties of learning algebra. According to Jupri, Drijvers
and van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (201 4), many students find it difficult to master the subject while
teachers themselves may find it difficult to teach it, especially when it is not linked to
Mathematics that students had already learned (Chow, 2011 ). This is not surprising as the
general reason why students detest algebra is because of the numerous terms and formulae
that try to memorise instead of understanding the concepts.
Kollosche (2021 ) shed further light on the lack of critical thinking in the media’s reporting on
COVID, with his argument that “most newspaper reports were effective in creating the problems”
because of their focus on ideal forms of mathematical concepts and modelling, without
discussing the assumptions and methods behind the reported data. Of concern is that “mass
media still fail to present scientific models and results in a way that allows for mathematical
reflection and a critical evaluation of such information by citizens.
Article by Amelia T. Buan et al. (2021 )“Capacity Building in Teaching Mathematics through
Problem Solving” This article discusses the Mathematics Framework for Philippine basic
education, which focuses on the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
among Filipino learners. The article also emphasizes the importance of using problem-solving
as a teaching strategy to enhance students' mathematical abilities.
Article by Li, Y., Schoenfeld, A.H."Problematizing teaching and learning mathematics as 'given'
in STEM education".This article discusses the history of mathematics education in the United
States and the emphasis on teaching mathematical knowledge and skills, rather than
problem-solving. The article argues that problem-solving should be a central focus of
mathematics education in STEM fields.
A study by Quezco F. Velazquez (201 9) “Metacognitive Skills in Problem-Solving among Senior
HighSchool STEM Strand Students “This study examines the relationship between
metacognitive skills and problem-solving skills among STEM students in the Philippines. The
study found that there is a significant positive relationship between these two skills, suggesting
that developing metacognitive skills can enhance problem-solving abilities.

The research design for this study will be qualitative case study approach, which will allow for an in-
depth exploration of the difficulties, challenges, and strategies of STEM students in solving math
problems. The case study approach will enable the researcher to collect rich data through observations,
interviews, and document analysis.

B. Sampling Procedure:
For our study on the difficulties, challenges, and strategies in solving math problems for STEM
students at MCHS during the school year 2022-2023, we used a purposive sampling technique.
We selected participants based on specific criteria that aligned with our research objectives.
Sampling Technique:
We collaborated with MCHS administration and mathematics teachers to recruit participants
who met the inclusion criteria, such as being enrolled in STEM courses and being willing to
participate. This approach allowed us to gather insights from a diverse range of STEM students
at MCHS, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic within that specific context.


semi-structured interviews will be conducted with each participant to explore their difficulties,
challenges and strategies in solving math problems

The participants past math scores, assignments and other relevant document will be analyzed to
gain insights in their math performance and problem solving abilities,


The data collected by the researcher through interviews, and documents analysis will be analyzed
using thematic analysis. The Researcher will identify themes and other patterns in the data to
explore the difficulties, challenges, and strategies of STEM students in solving math problems.
Slide 1 : Title - "Determining the Difficulties, Challenges, and Strategies in Solving Math
Problems of STEM Students at MCHS during the School Year 2022-2023"
Good [morning/afternoon], esteemed panel members, faculty, and fellow researchers. My name
is [Your Name] together with, and today we are delighted to present to you our research proposal
entitled"Determining the Difficulties, Challenges, and Strategies in Solving Math Problems of STEM
Students at MCHS during the School Year 2022-2023." This study aimed to investigate the
specific challenges STEM students face in math problem-solving and identify strategies to
support their learning. Let's begin with the background of the study.
Slide 2: Chapter 1 - Background of the Study
In this chapter, we explored the significance of understanding math problem-solving difficulties,
challenges, and strategies for STEM students. Mathematics is a fundamental discipline in STEM
education, and proficiency in problem-solving is crucial for success in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics fields. By identifying and addressing the specific challenges
faced by STEM students, we can enhance their learning experiences and outcomes.
Slide 3: Chapter 1 - Research Question
Our main research question was: "What are the difficulties, challenges, and strategies in solving
math problems of STEM students at MCHS during the school year 2022-2023?" This research
question guided our investigation and allowed us to focus on the specific issues faced by STEM
students at MCHS.
Slide 4: Chapter 1 - Scope and Delimitations
For this study, we limited our scope to Grade 11 STEM students at MCHS during the school
year 2022-2023. This decision enabled us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
challenges and strategies specific to this particular group of students. We recognize that this
study's findings may not be generalizable to all STEM students or other grade levels, but they
provide valuable insights for our target population.
Slide 5: Chapter 1 - Significance of the Study
Now, let's delve into the significance of our research on various stakeholders: teachers,
curriculum makers, students, parents, and future researchers.
Our findings directly benefit teachers by providing them with insights into the specific difficulties
and challenges STEM students face in math problem-solving. This knowledge allows teachers
to tailor their instructional approaches, develop targeted teaching strategies, and improve the
effectiveness of their math problem-solving instruction.
Curriculum Makers:
Curriculum designers and policymakers can utilize the insights gained from our study to
enhance the design and development of math curricula for STEM students. By incorporating
effective problem-solving approaches, curriculum makers can ensure the curriculum aligns with
the needs and abilities of STEM students at MCHS.
The study's findings directly benefit students by providing them with insights and strategies to
improve their math problem-solving skills. Students gain a deeper understanding of the
challenges they may face and learn effective strategies to overcome them, ultimately enhancing
their performance in math and other STEM-related subjects.
Parents play a crucial role in supporting their child's math education. The insights from our study
empower parents to provide targeted assistance and guidance to their child, reinforcing the
strategies and approaches learned in the classroom. This strengthens the collaboration
between parents and teachers, fostering a supportive environment for students' math learning.
Future Researchers:
Our research serves as a foundation for future research in math problem-solving among STEM
students. It opens avenues for further investigations into student difficulties, effective strategies,
and potential interventions. Future researchers can build upon this study to explore additional
aspects of math problem-solving, expanding the knowledge base in this field.
Slide 6: Conclusion
In conclusion, our research on determining the difficulties
, challenges, and strategies in solving math problems of STEM students at MCHS has provided
valuable insights for various stakeholders. By understanding and addressing these challenges,
we can improve math education, enhance learning outcomes, and support the success of STEM
students. We hope that our findings will inspire further research, interventions, and instructional
strategies aimed at promoting effective math problem-solving skills among STEM students.
Thank you for your attention, and I am now open to any questions you may have regarding our

