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Satisfaction Level of Students in regards to the

Result to their Academic Performances


Bayani, Izhel

Pepito, Margie

Pastoril, Andrew

Torejos, Lizamae

Pasar, Keyvin

Albuna, Jay

Lim, Arjey


When people hear the term “academic performance” they often think of a person’s

GPA. However, several factors indicate a student’s academic success. While some may not

graduate top of their class, they may hold leadership positions in several student groups or

score high on standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT (Williams, 2018). Education is a

powerful agent of change that improves health and livelihoods and contributes to social

stability. However, gaining knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills through education is not a

simple task; rather it is a long and challenging trip in life. Students are expected to spend much

of their time studying and need to graduate with good academic results (Tadese, 2022).

Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Besides, academically successful

students have higher self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels of anxiety and depression,

are socially inclined, and are less likely to engage in substance abuse and alcohol. However,

higher learning institutions reported that an increasing number of students still do not graduate

on time, suggesting that they did not perform well in their studies (Yeshaneh, 2022). Student

satisfaction, understood as the result of experience, service and facilities, was first measured in

the university context using common satisfaction frameworks. Likewise, it has been observed

that although the institution’s physical facilities are not of significant importance for student

satisfaction, the quality of feedback and lecturer-student relationships are key aspects related

to satisfaction (Flisser et al., 2020).

The students’ satisfaction and the whole exercise is an innovative method to obtain

students’ feedback on their academic experience, perceptions and expectations from the

higher education institution and finally to assess their satisfaction level. It contributes in

understanding student’ s perception, likes and dislikes and more importantly which educational
experience they think of as the most important and which facilities require improvement. The

method devised to obtain feedback of students of HEI is very innovative, generic, flexible and

easy to adopt by any higher education institution. The questions can be changed and altered

based on the requirements of the institution. Various interpretations can be obtained using this

technique.The method developed is a useful tool for selecting the most efficient parameters

which help in improvement of experience, which leads to satisfaction. The facilities and

services of organizations can then be improved to maximize efficiency. This study presents an

easy, reliable and complete quality assessment method to obtain student feedback with no

additional cost for any software purchase or training. Based on the result of our survey, (7)

students are satisfied to their academic results while the (3) students are not satisfied to their

academic results. A questionnaire was used in the study to collect the data from the

respondents and analyzed. The study found that there is strong relationship between

satisfaction of students and academic performance. It can help administrators to understand

the relative importance and accordingly plan improvement in facilities and resources.

Review of Related Literature

According to Elliot et al., (2001) Students’ satisfaction as a short term attitude,

resulting from an evaluation of a students’ educational experiences. It is a multidimensional

process that is influenced by a variety of factors.Higher education institutions are facing greater

competition to adopt market-oriented methods to separate themselves from their competitors

and attract as many students as possible while still meeting the requirements and expectations

of present students. As a result, several research studies have been carried out to determine

the elements that influence student happiness in higher education.

The most satisfied students also earned higher Grade Point Averages (GPAs) than

their less satisfied peers. There were no differences in educational functioning between the
average and low life satisfaction students. These findings suggest that very high life satisfaction

is associated with academic advantages that are not present among students with average or

low satisfaction levels (Antaramian, 2017).

Academic satisfaction is considered one of the most important factors affecting

academic achievement among students. The purpose of the present study was to determine

the relationship between academic satisfaction and academic achievement among students.

The relationship between academic satisfaction and academic achievement also indicated that

creating motivation among students and increasing their levels of satisfaction could provide the

grounds for academic achievement among them as much as possible (Jamshidi et al., 2017) .

In this study, using a survey which is designed to obtain feedback on the satisfaction

level of students to their academic performance results. This exercise additionally aims at

resoluteness of a variety of practices which were introduced at senior high school to mentor

students predicated on their requisites. Hence, student satisfaction and experience which lead

to better experience leading to overall personality development of the students and will prepare

them for the world of work.


Antarmian, S. (2017). The importance of very high life satisfaction for students’ academic

success. Cogent Education.


Elliot, K. V. and Healy, M. A. (2001). Key factors influencing student satisfaction related to

recruitment and retention. Taylor & Francis Online.





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of Combined Studies in Medicine, an MD/PhD-like program of the Faculty of Medicine, National

Autonomous University of Mexico. National Autonomous University of Mexico: BMC MEDICAL


Jamshidi, K. et al. (2017). Academic Satisfaction Level and Academic Achievement among

Students at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences: Academic Year 2015-2016.

Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences:

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