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Tania D
Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Names and events in this novel are fictional please don‟t be offended if they relate
to you

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Mbaliswe!!!! Vuka uyogeza (wake up and bath)
mntanam(my child) you are late for school
Ohh God! (I yawned) covering my head with a
pillow it was 7.30am and l was supposed to be
at school at 8. That‟s my mom for you always
concerned about punctually and her dearest
daughter me was the total opposite. I didn‟t care
about the time as long as l was alive.
I got out of bed took a bath and lotioned. I tied
my braids into the usual neat bun. I put on my
uniform, a white shirt, gold tie, black pencil
skirt and finally a cream blazer with a pair of 8
inch black heels.
l was doing matric at Westbrook High School
and also the school head girl.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

That day I was supposed to be showing the new

student around the school but l was late.
Anyway, I was in the sciences class and one of
the top students. Of all the subjects l loved
Mathematics. Anyway, that year l had turned 18
in Feb and never had a boyfriend and never
wanted one. But that year my priorities changed.
So, there was this guy who was a new comer
student from the US. ALLLRIGHT this niggah
was hot, nice body, packs and abs you know and
he was half black American. His voice ohh
sounded like Trey Songz although he was the
quiet type. Yes, l had a crush on him. I was
smitten the first day l saw him.
Okay so it happened like this, that day l was late
as always and l was rushing to my class the first
lesson had already started. I then bumped into
the new guy, he was coming from the opposite
direction in the hallway, all my books fell on the

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

floor and my bun got disheveled. I started

picking up my books angrily.
Me: watch where you‟re going! I yelled still
looking down a few braids escaped from the
band tying my hair and covered my face
New guy: Ohh I am really sorry I didn‟t mean to
l am new here. l‟m kinda lost (smirking). He
squatted and helped me pick up my books.
Me: Ohh you are new (feeling embarrassed), l
didn‟t mean what l said l‟m also really sorry.
l‟m in a hurry you know, the lessons have
already started.
The moment l lifted my head l was starstruck.
He gave that cute and sexy smile and my insides
Me: Ummmm…umm... l‟m Tatiana Mbaliswe
Greys the school head girl I believe the principal
told you. l stammered

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Okay stammering wasn‟t my thing what was

New guy: Yes of course he did, I am David
Bongani Mcgrith. Nice to meet you Miss Greys.
he said grinning he seemed to be enjoying a
private joke. This guy though.
Me: Ohh don‟t worry call me Tatiana or Tiana
don‟t be formal I don‟t like it. So, you must be
the new student from the US, come with me we
are in the same class. I will show around later
after all I was tasked by the principal to give
you a tour around the school.
David: Alright then let‟s go to class. Thank you
so much Mbali. He said it with a deep sexy tone.
I blushed.
Me: Anytime. Tyoo! what was happening to me
David: But before we go, I would like to tie
back your bun.
Me: Really? pretending like I didn’t want him to

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

David: Yes, I actually enjoy tying my mom‟s

hair. So, it‟s no big deal.
He did and was even better than mine.
David: Done. Shall we? He asked extending his
hands towards the class down the hall.
Me: we shall
We headed to class. We got into class and my
classmates started clapping, whistling and
cheering. You know my class was full of crazy
people but they were the best.
Me: Morning ma‟am sorry l‟m late but l do have
our new classmate David Mcgrith. I was
showing him around. I said winking at him
because we both knew it was a lie. He just
raised an eyebrow
Ms Toddles: Ohh okay it‟s fine then take your
seats. Lucas you sit with David. And class this
is your new classmate David Mcgrith. He is an
exchange student from the US ,so be nice!!

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

David: Thank you ma‟am. smirking

Ms Toddles: Hey David before you sit down tell
us a bit about yourself. She said with a huge
grin on her face.
You know Ms Toddles always does that to test
the new comers‟self-esteem. The new comers
would start stammering and some would even
start to cry. how sad
But this time it didn‟t turn out as she expected.
David didn‟t mind that, he told us about himself
with confidence.
David: Hello guys, my name is David Bongani
Mcgrith. l‟m a mixed race. My mom is South
African and dad is American. l am 19 years old.
l live here in Johannesburg with my mom and
three big brothers. I am an athlete, a rugby
player and a swimmer and I am looking forward
to having an amazing time with you guys.
Class: huuuu!!!We were clapping our hands.

