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Zendrive iOS App Store Recommendations

iOS 13 - Location permission levels

notDetermined denied authorizedWhenInUse authorizedAlways

The user has not chosen The user denied the use The user authorized the The user authorized the
whether the app can use of location services for app to start location app to start location
location services. Initial the app or they are services while the app is services at any time.
state for all users. disabled globally in in use. Also called “Always
Settings. Also called “Allow While Allow”.
Using App”.
This is the desired
permission level for
ZendriveSDK to provide
the complete experience.

NOTE: The permission level can also be modified manually from “iPhone Settings” => “App Name” => “Location”. The Location option in settings
shows up only after the first location permission request by the application.
iOS 13 - Request prompt - “Only while using the app” permission prompt

authorizationStatus = authorizationStatus =
notDetermined notDetermined

Request “Allow
While Using App” Request “Always Allow”
Permission “Allow While Using” Permission
Permission Text.

Unexpected Status:
This functions as
“While Using”.

authorizationStatus = authorizationStatus =
authorizedWhenInUse authorizedAlways

authorizationStatus = authorizationStatus =
denied denied
iOS 13 - Upgrade prompt

authorizationStatus =

Request “Always Allow” iOS controlled

Permission dialog usually
triggered when the
app isn’t active.
“Allow While Using” “Always Allow”
Permission Text. Permission Text.

authorizationStatus =
Allow While
Using App
authorizationStatus =
Reminder prompt

iOS 12 iOS 13

“Always Allow” “Always Allow”

permission available. permission available.
Comes at a random time Comes at a random time
when the app is inactive. when the app is inactive.

“Always Allow”
Permission Text.
Recommended Onboarding Flow

Switched to

Request Open app

“While Using” Settings

Periodic reminder notifications to

On Notification Tap resolve the errors using background
fetch, silent push notifications and
iOS13’s BGTaskScheduler APIs.

Open app Settings

General Permission Guidelines
Permissions - User value proposition

Not Ideal Ideal

Users are not getting value There is a clearer value

out of being recorded. proposition for the user to
allow this permission.
Permission - Data sharing with third parties

Not Ideal Ideal

Apple requires all apps

to clearly inform the
user about the purpose
and details of the data
shared with third
Permission - Denials and app usability

Not Ideal Ideal

Permission failures should

not block application
access, the app may be
rejected depending on the
app store reviewer’s
Permissions - Avoid “require” or “need” keywords

Not Ideal Ideal

App store review team has a

tendency to be stricter when
keywords like “require” or “need”
are present.

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