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Signs Solo Traditional Ceremony - Toraja

Funeral ceremonies that take place when the sun slips to the west. The body is buried in a cave or cavity at the top of

a rock cliff. As a sign that the corpse enters a different living space. ceremony as

a form of filial piety glorifying ancestors until the end of their lives, sharing of sacrificial animal resources for

the surrounding community and the existence of a large family unit.


“Tana” means land, area or residence. Toraja people prefer to call themselves appropriate
in the local vocabulary as “Toraya". Means “descendants of the Kings”, "Great people" or
"noble man". While people in the south (lowlands) call residents
who live in this northern area as "Riaja", referring to “People who inhabit the area

North Toraja is a division of the Tana Toraja Regency, which was officially established on November 26, 2008. This

regency has the capital city of Rantepao, which is ± 329 km from Makassar and can be

reached by road along the 329 km to the north.

Geographically, North Toraja is located at 2 o 40' – 3o 25' south latitude and 119o 30' – 120o 25' east longitude. Region

administration consists of 21 sub-districts and 40 sub-districts and 111 lembang / villages with an area of
1,151.47 km2 .Administratively, in the north it is bordered by North Luwu Regency and

Mamuju Regency (West Sulawesi Province). In the east it is bordered by Luwu and the border

with Tana Toraja Regency in the west and south. (Picture 1: Map of the Land of Toraja)

The geographical natural environment of North Toraja mountains is also punctuated by expanses of rice fields

stable water supply. Rainfall per year varies between 2152 millimeters to 4273
millimeter. The Saddang, the largest watershed in the region, drains 75% of the total

Rambu Solo'/Aluk Rampe Matampu' is a series of ceremonies involving death and

human burial. The ceremony is held after noon, the sun begins to set
expresses sorrow for the death/burial of a human being. Rituals/sacrifice offerings from
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This ceremony is carried out to the west of the tongkonan. Rambu Solo'/Aluk Rampe Matampu' is considered

as a ceremony to perfect someone's death.

According to Aluk Todolo, death is a mere process of changing status

eyes from the physical man in the world to the spirit man in the unseen realm.

The state of being dead in the supernatural will be tantamount to physical life in

world, it's just that it can't be seen or touched.

The highlight of the Rambu Solo' ceremony usually takes place in July and

August. When the time, type and division of tasks have been agreed upon,

all the descendants of the deceased (children to great-grandchildren) who wandered

will return to tongkonan to participate in this series of events.

Figure 1 : Map of Toraja Land,

South Sulawesi


The cultural dynamics of the Toraja people are heavily influenced by Aluk Todolo. "Aluk": way, rule, law,

belief, religion; "Todolo": ancestor. Ancestral religion, an ancient religion that believes that the Puang

Matua (God Almighty) is the Creator and sent down "religion", the rules of life

for humans. Aluk Todolo is the bond and basis for the unity of the Toraja people

very sturdy. Wherever the Toraja people go, they must always "return" to their hometown, to

his Tongkonan (traditional house; ancestral) house .

The series of activities for Rambu Solo' funeral ceremony is very complicated and requires a lot of money

not a little. In Toraja, people who die will only be buried months after

his departure, the family needed time to raise funds for the funeral ceremony.

The amount of this fund is related to the level of the ceremony and the number of animals to be sacrificed.