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Falling in love for the first time
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If you are a sportsperson in our class you

instantly become a celebrity worse to the whole
Ms Toddles: Alright then David you can take
your seat. He sat with Lucas who was also a
sportsman. So, l guessed they were going to get

I was lost in the hallway after coming out of the
principal‟s office. He had told to walk straight
in the hallway turn right and my class was to the
second left at the end. but I was totally confused
When I was about to go back to his office l
bumped into this girl. At first l was pissed off
but that changed when l saw her face and body
woo! Just like kylie Jenner although she was a
bit slimmer but you could see that‟s where she
was going.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Girl: Watch where you‟re going! She yelled

picking up her books. okay! feisty one l started
helping her.
Me: Ohh I am really sorry I didn‟t mean to l am
new here. l‟m kinda lost. I said giving my best
Girl: Ohh l didn‟t mean what l said l‟m also
really sorry. l‟m in a hurry you know, the
lessons have already started. she said blushing
like hell
I gave her my most dazzling smile and she
zoned out for a moment then snapped back to
Girl: Ummmm…umm… l‟m Tatiana Mbaliswe
Greys the school head girl I believe the principal
told you. She said stammering. l knew that my
charm had worked.
Me: Yes of course I am David Bongani Mcgrith.
Nice to meet you Miss Greys.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Tatiana: Ohh don‟t worry call me Tatiana or

Tiana don‟t be formal I don‟t like it. So, you
must be the new student from the US come with
me we are in the same class I will show around
later. I was given the task by the principal to
give you a tour around the school.
Me: Alright then let‟s go to class. Thank you so
much Mbali. I said with a deep husky voice. She
God this girl can blush.
I remade her bun which was now disheveled. I
preferred the messy bun because she looked
damn hot with it.
We headed to the classroom. When we got
inside we were given a good welcome I
assumed. The other students were clapping and
Liswe, I liked calling her that, gave the teacher
an excuse and winked at me because l knew that
it was a lie.
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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Anyway, the teacher told me introduce myself

thinking l wasn‟t confident but that wasn‟t a big
deal l was a public speaker.
After the self-introduction l took my seat next to
Lucas who was a sportsman just like me.
We were chatting up a storm about sports when
he asked me this question.
Lucas: Dude can I ask you a question?
Me: Yeah, shoot wassup?
Lucas: how did you manage to get along with
Me: I side smirked running my hand through my
hair. Ohh, you mean that hot chick I came with.
Lucas: Yeah, l mean she is one tough cookie.
It‟s not that easy to talk to her she is always
focused on her studies. I have been hitting on
her since grade 10 but to no avail.
Me: So, you mean she plays hard-to-get.
Lucas: Yes exactly.
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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

I was now imagining kissing those lips juicy lips

holding her close to me with her ass in my
hands. I mean that girl is damn sexy. She is
every niggah’s dream girl, cute face, nice body
with the right size of an ass and bust coz her
uniform was the perfect size, l mean it hugged
the correct places the pencil skirt showed her
Lucas: David! David! He was now shaking me
I snapped back to reality.
Me: Sorry dude what were you saying.
Lucas: Tatiana is now doing her presentation on
Newton‟s Laws of motion. She is amazing.
Me: oohkay let me see what she‟s got.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Ms Toddles: Ok so class our dear head girl here
is going to give us her presentation so pay
There was now total silence.
Me: Morning class today I will be talking about
Newton‟s Laws of motion.
Class: …. silence
Me: So, there are three laws of motion. The first
law states that an object at rest will remain at
rest or moving at a constant speed will continue
moving with a constant speed unless there is an
external force applied. For example, if you
place a chair on a particular position it will
remain there unless you push it.
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July 30, 2021

Class: Ohh ok. Proceed

Me: You get what I‟m saying.
Class: Yes definitely!!!they said in unison
So, I guessed we were on the same page.
Me: The second law states that resultant force is
directly proportional to acceleration (F=ma) I
was writing these laws on the board.
The law can be represented by this graph:
F= ma
a m-mass
F a-acceleration

Me: Are you with me guys? I asked turning

back to the class. Anyone with a question?
David: Yes. He said with his hand raised up. but
this guy though