Certainly! Here are some possible answers to the questions:

1 . What is the motivation behind your research? Why is it important to investigate the difficulties,
challenges, and strategies in solving math problems for STEM students at MCHS?
Answer: The motivation behind this research is to gain a deeper understanding of the difficulties
and challenges that STEM students at MCHS face when solving math problems. Mathematics is
a fundamental subject in STEM education, and problem-solving skills are crucial for success in
STEM fields. By identifying the specific challenges students encounter and exploring effective
strategies to overcome them, we can enhance the quality of math education and better prepare
students for future STEM endeavors.
2. How did you determine the scope and delimitations of your study? What factors did you
consider when defining the boundaries of your research?
Answer: The scope of our study focuses on the math problems faced by STEM students at
MCHS during the school year 2022-2023. We considered factors such as the grade levels of the
students, the curriculum followed at MCHS, and the availability of resources and data. Our
research is limited to MCHS, which allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
specific challenges faced by students within that context.
3. Can you provide some background on the existing literature related to this topic? What are
the key theories or concepts that underpin your research?
Answer: The existing literature highlights the importance of problem-solving skills in
mathematics education and STEM fields. Key theories and concepts that underpin our research
include the problem-solving process, cognitive load theory, and metacognitive strategies. We
will review relevant studies that examine the difficulties and challenges faced by students when
solving math problems and explore strategies such as scaffolding, self-regulated learning, and
collaborative learning.
4. What research methodologies did you employ in your study? How did you design your
research to address the research question effectively?
Answer: Our study will utilize a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data will be collected
through surveys and assessments to quantify the difficulties and challenges faced by students.
Qualitative data will be collected through interviews and observations to gain a deeper
understanding of the strategies employed by students to solve math problems. This combination
of quantitative and qualitative data will allow us to address the research question
comprehensively and provide a rich description of the difficulties and effective strategies.
5. How did you select your sample? What criteria did you use to ensure that your sample
represents the STEM students at MCHS accurately?
Answer: The sample selection was based on a purposive sampling technique. We considered
factors such as grade levels, academic performance, and representation of different STEM
disciplines to ensure a diverse and representative sample. We aimed to include students from
various backgrounds and ability levels to capture a comprehensive understanding of the
difficulties and strategies employed by STEM students at MCHS.
Please note that these are sample answers and you should tailor your responses based on your
specific research proposal and context.
Research Gap:
While there have been studies conducted on math problem-solving in various educational
contexts, there is a research gap specifically focused on the difficulties, challenges, and
strategies in solving math problems for STEM students at MCHS during the school year
2022-2023. This research aims to address this gap by providing a comprehensive
understanding of the unique challenges faced by STEM students at MCHS and exploring
effective strategies to overcome these challenges.
Existing research primarily focuses on general math problem-solving skills or specific subgroups
of students. However, there is a lack of research that specifically investigates the challenges
faced by STEM students at MCHS, who have distinct learning needs and aspirations. By
examining the experiences of this particular group, we can identify targeted interventions and
strategies that cater to their specific needs, ultimately enhancing their problem-solving abilities
and success in STEM education.
Furthermore, the research will contribute to the limited body of knowledge on effective
instructional approaches and interventions in math education for STEM students at MCHS. By
investigating the strategies employed by successful STEM students, we can identify best
practices that can be shared with teachers, curriculum makers, and educational policymakers to
optimize math education in the context of STEM.
Thus, this study aims to bridge the research gap by providing valuable insights into the
difficulties, challenges, and strategies in solving math problems for STEM students at MCHS,
thereby contributing to the existing literature and informing future research and educational

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