In accordance with Aluk Todolo, the Toraja people have two main traditional ceremonies, Rambu Solo' and Rambu

Tuka'. “Signs”: smoke, rays, light; “Tuka'”: up; “Solo”: down; "Rampe": next to, part;

“Matallo”: east; "Matampu": west. Both forms of this ceremony are ritual sacrifices

in pairs and both must be passed by a human. Rambu Tuka'/Aluk Rampe Matallo
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are ceremonies in the context of thanksgiving for the safety and life of humans as well
other living things. Held when the sun rises in the east tongkonan.
Rambu Solo'/Aluk Rampe Matampu' is a series of ceremonies involving death and
human burial. The ceremony is held after noon, the sun begins to set
expresses sorrow for the death/burial of a human being. Rituals/sacrifice offerings from
This ceremony is carried out to the west of the tongkonan. Rambu Solo'/Aluk Rampe Matampu' is considered

as a ceremony to perfect someone's death. (Picture 2 : Traditional Ceremony

Rambu Solo, Tedong Silaga and Tongkonan)

Figure 2 : Traditional ceremony of Rambu Solo', Tedong Silaga and Tongkonan

If the nuclear family has agreed on the time for the implementation of Rambu Solo' , then all members
families without exception will come to tongkonan with sacrificial animals (buffalo and
pork) as an expression of condolences. More and more animals are being sacrificed in
Rambu Solo' , the higher the degree of death while in nirvana. Animal meat
The sacrifice is then distributed according to custom to the families and communities that take part
as well as in Rambu Solo'. It is normal for the costs to hold a Signs Ceremony
Solo' is very large, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions of rupiah.
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Figure 3 : Tongkonan Rante' and Stone Graves

Meeting Upholding Tradition

During the waiting period for the implementation of Rambu Solo', a family meeting was held by the nuclear family for

determine the level of the ceremony, the number of animals to be sacrificed, and the division of tasks for each

family at the Rambu Solo' ceremony.

Each discussion must

carried out in the tongkonan place

the remains are kept, and cut

buffalo each time finished


Tongkonan is the center

the social and spiritual life of the Tribe

Toraja. Therefore, all

family members are required to attend

as well as in every form of ritual in

tongkonan as a symbol

the unity of their relationship with

family and ancestors. Figure 4 : Traditional Deliberation

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Uniting Relatives, Honoring Parents

According to Aluk Todolo, death is a process of solely changing the status of a physical human being
world to human spirit in the supernatural realm. Rambu Solo' is like a "gate" for the body to enter
enter a new realm. The more animals sacrificed, the higher the degree
corpse while in Puya. Rambu Solo' is also a way for descendants to remain
glorify parents. The offspring will compete to sacrifice as many animals
so many corpses get a noble place. Signs of Solo' for the people of Toraja
is one of the forms of a child's devotion to his parents and a bond of friendship
in a large family.

Although medically dead, corpse

considered "sick"/ To Makula' and by
family members or neighbors will
treated as people are
sick or in a weak condition. this treatment

ends when the implementation of Rambu Solo'

for those concerned, by family or
his descendants. The Rambu Solo' Ritual is at its heart

is Meaya, namely moving/parading

corpse from tongkonan to Liang (grave)
in the form of a cave in a rock cliff.

(Picture 6: procession of the corpse to the stone grave)

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In the belief of Aluk Todolo, the higher (rock cliff cave) where the body is placed, the higher the body
the faster his soul reaches nirvana/Puya, the world of spirits/afterlife
south of the Tana Toraja area. The "resting world", the place of immortality where the spirits
the ancestors gathered. In this place, the spirit that
died will transform into a spirit
wandering (Bombo), a god-level spirit (To
Mebali Puang), or protective spirits (Deata). Existence
transformation the depends from

the perfection of the Rambu Solo procession '. Buffaloes

(tedong) and pigs sacrificed at the ceremony
funeral, property and ornaments
others are the main supplies and equipment
will be used in the supernatural. Before the corpse
buried, first performed a blessing
funeral and accompanied by the singing of praises.
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Traditional ceremonies are traditional ceremonies as collective rituals that have a role in maintaining
collective existence of indigenous peoples. Therefore, as the younger generation is expected to have
awareness of one's own cultural wealth and are expected to have a positive moral and ethical attitude
upheld, togetherness and mutual cooperation, strengthening human empathy, harmony and
tolerant in diversity, and uphold the existence and sustainability of the natural place
live them.

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