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Class: huuuu! They knew I didn‟t like

unnecessary questions. I would just ask because
the teacher will make you do so
David: So, you are saying that as force increases
the acceleration also increases?
Ok that was obvious I was pissed but what can I
say he is my crush.
Me: Yes Bongani. I answered calmly.
The whole class shifted their eyes from me to
him then back at me. They were not expecting
that. My classmates thought I was gonna fume
with anger but l kept my cool.
Lucas: Dude what did you do to her she was
supposed to spit fire at you. He was whispering
at David.
David: Maybe it‟s because l‟m the new guy. He
said smirking again. l guessed smirking was
David‟s habit.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Me: Alright lastly the third law states that for

every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. For example, if you sit on a chair it
will be exerting the same force you will be
exerting. Anyone with a question.
Class: …silence
Me: Alright then thank for your attention.
Everyone clapped their hands and jeered.
I went back to my seat next to my best friend
Busisiwe Khumalo.
Busi: Haibo chommie and then?
Me: What??I said rolling my eyes. Turning pink
although I was a red bone
Busi: Ohh nkosiyam!! She screamed with a low
tone though. You like this guy ke.
Me: Ahh come on bestie I don‟t.
Busi: Ohh you do, it‟s written all over you face
my dear. l‟ve known you for 6 good years so I

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

know your facial expressions and this one tells

me that you like David isn‟t it?
Me: Okay okay you got me l like him alright but
don‟t tell anyone. He is actually my first crush
you know.
Busi: Ok babes if you say so. Anyway, let‟s go
eat l‟m starving.
We went to sit at athletics field on the terraces.
Our friend Sibusiso Mwelo joined us. He‟s gay
so we enjoyed his company. He is girlish and is
a good and cheerful friend. And I also forgot to
mention Busi is bisexual but you couldn‟t tell.
My friends though
Sibusiso: Kunjani mafriends ami. He greeted us
with excitement. You could tell he is gay by the
way he walks and talks.
Us: We are good and yourself chommie. You
look excited what‟s up.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Sibu: Haibo guys you think I don‟t know. Usisi

Mbali have a crush on the new guy David.
Me: Hau chomzamie(no friend) who told you
that? I knew that no one told him becoz he was
a very observant person. I wanted to act like
there was nothing going on.
Sibu: Wena(you) ke you think l‟m blind hey. I
figured it out myself. You were staring at him
the whole time during your presentation like an
appetizing dish and by the looks of it the „new
guy‟ was also looking at you. And when you
called him by his second name I knew it was
Us: Seriously? we said in unison
Sibu: Yes chomzammies, how can I lie to my
beautiful friends. And he really likes you l
guarantee you that my friend. Very soon our
good friend Mbali will finally have a boyfriend
after 18 years of loneliness.
Me: Really now Sibu. I said hitting his arm.
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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Sibu: I was actually beginning to think that you

were asexual but today proved me wrong. You
do have feelings for the opposite sex.
Busi: Yes, me too. They were now ganging up
on me
Busisiwe dated about 10 guys and girls since
grade 9
Me: Guys ok I will wait for him to make a
move. You do know that it‟s not proper for me
to make the first move. But I won‟t be easy to
get trust me. And you Busi who do we have this
time boyfriend or girlfriend?
Sibu and Busi: Tyoo! we can‟t believe we are
discussing this with you. You know you always
talked about books which was a bit boring but
today you came with an exciting topic.
Me: Haibo but you are the one who brought this
Sibu: It‟s about you so you brought the topic.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Arguing with Sibusiso was actually a waste of

time because he always wins.
Busi: And sweetheart to answer your question l
have a boyfriend this time.
We finished eating and headed back to class.
The rest of the day just went by and lessons
ended at 3pm as usual.
We lived nearby so my friends and l headed
home on foot.
We first dropped Sibu at his house then Busi
lastly l was alone but it wasn‟t that far from
Busi‟s house.
I was almost home when I saw two trucks
loaded with furniture and stuff parked next door.
There were people carrying the furniture into
the house I guessed they were our new
neighbours. I was too exhausted to go and greet
them so I just went inside our house.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

God I couldn‟t take my eyes of her she is God‟s
masterpiece. I kept staring at her the whole day l
mean l could not stay focused for a minute but l
didn‟t let anyone notice that. After lessons l
went back home with the help of Lucas who
happened to live in the same hood with me so l
just told him my address. I was tired but had to
help reloading the trucks. It was already dusk.
Mom: Ohh baby you are back from school. How
was your day? Did you fit in well into the
school? Did you make any friends? Are your
classmates friendly?
That‟s my mom for you. She is paranoid, always
asking too many questions at the same time but l
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July 30, 2021

