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about the internet

Surf the net/ the internet: 
to use the internet. e.g. I spent the whole evening just surfing the net.

Browse (something) 
to look for or to look at information on a computer, especially on the Internet or a
specific website. E.g. I enjoy browsing the internet for health articles. 

Hook up: 
to connect somebody/something to a piece of electronic equipment, to a power
supply or to the Internet. E.g.  Check that the computer is hooked up to the printer. 

Silver surfer:  
an old person who spends a lot of time using the Internet. (internauta mayor)

a person who uses the Internet a lot. 

the rules of correct or polite behaviour among people using the Internet.

/ˈsaɪbəbʊliɪŋ/ the activity of using messages on social networking sites, emails, text
messages, etc. to frighten or upset somebody.

Vocabulary about phones
/ˌnəʊməʊˈfəʊbɪə/ a state of stress caused by having no access to or being unable to
use one’s mobile phone.

to send somebody a written message using a mobile phone. E.g. Text me when you're
on your way. 

Hands-free set / kit: 

manos libres

Missed call: 
llamada perdida.
Send / give s.o. a missed call/ give s.o. a prank call:
dar un toque 

Phone charger: 
cargador de batería
Have a low battery
Have a dead battery

Touch screen: 
a computer screen which allows you to give instructions to the computer by touching
areas on it.

Mute mode. If you could all mute your phones, that'd be great. 

There’s no signal / reception/ be out of range: 

no hay cobertura
Cut off: 
to interrupt somebody who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection.
E.g. We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.

Engaged/ busy:  
The line is busy.

Swipe (something) (on/across something) 

to move your finger quickly across the screen of an electronic device in order to move
text, pictures, ... or give commands. E.g. Switch on the phone and swipe your finger
across the screen to unlock it. Deslizar el dedo

 A top-up card: 
tarjeta recargable

To top up: 
recargar el teléfono

Call rate: 
tarifa de llamada telefónica.
Contract : 
de contrato


Call forwarding:
Desvío de llamada

Connection fee:
Establecimiento de llamada

Flat rate:
tarifa plana

Flip phone: 
móvil que se abre levantando la tapa

Landline / home phone: 

teléfono fijo

Long distance call: 

larga distancia

Local call:
llamada urbana

To run out of minutes/ to run out of credit:

No tener saldo

Ring tone: 
tono de llamada

Service provider:
operadora telefónica; compañía telefónica

To dial: 
To hang up: 

buzón de voz

to wait until you can speak to the person you have telephoned: She asked me to hold
the line.

Put sb through (to sb / … ) 

to connect sb by telephone:
Could you put me through to the manager, please?

Vocabulary about Social Networks

Log in/on: 
to perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system. E.g. You
need a password to log on.

Log out/off: 
to perform the actions that allow you to finish using a computer system. E.g. Log out
before switching the computer off. (cerrar sesión)

Sign up:  
E.g. sign up to our social media. (inscribirse, registrarse)

/bɪˈfrend/ befriend somebody to become a friend of somebody. E.g. When did it
become normal to befriend people you don’t know on Facebook?

Defriend or unfriend: 
to remove somebody from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking website.
E.g. If a Facebook friend suddenly becomes your boss, do you unfriend them? 

if you want to stop someone from contacting you, you can block them. E.g. When you
block someone, they can't see your profile or posts.
a person who chooses to regularly receive somebody’s messages. E.g. a celebrity with
thousands of followers on Twitter. 

Vocabulary about Emails

Buzón de entrada

buzón de salida

Email: (V) 
to send a message to somebody by email. E.g. email (somebody) Patrick emailed me
yesterday. Email something (to somebody) I'll email the documents to
her. Email somebody something I'll email her the documents.

Spam/junk mail:  
advertising material sent by email to people who have not asked for it

 Vocabulary related to Websites and Blogs 

Google: (V)
to search for something on the Internet, especially using the Google™ search engine.
E.g. Having Googled my symptoms, I feared the worst.

found when entered as a Google™ search. (oppos) ungoogleable. 

a blog post/entry

Label (V) / label (N)

Embed: (embed code)
E.g. embed videos (Insertar)

Stream something 
to play video or sound on a computer by receiving it as a continuous stream, from the
Internet for example, rather than needing to wait until the whole of the material has
been downloaded. E.g.The programme was streamed on the Web 24 hours a day.

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