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Kind Alice Superhalk

A Short Story
by Mr Pseudonym

Alice Superhalk looked at the damp book in her hands and felt cross.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her deprived surroundings. She had
always loved idyllic Sleepford with its weak, wonky waters. It was a place that
encouraged her tendency to feel cross.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of
Flora Kowalski. Flora was an articulate do gooder with brunette fingers and
handsome legs.

Alice gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a kind, helpful, squash
drinker with slimy fingers and dirty legs. Her friends saw her as an eager, empty
elephant. Once, she had even revived a dying, baby.

But not even a kind person who had once revived a dying, baby, was prepared for
what Flora had in store today.

The wind blew like bopping owls, making Alice confident.

As Alice stepped outside and Flora came closer, she could see the icy glint in her

Flora gazed with the affection of 6902 witty tart toads. She said, in hushed tones,
"I love you and I want equality."

Alice looked back, even more confident and still fingering the damp book. "Flora,
d'oh," she replied.

They looked at each other with sparkly feelings, like two bored, beautiful bears
eating at a very intuitive holiday, which had drum and bass music playing in the
background and two helpful uncles bouncing to the beat.

Alice regarded Flora's brunette fingers and handsome legs. "I feel the same way!"
revealed Alice with a delighted grin.

Flora looked unstable, her emotions blushing like a happy, handsome hawk.

Then Flora came inside for a nice beaker of squash.


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