loved her despite that, she was a very loving and

cheerful mother. Her worriedness showed that
she really cared for us.
Me: It was fine my beautiful mother I made a
good friend; his name is Lucas and my
classmates are amazing. No need to worry mom
I enjoyed their company.
Mom: Ok then go get changed dear and eat your
lunch it‟s in the microwave. After that come and
help us move the furniture out of these trucks
we are almost done though.
Me: Ok mom l will give you a hand.
Brothers: Yoooh!!! Bongz is back. Come here lil
bro we‟ve missed you. They said disheveling my
hair and giving me a tight hug, they were
literally suffocating me.
My brothers are Luke, Chris and Carlos. Luke
was studying neurosciences at UCT.Chris was a
physiotherapist at his private clinic and Carlos
was a chef at he likes cooking. They were twins
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July 30, 2021

who had both graduated from Oxford University

the previous year.
Luke: Bro if you are done come‟n give us a
Me: Ok
I ate my food changed into comfortable
sweatpants, t-shirt and push-ins.
When we were carrying the furniture, I saw
Liswe getting inside her gate I guessed she was
too tired to notice me.
I greeted mom kissing her on the cheek. She
was busy with her so called projects was never
interested in that she was a software engineer so
computers were her best friends.
She was a single mom because dad had died 3
years ago from a tragic car accident . So it was
just me and mom but her job gave her a great
deal of cash so money wasn‟t a problem. She
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actually bought me a Mercedes Benz for my 17th

birthday last year.
Mom: How are you honey? your lunch is in the
microwave. And sorry nana today we are having
takeaways for dinner I can‟t cook and you too
are probably busy with matric exams.
Me: Yay! Ok mom. I loved takeaways
I went to my room and changed. It was Friday
and no homework for me.
I threw my big ass onto the bed, yes l was size
34 you can call it thick.
The delivery guy came after I finished my lunch
and we ate our dinner and went to bed.

It was already 1 am but we were done
furnishing our rooms. We just went to bed
without having supper.
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July 30, 2021

I had these lucid dreams of me kissing Liswe.

This chick was literally driving me nuts even in
my dreams
Me: Argghh it‟s morning already. I said
switching off the alarm
I woke up made my bed and went to the kitchen
to grab something to eat.
I opened the fridge and took pineapple juice and
a banana.
Voice: Morning
ohhhhh! I jumped closing the fridge.
Mom: Hau mntanam am I that scary.
Me: No ma you startled me. Good morning to
you too
Mom: I‟m good and yourself
Me: likewise

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Mom: You know today it‟s valentine‟s baby and

your brothers are hanging out with their
Me: And?
Mom: Do we have a girlfriend she said grinning
I mean l don‟t expect to spent valentines‟ night
with you , your dad is coming over tonight and
you know what that means.
Me: Ohh there is a valentine‟s bash at school so
I will find one.
Mom: Yay!she was shrieking with excitement I
was worried you know. Best of luck there and
behave yourselves. Tell your brothers l said that
l‟m of to work and I want them out of the house
by 5pm.
Me: Bye ma love you
Mom: ncoooh love you too baby.
She mom though

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Ohh well today l‟m gonna try my luck with


I woke up because someone was lightly shaking
Me: Ahh mom I‟m tired and it‟s Saturday. I said
Mom: Hau vuka sisi today it‟s valentine‟s day
and you are not spending it with me today I‟m
not your boyfriend. she said standing beside my
bed with hands on her hips
Me: Momm!! It‟s like you are kicking me out.
Mom: No baby l want what‟s best for you so get
up and find a date do you want to die single? I
won‟t agree with that.
Me: ok. I dragged my big ass out of bed to my
bathroom and took a bath.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

I changed into a red crop, ripped black skinny

jeans, a black crotchet thrower and black laced
block heel ankle boots. I took my red and black
Louis Vuitton drop bag. I tied my hair into a
messy bun and put on a red headband.
I looked into the mirror and I was flames nje ,I
was even shocked myself.
I did have an excellent fashion sense my mom
said so.
I went down stairs taking selfies with my
Me: I‟m ready. I said dabbing red George lip
gloss onto my lips
Mom was going through a magazine sipping was her morning thing
She lifted her face from the magazine and her
jaws dropped almost hitting the floor.
Me: What‟s wrong?? I asked getting worried

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Mom: ohh it‟s nothing you just look sizzling

Me: was that a compliment ? l asked with a
Mom: Yes silly, now go have fun at the bash or
party whatever it is and be home by midnight
Me: Thanks mom love you. I said kissing her
I had already told her about the “bash or party”
so she knew about it.

