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- An incision made in the perineum – the tissue between the vaginal opening
and the anus – during childbirth
- It was thought to help prevent more extensive vaginal tears during childbirth
– and heal better than a natural tear. The procedure was also thought to help
preserve the muscular and connective tissue support of the pelvic floor

1. Buy a shallow mini-tub called a sitz bath that fits over the toilet seat and
allows you to soak the stitches for cleansing and pain relief. Just remember
that warm water soaks are not to be started until at least 24 hours after giving
2. Change your pad every 2 to 4 hours
3. Choose cooling medicated pads marketed for hemorrhoid use to provide
relief. Find a product that is hypoallergenic, pH balances, and perfume-free
4. Prevent constipation by increasing water and fiber intake. Talk to your health
care provider about the use of stool softeners and laxatives
5. Take over-the-counter pain relievers to help alleviate discomfort
6. Use an antibacterial sanitizer on your hands before cleaning the perineal are
(this helps prevent you from infecting the wound with your hand)
7. Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper to reduce irritation from friction
8. Use a blow dryer set on low if you have trouble drying the wound. Hold it at
least 8 inches away from your skin
9. Wipe front to back


- Infection is possible following an episiotomy
1. Fever of 100 degrees F or more
2. Foul-smelling and/or greenish discharge
3. Redness and swelling around the stitches
4. Severe pain at the incision site
5. Visible pus in or around the wound

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