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

I requested a cab which dropped my by the
school entrance. It was already crowded by
couples and some singles “like me” waiting to
be asked to dance. Well l didn‟t want to be
asked coz l was gonna hang out with my two
besties Sibusiso and Busisiwe.
A group of single ladies: Hey Mbali come join
us we‟re about to get inside!!they were literally
shouting at me.
Nope l wasn’t gonna hangout with those slay
queens they had heavy makeup and skimpy
outfits talk about being desperate.definately not
my type of company.
Me: No thanks for the envite guys l will be
joining Sibu and Busi inside, thanks anyway
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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

I walked inside.whoo! That was a close one.

As I entered the school hall I was shocked the
hall wasn‟t any ordinary hall we usually knew it
was now g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s actually gorgeous is an
understatement I can‟t actually put it in words
what it looked like. Looks like the golden hands
department did a great job with the deco.
The party had already started.
At the far right there were about 50 tables for
two with wine glasses and champagne. You had
to buy 50 bucks to get entrance cards for two
just for two hours imagine.
In the middle was the dance floor. Skeleton
move by zandazakuza and master KG was
blasting from the speakers and people were
dancing their asses off. Thought this was
supposed to be a waltzing moment for couples

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Falling in love for the first time
July 30, 2021

Anyway at the far left side was the temporary

bar with high stools and three bartenders.
Ooh well l was gonna head for the bar l would
hit the dance floor when l find my besties.
Bartender 1: Hey princess what can I get for
you.Terquila or martini?
Me: whoah! Dude l don‟t drink those cherry
soda is fine.l said shaking my head
Bartender 2: hey Martin trying to work your
charms on this beautiful lady it won‟t work. He
said chuckling
Martin: come on Kade it was a good try wasn‟t
it nkosazana (princess)?
Me: It was. I said laughing
Two minutes later…
Martin: Cherry soda for you ma ‟lady he said
bowing aaah this guy though.

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There were a few students on the bar corner

chatting up a storm and l was alone. Where were
these two crazies? I sighed loudly
Martin: oh what‟s wrong nkosazana? He said
mere inches away from me why are you alone
don‟t u wanna hangout with you xul mates.
Me: oooh l‟m waiting for my two besties they
will be here soon.
Wilson (bartender 3): Come on babe go join the
others on the dance floor while u wait for them
or u don‟t know how to dance .he suggested
Kade: hey guys go easy on her okay let her
finish her soda. He was chuckling
OOH God this is gonna be a long night
Moments later …
Busi and Sibu: Hey you! Stop sulking and let‟s
dance. They were shouting above the loud noise

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dancing like crazy people dragging to the dance

Me: bye guys I said to the bartenders
Bye princess they said in unison
Sibu: loosen up girl the party is just getting
started. He was still dancing
That‟s when realization hit me they were drunk.
Me: you guys are drunk? I asked them still
Sibu: Yeah girl it doesn‟t hurt to be once .here
have this. He said shoving a metallic bottle into
my mouth instantly gulped the contents and it
burnt my throat.
Me: what tha? I said frowning at him
Sibu: hahhahahaha!!! Not used to booze
chomza she was giggling hysterically. Lord
have mercy on me tonight
Sibu: Vodka sweetie now drink up he poured
more of the contents into my mouth. I couldn’t
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spit the bitter booze burning my throat coz it

was poured directly into my throat. But it wasn’t
that bad though.
When I was sixteen I would still my dad‟s bottle
of vodka from his cellar when my parents were
out of the country on business but I was caught
and I stopped doing it even though I had gotten
used to the vodka.
Me: wow I had missed the taste, give it to me l
will finish it up myself. I was getting tipsy but l
was loving the feeling what were parties for
Sibu: that‟s my girl, here! he said handing me
the bottle.
Busi: you go girl wowza that‟s the spirit.
I was getting high and the atmosphere was
getting heated. Now that’s my kind of
atmosphere I said to myself.
Jerusalema by master KG was now blasting
from the speakers

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When we entered the xul hall music was
blasting from the speakers. Skeleton move was
playing my favourite. My bros and I headed for
the setup bar on the right corner of the hall. we
took our seats and ordered.
Chris: 8 Shots of tequila please. He said sliding
10bucks to the bartender.
Luke: yooh! Kade my man waasup He said fist
bumping with the other bartender.
Kade(bartender 2): yooh

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